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Liposuction and

Introduction in a murine model Ullmann et al found no significant differ-

ences based on thigh, abdomen, and breast donor sites in graft
Liposuction and liposculpture represent the evolution of retention or histology after 16 weeks.2 Li et al repeated and
minimally invasive plastic surgery techniques developed in expanded upon these animal findings, finding no difference
an attempt at restoring shape and form. Liposuction was first in retention from five separate donor sites (flank, upper and
described in the 1920s but it was not until the 1970s that lower abdomen, and lateral and inner thigh) after 12 weeks.2
the technique was popularized in Europe by Illouz, Fournier, Human studies have also found no difference based on com-
and Otteni whereby fat was harvested using a blunt cannula parative symmetry scores of craniofacial patients grafted
and aspirated using negative pressure. Prior to liposuction, with fat from the abdomen versus other areas (medial thigh,
fat was directly excised leaving unsightly scars and increased suprapubic).2 Similarly, in breast reconstruction Small et al
morbidity. The effect of liposuction on the body has been found no significant difference in graft retention after 140
extensively studied and it has been shown to be safe and days in fat harvested from the abdomen versus the thighs.2
effective. Other than producing improved contour cosmesis, There is currently no evidence to support that harvest site
liposuction was shown to reduce body weight, BMI, waist independently influences graft survival. However, this parity
circumference, body fat, plasma leptin, and insulin levels. has not been proven with higher-level prospective cohorts or
Although fat grafting was first described back in 1893 by randomized control trials, and further research is needed. 
Neuber, it was Coleman who popularized free fat transfer in a
minimally traumatic fashion leading to a consistently higher Donor Site Preparation
graft retention compared to prior techniques.1 As research in
the field increased, the indications and quoted graft retention Liposuction can be performed dry (no wetting solution), wet
rates also increased (20%–90%). Part of the reason for the (200 mL/area), superwet (1 mL infiltrate per 1 mL of aspi-
wide variation in the results is the sheer amount of factors rate), or tumescent (2–3 mL infiltrate per 1 mL of aspirate).
involved in graft survival. Though the Coleman technique The wetting solution may contain lidocaine, epinephrine,
is often accepted as the standard, in the nascent field of fat and/or sodium bicarbonate depending on surgeon’s prefer-
grafting, multiple strategies for liposuction, fat processing, ence. The benefit of using a superwet or tumescent solution
and grafting have evolved, which makes standardization and is the significant decrease in blood loss down to 1%. Other
optimization challenging. This chapter critically appraises benefits of using a wetting solution is the analgesic effect
each step in the process of liposuction and fat grafting, from provided by lidocaine, volume replacement, and enhanced
harvesting to processing to injecting, to provide a detailed cavitation and heat dissipation in ultrasound-assisted lipo-
overview for the plastic surgeon of the 21st century. suction. The concern of the use of wetting solutions in the
setting of fat grafting is the potential effect on adipocyte
Harvest Site viability and blood flow reduction to grafts.2 However, as
early as 2005 Shoshani et al demonstrated no significant dif-
Liposuction for body sculpting or for fat harvesting purposes ference in weight and volume retention at 15 weeks between
can be performed anywhere around the body as long as there xenografts harvested with lidocaine and epinephrine versus a
is sufficient adiposity. The most common sites include the control of saline.2 Livaoğlu et al further proved the safety of
abdomen, flanks, and thighs. However, both animal and local anesthesia showing no significant difference in reten-
human studies have shown that donor site does not influence tion at 180 days between control, lidocaine plus epineph-
the quality of the lipoaspirate and the graft survival.2 In fact, rine, or prilocaine groups in an autologous murine model.2

1108 PA RT V I I I     Esthetic Surgery

Lastly, Rohrich et al found no significant differences in adi- Parcel Size

pocyte viability among four donor sites (abdomen, flank,
thigh, knee) determined on an in vitro colorimetric assay of The importance of parcel size in fat graft survival is based
cell proliferation.2 Overall, despite theoretical concerns for on the same general theories of imbibition and neovascu-
