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The Arrival of Information and Price IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review
10(1) 7–19, 2021
Adjustment Across Extreme Quantiles: © 2020 Indian Institute
of Management Kozhikode
Global Evidence Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/2277975220937994

Abhinava Tripathi1

This study investigates the impact of information arrival on prices for 21 major global market indices for the period
1998–2018, employing quantile regression methodology. The results show that there is a contemporaneous and causal
effect of volume on returns. This return-volume relation is a manifestation of systematic market-wide information that
is released in an autocorrelated manner to market participants. This information is absorbed by the market participants
over short horizons, within a day. This leads to uniform expectations and, in turn, lower volatility levels. The effect of
volume on return is heterogeneous across the conditional quantiles, reflecting the contrasting patterns in the transmis-
sion of positive and negative news. This evidence is more pronounced when the intensity of information arrival is high
(the tails of return distribution), which is consistent with the mixture of distribution hypothesis and information asym-
metry hypothesis.

Accounting and finance, business economics, financial economics, financial markets

Introduction (Baruník, Kočenda, & Vácha, 2016; BenSaïda, 2019;

Clements Hurn, & Volkov, 2015) and contrasting to that
The effect of information on prices is an integral part of observed during normal conditions. The results from these
various theoretical models in the financial market literature studies suggest that the effect of volume on return may
(Andersen, 1996; Copeland & Galai, 1983). The role of have different implications across the conditional quantiles
volume in capturing the information arrival and its rela- of return and volatility.
tionship with the return and return-volatility (hereafter, We contribute to the literature by revisiting the effect of
volatility) has been widely examined and documented information arrival on return and volatility across condi-
(Campbell, Grossman, & Wang, 1993; Karpoff, 1987). The tional quantiles. The study offers considerable global evi-
subject, however, continues to remain part of an active dence on the systematic effect of information shocks on
debate in the financial economics literature, particularly price adjustment by employing the quantile regression
for two reasons: (a) financial markets have witnessed sig- approach on 21 major global market indices. The results
nificant technological advancements caused by the growth show that the transmission of positive and negative news
in internet and algorithmic trading (Bloomfield, O’Hara, & shocks is heterogeneous across the conditional quantiles of
Saar, 2015; Chordia, Roll, & Subrahmanyam, 2005, 2008; return distribution. This news is released in an autocorre-
O’Hara, 2015), which has serious implications for the dis- lated piecemeal fashion and absorbed by the market
semination of news and its incorporation in prices and, in participants within the day. This leads to uniformity of
turn, the return, volume and volatility relation; and (b) the expectations and better market quality, leading to lower
recent evidence has indicated that the transmission of good volatility levels. This evidence is more pronounced along
and bad news shocks in financial markets is asymmetric the tails of the return distribution and is consistent with the

Department of Finance and Accounting, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, India.

Corresponding author:
Abhinava Tripathi, Department of Finance and Accounting, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow 226013, Uttar Pradesh, India.
8 IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review 10(1)

