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Analogue ( : ‫ ہم مثال‬،‫ ہم شکل‬،‫ ;مشابہ‬: Similar, Comparable, Parallel)

a. The digital version of the classic watch looks just like its analogue counterpart.

b. The relationship between the two concepts is analogous to that of a parent and child.

c. The team found an analogue for the Earth-like planet in a distant star system.

d. The artist used an analogue medium to create the artwork, replicating the vintage style.

2. Automate ( : ‫ خودکار بنانا؛‬: To mechanize, To computerize)

a. The factory decided to automate its production line to increase efficiency.

b. The company implemented a new software system to automate the payroll process.

c. With the advent of technology, many repetitive tasks can now be automated.

d. The smart home devices can automate various household functions like lighting and temperature

3. Prototype ( : ‫ اصل؛‬،‫ مثالی‬،‫ نمونہ‬: Sample, Model, Original)

a. Engineers are currently working on a prototype of the new electric car.

b. The company developed a prototype for testing before full-scale production.

c. The prototype of the new smartphone showcases some exciting features.

d. The architect created a 3D prototype to visualize the building's design.

4. Subsidiary ( : ‫ مابینہ؛‬،‫ تابعہ‬: Secondary, Auxiliary, Supporting)

a. The company has several subsidiary branches in different cities.

b. The main factory provides materials to its subsidiary production units.

c. The subsidiary company handles the distribution of the products.

d. The subsidiary organization supports the primary mission of the larger group.
5. Audit ( : ‫ حساب کتاب کا جائزہ لینا؛‬: Examination, Inspection, Review)

a. The financial records of the company were thoroughly audited by a third-party firm.

b. The tax authorities conducted an audit to ensure compliance with regulations.

c. The government agency will conduct an audit of the organization's environmental practices.

d. The internal audit revealed some discrepancies in the accounting procedures.

6. Compensate ( : ‫ معاوضہ دینا؛‬: Reimburse, Repay, Balance)

a. The company agreed to compensate the customers for the inconvenience caused.

b. The insurance policy will compensate the homeowner for the damages.

c. The organization compensated the employees for working overtime.

d. The defendant was ordered to compensate the plaintiff for the losses incurred.

7. Reimburse ( : ‫ باز خرچ کرنا؛‬،‫ واپس دینا‬: Refund, Repay, Compensate)

a. The travel expenses will be reimbursed by the company.

b. After submitting the receipts, the company will reimburse the employee for the business trip.

c. The organization will reimburse the volunteers for their transportation costs.

d. The airline offered to reimburse the passengers for the canceled flight.

8. Turnover ( : ‫ تبدیلی؛‬،‫ معاوضہ‬: Revenue, Sales, Change)

a. The company's turnover increased significantly in the last fiscal year.

b. The turnover of the retail store was higher during the holiday season.

c. The turnover rate of employees has been a concern for the HR department.

d. The organization experienced a high turnover of inventory due to rapid sales.

9. Creditor (: ‫قرض دار؛‬: Lender, Debtee)

a. The bank is the creditor for the loan taken by the business.

b. The company owes money to several creditors.

c. The individual sought help from a creditor to finance the new project.

d. The creditor has the right to collect the debt owed by the debtor.

10. Debtor ( : ‫ قرض دار؛‬: Borrower, Obligor)

a. The company acted as a debtor when it took a loan from the bank.

b. The debtor is required to repay the loan according to the agreed terms.

c. The individual declared bankruptcy to manage the overwhelming debt as a debtor.

d. The debtor requested an extension on the repayment period.

11. Gross ( : ‫ مجموعی؛‬،‫ کل‬: Total, Whole, Overall)

a. The gross revenue of the company reached a record high this quarter.

b. After deducting expenses, the net income is obtained from the gross profit.

c. The gross weight of the shipment includes the packaging materials.

d. The company reported a gross loss due to unexpected expenses.

12. Net (‫ خالص؛‬: Remaining after deductions, Clear)

a. After deducting taxes and expenses, the net income of the company was calculated.

b. The net weight of the product is displayed on the packaging.

c. The net result of their efforts was a successful product launch.

d. He received a net amount of $500 after paying off all debts.

13. Liquidate ( ‫ تسلیہ کرنا؛‬: Settle, Clear, Sell off assets)

a. The company had to liquidate some of its assets to pay off its debts.

b. The business owner decided to liquidate the failing enterprise.

c. The investment firm will liquidate the shares to convert them into cash.

d. The court ordered the company to liquidate its operations due to bankruptcy.

14. Quarter ( : ‫ چوتھائی؛‬: One-fourth, Three months)

a. The company achieved its sales target for the quarter.

b. The financial report for the last quarter shows a significant increase in profits.

c. She plans to travel to Europe next quarter for a business conference.

d. The school exams are conducted at the end of each quarter.

15. Return ( ‫ بحالی؛‬،‫ واپسی‬: Come back, Yield, Profit)

a. The customer was unsatisfied with the product and requested a return.

b. The investment in the stock market generated a high return for the investor.

c. After a long journey, the explorer finally returned home.

d. The company's efforts to improve customer service resulted in higher returns.

