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tesla's torch

Tesla’s Torch is the second adventure in the The Trail of encompasses every species of the Solar System. Inviting
the Scorpion series. While this adventure is designed to be the brightest minds of Earth alongside representatives from
part of the ongoing serial, it can be played independently Mars, Europa, and Venus. But Mayor La Guardia is no fool
as a stand alone adventure. If the Gamemaster decides to and knows that tensions will run high. To ensure the safety
run it in that fashion he can replace the Red Scorpion Crime of everyone present, the Mayor has hired the heroes to serve
Syndicate with any other nefarious organization in his as his assistants in both security and diplomacy.
serial and could even reveal who the mastermind is at the
end of the adventure by designing one last climactic chase
to capture the villain who orchestrated the kidnapping
plot. Tesla’s Torch is designed for any number of players,
Intro Montage
though it is best suited for 2 to 6 characters of no more Thrill to the adventures of Rocket Age starring (player
than 15 Story Points. name) as (character name), (player name) as (character
name), (player name) as (character name), and (player
name) as (character name), in Tesla's Torch. Our heroes
Episode Overview have been hired by the mayor of New York City, Fiorello
In Tesla’s Torch the player characters only have to save the La Guardia, to assist in protecting some of the greatest
1939 Worlds Fair, but also the greatest scientific mind of minds of the Solar System ahead of the 1939 Worlds Fair.
the Rocket Age, Nikola Tesla! Agents of the Red Scorpion Martians, Venusians, Earthlings and Europans are all in
Crime Syndicate have infiltrated the interplanetary council attendance and the fair’s guest of honor is none other than
and if they can capture Tesla then they will have control Nikola Tesla himself! But not everyone has come together
of the single most powerful scientific mind in the Solar in the spirit to celebrate the world of the Solar System!
System. After torturing him into revealing untapped Dark forces loom and soon the fate of tomorrow will rest in
theories and technology they can ransom him back to the the hands of a few brave heroes...
Solar System for a fortune. But when Tesla is kidnapped
and the characters take up hot pursuit over the Big Apple,
the entire city could be destroyed unless they can rescue
him and retrieve his newest invention! Reel One: A Stolen Future
Gathered delegates from across the Solar System have come
New York City Mayor Fiorello La Guardia hopes to use the to plan the 1939 Worlds Fair, including a new innovation
upcoming New York City Worlds Fair and its theme of “The from none other than Nikola Tesla! But danger is as cutting
World of Tomorrow” to unite the species of the world and edge as science, and when Tesla directs those in attendance
herald an era of peace in the wake of the tumultuous Rocket to look towards the Statue of Liberty as unveils his new
Age. To this end he is hoping to hold a Worlds Fair that creation, the Red Scorpion strikes and the chase is on!

Gamemaster’s Note
Before running Tesla's Torch the Gamemaster should read through the entire adventure and decide which non-player
character introduced in the first reel is to be a spy for the Red Scorpion. This will affect how that non-player character
interacts with everyone present and have an impact on the epilogue of the adventure. It also will help create replay value,
as players who have already played this adventure may find a new adversary on the second or third time through!

The trail of the scorpion

Scene One: A Gathering of Stars Nikola Tesla, Brightest Mind of the Rocket Age: Nervous
and gruff, obviously struggling to maintain some level of
civility for the sake of the Mayor and the Solar System.
The World of Tomorrow
You stand among the greats of the Solar System,
sticking out like a sore thumb. As informal guests of
Mayor La Guardia, you feel quite out of place next
to the elegantly dressed guests gathered here today.
Scientists, diplomats, and Rocket Rangers, are all present
on the 97th floor of New York’s Empire State Building
to reveal what will be the jewel of the upcoming Worlds
Fair. This mysterious technology, a creation by none
other than Nikola Tesla, promises to propel the Solar
System further into the Rocket Age. This magnificent
invention is rumored to be based on information
retrieved from recently excavated Erisian ruins. Lushly
decorated tables full of the finest food and drink from
across the Solar System fill the room, offering a bizarre
tang of scents as the gathered company awaits Mayor
La Guardia and Nikola Tesla and their grand reveal
at noon. With only an hour left, the Mayor orders you
and your friends to mill about the delegates and get to
know them, offering the guests a show of good will that
tomorrow will bring.
Prince Tashatha, Martian Royalty: This Silthuri nobleman
is nervous at the prospect of Earth’s growing power and
The adventure opens with the player characters at a fears this whole event is a sign of the growing domination
glorified dinner party. They are surrounded by a plethora of Mars.
of beings from across the Solar System and there is
an air of polite tension in the room. Mayor La Guardia
encourages the players to interact with the gathered
dignitaries to show the good will of New York City and
Earth to the rest of the Solar System. The various party-
goers are detailed below:

Richard Feynman, Beleaguered Assistant: Tesla’s assistant

is gregarious, charming and quite at ease among the guests.