the use of local anesthesia, graft survival does not seem to larization that are vital to survival of all tissue grafts. Early
be greatly affected by its use in animal models. This finding research theorized on how graft shape could affect percent-
should be further investigated in human studies.  age of graft that was more than 1.5 mm from the edge and
how this would impact survival. This theory was expanded
upon by Eto et  al, who identified three distinct zones of
Harvest Technique adipocyte survival. Outer surviving zone with cells located
within 300 μm of the graft edge; middle regenerating zone
Depth of Liposuction
with cells undergo necrosis but are replaced by adipose-
Fat can be aspirated at different depths of the subcutaneous derived stem cells (ASCs); and central necrotic zone where
layer but one has to be aware of potential risks and variation no viable fat survives.4 The same group published further
in quality of the fat (relevant if used for fat grafting). The evidence of the behavior of grafts based on distance from
superficial subcutaneous layer contains dense fat, which is the edge, showing adipogenesis via CD34+/Ki67+ ASCs in
adherent to overlying skin. The intermediate subcutaneous the regenerating zone (600–1200 μm thick) peaked at 4
layer is the safest and most commonly aspirated layer. The weeks and concluded by 12 weeks, while stabilization via
deep subcutaneous layer contains looser and less compact MAC2+/CD206− M1 macrophages MAC2+/CD206+ M2
fat, and can be safely aspirated in most areas except the but- macrophages in the central necrotic zone persisted through
tocks. Ideally, the surgeon should avoid violating the super- 12 weeks.4 The importance of the relation between graft
ficial plane above the superficial fascia to ensure preservation and surrounding tissue has been further demonstrated in
of subdermal structures, and prevent surface irregularities. A injected fat. Our group demonstrated that as the total fat
variety of zones of adherence have been described, which volume transferred increases, grafted deposits coalesce to
should not be violated during liposuction because of the risk form larger globules (especially at ratios beyond 1:4). There-
of contour deformity. These zones include the gluteal crease, fore, increasing the likelihood of central necrosis and subse-
middle medial thigh, lateral gluteal depression, distal poste- quent graft loss.5 Our group also showed that larger grafts
rior thigh, and distal iliotibial tract.  contain central cores that could not be cleared appropri-
ately by macrophages, allowing for persistent necrosis that
skew retention as a measure of survival.6 The architecture
Cannula Size
of fat grafts is clearly important, with the principles of dif-
The use of single-bore blunt-tip harvesting cannula has been ferent survival zones based on distance to the vascularized
standard practice since the description of the technique by edge providing insight into how parcel size may affect graft
Coleman. There are very few studies examining the impact survival. The research using cannula size surrogates has
of different parameter in cannula such as bore size and sin- not been conclusive and no research exists to date directly
gle versus multiple perforation.3 examining lobule size in vivo. Further research must be per-
To determine the impact of bore size, Erdim et al com- formed to determine the relationship between parcel size
pared fatty aspirate obtained from 2-mm, 4-mm, and 6-mm and graft survival in vivo. 
blunt cannulas and found significantly higher in vitro adi-
pocyte survival in the 6-mm group compared to both the Aspiration Technique
2-mm and 4-mm groups. However, this viability assessment
was only based on brilliant cresyl blue supravital stained adi- The amount of liposuction performed depends on the level
pocyte counts after collagenase digestion and centrifuging.3 of lipodystrophy, desired result, and amount of fat needed
A similar in vitro study by Alharbi et al comparing 3-mm for grafting. Large-volume liposuction is usually considered
single-bore and 2-mm multiperforated St’rim cannulas to be anything above 5 liters of fat aspiration. These cases
(Thiebaud Biomedical Devices), found no significant differ- should be performed in an acute care hospital or an accred-
ence in cell viability between the groups when measured by ited facility because of the increased complication rates asso-
alamarBlue (ThermoFischer) reagent.3 Lastly, Kirkham et al ciated with larger volume liposuction. To ensure safety, vital
compared 3-mm and 5-mm Coleman cannulas in a murine signs, urine output, overnight monitoring, and appropriate
model using a dry technique, and found significantly higher fluid replacement are required.
