Biological Growth

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Performance and Diagnostics of Biologically Contaminated Insulators

S.M. Gubanski 1, A. Demfalk 1, S. WallstrOm2 and S. Karlsson 2

'Department of Materials and Manufacturing Technology, Chalmers University of Technology,
412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden
2Department of Fibre and Polymer Technology, Royal Institute of Technology,
100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
* E-mail:

ABSTRACT Growth on ceramic insulators

Biological growth has been observed on insulators Majority of reports on biological growth on ceramic
installed all over the world. However, so far, its impact insulators [1, 4, 6, 9, 15-17] refer to experiences from
on insulator performance is not well known. This paper tropical environments, characterized by high rainfall,
summarizes a majority of the work published in the field. high humidity, elevated temperatures and intensive sun
Based on the gathered experiences, it can be concluded irradiation [4, 6, 15, 17].
that microbiological growth is unlikely to cause severe
degradation of the rubber housings of non-ceramic Extensive growth, identified as filamentous and granular
insulators. Furthermore, it seems that the impact of small celled algae, was observed on insulator units in
growth on the insulator performance is rather low. Papaua New Guinea [15]. The insulators were mainly
Techniques available for detection and characterisation covered on their undersides, but some growth could also
of growth on insulators are also described and discusses. be found on the upper surfaces. Laboratory testing of
Among those, laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) these units revealed a substantial reduction ( 70 °/) of
spectroscopy has been found to give good results in the wet flashover voltage due to the presence of algae.
remote detection of micro-organisms. The growth on the upper surfaces seemed to be more
crucial to the reduction of electrical performance. At the
INTRODUCTION same time, the dry flashover voltage was not affected
Reports on biological growth on outdoor insulators
reveal that microbiological colonization of ceramic as McAffe et al [1] found biological contaminants present
well as non-ceramic insulators can take place in all parts on porcelain insulators in New Orleans area, USA. The
of the world [1-14]. However, the impact of biological authors identified algae as the main contaminant, but
growth on insulator performance is not fully understood. they also found fungi and bacteria. Further, some parts
Non-ceramic insulators are here of special interest since of the insulator glaze were etched away by acids
ageing and different kind of structural changes on released from the algae.
surfaces of polymeric housings make engineers
concerned about their withstand capability and Influence of lichen on the performance of cap&pin
long-term performance. insulators was studied by Naito et al [16]. Porcelain
insulators from sites in Paraguay and New Zealand as
The first section of this report contains an overview of well as glass insulators from Mexico were examined
the work related to the impact of biological growth on with respect to accumulated equivalent salt deposit
insulator performance, especially that of non-ceramic density (ESDD), chemical composition of the
insulators. The following section describes deterioration contaminants and flashover voltage. The ESDD
of polymeric materials caused by microbiological measurements exhibited moderate values. Comparisons
attacks. Finally, diagnostic possibilities are discussed of wet withstand voltages between insulators with lichen
and exemplified in the last part. and without it implied a relatively small effect of lichen
on the flashover voltage. However, an increased risk for
BIOLOGICAL GROWTH ON INSULATORS flashover appeared when the growth was thick and/or
salt contamination was present. Biological analyses
Reports on observations of "growth" on insulators have revealed that the lichen contained green and blue-green
been quite often. In some cases, however, more detailed algae.
analyses we performed, which allowed to identify
different microorganisms, such as algae, fungi or lichen. Growth of both algae and lichen on porcelain insulators