16. Tariff ( ‫ کریف؛‬،‫ ٹیف‬: Tax, Duty, Fee)

a. The government imposed a new tariff on imported goods to protect local industries.

b. The company calculated the shipping tariff based on the weight of the products.

c. The trade agreement reduced tariffs on specific products, promoting international commerce.

d. The customs officer explained the tariff rates for goods entering the country.
17. Quota ( ‫ حصہ؛‬: Share, Allocation, Limit)

a. Each country was given a quota for the number of participants in the event.

b. The company set a sales quota for each salesperson to meet every month.

c. The government established import quotas to control foreign goods' entry into the country.

d. The school had a quota for the maximum number of students in each class.

18. Boom ( ‫ افزائش؛‬،‫ بڑھوتری‬: Prosperity, Rapid growth, Expansion)

a. The economy experienced a boom after implementing favorable policies.

b. The real estate market is currently experiencing a boom, with property prices soaring.

c. The tech industry witnessed a boom due to innovative advancements.

d. During the holiday season, the retail sector experiences a boom in sales.

19. Slump ( ‫ بستی؛‬،‫ خسارہ‬: Decline, Downturn, Decrease)

a. The company faced a slump in profits due to declining sales.

b. The stock market experienced a slump after the disappointing financial report.

c. During the recession, the construction industry suffered a significant slump.

d. The tourism sector is expected to recover from the slump caused by the pandemic.

20. Deficit ( : 4‫ کمبخت؛‬،‫ کمی‬: Shortage, Insufficiency, Loss)

a. The government is trying to reduce the budget deficit through fiscal measures.

b. The company faced a deficit in its cash flow due to increased expenses.

c. The trade deficit between the two countries has been a cause of concern.

d. The project is running at a deficit, and additional funding is required.

21. Surplus ( : ‫ زائد؛‬،‫ فائض‬: Excess, Extra, Abundance)

a. The agricultural yield resulted in a surplus of crops this year.

b. The company decided to sell the surplus inventory at discounted prices.

c. The budget surplus allowed the government to invest in infrastructure projects.

d. After completing the task ahead of schedule, they had a surplus of time for additional activities.

22. Biodiversity ( : ‫ حیاتیاتی تنوع؛‬: Variety of life, Range of species)

a. The conservation efforts aim to protect biodiversity in the rainforest.

b. The national park is home to a rich biodiversity of plants and animals.

c. Scientists study biodiversity to understand the interconnectedness of ecosystems.

d. Human activities can have a significant impact on biodiversity loss.

23. Refuse ( : ‫ انکار کرنا؛‬: Decline, Reject, Deny)

a. She decided to refuse the job offer because the salary was too low.

b. The restaurant had to refuse entry to customers without a reservation due to limited seating.

c. The company refused the request for a refund as the return policy had expired.

d. Despite the pressure, he refused to reveal the confidential information.

24. Unspoiled ( : ‫ بے خراب؛‬،‫ بے داغ‬: Pristine, Untouched, Undamaged)

a. The beach had unspoiled sands and crystal-clear waters.

b. The national park is known for its unspoiled natural beauty.

c. The remote island remains unspoiled by modern development.

d. She was captivated by the unspoiled landscapes during her hiking trip.
25. Autonomy ( : ‫ خود مختاری؛‬: Independence, Self-governance, Freedom)

a. The region was granted autonomy to manage its internal affairs.

b. The university provides academic autonomy to its departments.

c. The company's branches operate with a certain level of autonomy.

d. The team was given the autonomy to make decisions about the project.

26. Constitution ( : ‫دستور حکومت؛‬

ِ ،‫ آئین‬: Fundamental laws, Rulebook, Framework)

a. The country's constitution outlines the rights and duties of its citizens.

b. The organization's constitution guides its internal governance structure.

c. The court ruled that the new law was unconstitutional.

d. Amendments to the constitution require a rigorous process of approval.

27. Coup ( : ‫ سرکشی؛‬،‫ انقالب‬: Overthrow, Takeover, Revolt)

a. The military staged a coup to overthrow the government.

b. The coup resulted in significant political instability in the country.

c. The attempted coup was unsuccessful, and the government remained in power.

d. The international community condemned the military's coup.

28. Monarch ( : ‫ بادشاہ؛‬،‫ شاہنشاہ‬: King, Queen, Sovereign)

a. The monarch celebrated the anniversary of their reign with a grand ceremony.

b. The country transitioned from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy.

c. The royal family is well-respected as the country's hereditary monarchs.

d. The monarch's portrait was displayed on postage stamps and currency.

29. Legislature ( : ‫ قانون ساز؛‬: Law-making body, Parliament, Congress)

a. The legislature passed a new tax bill to fund public infrastructure projects.

b. The members of the legislature debated the proposed amendments to the constitution.

c. The legislature is responsible for creating and amending laws for the country.

d. The upcoming session of the legislature will focus on economic reforms.

30. Advocate ( : ‫ وکیل؛‬: Lawyer, Legal Counsel, Supporter)

a. The advocate presented compelling evidence in defense of his client.

b. She hired an advocate to represent her in the court case.

c. As an advocate of animal rights, he actively supports various organizations.

d. The advocate argued passionately for the change in the law.

31. Abide By ( ‫ پابند رہنا؛‬: Follow, Obey, Adhere to)

a. It is important to abide by the rules and regulations of the organization.

b. The contract specifies that both parties must abide by its terms.

c. As responsible citizens, we should abide by the laws of the country.

d. The students are expected to abide by the school's code of conduct.