graft retention and histologically healthier grafts in the larger Various aspiration techniques have been developed over
cannula group at 6 weeks.3 These findings suggest that, gen- the years, including suction-assisted, ultrasound-assisted,
erally, larger bore cannulas produce more viable cells leading water-assisted, and laser-assisted liposuction.7–10 Use of
to better graft retention. However, we must balance these either hand aspiration or machine-assisted liposuction is a
results with data on parcel size discussed below. Given the compromise between efficiency and the risk of adipocyte
limited data on graft survival, further longer-term, in vivo damage. Early studies in aspiration pressure were based on
research with more modern viability assays is justified.  cell viability with varying pressures. Pu et al found that there
CHAPTER 70  Liposuction and Liposculpture 1109

was a significantly greater number of viable adipocytes har- centrifuged at 3000 rpm (1500 g) for 3 minutes, 1300 rpm
vested via hand aspiration compared to machine aspiration (250 g) for 5 minutes, or uncentrifuged and decanted fat
at no greater than 20 cmH2O.8 In contrary, Lee et al found injected in the gluteal region and found the lowest resorp-
that there was no difference in graft weight retention or tion rates in the slow centrifuge group and highest in decan-
histology between −15 mmHg handheld aspirate and −25 tation after 12 months.2 Quantitative research to evaluate
mmHg machine-harvested fat.2 the effect of centrifuging speeds on graft survival has been
Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL) was first described completed in murine models. Using percent oil extracted
by Zocchi, and it is a result of alternating currents that after centrifuging as a surrogate for adipocyte damage,
cause piezoelectric crystals to expand and contract, releas- Hoareau et al determined speeds up to 400 g had little effect
ing ultrasonic waves that emulsify fat by micromechanical, on harvested fat whereas a speed of 900 g had significantly
thermal, and cavitation action. Our group showed no dif- damaged adipocytes.2 On the other hand, higher centrifuge
ference in graft retention in a murine model between UAL speeds produced more concentrated adipocyte fractions
and traditional suction-assisted liposuction at 430 mmHg with maximal concentration being achieved at 5000 g.11
in graft retention or histology.7 Yin et  al compared graft Thus, in determining the ideal speed, concentrating power
survival between xenografts harvested via water-jet assisted and cell damage must be balanced to produce optimal graft
liposuction and traditional liposuction set to −0.5 bar and survival. Kurita et al compared grafts either not centrifuged
found significantly improved graft retention and adipocyte or centrifuged at 400 g, 700 g, 1200 g, 3000 g, or 4200 g for
viability in the water-jet assisted liposuction group.9 Laser- 3 minutes and found significantly improved retention up
assisted liposuction (LAL) uses a laser fiber to disrupt fat cell to 3000 g, but when balanced with ASC concentration and
membranes and emulsifying fat. The most common wave- volume compaction, suggested 1200 g was the ideal speed.2
lengths in LAL include 924/975 nm, 1064 nm, 1319/1320 Additionally, the group suggested that increased oil isolated
nm, and 1450 nm. Prado et al showed no major differences above 400 g was due to separation of existing oil rather than
between SAL and LAL, other than higher concentrations of cell damage as grafts up to 4200 g were histologically intact.
