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Medical Rehabilitation.
Physiotherapy 1.

8) A) What are the main indications for medical

The who Committee of experts on disability prevention and rehabilitation (1983)
identified the following indications for medical rehabilitation:
• Significant decrease in functional abilities;
• Reduced ability to learn;
• Special exposure to environmental influences;
• Violation of social relations;
• Violation of labor relations.
Rehabilitation is indicated for the following categories of persons.
1. Practically healthy people - people with an increased risk of a disabling disease
due to working or living conditions. These include:
• Liquidators of the Chernobyl disaster and living in areas affected by radiation;
• Working in hazardous and hazardous working conditions;
• Athletes after intense training and responsible competition;
• Senior staff working with great nervous and mental stress.
2. Sickly face. The purpose and objectives of medical rehabilitation coincide with
the previous group is "aftercare" for the restoration of nonspecific resistance of
the organism.
3. Patients with serious diseases.
B) List the physical healing factors associated with the
use of direct, pulsed, and alternating electric current
and magnetic field.
In the mechanism of action of physical factors there are 3 main stages: physical,
physico-chemical, biological.
Physical stage-characterized by the fact that the energy of the active factor is
transferred to the biological system, tissues, cells and their environment.
Physico-chemical stage-accompanied by the emergence of physico-chemical
(primary) shifts in cells and their environment.
Biological stage – a set of direct and reflex changes in organs and tissues as a
result of absorption and conversion of energy by biological systems of the body.
The body's response to the impact of physical factors is realized on three levels:
1. Local change;
2. Reflex-segmental;
3. General (generalized) reactions of the organism.
Local change:
- change in metabolism;
- restructuring of regional blood circulation and microcirculation;
- changes in mitotic activity of cells;
- creation of a new level of tissue trophism;
- activation of local protective reactions;
- stimulation of the function of antagonist cells (fat, plasma);
- humoral shifts.
Depending on the community of physical characteristics, the type of energy used,
the features of the mechanisms of physiological and therapeutic action, physical
factors are classified into the following groups and sections.
I. Electrical energy
1. Constant continuous low voltage electric current (galvanization, drug
2. Pulse current:
a) a constant direction with a low pulse repetition rate-rectangular (electroson
therapy, electro-stimulation), triangular (electrostimulation, electro - diagnostics),
semi - sinusoidal (diadinamoterapiya) forms of pulses;
b) alternating direction with an average pulse repetition frequency - interference
currents, sinusoidal modulated currents, fluctuating currents with a noise spectrum.
3. Alternating currents and alternating electromagnetic fields of high intensity:
a) a high frequency current of d'arsonval current nazionalnoi frequency
(ultratonotherapy), electromagnetic fields with predominance of magnetic
component (inductothermy);
b) ultra-high frequency electric field (continuous and pulsed) with a predominance
of the electrical component (UHF therapy);
C) electromagnetic field of ultrahigh frequency (microwave therapy) - decimeter,
centimeter and millimeter ranges.
4. Constant electric field of high tension (Franklin).
II. Magnetic field
(a) permanent direction;
b) alternating direction of low frequency.

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