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Mundell – Asumsi: Flexible – Fiscal

• Perfect Capital Mobility

• All securities in the system are perfect substitutes
• Unemployed resources
• CRTS, Fixed Money Wage
• Rates → Elastic Supply of
• Domestic Output
• Price Level constant
• Small Economy
• Interest Rate parity


Flexible ER – Monetary Policy

Moneter ekspansif → JUB naik →

Ms naik, r turun

Flemming - Asumsi
• Taxation and Private Income after Tax berbanding lurus dengan
National Income
• Private Expenditure (C+I) berbanding lurus dengan Pendapatan
setelah pajak dan berbanding terbalik dengan suku bunga
NFA naik → Ms = NFA + NDA, so Ms naik → r turun • Interest rate berbanding lurus dgn income-velocity of circulation of
money (ratio pendapatan nasional thdp uang)
• Neraca perdagangan berbanding terbalik dengan Pengeluaran Dom. Additional
dan berbanding lurus dengan nilai mata uang dom terhadap asing
• Neraca Pembayaran pada akun modal varies directly with the rate of
Fiskal Ekspansif
• Increase in income, employment, and output
• Capital Outflow and Depreciate ER (Increase in Balance of Trade)
→ BoP ambiguous
• It depends on the capital mobility sensitivity on interest rate.
Moneter Ekspansif
• Increase the Money supply and interest rate
• Stimulate private investment and consumption → Income and
Output increase
• Increase current account deficit and Capital Outflow → Depreciate
ER → restore the BoP
In General
• Monetary policy relatively more powerful in Flexible ER but not in
Flexible ER – Fiscal Policy Fixed ER
• The effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policy will depend on the
capital mobility sensitivity on interest rate

Fixed ER – Monetary Policy

Fixed – Fiscal (dY/dS)00

Flexible – Moneter

Fixed – Fiscal

Fiscal policy is effective under fixed ER

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