free-fatty acids after LAL. However, limited conclusions can Other studies have suggested the ideal speed to be as low
be drawn given the small sample size.10 as 698.75 g or as high as 5000 g.7,13 Centrifuging at any
In the current literature, increased pressure from speed creates multiple layers of density, which Allen et  al
machine-assisted liposuction does not appear to impact compared to determine if the density of the processed fat
actual graft survival though it may affect cell viability. While affected survival. They found that the highest density frac-
many of these studies discuss graft survival, none compares tion had significantly higher retention and improved archi-
techniques based on esthetic outcomes. Thus the asser- tecture at 2 and 10 weeks.2
tion of superiority of nonvacuum techniques on esthetic Centrifuging has also been compared to other methods
outcomes is not yet defined. With limited studies, more of processing such as sieves and gauze rolling. When com-
research should be pursued comparing graft retention based paring these three methods in a murine model, Minn et al
on aspiration method potential comparing hand, machine, found no significant differences in graft retention or necro-
ultrasound, water-jet, and laser-assisted liposuction.  sis at 12 weeks, but did find significantly lower in vitro cell
viability in the metal sieve group based on XTT metaboliza-
tion.2 These results were echoed by Salinas et al when they
Processing Technique found centrifuging at 1200 g and mesh/gauze processing
Centrifugation, Filtration, Decanting, and produced equivalent graft retention and histology scores in
Rolling Techniques mice at 4 weeks, noting the result was expecting as the two
methods achieved the same level of adipocyte concentra-
Four primary processing methods have been used clinically tion.11 However, Canizares et al found that when compared
to process fat graft: centrifugation, filtration, decanting, and to centrifuging at 1200 g, telfa rolling produced superior
rolling techniques. graft retention at 2 and 10 weeks in a murine model as
Centrifuging has been a mainstay in fat processing as well as adipocyte functionality as determined by glycerol-
a method of separating viable adipocytes from additional, 3-phosphate dehydrogenase assay.12 Fisher et  al similarly
undesirable lipoaspirate. As a commonly utilized technique, found that xenograft retention at 6 weeks for the telfa roll
it has been more highly researched with investigation into method was superior to both centrifuging via the Coleman
ideal centrifuge speeds and how the method compares to method and Tissu-Trans Filtron filtration.7
other processing techniques.2,6,7,11–13 Early research into The current evidence suggests that fat should be pro-
the utility of centrifuging for improving fat graft survival cessed using centrifugation or rolling techniques. However,
in humans by Butterwick showed that, when compared one must consider the practical aspect of fat processing
to noncentrifuged fat, centrifuged grafts to the hand were technique, which must allow feasible workflow in the oper-
rated by both patients and physicians as having better reten- ating room. For this reason, a surgeon might need to tailor
tion and more visual improvement as long as months after the processing technique based on the volume of fat that
the procedure.2 Ferraro et al also utilized digital photogra- needs to be grafted. For instance, smaller volumes can be
phy to compare resorption rates in patients grafted with fat processed with either centrifugation or rolling techniques;
1110 PA RT V I I I     Esthetic Surgery

whereas, larger volumes may be more efficiently processed importance to survival.6,15 Given the impact of injection
with filtering or decantation.  pattern on survival, other aspects of injection method have
also been researched.2,16–18
Washing Much as with harvesting, a focus on injection tech-
nique has been needle size. Erdim et al found no difference
Washing serves as another method of processing and purify- in in  vitro adipocyte count between 14G, 16G, and 20G
ing lipoaspirate, which is performed often in isolation rather injection needle gauges.2 Their findings were reinforced by
than as an adjunct, by adding and removing solutions.2,14 Nguyen et al, who found no significant differences in graft
Girard et al showed improved fat graft retention in immuno- retention or histology when comparing injections of 0.7 mL
deficient mice at 4 weeks, by combining centrifugation with of fat with 17G, 20G, 23G, or 25G needles.16 Contrarily,
Ringer’s lactate washing.14 Khater et al found better esthetic Luan et al suggest injection cannula does impact survival,
results when lipoaspirate was washed 1:1 with physiologi- finding that injection of 0.2 mL xenograft through a 14G
cal serum instead of centrifugation, which they attributed 8-cm cannula led to significantly better histology than fat
to the noncentrifuged graft’s higher leptin expression and injected through longer or narrower cannulas, and that
number of preadipocytes as identified by morphology.2 In a volume retention was significantly better than a 18G 8-cm
similar study, Botti et al found no difference between centri- cannula.18 Possible differences in outcomes with different
fuging and washing with normal saline.2 Condé-Green et al injection cannulas have been attributed to shear stress dur-
showed that while washing lipoaspirate with normal saline ing injection. Lee et al proposed that the increase in shear
three times in a 1:1 ratio leads to high histological fat graft stress with fast injection rate (3–5 mL/second) over slow
viability, cell assisted lipotransfer and centrifuged fat graft injection rate (0.5–1 mL/second) was the cause of decreased
had significantly more consistent volume retention of 0.3 retention and histology scores in their - mL xenografts at
mL grafts at 12 weeks in immunodeficient mice.2 4 weeks.2 Chung et al investigated how a low shear, auto-
Taken as a whole, current data seems to suggest washing mated adipose tissue injector device affected grafts, finding
provides comparable retention to other methods of process- a significant increase in in vitro viability and proliferation,
ing but may provide benefits to cell viability. However, fur- and improved in vivo retention and histology at 12 weeks.17
ther research is needed to determine its superiority.  While early studies suggested no effect, later investiga-
tion using more ideal models demonstrated clear preference
Pharmacological Additives toward low-shear stress injection methods. Further research
pursuing these methods should be completed in clinical tri-
A multitude of individual additives have been tested to als to confirm their success. 