mixture of distribution hypothesis (MDH) and the infor- as a common latent factor that affects the price and volume
mation asymmetry hypothesis. simultaneously. The hypothesis postulates a strong con-
The remaining study is organized into four sections. temporaneous relationship between the volume and vola-
Section 2 describes the background and literature. Section tility, and return and volume. (b) Information asymmetry
3 discusses the data and methodology. Section 4 presents hypothesis (Chen, Firth, & Rui, 2001; Foster & Viswanathan,
the empirical findings, and Section 5 concludes the study. 1993; Kocagil & Shachmurove, 1998): The hypothesis
argues that markets are inhabited by three major types of
market participants: market makers, liquidity-driven/noise
Background and Literature traders and informed traders. Informed traders carry pri-
vate information, which arrives in the market over time as
Return–Volume–Volatility Relation the trading activity takes place. The arrival of positive
information leads to buy trades and an increase in prices,
The role of financial markets towards the efficient alloc- and in turn, a positive return-volume relation. In contrast,
ation of resources in an economy and dissemination of the arrival of negative information leads to sell trades and
relevant economic information has been widely acknow- decrease in prices and, in turn, a negative return-volume
ledged (Karpoff, 1987). The arrival of new information, its relation. The process that generates this information may
incorporation into prices, and price movement is caused by itself be autocorrelated and, in turn, may have persistent
the trading activity of market participants (Andersen, 1996; effects on price (Suominen, 2001). (c) Sequential informa-
Campbell et al., 1993; Foster & Viswanathan, 1993). The tion arrival hypothesis (SIAH; Copeland, 1976; Darrat,
actions of market participants are largely driven by liqui- Rahman, & Zhong, 2003; Jennings, Starks, & Fellingham,
dity needs and information asymmetry. Essentially, the 1981; Lamoureux & Lastrapes, 1994): The hypothesis pro-
volume measure is employed to capture these aspects of a poses that markets exhibit a series of transitionary equilib-
financial market, that is, liquidity and arrival of informa- ria between the initial and final equilibria. The initial and
tion. The old Wall Street adage that ‘it takes volume to final equilibria are characterized by complete information
move prices’ has been long recognized in financial market aggregation, that is, a broad agreement over the true price,
literature (Karpoff, 1987). higher market quality and lower volatility levels. In the
Next, how the prices respond to these actions of market short term, however, these traders receive information
participants has been another ongoing debate in the finan- sequentially and process it heterogeneously. Accordingly,
cial economics literature, namely, market efficiency (Fama, they revise their expectations in a disparate manner. This
1970, 1991, 1998). The movement in prices, on account of causes a lead–lag relation between volume and volatility
information or noise (idiosyncratic factors), is proxied by the and volume and return. Moreover, this heterogeneity in
return measure. Finally, the volatility measure has been expectations leads to excess volatility.
widely employed to capture the uncertainty (risk) related to
the actions of market participants (French, Schwert, &
Stambaugh, 1987; Schwert, 1989). This uncertainty originates Data Description and Methodology
from various sources (e.g., macroeconomic risk, security-
specific risk, regulatory risk) and affects market participants Data Description
from two channels – inventory concerns and information The daily market index data for 16 major financial markets
asymmetry (Chordia et al., 2008; Kim & Stoll, 2014; Stoll, (compsing 21 indices; Table 1) are downloaded from
2000). Together, these variables (return, volume and volati- Bloomberg. These are the 16 largest financial markets
lity) capture the trading activity, information transmission, worldwide and represent most of the global trading activity.
price movement, and risk-related attributes of a financial These markets comprise a mix of important developed and
market. Detailed frameworks offered by the literature to emerging markets; thus, establishing the generalizability
model these variables are provided in the next sub-section. of our results. The study covers a period of 21 years, from 1
January 1998 to 31 December 2018. We aim to select the
maximum period for which daily data are continuously
Conceptual Framework and Related Literature
available across all the markets. Over this period, all finan-
Primarily, the following hypotheses provide the theoreti- cial markets in the sample exhibit a reasonable extent
cal contours to the return, volume and volatility relation. of development and maturity in operations as indicated
(a) Mixture of distribution hypothesis, MDH (e.g., Clark, by the trading activity related characteristics (turnover,
1973; Epps & Epps, 1976; Li & Wu, 2006; Tauchen & informational efficiency, automation and systems related
Pitts, 1983): MDH suggests that the information flow acts to trade execution and settlement). Moreover, the sample
Tripathi 9

Table 1.  Details of the Market Indices Included in the Study

Country Index Stock Exchange

American Stock Exchanges
Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) NYSE, NASDAQ
NYSE Composite NYSE
Canada S&P/TSX Composite Toronto Stock Exchange
Brazil IBOVESPA Sao Paulo Stock Exchange
European Stock Exchanges
U.K. Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE)-100 London Stock Exchange
Germany Deutscher Aktienindex (DAX) Performance Index Frankfurt Stock Exchange
France Cotation Assistée en Continu (CAC-40) Euronext-Paris
Sweden OMX Stockholm All Share Index (OMXSPI) Stockholm Stock Exchange
Switzerland Swiss Market Index (SMI) SIX Swiss Exchange
Russia MOEX Moscow Stock Exchange
Asia-Pacific Region Stock Exchange
China SSE Composite Shanghai Stock Exchange
SZSE Component Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Japan TOPIX Tokyo Stock Exchange
Nikkei-225 Tokyo Stock Exchange
Hong Kong Hang Seng Hong Kong Stock Exchange
India Nifty-500 National Stock Exchange
Australia ASX Australian Securities exchange
Taiwan TWSE/TAIEX Taiwan Stock Exchange
South-Korea Korea Composite Stock Price (KOSPI) Korea Stock Exchange
Source: Bloomberg Database.

period offers a sufficient number of daily observations to Methodology

ensure the reliability of results.1 The log-returns [rt = In (pt/
pt–1)] are computed using the closing index values. Following To examine the effect of information (proxied by the
Chen (2012) and Chordia, Roll, and Subrahmanyam (2000), volume measure) on prices, we first employ the follow-
the log-difference between the absolute volumes (similar to ing ordinary least square (OLS) based bivariate model
returns) is employed as the volume measure2 [rt = Vt = In (vt/ [Equation (1)] of Chordia, Subrahmanyam, and Anshuman
vt–1)]. The volume change measure used in the study essen- (2001).
tially proxies the effect of information shocks on trading
activity. Descriptive statistics of the return series are pro- rt = a 0 + b 0 D + | i = 1 b i rt - i + | j = 0 c j V t - j
p q

vided in Table 2. The results of autoregressive conditional  (1)