32. Invoke ( : ‫ استدعا کرنا؛‬: Call upon, Request, Mention)

a. He decided to invoke his right to remain silent during the interrogation.

b. The speaker invoked historical examples to support her argument.

c. The politician tried to invoke the sympathy of the voters during the campaign.

d. The author often uses vivid descriptions to invoke the readers' emotions.
33. Jurisdiction ( : ‫ عدالتی حکمرانی؛‬: Authority, Control, Legal Power)

a. The case fell under the jurisdiction of the federal court.

b. The police officer's jurisdiction extends to the entire city.

c. The judge clarified the court's jurisdiction over the matter.

d. The maritime jurisdiction deals with legal matters in international waters.

34. Litigate ( : ‫ مقدمہ چالنا؛‬: Sue, Take to court, Dispute legally)

a. The company decided to litigate against its competitor for patent infringement.

b. They are planning to litigate the property dispute in the civil court.

c. The legal team has experience litigating complex cases in the high court.

d. The two parties chose to litigate rather than settle the matter outside of court.

35. Prosecute ( : ‫ قانونی کاروائی؛‬،‫ مدعاعمل‬: Charge, Sue, Conduct legal proceedings)

a. The district attorney decided to prosecute the suspect for theft.

b. The victim's family urged the authorities to prosecute the perpetrators of the crime.

c. The company faced multiple lawsuits, and they had to hire lawyers to prosecute the cases.

d. The prosecution presented strong evidence against the accused during the trial.

36. Comply ( : ‫ مطابقت کرنا؛‬: Obey, Follow, Adhere to)

a. All employees must comply with the company's policies and procedures.

b. The driver was fined for not complying with traffic regulations.

c. The organization has to comply with environmental standards set by the government.

d. Failure to comply with safety protocols can lead to serious consequences.

37. Exempt ( : ‫ بچایا گیا؛‬،‫ معاف‬: Excused, Free from obligation, Not subject to)

a. Students with disabilities may be exempt from certain academic requirements.

b. The low-income families are exempt from paying certain taxes.

c. The organization is exempt from certain regulations due to its charitable status.

d. The new policy exempts employees over the age of 65 from overtime work.

38. Ratify ( : ‫ منظور کرنا؛‬: Approve, Confirm, Formalize)

a. The members of the committee voted to ratify the proposed changes.

b. The government needs to ratify the international treaty for it to become effective.

c. The shareholders unanimously ratified the company's new business plan.

d. After weeks of negotiations, the two parties finally agreed to ratify the contract.

39. Sanction ( : ‫ مراعات کرنا؛‬: Approve, Authorize, Penalty)

a. The government decided to impose economic sanctions on the foreign country.

b. The principal sanctioned the use of the school auditorium for the event.

c. The athlete faced sanctions for violating the doping regulations.

d. The United Nations decided to lift the sanctions after the peace agreement.

40. Uphold ( : ‫ تصدیق کرنا؛‬: Support, Maintain, Confirm)

a. The court's decision to uphold the verdict was met with mixed reactions.

b. The board of directors voted to uphold the CEO's strategic plan.

c. The committee unanimously upheld the employee's appeal against the termination.

d. The judge upheld the defendant's right to a fair trial.

41. Violate ( : ‫ خالف ورزی کرنا؛‬: Break, Infringe, Disregard)

a. The company's actions were found to violate environmental regulations.

b. The protestors accused the police of violating their right to peaceful assembly.

c. The driver was fined for violating traffic laws.

d. The athlete was banned from competing after violating the anti-doping policy.

42. Rise ( : ‫ بڑھنا؛‬: Increase, Ascend, Grow)

a. The sun will rise in the east tomorrow morning.

b. The stock market saw a rise in share prices after positive earnings reports.

c. The temperature is expected to rise significantly during the summer months.

d. The organization saw a rise in membership after the successful campaign.

43. Soar ( : ‫ بلند ہونا؛‬: Fly high, Surge, Increase rapidly)

a. The eagle spread its wings and soared gracefully through the sky.

b. The company's profits began to soar due to a surge in demand for its products.

c. The kite soared high above the treetops, carried by the strong wind.

d. With the release of the new album, the band's popularity began to soar.

44. Leap ( : ‫ چھالنگ؛‬: Jump, Bound, Propel)

a. The athlete made a powerful leap to cross the long jump mark.

b. The cat made a graceful leap to catch the bird.

c. With determination, he took a leap of faith to pursue his dreams.

d. The mountain climber took a leap across the crevasse.

45. Climb ( : ‫ چڑھائی؛‬: Scale, Ascend, Go up)

a. The hikers started to climb the steep mountain trail.

b. The price of the property continued to climb due to high demand.

c. As the airplane climbed higher, the passengers could see the city lights below.

d. He used a ladder to climb up and fix the broken window.

46. Peak ( : ‫ چوٹی؛‬: Summit, Highest point, Pinnacle)

a. The mountaineers finally reached the peak of the mountain after a challenging climb.

b. The economy reached its peak during the period of rapid growth.

c. The artist's career reached its peak with the release of the critically acclaimed album.

d. The athlete's performance peaked during the final moments of the competition.

47. Fall ( : ‫ گرنا؛‬: Drop, Decline, Descend)

a. The leaves of the tree began to fall in autumn.

b. The temperature starts to fall as winter approaches.

c. After the scandal, the politician's reputation took a fall.

d. The stock market experienced a significant fall in prices.