Fiorello La Guardia, Mayor of New York: Proud but

nervous, wants to make sure the event will go off without
a hitch.

Col. Claire Lee Chennault, US Rocket Ranger: Irritated

that she has to be here, Col. Chennault would rather be
in the field or helping the 1st MEF. Instead, she’s stuck
rubbing shoulders.

Kaaa-noik, Assistant to Estolan: Estolan’s servant walks

always at the flank of its master and always with its head
cast down. It speaks only in submissive whispers defers to
Estolan in all things.

Tesla's torch

Ambassador Estolan, Europan Dignitary: Estolan is Scene Two: The Eternal Flame
cold, polite, and curious about this whole affair is more Everyone’s attention turns to Mayor La Guardia, as he taps
interested in observing what it calls “these new Earthlings a silver spoon against his champagne glass. “Thank you
and their toys.” all so much for coming. We have come together to discuss
the 1939 Worlds Fair and for the first time it will be a fair
Kotho, Tashatha’s Maduri Bodyguard: Kotho has nothing showcasing the wonders of all our planets and cultures –
to say, and will only growl as she shadows her lord, indeed we are stepping into the world of tomorrow. The man
imposing herself between Prince Tashatha and anyone beside me has created a new technology that will change all
who approaches the Silthuri noble. our worlds – the jewel in the fair’s crown – and he is going to
demonstrate it for us today! Without further ado, I give you
Reska, Opportunistic Pilthuri Trader: A consumate snake- the greatest scientist of our age: Nikola Tesla!”
oil salesman, Reska is owner of Engineered Radium Brokers
of Mars; he is here hoping to broker a deal for his company He motions to Nikola Tesla, who steps up to the podium
and cement himself as a power player in growing galactic to an awkward smattering of claps. His tone is dry, stiff
economy. and direct. “Let me get past all this foolish pomp and
circumstance. What drives us to conflict? What drives us to
Hanan, Deeply Spiritual Venusian Explorer: Hanan speaks war? What drives us to kill each other? Resources. We are in
gently and wisely, wearing the talismans of her people in a perpetual state of conflict because of the limited supply of
odd contrast to earthly khakis and a leather jacket. She energy in our galaxy. Whether it’s electricity or radium, we
is a kind but troubled soul. She fears that, as technology know that in spite of the amazing advances in our time that
grows, her people will continue to be marginalized. the Rocket Age has not brought peace to the stars.” Tesla
pauses as the guests look darkly between themselves.
There are also several Earthlings bustling about with trays “But, I have developed a new technology that will provide
of fine food and champagne as well as a collection of clean and limitless energy to people of all races and I will
poorly prepared dishes from other planets in an attempt to unveil if you will indulge me for just a moment. Please,
cater to the extraterrestrial guests. keep your eyes on the Statue of Liberty and you will indeed
see the World of Tomorrow.”
The Gamemaster should give the players an ample amount
of time to interact with the various non-player characters The scientist sits a small RADIO on the podium and then
present for as long as they are enjoying it. Once things start walks to the elevator without a word. The stunned silence
to slow down, use the following description to continue is broken only by the chime of the doors as they close and
the scene. he ascends to the roof.

The trail of the scorpion

Mayor La Guardia begins to clap awkwardly and offers after combat begins (see below). Once the characters have
an obviously nervous smile. A few moments pass and the defeated the goons and disarmed the bomb it should be
players will have an opportunity to discuss the speech with fairly obvious that they have no time to return inside to get
the various non-player characters present, most of whom help – the only hope for rescuing Tesla is to take up the
are disturbed and put off by Tesla’s dour speech. After the pursuit themselves!
discussion has died down, a light begins to flare up in the sky.