+ | j = 0 d j Vt - j ) D + f t
heteroscedasticity (ARCH) and unit-root tests on return
series are provided in Table 3. The returns exhibit non-nor-
mality and excess kurtosis. Moreover, the return series are Here ‘D’ is the dummy variable, taking 1 for negative
stationary and exhibit significant ARCH effects. Therefore, returns and 0 otherwise. Following the BIC criteria, we con-
to proxy volatility, we extract the conditional variance (h 2t ) sider four lags (p = 4, q = 4)4 of the return and volume
from the AR(4)/EGARCH(1,1) model.3 The time-series variables. We use robust standard errors to compute the
movement of the conditional variance (h 2t ) is plotted in t-statistics.
Appendix B. Similar tests are conducted on the volume This kind of conditional mean (OLS) based estimation
series, and the results are provided in Appendix A. The is expected to be vitiated due to the averaging of positive
volume series are stationary, though non-normal, and exhibit and negative quantile causal effects, as demonstrated in our
excess kurtosis. study. Therefore, we further extend this model [Equation
Table 2.   Descriptive Statistics for Daily Returns

Index N Mean Median Maximum Minimum Std. Dev. Skewness Kurtosis JB

 1 Australia (ASX) 5,305 0.01% 0.06% 8.81% −8.71% 1.11% −0.21 8.82 7527.61***
 2 Brazil (IBOVESPA) 5,193 0.04% 0.08% 28.82% −17.23% 1.97% 0.48 17.16 43591.16***
 3 Paris (CAC−40) 5,360 0.01% 0.04% 10.59% −9.47% 1.43% −0.05 7.76 5069.31***
 4 Germany (DAX) 5,329 0.02% 0.08% 10.80% −8.87% 1.49% −0.09 7.16 3857.97***
 5 U.S.A. (DJIA) 5,283 0.02% 0.05% 10.51% −8.20% 1.14% −0.13 10.73 13159.05***
 6 Hong Kong (HangSeng) 5,179 0.02% 0.05% 13.41% −13.58% 1.57% 0.09 10.54 12286.07***
 7 Korea (KOSPI) 5,231 0.03% 0.07% 11.28% −12.80% 1.67% −0.30 8.22 6022.90***
 8 UK (FTSE100) 5,305 0.00% 0.04% 9.38% −9.27% 1.18% −0.15 8.72 7238.47***
 9 Russia (MOEX) 5,252 0.06% 0.09% 27.50% −20.66% 2.48% 0.23 19.95 62938.80***
10 Japan (Nikkei−225) 5,157 0.01% 0.04% 13.23% −12.11% 1.51% −0.35 8.86 7471.15***
11 U.S.A. (Nasdaq−Comp) 5,283 0.03% 0.10% 13.25% −10.17% 1.60% −0.05 8.34 6281.26***
12 India (Nifty−500) 5,232 0.05% 0.14% 15.03% −12.88% 1.50% −0.48 10.07 43591.16***
13 U.S.A. (NYSE−Comp) 5,283 0.01% 0.06% 11.53% −10.23% 1.19% −0.36 12.61 20423.78***
14 Sweden (OMX) 5,272 0.02% 0.07% 9.88% −8.07% 1.37% −0.06 7.04 3581.53***
15 Switzerland (SMI) 5,280 0.01% 0.05% 10.79% −9.07% 1.20% −0.18 9.24 8595.73***
16 China (SSE) 5,087 0.01% 0.05% 9.40% −9.26% 1.58% −0.32 7.81 4995.94***
17 U.S.A. (S&P500) 5,283 0.02% 0.05% 10.96% −9.47% 1.21% −0.23 10.96 13989.13***
18 China (SZSE) 5,087 0.02% 0.12% 9.24% −8.93% 1.75% −0.50 6.48 2773.63***
19 Taiwan (TAIEX) 5,264 0.00% 0.04% 6.52% −6.91% 1.36% −0.18 5.93 1907.32***
20 Canada (S&P/TSX) 5,157 0.00% 0.03% 12.86% −10.01% 1.37% −0.31 8.69 7043.03***
21 Tokyo (TOPIX) 5,277 0.01% 0.07% 9.37% −9.79% 1.09% −0.65 12.18 18910.02***
Source: The author.
Note: The table provides summary statistics of daily returns for the 21 indices (16 countries), over the study period (1 January 1998 to 31 December 2018).
Tripathi 11