48. Decrease ( : ‫ کمی؛‬: Reduce, Diminish, Decline)

a. The company decided to decrease its production due to decreased demand.

b. The doctor recommended a decrease in sugar intake to improve health.

c. The budget was revised to accommodate a decrease in funding.

d. The number of employees will decrease after the merger.

49. Plunge ( : ‫ ڈبکنا؛‬: Dive, Submerge, Plummet)

a. The adventurous diver took a plunge into the deep ocean.

b. The car suddenly plunged down the steep hill due to brake failure.

c. The company's profits took a plunge after the unexpected economic downturn.

d. The temperature is expected to plunge as the winter sets in.

50. Plummet ( : ‫ تیزی سے گرنا؛‬: Fall rapidly, Drop suddenly)

a. The stock prices plummeted after the negative earnings report was released.

b. The airplane plummeted through the stormy clouds before stabilizing again.

c. Due to the pandemic, tourism in the region plummeted.

d. The temperature plummeted as the cold front moved in.

51. Decline ( : ‫ گھٹاو؛‬،‫ کمی‬: Decrease, Reduce, Weaken)

a. The sales of the product started to decline after the initial spike.

b. With age, the body's immune system may decline.

c. The company's performance declined during the economic recession.

d. The decline in customer satisfaction led to a loss of repeat business.

52. Drop ( : ‫ گرانا؛‬: Fall, Descend, Decrease)

a. She accidentally dropped the glass, and it shattered into pieces.

b. The temperature will drop significantly overnight.

c. The company decided to drop the price of the product to attract more customers.

d. The water level in the reservoir may drop during the dry season.
53. Dip ( : ‫ ڈوبنا؛‬: Submerge, Decrease, Decline)

a. The swimmer dipped into the pool and started doing laps.

b. The stock market experienced a slight dip before rebounding.

c. After the initial surge, the enthusiasm for the product began to dip.

d. The car's speed dipped momentarily before picking up again.

54. Analogue ( : ‫ مماثل؛‬: Similar, Comparable, Equivalent)

a. The digital version of the artwork looks almost identical to the analogue original.

b. Some people still prefer the warm sound of vinyl records over digital music formats like CDs.

c. The analogue clock on the wall stopped working, so we had to replace it with a digital one.

d. The scientist conducted an experiment to compare the performance of the analogue and digital

55. Dramatic ( : ‫ نمایاں؛‬: Striking, Remarkable, Sensational)

a. The sudden and dramatic increase in sales took everyone by surprise.

b. The play had a dramatic ending that left the audience in awe.

c. The dramatic change in weather affected travel plans for many people.

d. The company's dramatic success was a result of innovative marketing strategies.

56. Steady ( : ‫ مستحکم؛‬: Stable, Consistent, Firm)

a. The company's revenue has been steadily increasing over the past year.

b. She maintained a steady pace throughout the marathon.

c. The patient's condition is showing steady improvement.

d. Despite challenges, the team's performance remained steady.

57. Sharp ( : ‫ تیز؛‬: Pointed, Keen, Intense)

a. The sharp knife made cutting vegetables effortless.

b. The sharp pain in her back made it difficult to move.

c. The sharp increase in temperature led to a heatwave.

d. The sharp decline in the stock market worried investors.

58. Rapid ( : ‫ تیز؛‬: Quick, Fast, Swift)

a. The construction of the new building is progressing at a rapid pace.

b. The patient's condition deteriorated rapidly, requiring immediate medical attention.

c. The company achieved rapid growth in a short period.

d. The rapid advancements in technology have transformed the world.

59. Steep ( : ‫ ڈھلوان دار؛‬: Sloping, Sharp, Abrupt)

a. The mountain trail became steep as they ascended higher.

b. The price of the property had a steep increase due to high demand.

c. The learning curve for the new software was steep but rewarding.

d. The company faced a steep decline in profits during the economic downturn.

60. Modest ( : ‫ معمولی؛‬: Humble, Moderate, Not excessive)

a. Despite his success, he remained humble and lived a modest lifestyle.

b. The company reported a modest profit for the quarter.

c. She received a modest salary increase after her promotion.

d. The restaurant offered a modest selection of dishes but with high quality.
61. Sudden ( : ‫ اچانک؛‬: Unexpected, Abrupt, Rapid)

a. The sudden change in weather caught everyone by surprise.

b. The sudden cancellation of the event disappointed the attendees.

c. There was a sudden increase in traffic during rush hour.

d. The sudden appearance of the actor caused excitement among fans.

62. Fluctuate ( : ‫ تبدیل ہونا؛‬: Vary, Change, Oscillate)

a. The prices of the stock market fluctuate daily based on market conditions.

b. The temperature in the region tends to fluctuate throughout the day.

c. The company's revenue fluctuates seasonally due to consumer behavior.

d. The demand for the product fluctuates depending on market trends.

63. Remain Steady ( : ‫ مستحکم رہنا؛‬: Stay constant, Not change)

a. Despite the challenges, the company's performance remained steady.

b. The patient's condition remained steady after the treatment.

c. The prices of essential goods remained steady despite inflation.

d. The team's focus and dedication helped them remain steady throughout the competition.

64. Stabilize ( : ‫ مستحکم ہونا؛‬: Balance, Settle, Become steady)

a. After a period of uncertainty, the economy began to stabilize.

b. The medication helped stabilize the patient's blood pressure.

c. The new management team worked to stabilize the company's financial situation.

d. The weather conditions started to stabilize after the storm.