Trouble atop the Apple The elevator doors open to the roar of an engine
Suddenly a great light begins to twinkle above the glow echoing over the city and you see across the roof the
of day. You look towards the Statue of Liberty and see blazing engines of several rocket cars roar to life and
that her torch is pulsating with a light that seems to slowly speed off towards the horizon. Seeing no sign of Tesla,
be growing. There is a crackle of static from the RADIO the nefarious nature of this dastardly plot becomes
and Tesla’s voice can be heard: “You see the light? The clear: kidnap!
generator I have installed in Lady Liberty’s torch will
create enough energy to power the entire east coast of A collection of Earthlings, Maduri Martians and even
the United States indefinitely. Soon I will give this-” a Venusian still linger on the rooftop, clustered around
what appears to be a metallic suitcase with a large
His words are cut short by the sound of a struggle! Several ticking display. Judging by the brutal twinkle in their
guests look around horrified as the sound of Tesla crying eyes and the heavy weapons in their hands, they’re
out and men fighting echoes from the RADIO. Then, the clearly up to no good.
zzap of a RAY gun and a moment of silence.
“You know what to do boys,” slithers one of the
Colonel Chennault is the first to react. “Get yer asses up weaselly Earthlings before glancing back at a few
to the roof,” she yells as she draws the pistol at her hip waiting rocket cars still parked on the roof. “Let’s take
and takes a protective position in front of the Mayor. out the trash and then get outta here before the whole
“I’ll handle security down here!” place blows sky high! The boss wanted the pencil neck
to the rendezvous in a jiffy.”
The crowd becomes chaotic as you push your way
towards the elevator. The last thing you hear before the
doors close is another static-ridden echo pouring from Ticking Time-bomb!
the RADIO: It sounds like a rocket engine... Roll: Ingenuity + Technology
Difficulty: 15
Scene Three: Rooftop Rescue! • Fantastic: You instantly know which wire to cut to
Our heroes burst onto the roof of the Empire State disarm the bomb! It only takes you 1 Action Round to
Building just in time to see one of the Red Scorpion Crime disarm the bomb.
Syndicate kidnappers leap into a rocket car and zoom off. • Good: Is it the red wire or the blue wire? You have to
They’ll have to fight off the remaining criminals who have think for a few seconds to get it right, but manage to
planted a bomb on the roof and plan to blow the top half disarm the bomb after 2 Action Rounds.
of the Empire State Building to smithereens! • Success: There are so many wires, so many gears. It
takes quite a bit of study to shut the explosive down
There are five Red Scorpion thugs on the roof: two and you have to study it for 4 Action Rounds before
Earthlings, two Maduri Martians and a Venusian. The the bomb is successfully disarmed.
Gamemaster is free to add a few more if his party is • Failure: You’ve never seen anything like this before.
particularly large. The thugs will fight until defeated, but You spend 1 Action Round studying the bomb. Roll
the larger concern is the bomb they’ve set on the roof. again next round with a +2 bonus.
• Bad: This thing looks impossibly complicated. After
Once combat begins the thugs focus on falling back to their spending the entire round studying the bomb you’re
get away rocket cars. The bomb will go off if the heroes more lost than ever. You may roll again with a -2
do not successfully disarm it within 6 Action Rounds penalty in the next Action Round.

Tesla's torch

• Disastrous: You cut the wrong wire! The timer passengers. There is one rocket car left behind for every
begins ticking even faster! The bomb accelerates its three player characters in the group.
countdown. The bomb will explode one Action Round
sooner. The Red Scorpion thugs are fleeing in a small fleet of their
own rocket cars. For every player character in pursuit, there
Explosion!: If the player characters are unable to disarm the is one enemy rocket car. During the chaos and distraction
bomb before the six Action Rounds have passed they will of the chase the player characters will have difficulty
need to make a Coordination + Athletics roll (Difficulty determining exactly which car is carrying Tesla. In the
21) to leap into one of the rocket cars still docked at the event that the player characters actually catch one of the
edge of the Empire State Building. Those who fail will Red Scorpion’s cars, they discover that Tesla is in some
need to somehow resist 50 levels of heat damage as a tiny other car. Either they misjudged which car was carrying
atomic explosion levels the top ten floors of the Empire Tesla, or one of the thugs has dressed in clothes up as their
State Building. The fall out and debris will kill several victim to throw of their pursuers!
pedestrians walking the streets below and the guests
inside the building may be injured or even killed too! Light the Fires and Kick the Tires
The player characters need to get their rocket cars fired up
and going, and need to do it lickity split! Lightning reflexes
Reel Two: Rockets Over New York! and intense knowledge about the rocket car will help them
Desperately pursuing the kidnappers who have taken jump start their pursuit! Gamemasters should make sure
Nikola Tesla into dangers unknown, our heroes will need to to ratchet up the tension for this roll, implying that the
dodge the dangers of the New York skyline before a fiery characters may have lost quite a bit of time if they took too
crash down on Bedloe Island! long to defuse the roof-top bomb, even though it has no
direct impact on the roll itself – but the players don’t need
to know that…
Scene One: Hot Pursuit!
Roll: Ingenuity + Transport
Difficulty: 12
The Chase is On Results:
• Fantastic: You are hot on the heels of the fleeing
Seeing the remaining rocket cars, you and your allies kidnappers! The Chase Rounds begin for them with
prepare for hot pursuit of mysterious kidnappers who only 1 Chase Area separating you and your foes!
are fleeing across the Manhattan skyline! You’re going • Good: Sometimes fast isn’t fast enough, but speed
to have to weave through skyscrapers, cut across the counts for something. The Chase Rounds begin with
wind and dodge mysterious Venusian terrorists if you the character’s rocket car 2 Areas away from the
hope to rescue Nikola Tesla! Who are these nefarious kidnappers.
criminals and what foul fate do they have planned for • Success: Start your engines, already! The characters
this genius? begin with a formidable 3 Areas between you and the
• Failure: You’re a Sunday flier! There are grandmothers
With Tesla kidnapped and the agents of the Red Scorpion who drive faster than you! The Chase Rounds begin 4
fleeing across the skyline of Manhattan, nothing stands Areas away from your targets.
between the destruction of New York City and total • Bad: Flooded Engine. After giving it too much radium,
destruction except our brave heroes. This scene makes your rocket car stalls out, and you don’t get it going
extensive use of the chase rules found in the Rocket Age again for a few precious seconds. The chase begins
Core Rulebook (beginning on page 224) and each Chase with 5 areas between your rocket car and the fleeing
Round of the encounter is considered an aerial chase with kidnappers.
an Area size of 500 square meters. • Disastrous: Stalled Engine. After slamming on
the accelerator in hopes of hot pursuit, the engine
The number of Areas separating the player characters from completely shuts down and now your rocket car is
the fleeing kidnappers is determined by how quickly the spiraling towards the crowded city streets below.
characters are able to get their own rocket car fired up and You’ll need to make a Coordination + Transport roll
going. Each rocket car requires one pilot and can carry two (Difficulty 18) to recover, or risk wrecking your only