Table 3.  Tests for Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARCH) Effect and Stationarity on Daily Returns

Index ARCH(1) ARCH(5) ADF PP

 1 Australia (ASX) 275.78*** 1111.32*** −17.91*** −4946.28***
 2 Brazil (IBOVESPA) 200.98*** 401.08*** −15.71*** −4826.76***
 3 Paris (CAC−40) 196.23*** 793.33*** −17.36*** −4930.20***
 4 Germany (DAX) 167.20*** 807.36*** −17.07*** −5070.12***
 5 U.S.A. (DJIA) 182.58*** 1073.01*** −17.80*** −5318.75***
 6 Hong Kong (HangSeng) 474.12*** 862.05*** −16.62*** −4921.36***
 7 Korea (KOSPI) 168.87*** 668.56*** −15.76*** −4690.98***
 8 UK (FTSE100) 298.23*** 1123.03*** −18.33*** −4940.88***
 9 Russia (MOEX) 429.95*** 771.18*** −16.72*** −4523.93***
10 Japan (Nikkei−225) 347.75*** 1001.62*** −16.67*** −5104.87***
11 U.S.A. (Nasdaq−Comp) 274.05*** 887.84*** −16.80*** −5157.61***
12 India (Nifty−500) 423.80*** 591.24*** −15.38*** −4742.04***
13 U.S.A. (NYSE−Comp) 265.84*** 1414.31*** −17.61*** −5187.15***
14 Sweden (OMX) 176.13*** 695.58*** −16.28*** −4805.31***
15 Switzerland (SMI) 637.78*** 1097.52*** −17.65*** −4625.26***
16 China (SSE) 137.58*** 398.84*** −14.84*** −5099.05***
17 U.S.A. (S&P500) 227.09*** 1167.54*** −17.64*** −5244.70***
18 China (SZSE) 177.58*** 463.51*** −15.20*** −4969.96***
19 Taiwan (TAIEX) 129.10*** 519.65*** −16.38*** −4905.44***
20 Canada (S&P/TSX) 406.78*** 965.97*** −16.63*** −4668.96***
21 Tokyo (TOPIX) 577.28*** 1116.5*** −17.18*** −4951.28***
Source: The author.
Note: ‘ADF’ denotes the test statistic from the Augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) test, ‘PP’ is the test statistic from the Philips–Perron test. The ARCH
effect is tested for 1 and 5 lags.

(2)] in a quantile regression framework (Koenker, 2013; examine the relation at both the upper and lower quantiles
Koenker & Xiao, 2006). The quantile approach to estima- of the return distribution. Finally, we also examine the effect
tion is particularly relevant in this case for the following of volume on the conditional volatility using the quan-
reasons. (a) The approach is more suitable in estimating tile regression framework [Equation (3)]. The following
nonlinear relationships similar to that observed between models are employed in the study.
volume and price.5 (b) Excess kurtosis, skewness, and non-
Q rt (x | rt - 1, g, rt - p, Vt, gg, Vt - q)
normality (Koenker, 2004; Koenker & Hallock, 2001) are
= a ^ x h + | i = 1 b i ^ x h rt - i
common features of security return distributions. For this (2)
+| c j ^xh Vt - j
kind of variables, the quantile regression methodology
provides robust estimates, and is particularly suitable for
examining the tail behaviour (Koenker, 2004; Koenker & Q h 2t (x | Vt, gg, Vt - q)
Hallock, 2001). Some of the previous studies resort to (3)
= al ^ xh + | j = 0 clj ^ xh Vt - j
excluding extreme outliers. We argue that these observa-
tions may indicate important economic events and hence The ‘τ-th’ conditional quantile function (0<τ<1) of the
exclusion may lead to loss of important information.6 return [Q rt (x | rt - 1, g g, rt - p, Vt, g g, Vt - q)] and con-
(c) Lastly, prior research has often attempted to model cri- ditional volatility [Q h 2t (x | Vt, g g, Vt - q)] are modelled
sis events by explicitly accounting for the event (e.g., using as a linear function of the contemporaneous and lagged
dummy variables). These events are characterized by volume terms for different values of τ (= 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, …
falling markets, that is, extremely low returns and high 0.95), and estimated as follows: The ‘τ-th’ conditional
volatility. The quantile regression methodology makes an quantile of the stochastic error term is made zero by the
important contribution to the literature by estimating the quantile regression estimation process. ci(τ) represent
relationship separately across different quantiles in a sys- the quantile specific coefficients of the lagged volume
tematic manner. Thus, obviating the need for explicitly terms. For the implementation of the model, we use
modelling the crisis events. The approach allows us to ‘quantreg’ package available in ‘R’ (Koenker, 2013).
12 IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review 10(1)