1-4244-0189-5/06/$20.00 ©2006 IEEE. 23

was also reported from Sri Lanka [6], where the main colonies were found to recover, i.e. they started to grow
bio-contaminant is green algae, common in Asia, again, when wetted [6]. Evaluations of hydrophobicity,
Australia and Europe. Flashover voltage tests revealed a performed according to STRI classification method [22],
significant reduction of the withstand level under wet yielded high HC values (HC 5-6) on the parts covered
conditions (by 25-70 0/O) due to the presence of the by algae. The uncovered top sheds, were slightly more
biological contaminants. hydrophobic (HC 4). However, leakage current
measurements under clean fog revealed a low surface
Gorur [17] reported also on lichen growth on ceramic conductivity [6]. The influence of algae on the flashover
suspension insulators on a 230 kV line in Florida. The voltage caused the withstand levels to decrease by
growth concentrated on one side of insulator strings, -20-30 00 under wet condition, while no changes were
dividing the units into two halves. Measured ESDD noticed under dry conditions.
revealed higher salinity in the region with lichen. The
growth was easily removable by high-pressure washing. Moss and algae growth were observed on different
insulator types installed in swampy marshlands west of
Growth on non-ceramic insulators New Orleans [9]. Moss growth on silicone rubber
insulators was also reported from a coastal site in South
The fact that microorganisms grow on non-ceramic Africa [3], where insulators were installed for
insulators is of special concern. They, unlike ceramic approximately one year.
insulators, contain organic substances that can be
digested as nutrients by micro-organisms. Silicone Mould growth, greenish-black in appearance, was found
rubbers are known to exhibit high resistance to five years after installation on parts of the 230 kV
biological degradation. One of the reasons is that the bushing insulators, shaded from direct sun irradiation, in
material consists of inorganic as well as organic southwest Florida [19, 23]. The climate in the region is
components, and that microorganisms like fungi cannot subtropical. Later, the mould had extended to also cover
digest the inorganic parts [ 18]. the core and the upper side of the sheds. The attacked
regions showed reduced hydrophobic properties, while
A number of reports were published on biological the uncovered parts were highly hydrophobic. Leakage
attacks on non-ceramic insulators [2-6, 8-14, 19-21], current measurements, performed before and after
about half of them from tropical environments [4-6, cleaning the contaminated insulators with alcohol and
9- 11, 19-21]. Insulators made of silicone rubbers, high-pressure water, revealed a significant influence of
epoxies and blends of silicones and EPDMs have been the growth on the current level. Interestingly, no major
found to support growth of bacteria, algae, fungi and re-colonization could be found when the insulators were
lichen. However, not much information is available on scrutinized eight years later [23].
the growth on EDPM insulators.
In Germany, Kunde et al [14] observed microbiological
To evaluate the susceptibility of EPDM and epoxy growth on a silicone rubber hollow core insulator, seven
insulators to fungal growth, Rackliffe et al [2] performed years after its installation. The bio-contamination was
a set of tests where new and aged insulators were found at lower part of the insulator and mainly on the
exposed to different strains of fungi and incubated under upper sides of the sheds. The hydrophobicity of the
varying environmental conditions. Very little growth covered regions was HC 3-6, depending on growth
was observed, except for the samples incubated under concentration. The leakage current value was three times
high humidity. The latter ones suffered from a marked higher on the wet polluted surface compared to when it
growth. was dry or cleaned. The authors concluded that the
observed leakage current level of 50 ptA at the rated
Algae were observed two years after installation on phase-to-ground voltage of 127 kV, caused by the
non-energized silicone insulators in Sri Lanka [5]. The growth covering one third of the insulator, was
growth was mainly located on the upper sides of the absolutely uncritical.
sheds, and covered small areas. However, no algae were
found on top sheds, indicating that partial shading was Mould contamination, in form of dark spots, was
necessary to support them by preventing desiccation. observed on cable terminations installed in Texas and in
Fungal species were also found [6]. The pollution at Georgia [12] as well as on post insulators in Florida [10,
the site of installation was of agricultural type and 11]. High relative humidity and high day-time
ESDD values measured were low, around 10 ptg/cm2. temperatures characterized all these sites. The Georgia
Algae have also been observed on silicone rubber site has a coastal climate while the other two have inland
insulators installed on a 33 kV distribution line in climate. The mould appeared predominantly on one type
Tanzania [20]. The installation site has a tropical of silicone rubber formulation, while no growth was
climate. The growth, similarly as in case of Sri Lankan found on other silicone rubbers and EPR insulators. This
observations [5, 6], was localized on parts partly shaded indicates that it is not the base polymer that supports the
from direct sun irradiation. Interestingly, dry algae growth, but rather other ingredients present [10, 11, 17].