improve graft retention including IL-8, PDGF, VEGF-
loaded microspheres, botulinum toxin-A, M2 macrophages, Recipient Site
N-acetylcysteine, phosphodiesterase inhibitors, insulin,
EGF, anti-TNF-α improved autograft, bone marrow aspi- Researchers have suggested differences in retention due to
rate or concentrate. These pharmacological additives show recipient site may be due to factors such as site mobility,
promising results. However, the majority of these studies existing vascularity, and injection effect on architecture.19–21
utilize non-ideal methods in their processing and assessment Fat graft retention depends on revascularization among
of viability of their grafts. Whereas among those studies that many factors, which means that lipoaspirate injection into a
do, the heterogeneity in methodology makes comparison of vascularized bed is essential. Karacaoglu et al tested optimal
additives impossible. To determine the true benefits and recipient bed by comparing fat grafting in the subcutane-
superiority of additives in the clinical setting, further stan- ous, supramuscular, and submuscular layer of the bucco-
dardized studies using methods that reduce spurious reten- mandibular area of rabbits, and found that grafting into the
tion and demonstrate viability must first be pursued.  supramuscular layer had significantly improved retention
and histopathological scores.21 Shi et al showed that 0.1-mL
Injection Technique allografts to the fat pad had the highest weight retention
compared to the intramuscular and subcutaneous layers.
The technique employed to inject fat is crucial to optimize However, angiogenesis and vascularized connective tissue
the esthetics and retention of the graft. Injection of the pro- were more prominent in fat injected in the intramuscular
cessed fat into the recipient site requires significant care to layer, likely being the reason for the highest survival rates
produce long-lasting desirable outcomes. The original tech- among the three recipient sites.20
nique described by Dr. Coleman uses Luer lock syringes A potential factor impacting graft retention is the degree
connected to a 17G blunt cannula to inject the processed of mobility of the underlying tissue. The face is a prime
lipoaspirate. The cannula is withdrawn as the lipoaspirate example with areas like the glabella and lips that are less
is injected, in order to allow the grafted fat to fall into the amenable to correction, compared to less mobile areas like
natural tissue planes as the cannula is removed. A fan injec- the malar and lateral cheek.
tion pattern is also recommended because as described by Denadai et  al demonstrated radiologically that fat
our group the distribution of the injected fat is of utmost graft retention was better in the cheek unit at 12 months
CHAPTER 70  Liposuction and Liposculpture 1111

compared to the forehead or the chin units.22 Furthermore, prospective study found specifically designed to examine
Mojallal et al showed in their clinical trial that fat injected to the effect of patient factors on graft survival, Dendai et al
the malar region had significantly better esthetic result than identified several factors which impacted fat graft survival
grafts to the temporal and lip areas.2 in patients with unilateral craniofacial contour deformities.