Empirical Results exhibit higher levels of market efficiency. These loss-

averse rational investors gauge the information content of
The results from the standard OLS regressions [Equation volume more efficiently and are particularly sensitive to
(2)] are reported in Table 4. We find that the coefficient of the arrival of negative news (Bellemare, Krause, Kröger, &
the ‘loss-dummy’ (D) and interaction terms are consist- Zhang, 2005; Dimmock & Kouwenberg, 2010; Thaler,
ently significant and negative, while those of volume terms Tversky, Kahnemanm & Schwartz, 1997). In contrast, less
are significant and positive. These results suggest that the mature markets are predominantly inhabited by the senti-
information arrival and its incorporation across positive ment-driven noise traders who are known to be more active
and negative returns is considerably different. These results during high-sentiment periods (Baker & Stein, 2004; Baker
substantiate the fact that the arrival of positive and nega- & Wurgler, 2006; Barberis, Shleifer, & Vishny, 1998).
tive news may have different implications for prices. Since we are working with stock indices, the effect of
However, we argue that these differences across positive security-specific private information on the return-volume
and negative return distributions may not be as abrupt as relation is offset (Llorente, Michaely, Saar, & Wang, 2002).
one may surmise from these results. That is, the linkage It is expected that only the marketwide systematic factors
between return and volume may exhibit a non-linear (e.g., central bank interventions, marketwide sentiments)
smooth transition across the different regimes of return may affect return-volume relation in market indices. Two
distribution. plausible reasons are offered by the literature that may
This motivates us to examine the causal quantile effects cause the observed return-volume relation. First, as pre-
of volume on return using the quantile regression approach dicted by the SIAH, the macroeconomic information is
[Equation (2)]. Figure 1 summarizes the quantile regression absorbed by the market participants gradually, over a
results for the contemporaneous and causal effects of vol- period. Thereby these market participants reach the final
ume on returns. Detailed results are provided in Table C1 equilibrium of uniform expectations, starting from an ini-
(Appendix C). Figure 1 (a), (b) and (c) depict the quantile tial equilibrium. This may manifest in the form of observed
relation for the stock exchanges in America, Europe, and return-volume relation with persistent lags of volume. The
Asia-Pacific regions. Results illustrate the t-statistics for the second plausible reason suggests that the macroeconomic
contemporaneous and lagged volume terms (primary axis on information itself is released gradually over a period in an
the left) and the goodness-of-fit measure7 (secondary axis on autocorrelated piecemeal fashion (Malinova & Park, 2010;
the right). The contemporaneous and causal return-volume Suominen, 2001). This may also cause the observed lead–
relation appears to be asymmetric across conditional return lag return-volume relation. In the first case, the SIAH pre-
quantiles (except Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and China)8; dicts that the presence of heterogeneously informed traders
that is, a positive relationship is observed for the higher in the market would reduce the market quality (Copeland,
return quantiles and vice versa. This evidence is more pro- 1976; Darrat et al., 2003; Jennings et al., 1981; Lamoureux
nounced along the tails of the return distribution. Furthermore, & Lastrapes, 1994). Therefore, the arrival of information
the significance of the lagged terms indicates the persistence should lead to an increase in volatility. Moreover, this
of information effects. The arrival of positive and negative increased volatility is expected to dissipate gradually as the
news shocks affects the price and volume in an asymmetric market participants become uniformly informed. This may
manner, causing the positive and negative contemporaneous result in a positive causal relation from volume to volatil-
and causal return-volume relation. These results suggest a ity. In the second case, we argue that each piece of the
dynamic (significant lagged volume terms) heterogenous macroeconomic information is absorbed over extremely
return-volume relation across the quantiles of return distri- short horizons – that is, 5–30 minutes (Chordia et al., 2005,
bution. These results support the MDH and the information 2008; Darrat et al., 2003) due to technological advances in
asymmetry hypothesis. trading and dissemination of news. Hence, the effect of
Interestingly, for the more mature markets like Australia, SIAH on prices over daily intervals remains muted. That is,
Paris, Germany, the U.S., the U.K., Sweden and Switzerland, we can reasonably expect the daily closing prices as the
the magnitude of the effect of volume on returns around initial and final equilibria in the sense of Copeland (1976).
lower tails (t = .05 to 0.25) is substantially higher than that Thus, there is uniformity of expectations and hence lower
around higher tails (t = .70 to 0.95). In contrast, less mature volatility and higher market quality (Malinova & Park,
markets, where information asymmetry and investor senti- 2010) over daily intervals. Both explanations result in test-
ment are expected to play a larger role (e.g., Brazil, Hong able hypotheses with contrasting implications. To test these
Kong, South Korea, Russia, China and Taiwan) exhibit an hypotheses, we examine the volume–volatility relation
opposite pattern. These more mature markets are expect- [Equation (3)] in a quantile regression framework.9 The
ed to be dominated by loss-averse rational investors and detailed results are provided in Table C2 (Appendix C).
Table 4.  Regression of Returns on Volume [Equation (1)]