1-4244-0189-5/06/$20.00 ©2006 IEEE. 24

Further, a significant loss of hydrophobicity was found cleaner, were, in general, also more hydrophobic
in regions covered by the growth (HC 6-7). Surface (HC 3-4); a few smaller regions showed even HC 1.
resistance became reduced and contamination withstand Investigations revealed that leakage currents under
capability, a test where the insulators are artificially exposure to clean fog remained low, whereas the wet
polluted with increasing ESDD levels until flashover flashover voltage level was reduced by approximately
occurs, showed similar trend. However, the non-ceramic 30%o.
insulator with the growth still withstood higher ESDD
levels than equivalent porcelain insulators. For Growth of the same biological contaminant was
removing the mould from silicone rubber surfaces, It stimulated on a set of non-ceramic insulators in
appeared not sufficient to spray the insulators with water, laboratory inside a specially designed climate chamber
even at higher pressures (3.5 bar). A combination of (90 %RH and 20-22 °C) [27, 28]. Brownish spots
washing and subsequent wiping helped to remove the appeared on the sheds four weeks from the experiment
mold effectively. start. The performance of the insulators was evaluated
by means of leakage current measurements and by wet
After five years in operation, algae growth was found on flashover voltage tests. In general, the recorded leakage
polymeric silicone rubber inter-phase spacers and on currents were low on the colonized insulators, in a range
bushings at Yonezawa test site in Japan [13, 24]. The of tens of piA, though higher than those measured on
climate at the location is temperate, with a mean annual clean references (3-4 times). Six months after the growth
temperature of about 10 °C, snowy winters and hot started discharge activity appeared on the insulator
summers. The algae were only present in regions of core surfaces. Furthermore, spark discharges, a few
and sheds protected from sun irradiation. Mechanical centimeters long, could be observed on the sheaths of
testing showed that the hardness of the rubber with the the insulators. The discharges were concentrated around
growth did not differ significantly from the hardness of regions covered by growth. Ten moths later, the growth
new rubber. Similarly, FTIR analyses on rubber affected spread and the upper sides of the sheds became
by the growth showed no influence of algae on material hydrophilic. Considering the wet flashover tests, the
composition. Fujii et al [25] reported on a study where average reduction in flashover voltage due to the growth
green algae were deposited and cultured on silicone was about 33 %.
rubber insulators and rubber samples. It was found that
surfaces deposited with algae collected more salt during
salt had lower flashover voltage compared to those
covered with an inorganic contaminant. The authors
concluded that algae have strong ability to retain water
on the insulator surface.

Presence of biological growth on non-ceramic insulators

was also reported from Sweden [8, 26-28]. Hollow core
insulators with silicone rubber housings, installed at Figure 1. Distribution insulators party covered by green
Anneberg test station in 1994, showed rather extensive growth in Sweden [27, 28].
bio-contamination five years after the installation [8, 27].
However, no increased leakage current levels were
found. This effect was attributed to the fact that the BIOLOGICAL DETERIORATION
growth was still separated into isolated islands. The
growth could be observed along the whole length of the Micro-organisms colonizing bio-resistant substrates tend
insulators, but only on parts shaded from direct sun to form a film on the surface of the material. Such a
irradiation, probably because moisture could stay longer bio-film consists of a mixture of different
on the shaded surfaces. A reduction in wet flashover microorganisms embedded in a highly hydrated matrix
voltage by about 10% was noticed recorded for the of extracellular polymeric substances, mainly
insulators with the growth [27, 28]. polysaccharides and proteins. Mixed populations of
bacteria, fungi, protozoa and algae often coexist in the
Severe bio-contamination was also found on 12 years film [29]. In addition, particulate matter such as clay,
old silicone rubber insulators installed in a 11 kV humic substances, corrosion products etc. can be
distribution system in Sweden [27, 28]. The insulators, included in the bio-film.
which were mounted horizontally on a line passing a
dense forest, were covered partly by a green growth and Result of an extensive investigation aiming at
partly by lichen, as illustrated in Figure 1. The surface of determining which micro-organisms colonize
colonized regions (60-80% of the total surface area) was non-ceramic insulators was presented recently by
rough and the growth exhibited a tendency to crack into Wallstrom and Karlsson [26]. Insulators colonized in
smaller islands. Insulator parts covered by the growth service from Sweden, Tanzania and Sri Lanka were
were hydrophilic, HC 6-7. Parts, which appeared to be