The manipulation of recipient site offers the chance The authors identified Parry–Romberg syndrome, previous
to enhance graft survival and predictability. Much of the craniofacial bone surgery, forehead unit, grafted volume,
research in the area has been dedicated to preexpansion, and older age as independently negative predictors of fat
where the mechanotransduction properties of preexpansion graft retention, whereas injection in the cheek unit was an
lead to conversion of mechanical tension into growth-pro- independently positive predictor.22 It therefore appears that
moting signals creating a vascularized scaffold that allows age and underlying pathology of the recipient play a role in
for larger graft volumes and better retention rates.2 The adipocyte viability and retention. Another factor that has
BRAVA (Brava, LLC, Miami, FL) preexpansion device is been studied is exposure to radiation. Choi et al and Small
a prime example and the benefit of this technology was et  al found that prior radiation exposure did not signifi-
demonstrated in a prospective multicenter study highlight- cantly affect graft retention over time in breast reconstruc-
ing the significant improvement in weighted mean graft tion.2,28 However, when radiation exposure was examined
retention rate and the ability to inject much larger volumes in a murine case–control trial by Garza et  al, they found
of fat graft.2 Lee et  al used posttransplant negative exter- radiation to be significantly detrimental to graft survival.27
nal pressure on 1-g en bloc autografts, finding a signifi- Due to this discrepancy, further clinical trials specifically
cant improvement at 3 months in the experimental group’s examining radiation exposure are warranted. The role of
weight retention and viability.23 Sezgin et al examined the other factors like gender, smoking, obesity, diabetes, and
effect of microneedling prior to fat grafting and found that hypertension on the impact of graft retention and adipocyte
it had significantly better retention and histopathologi- viability remains uncertain. Özalp and Çakmakoğlu looked
cal scores at 15 weeks of 100-mg grafts, but did not find into the impact of smoking on facial fat grafting in their
a significant difference in the grafts triglyceride content.24 18-patient retrospective cohort study, and highlighted a low
By housing posttransplant mice in oxygen-enriched envi- fat graft survival rate and reduced skin quality improvement;
ronments, Kato et al investigated the effect of normobaric however, no controls were included.19 Jung et  al demon-
hyperoxygenation on a perilipin staining and weight reten- strated in their murine model the negative impact of dia-
tion calculated engraftment score for 0.2-mg murine auto- betes on graft retention and histological quality.26 Whereas
grafts, proving that this pretreatment significantly increased Herly et al showed in their long-term retention study that
survival at 12 weeks by increasing the surviving and regen- the only factor having a significant positive impact on graft
eration zones over the central necrotic zone of grafts.25 retention was male gender.29 Among the current literature,
These techniques are promising strategies to support there is discrepancy of the impact of variables such as radia-
the recipient bed and should be further explored in human tion exposure, age, and gender. Larger-scale, prospective
trials. human studies specifically examining multiple patient fac-
tors are required for the different applications of fat grafting. 
Intrinsic Patient Variability in Adipose Tissue
Volume Retention Over Time
The unpredictability of fat graft retention remains a major
issue and intrinsic patient factors are likely to play a role. Animal studies have shown that active remodeling, resorp-
Much of the research into the efficacy of fat grafting has tion, and adipogenesis stabilize around the 12-week
focused on how technique affects graft survival, and only mark.4,25 How this process of stabilization effects long-
few papers have directly examined the effect of different term volume retention has been observed in various clinical
patient characteristics on the grafts they receive.2,16,19,22,26–30 trials.2,26,29,31,32
Commonly, patient factors will be reported in studies to Early photographic assessment supports the later
show standardization between study groups but will not be observed laboratory kinetics, with facial grafting generally
subject to analysis for potential significance. Furthermore, stabilizing around 3–4 months and breast grafting around
while some studies have performed patient factor analysis, 4–6 months, though there may be subtle volume decreases
this is rarely the primary focus of the paper, rather being out to a year.31,32 Denadai et al confirmed these findings in
a secondary finding. Geissler et  al examined the fat of 24 their study, showing with ultrasound measurements a steady
female patients harvested from the flanks, lower abdomen, decrease of soft tissue thickness over 3 months with no sig-
and inner thigh and showed that younger patients had nificant decrease after that point out to a year.22
greater adipocyte viability in the lower abdomen than in the Counter to these studies, Herly et al reached steady state
flank, whereas older patients did not show any differences. point much later, as demonstrated by MRI analysis that loss
Younger lower abdominal fat showed superior adipocyte of <5% original volume per year was not reached until 806
viability compared to older patients. However, flank fat had days after grafting.29 However, this study was performed
higher adipocyte viability in older patients. Patient weight with en bloc fat grafted to the postauricular region, making
did not appear to affect adipocyte viability.30 In the only it less applicable to routine clinical practice. On the other
1112 PA RT V I I I     Esthetic Surgery

• Fig. 70.1  Preoperative and 2.5 years postoperative photographs of bilateral breast augmentation using
two rounds of fat grafting. Fat was harvested from the patient’s abdomen, and bilateral thighs using 10-mL
syringes and Coleman harvesting cannulas. The fat was processed in the standard manner using the
Coleman technique. The first round required 232 mL of fat graft for the right breast and 230 mL for the left
breast. The second round required 237.5 mL of fat graft for the right breast and 287 mL for the left breast.