The trail of the scorpion

hope of pursuit. If you get control of their vehicle, preplanned escape route, there are several snipers spread
you begin the chase at a painful distance of 6 Areas out over a large distance, exposing the player characters to
between yourselves and the kidnappers. their attacks for 3 Chase Rounds. During the first round
the characters will need to succeed in an Awareness +
Each Chase Round both the player character pilots and the Subterfuge roll opposed by the snipers’ Coordination +
non-player character pilots will need to make a Coordination Subterfuge. If the player characters are successful, they
+ Transport roll (Difficulty 15) as the rocket cars skim the notice the snipers before they open fire. A Good or
top edges of the great towers of steel and glass above New Fantastic success might allow them to spot the snipers well
York. The Red Scorpion agents are focused on speed and before the first attack is made while a Bad or Disastrous
escape, and are not above trying reckless and dangerous failure could mean the characters accidentally drive into an
maneuvers that endanger the lives of both themselves and optimal position for the snipers and grant them a bonus to
the citizens of the city to save their own skin and escape. their attack.
The Gamemaster is encouraged to make use of the various
traits of the rocket car like Agile, Thrill Ride, and Turbo Sky-Jam!
Boosters (see the Rocket Age Core Rulebook, page 184). A collection of rocket trucks has gotten backed up in the
In addition to fancy flying, the Red Scorpion agents will skies of the city, creating a dangerous obstacle for both the
make use of their own weapons in hopes of blasting the player characters. Massive transport trucks are blocking a
characters out of the sky. narrow passage between the buildings of New York City
and the player characters will need to navigate through
The agents came prepared and as the player characters give the mess without losing ground if they hope to catch the
chase they will encounter several obstacles along the way. kidnappers! A collision could not only end their chase,
The Gamemaster is encouraged to use any number of the but also their very lives as the rocket trucks are hauling a
following encounters to add to the chaos of a high speed dangerous load of unrefined radium!
rocket car chase above the streets of New York City.
Stuck in Traffic
Snipers! Roll: Coordination + Transport
The Red Scorpion Crime Syndicate has positioned several Difficulty: 15
snipers in advance of their escape to pick off any would- Results:
be pursuers that might inhibit their escape. When one • Fantastic: Noticing a slight leak of radium from one of
of the players’ rocket cars draws within 2 Areas of the the trucks, you manage to pull just above it, creating
kidnappers then the snipers will open fire from positions a tiny explosion that pushes your rocket car to new
atop nearby buildings. Because the Red Scorpion had a speeds! Advance 1 Chase Area.