65. Stagnate ( : ‫ رکاوٹ ڈالنا؛‬: Not progress, Become inactive)

a. The company's growth seemed to stagnate in recent months.

b. The economy experienced a period of stagnation with no significant growth.

c. Without new ideas, the project may stagnate and lose momentum.

d. The lack of opportunities caused his career to stagnate.

66. Overall ( : ‫ ُکلّ َیہ َطور َپر؛‬: In general, All things considered)

a. The overall performance of the team was commendable.

b. After analyzing all the data, the report provided an overall assessment of the situation.

c. The overall health of the patient showed improvement.

d. The overall impact of the policy was positive for the community.

67. Upwards ( : ‫ اُو َپر کی طرف؛‬: Increasing, On the rise)

a. The company's profits have been trending upwards for the past three quarters.

b. The number of tourists visiting the city is on the upwards trajectory.

c. The upward trend in online shopping has transformed the retail industry.

d. The housing market is experiencing an upwards shift due to high demand.

68. Downwards ( : ‫ نیچے کی طرف؛‬: Decreasing, Declining)

a. The temperature is expected to trend downwards as winter approaches.

b. The company's revenue has been trending downwards due to decreased sales.

c. The downwards movement of the stock price worried investors.

d. The team's performance has been trending downwards since the beginning of the season.
69. Attribute ( : ‫ خصوصیت؛‬: Quality, Characteristic, Feature)

a. Patience is an essential attribute for success in any endeavor.

b. The artist's work is often characterized by the attribute of vibrant colors.

c. Honesty is a valued attribute in building trust with others.

d. The team's dedication was the key attribute that led to their victory.

70. Chain Reaction ( : ‫ زنجیری واکر؛‬: Series of events, Domino effect)

a. The introduction of a new product triggered a chain reaction of increased demand.

b. One small mistake in the experiment set off a chain reaction of errors.

c. The policy change had a chain reaction of repercussions in the economy.

d. The accident caused a chain reaction of traffic congestion on the highway.

71. Derive ( : ‫ حاصل کرنا؛‬: Obtain, Get, Extract)

a. The company derives its profits from various sources of revenue.

b. The scientist derived the results from experiments conducted in the lab.

c. The author derived inspiration from real-life events for the novel.

d. She derived satisfaction from helping others.

72. Initiate ( : ‫ آغاز کرنا؛‬: Begin, Commence, Start)

a. The company decided to initiate a new marketing campaign to attract more customers.

b. The government plans to initiate a social welfare program for the underprivileged.

c. The team initiated the project with a brainstorming session.

d. The principal initiated the school's recycling program to promote sustainability.

73. Interdependent ( : ‫ متعلقہ ہونا؛‬: Relying on each other, Mutual dependence)

a. The success of the team is interdependent on the efforts of all its members.

b. In an ecosystem, various species are interdependent for survival.

c. The two companies have an interdependent relationship as suppliers and manufacturers.

d. The success of the project is interdependent on funding and resources.

74. Interrelate ( : ‫ متعلق ہونا؛‬: Connect, Relate, Correlate)

a. The different aspects of the study interrelate to form a comprehensive understanding.

b. The chapters of the book interrelate to build a cohesive narrative.

c. The economic and social factors interrelate to influence consumer behavior.

d. The data from various sources interrelate to reveal meaningful insights.

75. Repercussion ( : ‫ اثرات؛‬: Consequence, Result, Effect)

a. The policy change had far-reaching repercussions on the economy.

b. The decision had unintended repercussions that affected the company's reputation.

c. The student's disruptive behavior had repercussions on the whole class.

d. The manager warned about the potential repercussions of not meeting the deadline.

76. Converse ( : ‫ معکوس؛‬: Opposite, Reverse, Contrary)

a. The effects of the medication were converse to what was expected.

b. The theory suggests a converse relationship between two variables.

c. The situation is the converse of what was initially assumed.

d. The study found a converse pattern in the data compared to previous research.

77. Diverse ( : ‫ مختلف؛‬: Varied, Different, Multifarious)

a. The city's population is diverse, with people from various cultural backgrounds.

b. The menu offers a diverse selection of dishes from around the world.

c. The company promotes a diverse and inclusive work environment.

d. The conference featured diverse speakers discussing various topics.

78. Resemble ( : ‫ مشابہ ہونا؛‬: Be similar to, Look like, Bear a likeness)

a. The twins closely resemble each other, making it hard to tell them apart.

b. The new building design resembles the architecture of ancient structures.

c. The painting resembles a beautiful landscape with vivid colors.

d. Her behavior resembled that of her late grandmother.

79. Synonymous ( : ‫ مترادف؛‬: Equivalent, Identical in meaning)

a. In many cultures, the sun is synonymous with life and vitality.

b. For him, success is synonymous with hard work and dedication.

c. The terms "happy" and "content" are often used synonymously.

d. In some contexts, the words "exchange" and "swap" are synonymous.

80. Acclimatize ( : ‫ ماحول کے مطابق تیار ہونا؛‬: Adapt, Adjust, Get used to)

a. It took some time for him to acclimatize to the new weather conditions.
b. The athletes need to acclimatize to the high altitude before the competition.

c. The employees were given time to acclimatize to the changes in the workplace.

d. The plants gradually acclimatized to the different soil conditions.

81. Merge ( : ‫ مالپ کرنا؛‬: Combine, Unite, Integrate)

a. The two companies decided to merge to create a stronger market presence.

b. The singer's unique style merged different genres of music.

c. The project teams merged their efforts to complete the task faster.

d. The rivers merge into a large lake downstream.