The patient has a lasting result of breast augmentation with improved breast contour.

hand, Choi et  al’s fat grafting results reached steady state was obtained by comparing facial symmetry using 2D facial
sooner with larger volume breast grafts nearing stability analysis.2 Jiang et al used a 3D laser scanner to compare vol-
closer to 49 days while small volumes continued to rapidly ume retention of serial grafts and found significantly higher
shrink out to 140 days.28 All of the studies that qualified retention in the second graft over the first in a pilot study of
long-term retention found optimal results ranging from 13 patients.35 While serial grafting is a frequently employed
51% to 68%.19,29 These discrepancies in results require clar- technique, information regarding its efficacy and predict-
ification with larger-scale prospective trials using lipofilling ability remain uncertain. Further information on who is a
techniques.  good candidate and respondent for serial fat grafting is cru-
cial to ensure the appropriate technique is employed. 
Impact of Serial Fat Grafting
Role of ASCs in Fat Graft Survival
With the uncertainty of graft retention, varying use of mul-
tiple injections have been implemented.2,33-35 ASCs reside in the perivascular compartments of the stroma
Serial fat grafting is often needed to correct deformities. of adipose tissue and is part of the stromal vascular frac-
A prime example is fat grafting for breast augmentation or tion (SVF), which contains various progenitor cells other
reconstruction either with or without the use of a preexpan- than ASCs including pericytes, transit amplifying cells,
sion device (Fig. 70.1). Khouri et al report using between and endothelial progenitor cells. Whether supplementing
1 and 10 rounds of fat grafting at a minimum of 8-week the lipoaspirate with SVF or ASCs or enriching these cells
intervals to achieve satisfactory results, noting needing more through centrifugation, all of these methods have enhanced
injections in delayed reconstruction and post-radiation fat graft retention and improved clinical outcomes by pro-
patients, and higher volumes injected in later procedures.34 viding sites of adipogenesis in zones in which the graft would
Kim et al used fat grafting for secondary breast reconstruc- otherwise not survive as well as improving vascular support
tion, reporting about a quarter of their patients required via endothelial cell proliferation.4,36,37 Very strong pre-
reinjection due to inadequate volume.33 clinical and clinical evidence supports the benefit of ASC-
The ideal interval between grafting procedures remains enriched fat grafting. In a landmark study, Yoshimura et al
unclear. Lim et al found no significant difference in symme- introduced cell-assisted lipotransfer (CAL) or SVF-enriched
try outcomes when comparing patients undergoing serial fat fat grafting, and reported a very high graft retention in 40
grafting with short versus long intervals, though this result patients undergoing breast augmentation with CAL.37 Kølle
CHAPTER 70  Liposuction and Liposculpture 1113

et al conducted a triple-blinded randomized controlled trial are performed by practitioners other than plastic surgeons,
of 10 patients receiving ASC-enriched or nonenriched fat facial plastic surgeons or dermatologists, resulting in a
grafting and showed improved graft retention, enhanced total of approximately 23,774 procedures performed in
formation of connective tissue and reduced fat graft necro- 2017 in the USA.40 GFG can lead to serious complica-
sis in ASC-enriched fat graft.2 Tanikawa et al conducted a tions, including death, which was found by the Aesthetic
randomized controlled trial of 14 patients with craniofacial Surgery Education and Research Foundation (ASERF)
microsomia and ASC-enriched graft significantly improved Task Force to be between 1:2351 and 1:6241, many times
volume retention at 6 months.38 Koh et  al found similar higher than other plastic surgery procedures.40 Autopsy
results in hemifacial atrophy secondary to Parry–Romberg findings indicate that the key technical problem is fat
disease though with ASCs that were derived by culture grafting material being introduced into major blood ves-
expansion.39 The benefits of ASC-enriched fat graft are sels (including the iliac veins) following tearing of the ves-
increasingly highlighted in the literature. However, before sels with the cannulas. These fat parcels then travel around
stem cell therapies can become mainstream, a higher level the body leading to fat embolism syndrome or pulmonary
of scrutiny and regulation needs to take place to protect the fat emboli. For this reason, understanding the location and