Tesla's torch

• Good: Piece of cake. Not only did you avoid the Hot Rocket Hoodlums!
obstructing trucks, but you also managed to put yourself Rocket boarding (see page 109) is a new and dangerous
in an advantageous position to continue the pursuit! sport sweeping the juvenile delinquents gangs of the city. A
Receive a +2 bonus on your next Transport skill check. group of three Hot Rocket Hoodlums want to get in on the
• Success: You manage to slip by the cluster of transports action as our heroes race past in hopes of scavenging parts
without any problem and without losing too much speed. or valuables from what they believe to be rich joyriders!
• Failure: Slamming on the air brakes, you lose almost
all of your momentum but manage to avoid crashing Construction and Destruction!
outright. Lose 1 Chase Area. The Red Scorpion agents are growing desperate to escape
• Bad: There’s no way around it! You practically have the player characters and decide to fly through the upper
to come to a stop to avoid killing both yourself your floors of a massive skyscraper still under construction. The
friends and the truck drivers! Lose 2 Chase Areas. heroes will need to do some tight flying to keep up.
• Disastrous: Fire in the sky! Two of the rocket trucks
very nearly collide, narrowly avoiding a massive Construction Delay
explosion. Your rocket car clips one of the trucks as Roll: Coordination + Transport
it struggles to avoid fiery death and suffers 1 level Difficulty: 18
damage to its structure. Lose 2 Chase Areas. Results:
• Fantastic: You’ve gained on the nearest fleeing
rocket car! Now’s the time to make your move! You
may attempt to leap from your own rocket car to the
Rocket Hoodlums kidnappers’ car if you’re willing to risk an Coordination
+ Athletics roll (Difficulty 21). Failure means you
Awareness 3 Presence 2 couldn’t quite make the jump, while a Bad roll results
in you tripping and almost tumbling to the ground
Coordination 5 Resolve 3 below. A Disastrous result means you’ve tumbled
Ingenuity 2 Strength 3 from the car and unless one of your allies acts quickly,
you’ll be out of the story!
• Good: You’re not falling for any of their tricks! Pouring
Skills: Athletics 3 (Rocket Board), Fighting 3, on the speed, you make a break-neck shot through the
Marksmanship 2, Subterfuge 1, Transport 2.
girders and steel! Gain 1 Chase Area.
TRAITS: Adversary (Minor Bad, NYC Police), Brave (Minor • Success: It took some fancy flying, but you managed
Good), Fighting Man or Woman (Minor Good), Impulsive to keep pace without losing any ground.
(Minor Bad), Item (Rocket Board, Special Good), Lucky • Failure: Brace yourselves! You bring the rocket car a
(Minor Good), Outcast (Minor Bad), Quick Reflexes (Minor little to close for comfort, scraping it against a nearby
Good), Tough (Minor Good). beam and damaging the RADAR system. They’ll need
to be repaired before they can be used again.
equipment: Rocket board (see page 109), leather • Bad: That was too close! Everyone in the rocket car
jacket (AV 1), knife (+2 Damage, Quick) or crowbar (+2 except you loses their action as they throw themselves
Damage), small pistol (2/4/6).
to the floor of the vehicle to dodge a low-hanging beam
of steel. The giant girder smashes into your vehicle,
story points: 2
doing a level of structural damage and causing the
Mook Threshold: 4 vehicle to lose 1 Chase Area.
• Disastrous: Dodging a massive concrete barrier at the
Rocket Hoodlums are gangs taken into the Rocket Age. last minute, you turn the rocket car completely on
These hoodlums are interested in using their speed and skill its side! Any player character not wearing a seat belt
to disable the player characters’ rocket car by any means is pitched from the vehicle! His friends will need to
necessary. They will attempt to attack the pilot of the rocket make a Coordination + Athletics roll (Difficulty 21) to
car or damage the vehicle enough so that it is forced to land. grab him in time before he falls to the pavement below.
While they’re brave enough to strap a radium powered board
to their feet and fly through the sky, if the player characters
During the chase the Red Scorpion agents will use any
make a strong enough show of force, they will retreat.
means necessary to stop them. Whether it’s trying to pick
them off with their RAY guns, using fancy flying or pure

The trail of the scorpion

speed – the Syndicate is bent on escape with its prey

intact. If the player characters manage to close the distance
between themselves and reach the same Chase Area as the
Heavy Artillery
Red Scorpion’s rocket car, one of the agents will attempt to Plumes of smoke begin to blow from the escaping rocket
leap onto the player characters’ rocket car and seize control car as it breaks free from the city streets and shoots out
of the vehicle or even crash it into a nearby building while across the New York Harbor. Putting the pedal to the
their allies escape with Tesla. metal, the kidnappers come to a hard landing between
Fort Hood and the Statue of Liberty. As you slam down
Players attempting the same maneuver will find the Red on the accelerator and close on your quarry a sudden
Scorpion pilot making every attempt to avoid their boarding. volley of RAY beam energy splatters across the hull
Whether it’s slamming on the brakes to suddenly create of your rocket car! The kidnappers have set up a RAY
new distance, pulling higher into the sky, or descending to cannon on the rim of Lady Liberty’s Torch and you’ll
mere inches above the automotive traffic moving through need to make a hard landing if you don’t want to be
the city – it doesn’t matter as long as they keep Tesla out of shot out of the sky!
the players’ clutches.