82. Restore ( : ‫ بحال کرنا؛‬: Renew, Repair, Bring back to original state)

a. The conservationists worked to restore the old historic building.

b. After the storm, the community came together to restore the damaged area.

c. The antique furniture was skillfully restored by a professional craftsman.

d. The government pledged funds to restore the natural habitats of endangered species.

83. Amend ( : ‫ ترمیم کرنا؛‬: Modify, Change, Revise)

a. The board of directors decided to amend the company's bylaws.

b. The author amended the manuscript based on feedback from the editor.

c. The lawyer recommended amending the contract to clarify certain terms.

d. The government proposed to amend the existing tax legislation.

84. Deviate ( : ‫ متغیر کرنا؛‬: Depart, Diverge, Stray from the usual path)

a. The project started to deviate from the original plan due to unforeseen challenges.

b. The driver deviated from the route and got lost.

c. The artist's new painting style deviates from traditional techniques.

d. The company policy strictly prohibits employees from deviating from safety guidelines.

85. Distort ( : ‫ توڑ فریب کرنا؛‬: Misrepresent, Twist, Alter the true form)

a. The news report distorted the facts, causing unnecessary panic.

b. The artist used abstract shapes to distort reality in the painting.

c.Manipulate ( : ‫ ترتیب دینا؛‬: Control, Influence, Handle skillfully)

a. The politician was accused of trying to manipulate public opinion.

b. The magician skillfully manipulated the cards to perform a trick.

c. The company's marketing campaign was designed to manipulate consumer behavior.

d. The mastermind manipulated the situation to achieve their desired outcome.

86. Refine ( : ‫ تصفیہ کرنا؛‬: Improve, Polish, Enhance the quality)

a. The chef constantly refines his recipes to delight customers.

b. The designer refined the product's appearance to make it more appealing.

c. The research team worked tirelessly to refine the experiment methodology.

d. The artist used various techniques to refine the details of the sculpture.
87. Transition ( : ‫ انتقال؛‬: Change, Shift, Passage from one state to another)

a. The company is going through a period of transition after the leadership change.

b. The smooth transition of power ensured stability in the government.

c. The caterpillar undergoes a transition to become a butterfly.

d. The students need to adapt to the transition from high school to college.

88. Enlarge ( : ‫ بڑھانا؛‬: Expand, Increase in size)

a. The architect plans to enlarge the living room to create more space.

b. The company decided to enlarge its product line to cater to a broader market.

c. The photograph was enlarged and framed to display in the gallery.

d. The telescope's lenses can enlarge distant objects for better observation.

89. Deteriorate ( : ‫ خراب ہونا؛‬: Worsen, Decline, Degrade in quality)

a. The patient's condition began to deteriorate after the surgery.

b. The relationship between the two countries deteriorated due to political tensions.

c. If the food is not stored properly, it can quickly deteriorate.

d. The building's structure has started to deteriorate over the years.

90. Diminish ( : ‫ کم کرنا؛‬: Reduce, Decrease, Lessen)

a. The company's profits started to diminish as competition increased.

b. The impact of the advertisement on sales began to diminish over time.

c. The loud noise gradually diminished as the crowd dispersed.

d. The effects of the medicine will diminish with time.

91. Eradicate ( : ‫ خاتمہ کرنا؛‬: Eliminate, Remove completely)

a. The government launched a campaign to eradicate poverty from the country.

b. The use of pesticides helped eradicate the insect infestation.

c. The organization aims to eradicate illiteracy in remote areas.

d. Vaccination programs have successfully eradicated some deadly diseases.

92. ٰ
Assertion ( : ‫دعوی؛‬ : Statement, Claim, Affirmation)

a. The scientist made a strong assertion about the validity of his research findings.

b. Her assertion that she saw a UFO was met with skepticism.

c. The lawyer's assertion was supported by concrete evidence.

d. The politician's assertion about the benefits of the new policy sparked a debate.

93. Conjecture ( : ‫ قیاس؛‬: Guess, Hypothesis, Speculation)

a. The cause of the fire is still a matter of conjecture.

b. Without evidence, it's mere conjecture about what happened.

c. The scientist presented a conjecture about the potential effects of climate change.

d. The detective made several conjectures about the motive behind the crime.
94. Contention ( : ‫ اختالف؛‬: Disagreement, Argument, Dispute)

a. The contentious debate between the two candidates became heated.

b. The main contention of the article was that the government's policy was flawed.

c. The contention between neighbors arose due to a property boundary dispute.

d. The contentious issue of taxation divided the members of the committee.

95. Dogma ( : ‫ مسلمہ؛‬: Belief, Principle, Tenet)

a. The religious group adheres strictly to its dogma and traditions.

b. The political party follows a specific dogma in shaping its policies.

c. The scientist questioned the prevailing dogma and proposed an alternative theory.

d. The school's curriculum is based on the educational dogma of its founder.

96. Stance ( : ‫ رویہ؛‬: Position, Point of view, Stand)

a. The politician took a firm stance on environmental protection.

b. The company's stance on workplace diversity is evident in its hiring practices.

c. The artist's work reflects her feminist stance on gender equality.

d. The professor clarified his stance on the controversial issue during the lecture.

