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Auxiliaries in verb forms lrl;SW1r;1;1f> II Read the second part of the

Other uses of auxiliaries ld;fM!MJ;lft conversation. Fill in the gaps w ith the
correct positive or negative auxiliaries.
fJ a Are sentences 1-8 correct? Change the incorrect sentences. Use contractions ('ve, 's, etc.) if
is possible.
1 Everyone here are doing a Master's degree.
2 Did you went to the seminar yesterday?

3 I do work very hard, but I still find the course difficult.

4 Some universities does give scholarships, but we don't.

s I'm the only person here who went to a state school, aren't I?
6 If I were you, I don't eat in the college canteen.

7 You like doing exams or prefer continuous assessment?

a I've be invited to apply for a PhD, but the fees are too high.

b Match the correct and corrected sentences in 2a to replies a-h.

PHIL Sorry, w here were we? Yes, Professor
a 4 Don't you? e  They are, aren't they?
Shavick . He's a bit st ra nge, isn 't h e?
b  Well, I'm not. f  Are you?
I 2 XBT interviewed by him, so
c  I don't enjoy either! 9  So do I.
we had n't met before.
d  Wouldn't you? Why not? h _ No, I didn't. SARA Neither 3 EJE I w hen I

IJ Read the conversation and choose the correct auxiliary verb. st a rted here. And I must admit - he
4 EPFT appea r ra ther unusua l
PHI L H i. It's Sara, 1 isn 't it? We m et last week, 2 EJEOU we?
w hen yo u fi rst meet him.
SA RA Yes, we 3 EJE . You're Ph il.
PH IL Unusua l? If I met him in the street ,
PH IL Well rem embered! You 4 EJE warn me w hen we met th at
I5 XPVME probably ru n away
you often forge t na mes.
screaming. All that hair! H e's been
SARA I 5 EP , unfort u nately. But I 6 hN ma king
spendi ng far too much time with hi s
a special effort this week. Anyway, how 7 hT it goi ng?
com puter. H e sho uld get o ut more often ,
PH IL OK. I 8 hWF a lready had a tu toria l wit h my Ph D t utor.
SARA 9 )BWF you ? W h o's t hat ?
SARA Well, perhaps.
PH IL H is nam e's Professor Sh avick. Everyo ne else was very impressed by
PHIL A nyway. I 7 EPOhU t hi nk I even
him , but I 10
XBTOhU • I 11
EPOhU expect yo u know him.
asked you w hat you're d oing your Ph D in.
SARA I 12 EP , act ually. You see, I'm ...
SARA Well , I 8 hN not doing a
PH IL O h, sorry, hold on - that 's my p hone ringing ...
Ph D actua lJy. I, er, teach here.
1 a is ® isn't c doesn't PH IL Yo u don't , 9 EP you?
2 a didn't b haven't c aren't
SARA Er .. . yes. Comp uter science,
3 a did b do c have
as a matter of fac t. Sorry, I
4 a have b do c did
lO XBT goi ng to say something
5 a 'm b do c have
6 a 'm b 've c 'II ea rlier, but ...
7 a has b does c is PH IL H ow em ba rrassing. So, Professor
8 a do b 'd c 've Shavick is a colleague of yours?
9 a Did b Have c Haven't SARA Erm ... well , I suppose he's my boss
10 a wasn't b didn't c haven't
rea lly. But 11
EPOhU worry- I
11 a 'm not b don't c do 12 XPOhU tell hi m anyt hi ng! And
12 a am b have c do
no t a ll tu tors are like him , I promise !

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