If the chase hasn’t ended after 10 Chase Rounds, the Red It will take 3 Action Rounds for the characters to cross
Scorpion’s rocket car will suffer a sudden engine failure. New York Harbor and attempt a safe landing on Bedloe
The Gamemaster is encouraged to present his engine Island. Each round the player characters will need to make
failure as something related to the player characters’ contested rolls against the gunmen positioned on the
heroics. Perhaps a seemingly harmless RAY beam severed walkway surrounding the Statue of Liberty’s torch. They
a fuel line, or a psychic character’s attempt to dominate the will roll Coordination + Transport against the gunman’s
mind of the pilot caused him to momentarily lose control Coordination + Marksman. During the first round of
of the vehicle. contested rolls the gunmen are at long range and as each
round passes, the range will close to medium and then
If there is no reasonable explanation for the engine failure close range before the characters are finally able to land
then the Gamemaster should simply inform the player and attempt to make their way across the field and into
characters that the Red Scorpion’s rocket car has simply the statue itself. It is important to note that while there is
been pushed to its limits. The rocket car surges forward in only one light RAY cannon being used by the kidnappers
a burst of speed over the New York Harbor and begins to and they may only target one vehicle each round, the
spiral down towards Bedloe Island, leaving a trail of heavy Gamemaster is encouraged to add more agents of the Red
black smoke. Syndicate to the platform and arm them with RAY rifles
that they can use if there is more than one rocket car and
If the chase ends with the any of the player characters the characters reach a close distance.
actually on board the kidnapper’s rocket car, then they
discover that Tesla is not on that car, but is instead on the
car that just crashed down on Bedloe Island! Perhaps they
see the kidnappers hauling Tesla away in the distance or
The Battle of Bedloe Island
manage to force the information from one of the thugs. You land to a scene of chaos. A collection of rocket
Either way, its abundantly clear that the chase is far from cars beaten and burnt from your relentless pursuit are
over. scattered across the once-peaceful green lawn before
the great marble stairs leading across the island and
into the lobby of the Statue of Liberty. Vile thugs duck
Scene Two: Crash Down at Bedloe Island into the building, hoisting the limp form of Nikola Tesla
With the rocket car crashed down on Bedloe Island, the as they disappear inside. Several goons remain outside,
characters will need to run and gun their way into the drawing weapons and yelling to the cannoneers to put
Statue of Liberty itself before their foes can escape with a stop to you and your friends – permanently.
Nikola Tesla in tow and flee the planet, thwarting all hopes
of a rescue! To complicate matters, the Red Scorpions have One of them lifts a hand-held RADIO to his mouth as he
set up a light RAY cannon on the tip of Lady Liberty’s torch draws his RAY gun and calls out, “Get the ship here, now!
that will blast the characters into atoms if they don’t get Tesla’s inside!” With that, he takes aim and opens fire.
inside quickly!

Tesla's torch

Once the characters have safely landed, they’ll need to

fight off the Red Syndicate agents who are still outside Reel Three: Liberty Ablaze!
or have positioned themselves at the entrance – all while Hot on the heels of the Red Scorpion, our heroes have them
avoiding shots from the RAY cannon bearing down on cornered! Here in the very heart of the Statue of Liberty
them and the danger of nearby rocket cars bursting into itself they must make their climactic rescue to save not just
flames as the energy beams fly! Tesla, but all of New York City itself as the scientist’s new
technology threatens to go atomic and destroy the city!
Stray RAY Beams
If the Gamemaster wants to really ratchet up the danger,
he can have one of the kidnappers shoot at an already The Statue of Liberty in the
damaged rocket car and cause the vehicle to explode in
a radium-fueled fireball! In order to successfully blow up
World of Rocket Age
a landed rocket car and potentially incinerate everyone Players native to New York City or those who have
within ten meters, the kidnapper will need to make a visited the monument will notice significant differences
successful Coordination + Marksman (Difficulty 18) skill between the layout of Lady Liberty’s interior between
check. the real world and that of Rocket Age. In order to
keep the action fast and furious, the interior of the
Roll: Coordination + Athletics statue has been streamlined and condensed as the
Difficulty: 18 game builds to a climax and certain liberties have been
Results: taken with, well, the Statue of Liberty. Gamemasters are
• Fantastic: Managing to leap clear of the terrible have visited the Statue of Liberty are free to modify or
explosion and except for a few singed hairs, you take expand this scene if they wish to stick closer to its real-
no damage. world depiction.
• Good: You leap away, covering yourself as the flames
rush over you. While it could have been worse, it sure
doesn’t feel good. Takes 2 levels of damage. Scene One: Fleeting Freedom
• Success: Your lightning reflexes kept your goose from As a running gun battle unfolds inside the very body of
being cooked, but it still got seared pretty thoroughly. Lady Liberty, the player characters must race against the
You take 4 levels of damage. clock to rescue Tesla. But they’ll need to figure out the
• Failure: Unable to clear the blast radius, you are correct path to the top, face off against the Red Scorpion
thrown to the ground and suffer some pretty terrible agents, and eventually climb out onto the very crest of the
burns. You take 8 levels of damage. statue itself and make their way to the torch if they hope
• Bad: You didn’t even see that coming. In an instant to save Tesla and the City. This scene is a series of rooms
you’re blown several meters across the battlefield and where the characters will need to make their way as fast as
engulfed in flames. You suffer 10 levels of damage. possible to the main observation deck (6).
• Disastrous: Ground zero. You were standing right next
to the fuel tank when the rocket car went up. You 1. Entrance Hall
take 10 levels of damage and are set ablaze. You or After ascending the long marble stairs into the Statue of
one of your allies will need to make a Coordination + Liberty’s interior you see a long hall extending nearly half
Medicine roll (Difficulty 12) to put the flames out. Each the width of the statue’s base. Its smooth walls contain
round that you remain on fire you take an additional 2 images depicting American glory and heroism, though
levels of damage. the hall itself is eerily quiet. As you take your first steps
across the threshold the sizzle of a beam of RAY energy
The Gamemaster should use the statistics for Red Scorpion burns a nearby wall and you see two of the kidnappers
Thugs listed on page 104 and simply place several other have positioned themselves at the far end of the hall and
agents on the balcony of Lady Liberty’s torch and arm them are using the distant doorways as cover as they bare down
with the light RAY cannon (see page 179 of the Rocket on you with deadly modern technology.
Age Core Rulebook). The number of kidnappers present is
three greater than the number of player characters, plus the Two kidnappers are armed with RAY pistols at the far end
cannon operator. At least three of the men on the ground of the hall and using the cover to their advantage. Because
will be guarding the entrance into the Statue of Liberty in of this cover, all attacks made against them have a +2 to
an effort to cover the kidnapper’s escape with Tesla. their difficulty. They will call back orders to the agents in

