Grammar Practice Assignment 3.4

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Synonyms 1 1. Arffia fa ak BO confuse 2. challenging AD real 60 difficult 3. intense AD aifficutt BO different 4, immense ‘AG vast BO connect 5. abundant AL beneficial BO believe 6. genuine AC connect BO numerous 7. correct AC essential 8 D7 beginner 8 accomplish \AD achieve BD accurate 9. fragile AD delicate BD connect Name: 10. distinct CG fsent' ACD connect CO vast DD defend BL beneficial 2D different 11, amateur CD essential AD believe CD accurate DG beneficial BD beginner DO delicate 12. accept €D strong AC vast (CD believe 0D adequate BO different DD beginner 13. useful CO beneficial AC difficult CO different DO essential BO agressive DD beneficial 14. complicate Di numerous AC different CD achieve 0D connect BD contuse DD beginner 15. attach (cl reat (AG connect CO defend OD agressive ‘BL confuse DO numerous 16. shield CG accurate ‘AG defend CO vast DE beneficial ‘8D beneficial DD different 17. sufficient CO agressive (AD accurate DD adequate DD essential 8D achieve DD different 18. assertive CO strong AT adequate CO real DD difficut BD agressive DL essential AggGURASAL VERBS Match the words to the pictures. Then read the definitions about some of them and write the verbs on the line. 1 break down 2 throw away 3 break up 4 pay for 5 look after 6 laugh at 7 agree with 8 look for 9 hold on 10 go out with 11 look at 12 give up 13 run out 14 come round 15 let down 16 forget about Have somebody as a boyfriend or girlfriend: es outiin ‘Stop being with somebody, for exomple a husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend: Put something in the dustbin because you don't want it: ow va Not do something that you promised to do for somebody: iui Have the same idea as another person ‘about something: __suesui) Not remember something: not have ‘Something in your mind any more: Have no more of something ‘Stop trying to do something, because you krow that = cannot do it: Take care of somebody or something: Try to find somebody or something: DS UNDER THE PICTURES: IN ORDER TO MAKE A RECIPE FOR A VEGETABLE P1 Mb the flour, water andlinto.e deugh. Put it en the table ond fold it many times. Purthesices of tamato and vegetables on top ofthe cheese. First, mix 3009 flour and « small spoon of yeast and sot ino bow Cut some tomatoes. mushrooms or ether vegetables into sees, Spread tomato sauce on your pizza base. Enjoy your pizza. Yummy! Next, pour 200m water into the bow! and add a bia spoon of olive oil Roll the dough into a big circle. This is your pizza base! Bake the pizza in the oven at 220°C for about 10 minutes. Ask an adult to help you! Grate some cheese and put itn top of the tomate sauce, fe EXAMPLE USO SPA/7 POLITE REQUESTS Iversaticf[s by @) polite requests. Look at the example. A: I'm going to the pharmacy. B: (get some aspirins) Could you get me some aspirins? 1, A: I’mgoing to see Lisa later. B: (say hello for me) 2. Ai I'm going to the kitchen. B: (bring me some water) 3. A: I'm going to the cafeteria. B: (get me a bag of chips) 4, A: I'm going downtown. B: (get a present for Mom) 5. A: I'mgoing to 7-11. Coudjou sd neaba coy B: (get me a big coke) 6. A: I'm going to the bank. Coil yo B: (make a deposit for me) 7. A: I'm coming to your party on Saturday. (Could eu bing Ser B: (bring some drinks) 10L7 Drag and Yrop: PA OWIS Ove Finish the sentences: Say hello to 1 couldn't I knew it 1 didn’t expect This is all Yes, | Oh, be Here's your parents for me- afford them: it was a mistake- to see you here- | suppose so- a

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