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First, I don't like to cook but I can prepare tacos.

Ingredients: (So, about ingredients you need)

Preparation: (About preparation)

1. First you must wash the vegetables, then cut the tomato, onion and pepper in
cubes (qiubs) to prepare the "pico de gallo", add salt and lemon to taste. (teist)
2. In a pot (pat), you cook the meat for 45 minutes, add salt and pepper to taste.
3. You should cook the beans for around 1 hour.
4. In a frying pan, you must heat the tortillas for 3 minutes on each side. (said)
5. Finally, put the “pico de gallo”, the meat, beans and the tortillas in different bowls
6. You can take different portions to prepare your taco.
7. I hope you enjoy it!

8. every 3 months

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