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Assessment of the DRC

National Adaptation Plan

The DRC National Adaptation Plan aims to address climate change impacts and promote
sustainable development. We will assess the plan by examining its structure and components,
implementation plan, and potential gaps.

by Balolage Gloire
The Process Design
Existing plans &
strategies / Reference
representing the
Technical Guidelines current state of
for the National knowledge
Adaptation Plan
Process This NAP brings together many
existing activities, plans, and
The Least Developed Countries strategies in DRC: National
Expert Group (LEG) made the Strategic Development Plan
Technical Guidelines for the 2019-2023 (its fifth pillar on
National Adaptation Plan Environement and SDG); DRC's
Process available in 2012. This National Adaptation Program of
first DRC's NAP adheres to them. Action (NAPA),…

1 2 3 4 5

Leadership Participatory & …the 1st, 2nd & 3rd National

Communications to the UNFCCC,
Inclusive Processes
The plan was led by the the National Agricultural

The plan mobilized a wide range Investment Plan, the National

Ministry of Environment
of stakeholders (from the DRC Determined Contribution (NDC),
and Sustainable the Climate Change Policy,
government (national and
Development, under the provincial administrations), Strategy and Action Plan (CC-

leadership of Mrs. Eve private sector experts; civil PSAP), the DRC's Country Program

society organizations, and for the Green Climate Fund, etc.

indigenous peoples
All with the aim of identifying
organizations, with the support
synergies and gaps.
of UNDP and GCF) through
national consultations, a call for
contributions, and workshops.
Different knowledge systems
and values were considered.
Territorial Diversity
Shows that impacts of climate change vary across
different geographic areas and adaptation
strategies must be adapted accordingly.

Emphasizes the importance of involving local

communities and considering traditional knowledge
& practice in climate change adaptation.

1 2 3

Territorial Diversity Identifies the sectors most vulnerable to climate

change in the DRC, including agriculture, water
The plan recognized the territorial diversity of the resources, health, infrastructure, and ecosystems,
DRC. The NAP has dedicated all of Chapter 2 to the which vary across the country.
DRC's national situation, including geographical and
socio-economic contexts, gender, indigenous
populations, and urbanization considerations.
Vulnerability Root Drivers
1 Some of the key vulnerability 2 Women's adaptive capacity is 3 Illiteracy among indigenous
factors, including inequality, low due to limited mobility, (particulary women)
poverty, and access to education, credit & banking aggravates their situation
resources, are addressed. services, and land ownership and makes them more
However, colonial legacy is arrangements. vulnerable to exploitation.
not mentioned as one of the
Women have limited access Urban poor and smallholder
vulnerability factors.
to climate information due to farmers are among the most
Gender inequality: Women lower literacy rates; low vulnerable groups to climate
are more vulnerable to participation in discussions change. Even small changes
climate change due to their on climate change, resulting in climate patterns are likely
dependence on climate- in low political to have a major impact on
related resources representation. agricultural GDP and
(responsibility to provide or economic growth.
Indigenous women are more
produce water and food).
vulnerable due to Intensification of food
discrimination and work more insecurity and poverty due to
than men. rising temperatures
Adaptation Barriers and Limits
1 Adaptation Barriers 2 Adaptation Limits

The plan addressed barriers to The plan recognized the potential limits
adaptation such as governance (weak of adaptation, such as physical limits
institutions, regulatory gaps), and low (droughts, floods, and tropical storms),
technical and financial capacity, and economic limits (more difficult
lack of information. agricultural production as a result of
unpredictable climate variations), or
social limits (armed) conflict and
displacement of people).
Implementation, Prioritization and
1 Implementation 2 Resource 3 An action plan with specific
capacity needs was
Plan & Priority Identification
produced in March 2020,
Actions estimating an initial cost of
The plan (somewhat)

The PAN identifies priority identified the resources $121 million.

actions for vulnerable needed for implementation.

As of the time of finalizing
sectors, but lacks clarity on this plan, a revision of the
It relies on the 2015 National
how these actions are new NDC was in progress and
Determined Contribution
prioritized between short, therefore costs are expected
(NDC) to estimate the cost of
medium, and long terms. to have increased since 2015.
adaptation at USD 9.082

Implementation plans billion (broken down into

It is unclear whether all the
(roadmaps) will be agriculture, energy and
necessary resources have
developped in the next step. transport, forestry, and
been identified to fully fund
coastal areas).
the implementation of the
plan. additional resources
SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses
Inclusive participation approach, Lack of an implementation plan; Fail to integrate
long-term (medium) adaptation strategies; not
territorial diversity,
considering transboundary impacts (the
integration with other existing plans, transboundary nature of risk) of CC; Does not
address how to deal with loss and damage; Lack of
a more or less satisfactory assessment of risks and
incentive policies for adaptation in the private
vulnerabilities and
sector (businesses): is social responsibility enough?
Provision of a monitoring and evaluation mechanism How will they see their return on investment for
for the adaptation plan. example?; Limited organized consultations in pilot
provinces of the NAP project (Kinshasa, Kongo-
Central, Kwilu, Haut-Katanga, and Tshopo), yet the
country has 26 provinces; The NAP is not complete
and robust/the vulnerability assessments (not
complete/detailed) / data gaps, etc.

Opportunities Threats
Strengthening information and knowledge Persistent political instability,
systems/baseline for future vulnerability and risk
weak institutional capacity,
assessments; enhancing climate diplomacy and
partnerships; a document that can be used in policy financial constraints,
formulation, adaptation project design, and
limited awareness and education,
strategic processes for companies, non-
governmental organizations, and development environmental degradation and conflicts.
partners; engaging the private sector, civil society,
and indigenous people;

1 Develop a comprehensive and actionable

implementation plan to ensure that the
adaptation plan is effectively implemented
and monitored.
Incorporate long-term and medium-term 2
adaptation strategies to provide a more
robust framework for addressing climate
change impacts.
3 Consider the transboundary nature of
climate risks and vulnerabilities in the next
PAN and develop mechanisms for cross-
border collaboration and coordination with
Address the issue of loss and damage in the 4 neighboring countries.
next PAN and/or develop policies and
strategies to deal with it.

5 Develop incentive policies to encourage

private sector investment in adaptation
measures and ensure that businesses see a

Increase the scope of consultations in all 6 return on their investment.

provinces of the country to ensure that the

NAP reflects the needs and priorities of all
7 Improve the quality and completeness of
vulnerability assessments and address data
gaps to provide a more comprehensive

understanding of the impacts of climate
Strengthen information and knowledge
systems to provide a solid baseline for future
vulnerability and risk assessments.

9 Enhance climate diplomacy and partnerships

to leverage more international support for
the implementation of the adaptation plan.

Increase awareness and education on 10

climate change and its impacts, particularly
among vulnerable communities, to build
capacity and resilience.
The DRC National Adaptation Plan offers a promising framework for addressing the climate-
change induced vulnerabilities and promoting sustainable development. However, it faces
challenges and opportunities that require continuous assessment and improvement, and
multidimensional partnerships.

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