N D r t–1 r t–2 r t–3 r t–4 V Vt–1 Vt–2

Australia (ASX) 5,301 −45.19*** −1.95* −0.96 −3.42*** 1.49 5.95*** 2.92*** 2.35**
Brazil (IBOVESPA) 5,164 −50.61*** −0.05 −1.08 −1.03 −1.51 10.28*** 4.85*** 4.92***
Paris (CAC−40) 5,356 −52.78*** −1.39 −1.93* −2.89*** 0.64 9.09*** 5.38*** 3.92***
Germany (DAX) 5,325 −49.83*** −1.59 −1.62 −1.79* 1.17 7.61*** 3.64*** 3.05***
U.S.A. (DJIA) 5,279 −45.70*** −2.60*** −2.12** 0.27 −0.19 5.75*** 3.18*** 3.3***
Hong Kong (HangSeng) 5,175 −46.72*** −1.19 −1.29 −0.78 −0.96 12.51*** 5.95*** 4.71***
Korea (KOSPI) 5,227 −44.06*** 1.16 −1.71* −0.36 −0.88 8.74*** 3.61*** 2.11**
UK (FTSE100) 4,269 −38.05*** −3.17*** −0.85 −3.54*** 1.12 5.35*** 2.52** 1.93*
Russia (MOEX) 3,833 −34.51*** −0.59 −0.32 −0.81 0.91 4.68*** 1.86* 4.06***
Japan (Nikkei−225) 4,476 −49.07*** −1.53 −0.31 −0.67 −1.27 7.62*** 3.67*** 3.12***
U.S.A. (Nasdaq−Comp) 5,279 −42.70*** −2.64*** −2.45** 0.36 −1.14 6.62*** 4.25*** 3.88***
India (Nifty−500) 4,084 −38.56*** 2.50** −2.00** 0.09 0.14 −0.52 0.16 −0.08
U.S.A. (NYSE−Comp) 4,044 −33.92*** −2.90*** −1.45 0.32 −0.12 4.39*** 2.24** 3.67***
Sweden (OMX) 4,215 −43.72*** −0.77 −1.01 −2.47** −0.71 6.90*** 4.68*** 3.42***
Switzerland (SMI) 5,244 −41.78*** 0.19 −1.28 −1.72* 1.26 6.04*** 4.36*** 4.27***
China (SSE) 5,083 −46.45*** −2.26** −2.35** 0.38 3.42*** 17.59*** 6.70*** 5.19***
U.S.A. (S&P500) 5,279 −44.56*** −2.76*** −1.98** 0.03 −0.68 5.36*** 2.80*** 3.45***
China (SZSE) 4,237 −46.13*** −1.11 −1.92* 0.61 2.04** 13.69*** 3.68*** 3.54***
Taiwan (TAIEX) 5,255 −51.81*** 0.21 −0.82 1.19 −1.69* 14.67*** 6.31*** 4.48***
Canada (S&P/TSX) 5,153 −52.14*** −0.85 −1.28 −1.24 −1.58 7.71*** 4.21*** 3.10***
Tokyo (TOPIX) 5,273 −43.40*** −0.71 −1.44 1.13 0.14 7.58*** 2.81*** 2.70***
Vt–3 Vt–4 D* Vt D* Vt–1 D* Vt–2 D* Vt–3 D* Vt–4 Adj. R2 (%) F−value
Australia (ASX) 2.76*** 2.46** −10.36*** −4.90*** −3.40*** −3.05*** −2.85*** 50.50% 153.97***
Brazil (IBOVESPA) 2.93*** 2.52** −10.72*** −5.61*** −4.62*** −2.92*** −2.29** 51.79% 187.49***
Paris (CAC−40) 3.18*** 2.69*** −13.30*** −7.36*** −5.62*** −4.47*** −4.12*** 52.45% 201.06***
Germany (DAX) 2.00** 3.13*** −13.20*** −6.28*** −5.05*** −4.21*** −5.15*** 52.50% 170.19***
U.S.A. (DJIA) 2.33** 3.81*** −10.96*** −6.93*** −5.63*** −3.65*** −5.06*** 48.86% 154.63***
Hong Kong (HangSeng) 4.20*** 2.90*** −13.08*** −8.46*** −5.75*** −5.70*** −4.21*** 52.40% 164.78***
Korea (KOSPI) 2.43** −0.70 −5.82*** −1.82* 0.00 −0.90 0.23 46.52% 134.49***
UK (FTSE100) 2.44** 2.31** −9.70*** −4.17*** −2.95*** −2.64*** −2.52** 48.33% 112.65***