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Change in
_ -j

IU a

^ .x,~ ~ ~
Degradation of Degradation of


Loss of
the polymer

Rn I

Loss of
--- _N


-11I _O



Change in

Figure 2. Undesired effects caused by a bio-film [42].

examined for presence of algae, bacteria and fungi. The silicone rubber, used for tubing, catheters and different
biological growth on all of the tested insulators showed types of implants, has been observed. Neu et al [33]
similar characteristics, as all were dominated by reported that bacteria and yeasts rapidly colonized the
unicellular green algae in combination bacteria. surface of voice prostheses, leading to continuous
Filamentous fungi were present as well. infections, and mechanical degradation of the polymer.
The mechanism for degradation of these materials is not
There are several different ways the micro-organisms fully understood, but it involves reactions initiated by
can influence the structure and function of synthetic free radicals and extracellular enzymes, generated by
polymers. The main mechanisms are: bio-fouling fungal metabolism [33]. This ability of fungi of
(contamination), degradation of leaching components, secreting a number of extracellular enzymes, as well as
corrosion, hydration, penetration and discoloration [30]. its ability to easily colonize surfaces, both contribute to
The effects are illustrated in Figure 2. a rapid degradation of materials. These reasons make
fungi especially relevant in bioresistance tests [34].
Fouling is an unwanted deposition and growth of Further, development of new design tests to evaluate the
microorganisms on surfaces. The surface does not need resistance of various insulator housing materials to
to support growth or to be affected, but the presence of specific fungal growth has been suggested [35].
the bio-film may interfere with the function and the
properties of the material, such as masking One of the most aggressive degrading fungal specie
hydrophobicity or increasing surface conductivity [31]. known is the white rot fungus Phanerochaete
chrysosporium. This specie has evolved non-specific
Additives, fillers and unreacted material leaching out of mechanisms for degrading the complex polymeric
the polymer may provide a food source for the structure of lignin. The enzyme system responsible for
microorganisms in the bio-film. Consumption at the the degradation includes peroxidases that promote the
surface leads to concentration gradients, resulting in reduction of peroxides to free radicals [36, 37]. These
diffusion from the bulk of the polymer and subsequent radicals have been shown to attack stable polymeric
deterioration. For instance, consumption of plasticizers materials such as polyvinyl chloride, nylon and
leads to mechanical degradation of the remaining polyethylene [38-40]. Claims have been made that these
polymer through increased embrittlement and loss of molds could also degrade PDMS oils [41]. However,
mechanical stability [30]. Additives used in the despite extensive testing, no corrosion induced by
production of silicone rubber insulators can give Phanerochaete chrysosporium could be observed when
nutrients to biological growth. A series of tests silicone rubber was tested [42].Ej&ure Figure 3 shows
performed by Wallstrom et al [32] showed that while IR-spectra from a silicone rubber treated with
silicone rubber with no fillers added cannot support Phanerochaete chrysosporium and with hydroxyl
biological growth, some commercially available silicone radicals compared to a reference spectrum from an
rubber mixtures can. These results strongly suggest that untreated sample of the same material. No difference in
some component or combination of components in spectral shape could be observed between samples,
commercial mixes promote the ability of the silicone indicating that no chemical bonds had been formed or
rubber material to support mold growth. broken by the treatment. Subsequent chromatographic
analysis of low-molecular weight silicones confirmed
Biotic degradation, or corrosion, is a process that is the stability of the organosilicone structure towards
strongly influenced by the local conditions at the surface. biodegradation. The obtained results indicate that
Bio-films give rise to gradients in pH value, redox silicone rubber is highly resistant to corrosion induced
potential, concentrations in oxygen and salts, and may in by microorganisms [42].
this way influence parameters relevant to corrosion at
the surface [30]. Biological corrosion of medical-grade