The trail of the scorpion

the visitor’s lobby as the battle progresses and will attempt of the lobby begin to explode with timed charges, filling
to hold their ground as long as possible before falling back. the room with fire and debris. The characters will need
to move with lightning speed if they hope to survive the
blazing flames and collapsing steel.

It’s a Trap!
As the lobby of the Statue of Liberty explodes around
them, the heroes must make their way through explosions
and collapsing steel girders and shrapnel if they hope to
stay in pursuit of the Red Scorpion’s agents!

Roll: Strength + Athletics

Difficulty: 15
• Fantastic: You manage to push your way forward through
the fire and collapsing room well ahead of explosions,
surprising the Maduri before he can escape up the stairs.
Stunned by your speed, you have the opportunity to get
the drop on him with a surprise attack.
• Good: With flames licking at your feet, you catch
the Maduri warrior before he can flee up the stairs,
but he’s ready for you and is prepared to go down
• Success: You made your way safely through the flames
and debris, but not before your ambusher has escaped
up the stairwell!
• Failure: Though you’ve been caught in the blast, you
manage to duck behind the receptionist’s desk on the
far side of the room, avoiding worse injury. You suffer
2. Visitor’s Lobby 4 levels of damage.
The long hall opens into a huge lobby with high vaulted • Bad: The explosion has caught you fully unaware.
ceilings and twinkling chandeliers. The beauty of these Flames rage around you and collapsing steel rains
lights becomes blinding as you hear a high-pitched whirring down. You suffer 8 levels of damage.
noise from somewhere far above and the light in the room • Disastrous: A huge support beam has fallen on top
flares to a new brightness before the bulbs explode. A of you! You suffer 8 levels of damage and are trapped
second later the room is painted in a shadowy darkness. beneath the wreckage of the lobby. You or your allies
Peering through the shadows you see a large round counter will need to make a Strength + Athletics roll (Difficulty
running along the wall to your right and a set of double 18) to pull you free, but doing so will expose them to
doors flung wide open on the far end of the room some 15 the dangers of the room – requiring them to make new
meters away. Between you and this doorway stands a large skill checks each round to avoid being pinned down
Maduri warrior clutching a rifle with a wickedly barbed and burned alive. Each round that you and your allies
bayonet and blood burning in his Martian eyes. remain trapped in the room causes 8 levels of damage
to each character.
The Maduri stationed in the doorway is attempting to bait
the player characters into stepping out into the lobby where Players who are quick-witted enough to look around the
the Red Scorpion has laid a deadly trap. The Red Scorpion room as they flee may make an Awareness + Subterfuge
agents have laid several tiny explosives through out the roll (Difficulty 12) to notice a visitor’s map mounted on
lobby and as soon as the characters enter the room the the wall behind the visitor’s desk. It provides directions
Maduri pulls out a small detonator, gives the characters to both the Secondary Observation Deck (Location 5) via
a wicked smile and hits the kill switch. He then flees up Stairwell B and the Crown Observation Deck (Location 6)
the stairs and into the belly of Lady Liberty. The walls via Stairwell A.