Vt–3 Vt–4 D* Vt D* Vt–1 D* Vt–2 D* Vt–3 D* Vt–4 Adj.R2 (%) F−value

Russia (MOEX) 1.75* 2.28** −5.79*** −3.85*** −3.87*** −2.34** −2.49** 42.34% 101.79***
Japan (Nikkei−225) 2.22** 0.89 −10.66*** −5.24*** −4.31*** −3.26*** −2.74*** 52.14% 198.71***
(Table 4 continued)
(Table 4 continued)
U.S.A. (Nasdaq−Comp) 2.56** 2.63*** −9.50*** −5.34*** −3.94*** −3.09*** −3.53*** 48.58% 126.21***
India (Nifty−500) −0.22 −0.23 −1.32 −1.36 −1.39 −1.63 −1.92* 47.85% 120.28***
U.S.A. (NYSE−Comp) 2.54** 3.58*** −7.96*** −5.01*** −4.21*** −3.50*** −4.93*** 43.91% 88.62***
Sweden (OMX) 2.28** 2.62*** −11.44*** −5.27*** −5.10*** −3.53*** −4.23*** 50.70% 142.64***
Switzerland (SMI) 4.41*** 4.49*** −11.26*** −6.88*** −5.28*** −4.46*** −5.99*** 50.71% 123.95***
China (SSE) 2.15** 2.16** −16.09*** −5.03*** −4.32*** −1.62 −2.79*** 54.12% 171.17***
U.S.A. (S&P500) 1.99** 3.77*** −10.13*** −5.03*** −4.81*** −3.65*** −4.93*** 47.67% 144.03***
China (SZSE) 2.12** 2.50** −11.79*** −2.35** −1.73* −1.90* −2.41** 56.06% 161.97***
Taiwan (TAIEX) 3.20*** 4.01*** −11.57*** −3.93*** −2.9*** −3.15*** −4.16*** 53.05% 212.51***
Canada (S&P/TSX) 1.93* 1.75* −10.75*** −5.51*** −4.57*** −3.56*** −3.36*** 53.45% 225.79***
Tokyo (TOPIX) 1.75* 1.18 −9.55*** −5.08*** −3.81*** −2.08** −2.51** 47.19% 153.19***
Source: The author.
Note: The table presents the results of the OLS regression model. Daily returns are regressed on the contemporaneous and lagged volume terms and interaction terms (negative loss dummy with volume) in the
presence of the lagged returns. The results show the number of observations (N), t-statistic of the coefficients for the dummy variable (D), lagged returns, (rt - 1, rt - 2, rt - 3, rt - 4) contemporaneous and lagged volume
terms ^ Vt, Vt - 1, Vt - 2, Vt - 3, Vt - 4 h, and dummy-volume interaction terms ^ D * Vt, D * Vt - 1, D * Vt - 2, D * Vt - 3, D * Vt - 4 h, adjusted-R2, and F-values from the regression.
Tripathi 15

Figure 1(a).  The Results of the Return-Volume Quantile Regression Model [(Equation (2)] for the American Stock Exchanges
Source: The author.

Figure 1(b).  The Results of the Return-Volume Quantile Regression Model [(Equation (2)] for the European Stock Exchanges
Source: The author.
16 IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review 10(1)

Figure 1(c).  The Results of the Return-Volume Quantile Regression Model [(Equation (2)] for the Asia-Pacific Region Stock
Source: The author.
Note: The figure illustrates the results from the quantile regression model [Equation (2)] for the contemporaneous and causal effect of the volume
on return across the conditional quantiles of the return distribution. The horizontal axis represents 20 quantiles with increments of 0.05. Figures 1
(a), (b), and (c) show the results for the major market indices of America, Europe and Asia-Pacific region. The figures depict the t-statistics for the
contemporaneous and lagged volume terms (Vt, Vt - 1, Vt - 2, Vt - 3, Vt - 4; primary axis on the left) and the goodness-of-fit measure (secondary axis on the
right). The goodness-of-fit measure is calculated as one minus the ratio between the appropriately weighted sum of absolute errors (deviations) from
the conditional model and that from the unconditional model. The t-statistics for the contemporaneous and lag 1, 2, 3, 4 terms, and goodness-of-fit
measure are denoted as C, 1, 2, 3, 4, and G, respectively.
Tripathi 17