1-4244-0189-5/06/$20.00 C2006 IEEE. 26

rubber insulators [6]. A good biocide should have a
broad spectrum, easily diffuse to the surface to be
Phanerochaete protected without being washed out, have a small
probability of resistance building, not affect the
chrysosporium properties of the material, and, at the same time, be
environmentally friendly [18]. Protection of the final
product can be accomplished by periodic removal of
Hydroxyl radicals organic contamination (cleaning), control of
environmental conditions, and, if needed,
decontamination by sterilization [18].
4000.0 3600 320 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 6000O see
Figure 3. IR-spectra of silicone rubber surfaces after
treatment with Phanerochaete chrysosporium or with Visual observations have been applied in insulator
hydroxyl radicals compared with reference material[42]. diagnostics since the very beginning of their use in high
voltage networks. Even today a large number of power
Fungal hyphae can penetrate their support and thereby companies around the world (more than 40 %) still
cause cracks and pores in the material. This leads to a inspect insulators visually from towers and from ground
reduction of mechanical stability and offers a way for [45]. Recent developments in technology have in
water to enter the polymeric material [43]. Due to the addition offered new techniques based on observations
fact that bio-films mainly consist of water, they act as of diverse optical signals from insulators. The
electrolytes increasing conductivity [31]. Silicone techniques can utilize radiation in various frequency
rubber materials are soft and flexible when compared to ranges, starting from infrared (IR thermography),
ceramics, and would therefore be easier for fungal through visual light (light amplification), and ending at
hyphae to penetrate. However, no evidence of such ultraviolet wavelengths (UV spectroscopy). Using light
penetration has been found [42]. The noted resistance to is an attractive possibility since it makes the measuring
penetration has also been observed by Gorur et al [10], technique truly remote, allowing for inspection of
whom tested surface sterilized pieces of rubber, energized insulators from a distance.
removed from field aged insulators, in order to detect
viable fungal hyphae, which by penetration into the bulk All the techniques based on optical observations can
of the material would be protected from the sterilization. provide, as a result, an image of the diagnosed object,
The results from these tests suggested an extremely slow which have to be somehow analyzed. A good example
rate of penetration. of a rather simple image analysis is the evaluation of
hydrophobicity class (HC) on housings of composite
Finally, biofilms may contain organisms that produce insulators [46]. The human observer has to compare a
pigments causing serious discoloration. Some pigments, pattern of water droplets on insulator surface with a set
especially the ones produced by certain fungal spices, of photographic images representing each HC. A
are known for easily defusing into lipophilic polymers, disadvantage of this method is that the measure is
such as silicone rubber [30]. This discoloration is not dependent of human judgment and different observers
removable through cleaning [18]. In addition, some may evaluate images differently. Similar problems can
microbial degradation products cause severe problems also be experienced when looking at pictures provided
due to odor. These problems are however of aesthetic by all the other methods, independently of their
nature and do not affect the performance of the sophistication. However, the problems associated with
insulator. subjective interpretation of images may be minimized by
utilization of digital image analysis. For instance, Berg
To protect a polymeric material from microbiological [47] and Toroko [48] have earlier carried out
attack, different measures can be taken. In general, the investigations aiming at more objective
addition of different types of additives depending on characterizations of hydrophobic properties of silicone
application, together with an optimization of the base rubber by means of digital image analysis.
polymer formulation will make the material more
resistant to biodegradation. For example, addition of the For detection of biological growth on insulator surfaces
flame-retardant zincborhydrate to different silicone a technique based on laser-induced fluorescence (LIF)
rubber formulations has yielded suppression of fungal spectroscopy was recently proposed [27, 49, 50]. In LIF,
growth [44]. Further improvements can be obtained by the molecules or atoms on the surface under study are
addition of so-called biocides, i.e. active ingredients that first excited by means of a laser pulse. Thereafter, the
kills or inhibit reproduction of microorganisms [18]. light emitted as the molecules or atoms relax from a
This method has for instance been suggested by higher to a lower energy state are recorded. The emitted
Gubanski et al to prevent algae growth on silicone light will partly have the same wavelength as the