97. Sceptic ( : ‫ شکی؛‬: Doubter, Skeptic, Non-believer)

a. The scientist was a known skeptic of paranormal claims.

b. The skeptic demanded solid evidence before accepting the theory.

c. The team faced skeptics who questioned the validity of their research.

d. Despite eyewitness accounts, the skeptic remained unconvinced.

98. Speculation ( : ‫ تکہ چالنے؛‬: Theory, Assumption, Conjecture)

a. The media was filled with speculation about the celebrity's sudden disappearance.

b. The police began their investigation based on speculation about the motive.

c. The article was mere speculation without concrete evidence.

d. The speculations about the company's financial troubles affected the stock market.

99. Consecutive ( : ‫ متواتر؛‬: Sequential, Following in order)

a. He won the championship for the third consecutive year.

b. The team had five consecutive victories in the tournament.

c. The students were asked to write three consecutive essays for the assignment.

d. The company reported consecutive quarters of growth.

100. Successive ( : ‫ باریکی سے متواتر؛‬: Following one another, Sequential)

a. The successive chapters in the book build on the previous concepts.

b. The successive waves of protests led to significant changes in government policies.

c. The successive experiments supported the scientist's hypothesis.

d. The country experienced successive years of economic growth.

101. Penultimate ( : ‫ دوسرے سے آخری؛‬: Second-to-last, Next-to-last)

a. The penultimate chapter of the novel held the major plot twist.

b. The penultimate episode of the series left viewers on a cliffhanger.

c. The penultimate round of the competition would determine the finalists.

d. The penultimate step in the process required careful attention to detail.

102. Intermittent ( : ‫ وقفہ دار؛‬: Occasional, Irregular, Periodic)

a. The intermittent rainfall caused disruptions to outdoor events.

b. The car's engine problem was due to intermittent electrical connections.

c. The patient experienced intermittent pain in the affected area.

d. The internet connection had intermittent outages during the storm.

103. Periodic ( : ‫ متواتر؛‬: Regular, Recurring at intervals)

a. The periodic newsletter keeps customers informed about the company's updates.

b. The flowers bloom in a periodic cycle each year.

c. The supervisor conducts periodic evaluations to assess employee performance.

d. The team meets for periodic progress updates on the project.

104. Concurrent ( : ‫ متواتر؛‬: Simultaneous, Happening at the same time)

a. The conference had multiple concurrent sessions covering various topics.

b. The two events were scheduled to run concurrently at different venues.

c. The students worked on their projects during the concurrent lab sessions.

d. The company launched its new product concurrently in several markets.

105. Coincide ( : ‫ ایک ساتھ ہونا؛‬: Happen simultaneously, Occur together)

a. The timing of the meeting coincided with her vacation plans.

b. The team's success coincided with changes in their strategy.

c. The eclipse will coincide with the lunar festival this year.

d. The conference was planned to coincide with the industry's annual event.

106. Anticipate ( : ‫ توقع کرنا؛‬: Predict, Foresee, Expect)

a. The weather forecast helps us anticipate upcoming storms.

b. The team anticipated the opponent's strategy and prepared accordingly.

c. She anticipated a positive response to her proposal.

d. We should anticipate potential challenges and plan for them.

107. Appreciate ( : ‫ قدر کرنا؛‬: Value, Recognize, Be thankful for)

a. We appreciate your efforts in completing the project on time.

b. He appreciates art and often visits museums and galleries.

c. The employees were appreciated for their dedication at the annual event.

d. She appreciates the support she receives from her friends.

108. Comprehend ( : ‫ سمجھنا؛‬: Understand, Grasp, Perceive)

a. It took her a while to comprehend the complex scientific concepts.

b. The teacher ensured that all students comprehended the lesson before moving on.

c. The language barrier made it challenging to comprehend the instructions.

d. Reading extensively helps improve one's ability to comprehend information.

109. Conceive ( : ‫ تصور کرنا؛‬: Imagine, Formulate, Generate an idea)

a. The architect conceived a futuristic design for the new building.

b. It's difficult to conceive the magnitude of the universe's vastness.

c. The writer conceived a unique plot for the novel.

d. The inventor conceived a groundbreaking invention.

110. Envisage ( : ‫ تصور کرنا؛‬: Visualize, Imagine, Foresee)

a. The team envisaged a successful future for the startup.

b. The artist envisaged a beautiful landscape painting in her mind.

c. The planner envisaged potential challenges and devised contingency plans.

d. The manager envisages expansion into new markets.

111. Infer ( : ‫ استنباط کرنا؛‬: Deduce, Conclude, Draw a conclusion)

a. From the evidence presented, the detective inferred the identity of the suspect.
b. The scientist inferred a correlation between two variables based on the data.

c. The teacher encouraged students to infer the theme of the story.

d. The jury will infer guilt or innocence based on the evidence.

112. Recall ( : ‫ یاد رکھنا؛‬: Remember, Retrieve from memory)

a. I can't recall where I put my keys.

b. She recalled her childhood memories while visiting her hometown.

c. The witness struggled to recall specific details about the incident.

d. He recalled the main points of the lecture in his presentation.

113. Compelling ( : ‫ مجبور کرنے واال؛‬: Persuasive, Convincing, Captivating)

a. The speaker delivered a compelling argument that swayed the audience.

b. The book had a compelling storyline that kept readers engaged.

c. The evidence presented in court was compelling enough to lead to a conviction.

d. The compelling visuals in the advertisement attracted more customers.