These results predominantly suggest a significant and neg- the largest and most efficient market indices, we expect the
ative contemporaneous volume–volatility relation, broadly effect of security-specific sentiments to dilute. Second, and
in agreement with the second hypothesis. That is, the more importantly, the effect of sentiment is transitory and is
macroeconomic information is released in an autocorre- widely known to exhibit price reversals. However, we
lated piecemeal manner. This information is revealed to observe more stable and enduring price effects of volume
market participants through trade volume and absorbed shocks (as exhibited in the lagged terms of the return-
over extremely short horizons, within a day. As these volume relation) consistent with information effects.
market participants become uniformly informed, the vola-
tility levels are reduced, and market quality is improved.
Two interesting observations are made from these results. Conclusion
First, the effect of volume is particularly contrasting across
higher (τ = .75 to 0.95) quantiles from the rest of the This paper investigated the effect of information shocks on
conditional volatility distribution. Across these quantiles, price adjustment for 21 major global market indices (cov-
volume has generally an insignificant relation with volatility. ering the 16 largest financial markets across the world),
This indicates that, unlike other quantiles, volume does not using quantile regression methodology. The results show
contribute to the informativeness and market quality during that the arrival of information has a persistent effect on
high volatility regimes. This is intuitive as well. These highly returns. These information effects are most pronounced
volatile and uncertain environments are characterized by a when the intensity of the information signal is high (tails of
substantial presence of the sentiment-driven noise traders the return distribution). The arrival of information (posi-
and lower levels of market efficiency. Hence, in these market tive and negative) leads to a contemporaneous and causal
conditions, the ability of market participants to gauge the relation of volume with return. Furthermore, the transmis-
information content of trade volume is expected to be sion of positive and negative news shocks has opposite
relatively low. Second, this effect is particularly pronounced and contrasting implications for the return-volume rela-
in emerging markets such as Brazil, India, China, Taiwan tion. This macroeconomic information is revealed to mar-
and Hong Kong. As in these markets, the effect of information ket participants in an autocorrelated piecemeal fashion.
asymmetry is expected to play a more prominent role. The market participants absorb this information within
More developed markets like the U.S., the U.K., Australia, a day and become uniformly informed, leading to better
Switzerland, Sweden, Paris, Germany and Japan exhibit a market quality and lower volatility levels. Overall, the
more homogenous effect of volume on volatility across the evidence is consistent with the MDH and information
quantiles. asymmetry hypothesis.
The results of this study are consistent with the MDH The magnitude of the effect of information arrival on
and information asymmetry hypothesis. It appears that the the sell-side (negative tails of return distribution) is par-
abnormal changes (shocks) in volume are associated with ticularly muted for Korea, Taiwan, China and Hong Kong.
large information events. Large positive and negative vol- This may be caused by the short-sale restrictions that hinder
ume shocks have a positive and negative effect on prices the trading activity on the sell-side and affect the transmis-
across the tails of the return distribution. Moreover, these sion of negative news. Future works may examine this
information effects on prices are persistent and stronger aspect in more detail to provide deeper insights. Moreover,
across the tails. The tail events (crashes and booms) carry the evidence from this study suggests that macroeconomic
fundamental information about the economy and market in information is absorbed over extremely short horizons
general, which is of great interest to various market partici- within a day. It would be interesting to examine the effect
pants. This information is revealed to market participants of information arrival on return–volume–volatility relation
over time, in an autocorrelated manner. These information over intraday horizons across conditional quantiles, as the
effects have a persisting impact on price movement. SIAH hypothesis may also play an important role.
Moreover, this information is absorbed by market partici-
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
pants within a day, thereby improving the quality of the
The author declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
market and decreasing the volatility levels. Investors usu-
to the research, authorship and/or publication of this article.
ally follow volume as an input to various technical indica-
tors in formulating trading strategies and may benefit from Funding
the results of this study. The author received no financial support for the research,
Furthermore, we argue against the hypothesis of irra- authorship, and/or publication of this article.
tional security-specific sentiment-driven trading (Barberis
et al., 1998; Bondt & Thaler, 1985; Fabozzi, Fung, Lam, & ORCID iD
Wong, 2013) on two accounts. First, since we are examining Abhinava Tripathi
18 IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review 10(1)

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