1-4244-0189-5/06/$20.00 C2006 IEEE. 27

incoming radiation, but some emitted light will consist distribution may be of interest. Estimation of parameters
of photons with longer wavelengths. The spectrum of like covered area and amount of covered creepage can
the emitted light depends strongly on the characteristics obviously be performed manually, but the result is
of the surface and is, in fact, a fingerprint of the surface improved if methods based on digital image analysis are
condition. utilized [27]. Using photographs of insulators partly
covered with growth as input, methods have been
Utilizing the fact that chlorophyll a fluoresce strongly at developed for automatic identification of the insulator,
685 nm (Figure 4) when excited at shorter wavelengths, i.e. its position and direction [27, 53]. Once identified
it has been shown that algae can easily be detected [27, (Figure 5), the surface area covered by growth can be
50]. Measurements were performed outdoors in normal calculated, taking the surface curvature into account
daylight, and the distance between the insulator under [27]. Obviously, theses techniques are not limited to
study and the laser system was 60 m. Further, by studies of regular photographs, but can be applied to
recording a LIF spectrum in a number of points when images of any origin, such as LIF, UV- or IR.
scanning the field of view, the result can be presented as
an intensity image also containing spatial information.

Techniques, based on LIF, for detection of presence of

fungi on silicone rubber surfaces have also been
developed [51, 52]. The method is based on principal
component analysis of the obtained spectra, i.e. a
mathematical post processing, allowing for automatic
differentiation of spectra from regions with and without
the growth.

Ox 104 Clean SIR surface

Figure 5. Photo of insulator attacked by fungi (left),
7- automatically identified sheds (middle) and regions
classified as growth (right) [27].

U1) 4
C) Subsequent effects ranging from fouling to degradation
0 3 of the polymer occurs when a polymeric material is
colonized by a bio-film. However, silicone rubber is
highly stable and no convincing evidence of
biodegradation of the polymer matrix of an insulator has
been found. Additives used in the production of a
50 400 450 500 550 600
Wavelength [nm]
650 700 750 80)O composite insulators may however be degraded by
x 105 Colonized region of #H3
microorganisms. Still, it seems unlikely that a bio-film
could cause severe degradation of the rubber housing of
1:2- a composite insulator.

0- Generally, the impact of biological growth on electrical

_i performance of composite insulators is rather low.
cv 8- Bio-films has an ability of retaining water on the
insulator surface, which results in increased leakage
current levels under wet conditions. However, since the
aIL0 4-
n conductivity of growth is low, the observed current
amplitudes are probably uncritical. Presence of growth
2- may also alter hydrophobicity, sometimes even masking
it completely. Due to this, wet flashover voltage levels
~50 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
have been found to be reduced by approximately 300o.
Wavelength [nm]
Figure 4. LIF spectrum of clean (left) and algae covered Regarding diagnostics, new methods, to be used for
(right) silicone rubber surface [27, 50]. detection and characterization of biological growth on
composite insulators, have recently been proposed. For
When areas of growth have been identified, using any instance, LIF spectroscopy can be used for automated
detection method, measures characterizing its remote outdoor measurements, where areas covered by
algae or fungi can be distinguished from clean areas.

1-4244-0189-5/06/$20.00 C2006 IEEE. 28

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