114. Constructive ( : ‫ تعمیری؛‬: Positive, Helpful, Building up)

a. The team engaged in constructive discussions to find solutions to the problem.

b. The feedback from the supervisor was constructive and aimed at improvement.

c. The teacher provided constructive criticism to help the student excel.

d. The workshop focused on constructive ways to handle conflicts.

115. Credible ( : ‫ قابل اعتماد؛‬: Reliable, Trustworthy, Believable)

a. The journalist verified the sources to ensure credible reporting.

b. The expert's testimony provided a credible explanation for the phenomenon.

c. The company's long-standing reputation made it a credible choice for investors.

d. The research study was conducted by a credible organization.

116. Groundbreaking ( : ‫ ابتدائی؛‬: Innovative, Revolutionary, Pioneering)

a. The groundbreaking technology transformed the industry.

b. The scientist's discovery was considered groundbreaking in the field of medicine.

c. The company's new product introduced groundbreaking features.

d. The artist's unique approach to painting was groundbreaking.

117. Integrity ( : ‫ ایمانداری؛‬: Honesty, Moral principles, Wholeness)

a. The leader's integrity earned the trust and respect of the team.

b. The company values integrity and ethical conduct in its employees.

c. She maintained her integrity despite facing difficult choices.

d. The journalist was known for reporting with integrity and accuracy.

118. Rigorous ( : ‫ سخت؛‬: Thorough, Demanding, Strict)

a. The research study underwent a rigorous review process before publication.

b. The rigorous training prepared the athletes for the challenging competition.
c. The school's curriculum provides a rigorous academic program.

d. The company follows rigorous quality control procedures for its products.

119. Adverse ( : ‫ مخالف؛‬: Unfavorable, Harmful, Negative)

a. The adverse weather conditions led to flight cancellations.

b. The company faced adverse effects due to the economic downturn.

c. The medicine had adverse side effects on some patients.

d. The team overcame adverse circumstances to achieve victory.

120. Deficient ( : ‫ کمی؛‬: Lacking, Inadequate, Not enough)

a. The student's performance was deficient in several subjects.

b. The report pointed out areas where the project was deficient.

c. The company addressed the deficient customer service system.

d. The deficient supply of resources hindered the completion of the project.

121. Deprived ( : ‫ محروم؛‬: Disadvantaged, Underprivileged, Lacking)

a. The organization aims to help deprived children access education.

b. The deprived community lacked access to basic healthcare facilities.

c. The program provides aid to the deprived families affected by natural disasters.

d. The government initiated efforts to uplift deprived neighborhoods.

122. Negligent ( : ‫ غفلت آمیز؛‬: Careless, Neglectful, Irresponsible)

a. The negligent driver caused the accident due to speeding.

b. The company was sued for negligent handling of customer data.

c. The teacher was criticized for being negligent in grading assignments.

d. Negligent behavior in the workplace can lead to accidents.

123. Shortcoming ( : ‫ کمی؛‬: Flaw, Deficiency, Weakness)

a. The employee's lack of punctuality was a major shortcoming.

b. The project's success was hindered by certain shortcomings in the plan.

c. The manager acknowledged his shortcomings and committed to improvement.

d. The book's plot was interesting, despite a few minor shortcomings.

124. Volatile ( : ‫ بدلتا ہوا؛‬: Unstable, Changeable, Explosive)

a. The stock market can be volatile, with frequent price fluctuations.

b. The volatile situation in the region required immediate intervention.

c. The teenager's volatile temper caused conflicts with family and friends.

d. The volatile chemical needs to be handled with care.

125. Collate ( : ‫ موازنہ کرنا؛‬: Compare, Gather, Assemble)

a. The research team will collate data from various sources.

b. The assistant was responsible for collating the documents for the presentation.

c. The librarian will collate the books in alphabetical order.

d. The editor will collate the articles into a cohesive magazine.

126. Empirical ( : ‫ تجرباتی؛‬: Based on observation or experience, Practical)

a. The scientist conducted empirical experiments to test the hypothesis.

b. The project's success was based on empirical evidence gathered from previous studies.

c. The team used empirical data to support their findings in the report.

d. The empirical approach is widely used in social science research.

127. Abstract ( : ‫ خالصہ؛‬: Summary, Conceptual, Not concrete)

a. The abstract of the research paper provided a concise overview of the study.

b. The artist's painting was abstract, with no recognizable objects.

c. The concept of time is abstract and difficult to define precisely.

d. The philosopher discussed abstract ideas about existence and reality.

128. Commentary ( : ‫ تبصرہ؛‬: Analysis, Explanation, Interpretation)

a. The sports commentator provided live commentary on the match.

b. The professor offered a critical commentary on the classic literature.

c. The political analyst gave a commentary on the election results.

d. The DVD included a director's commentary on the film.

129. Footnote ( : ‫ فٹ نوٹ؛‬: Additional information or reference at the bottom of a page)

a. The research paper contained numerous footnotes for further reading.

b. The book's footnotes provided historical context for the events described.

c. The legal document included a footnote with specific details.

d. The academic article had footnotes citing the sources of information.

130. Periodical ( : ‫ ماہواری؛‬: Magazine, Journal, Publication issued at regular intervals)

a. She subscribed to a monthly periodical that focused on fashion.

b. The library has a vast collection of scientific periodicals.

c. The newspaper is a periodical that publishes daily news.

d. The academic institution encourages students to contribute to its periodical

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