safety of our patients.  relationship of the major vessels to the port sites and glu-
teal muscles is imperative. The superior and inferior gluteal
veins drain into the internal iliac vein and can be 4 mm
Complications and Emerging Safety or more in diameter as they cross the glutei maximus and
Concerns medius towards the iliac wing. Larger diameter veins (6
mm or more) may also be present near the sciatic notch,
Liposuction and fat grafting are usually well tolerated and which divide into smaller perforators at the level of the
very safe. Complications are very infrequent and most com- gluteal muscle fascia to supply the subcutaneous tissue and
monly minor in nature. Liposuction can lead to ecchymosis, skin.40 Given the life-threatening association with GFG,
edema, pain, and mild oozing, which normally are self- the Multi-Society Gluteal Fat Grafting Task Force was
resolving. As mentioned above, inappropriate liposuction created under the direction of Dan Mills, J. Peter Rubin
technique may lead to contour irregularities due to excessive and Renato Saltz, and found that all examined autopsies
and/or heterogenous aspiration. These can be prevented by of deceased GFG patients shared common findings: (1)
careful and frequent reassessment of the harvested area. Fat fat in the gluteal muscles; (2) fat beneath the muscles; (3)
grafting may also lead to minor complications like under- damage to the superior or inferior gluteal vein; (4) massive
correction, overcorrection, visible irregularities, graft resorp- fat emboli in the heart and/or lungs. No post mortem has
tion, migration of injected fat. More serious complications yet shown a cause of death with fat only in the subcuta-
can infrequently occur, like infection or injury of underlying neous space; this means that surgeons have injected more
structures (e.g., muscle, nerve, glands) during the harvesting deeply than they had intended. The mechanism of death
and grafting processes. Lastly, the most dreaded complica- is presumed to be high pressure extravascular grafted fat
tion is embolization after intravascular injections which can entering the circulation via tears in the large gluteal veins
lead to blindness (injections to the face), respiratory com- with subsequent embolization to the heart and lungs. The
promise or death (injection in the buttocks). Task Force proposed several recommendations to mini-
Gluteal fat grafting (GFG) for gluteal augmentation has mize morbidity and mortality, which are summarized in
become one of the fastest growing fields in cosmetic sur- Table 70.1, but significant caution should be taken when
gery, with its popularity growing dramatically in the USA performing this procedure to ensure patient safety.41 
over the past seven years, from 7382 procedures in 2011 to
23,115 procedures in 2017 (American Society for Aesthetic Conclusion
Plastic Surgeons statistics). This trend can be explained by
an increased understanding of the female form, a growing Liposuction and liposculpture has revolutionized how chal-
role of the female buttocks as a secondary sexual character- lenging contour irregularities and facial rejuvenation are
istic in popular culture, and an evolving ethnic variation tackled. Fat is an ideal filler given its biocompatibility, ease
in the USA. Fat grafting is a technically challenging pro- of harvest, and regenerative properties. A wide spectrum
cedure and complication rates may increase if performed of studies explored the various facets of fat grafting from
by inexperienced physicians. Along with this rise in num- harvesting to injection technique. However, the surgeon
ber of GFG procedures, serious safety issues are evolving, should be mindful of the current literature to optimize adi-
with severe morbidity and mortality events publicized in pocyte survival and graft retention, and should be aware of
the media. Although GFG has been performed across the the emerging safety concerns. Many unanswered questions
globe for decades without safety concerns raised, the more still remain, mostly due to the lack of coherence in surgical
recent expansion in case volume broadens the range of methodology, making interpretation of outcomes very chal-
surgeons performing this procedure. Moreover, clinicians lenging. Fat grafting is a common procedure performed by
not trained in plastic surgery are performing GFG. It is most surgeons and thus a methodical approach is needed to
estimated that as many as 25% more of these procedures ensure patient safety and excellent outcomes.
1114 PA RT V I I I     Esthetic Surgery

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