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Give suggestions on how to stay in shape

My suggestions on how to stay in shape are to exercise and eat healthy. First, I think is very
important to do exercise at least three times on week, so you can do different activities for
example go running, play basketball or go swimming. Second, it’s recommended avoid unhealthy,
fatty foods and junk food. Take care of your health.

Narrate an experience with a terrible vacation

My last vacations were terrible because we organized one trip to Salinas beach and we had pretty
problems. First, we bought the tickets on the wrong date. Then, when I was packing my clothes, I
forgot my sandals. On the way, the bus had a mechanical problem and we arrived 2 hours late.
Finally, the food in the hotel was really awful. But, my next vacations will be better!

Describe your favorite clothes

My favorite clothes are the sportswear and the casual clothes. I like go to the park and walk for
hours with my dog so it’s necessary to have comfortable clothes. In the second option, I do
homework all time and I use jeans and sweater, but when I have a meet with my colleagues, I use
blouses and a nice jacket.

My favorite brand

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