Tesla's torch

3. Central Stairwell by the Gamemaster. A single Red Scorpion agent is hiding

in the stairwell two floors above the player characters.
Unless one of the player characters succeeds in a contested
Central Stairs roll of Awareness + Subterfuge against the kidnapper’s
Coordination + Subterfuge, he will drop a live grenade
A pair of spiraling boxed stairwells fill this room. They are right at their feet. If the characters are successful then the
separated by a large metal wall that cuts across three kidnapper fumbles with the grenade before preparing it
quarters of this room and rises up into the darkness. An and instead makes use of his sidearm.
echoing hum still hangs in the air, reverberating against
the walls of the each rising stair case. Fire in the Hole!
The Maduri sniper who lured them into the fiery trap in
the lobby (or some other Red Scorpion agent, if the Maduri
There are two stairwells in this chamber. Stairwell A is dead) is waiting to ambush the characters in the narrow
ascends over 35 meters to the Crown Observatory (Location stairwell that climbs to the main observation deck of the
5), while Stairwell B goes only 20 meters to the smaller Statue of Liberty. The characters look up to see him just in
Secondary Observatory only 20 meters up (Location 6). time to as he drops a live grenade right at their feet.

4. Continuing Stairwell Roll: The player characters will need to make a Coordination
As you and your companions continue to ascend the inner + Athletics roll to scramble out of the way of the two-meter
workings of Lady Liberty the maddening and mysterious blast radius of the grenade before it detonates.
hum that seems to have blown all the lights inside is broken Difficulty: 18
by a sharp clatter of something heavy bouncing down the Results:
metal stairs. You and your companions look down just in • Fantastic: Your lightning reflexes have turned the table
time to see a single live hand grenade has landed at your on your enemy. You quickly pick up the grenade and
feet! Trying desperately to leap free of the blast, the last may make a Coordination + Athletics roll (Difficulty
thing you hear before the explosion is the laughter of one 12) to toss it back up the stairwell at your enemy! If
of the kidnappers. This encounter can be used optionally you succeed, you’ve managed to blast him to bits. On

The trail of the scorpion

a failure you simply manage to toss the grenade away urgency. This description can and should be used any time
before anyone is hurt. before the characters reach the crown observation deck.
• Good: You manage to vault down the stairs just before
the grenade detonates, avoiding most of the damage

and suffer only 2 levels of damage.
Success: Leaping back, you avoid the brunt of the
Mysterious Explosion
explosion but still take quite a licking. You take 4 levels As you scramble through the inner workings and up the
of damage. stairs towards the Crown Observation Deck you hear
• Failure: What’s that?! Caught unaware, you are only a massive explosion sound from above and the entire
able to duck away from the blast before detonation. structure seems to shake! You don’t know what’s going on
You suffer 6 levels of damage. up there, but it sounds like it came from inside the statue!
• Bad: You attempt to get free of the blast but barely
manage to move and the massive explosion at your
feet not only does 6 levels of damage, but leaves a 6. Crown Observation Deck
horrible ringing in your ears. This constant distraction The player characters finally reach the Crown Observatory
causes a -2 penalty to all your Awareness rolls for the only to find an ambush awaits them and their route to
remainder of the reel. Tesla is cut off! They’ll need to fight off the kidnappers and
• Disastrous: Freezing up, you look on in horror as the climb out onto Lady Liberty’s crown if they hope to rescue
grenade detonates. You suffer 8 levels of damage and Nikola Tesla!
the concussive force will leave you completely deaf
for several days. You automatically fail any Awareness
checks related to hearing for the next 48 hours.
Ambush at the Crown
Detailed rules for hand grenades can be found on page 11 The stairs end in a sudden opening in to the center of the
of Heroes of the Solar System. Statue of Liberty’s famous Crown Observation Deck. Over
20 windows run along the south-eastern wall of this round
5. Secondary Observation Deck room. It is over 10 meters from end to end, but that’s not
The Observation Deck is a dead end, but if the players were what draws your attention at the moment. You see a rag-tag
unable to discover the correct route to the rendezvous collection of Earthlings, Martians, and Venusians waiting
point, they may find themselves even more pressed for in the room all armed to the teeth. You barely have time to
time than ever before! notice the beautiful view of the city before they descend on
you with a surprising array of deadly weapons.

The polished wooden door opens onto a room easily

ten meters long. A panoramic view of the city stretches There are a three more goons than player characters here.
out before you with the vast waters of the New York They will fight until defeated. Once the battle is over the
Harbor some fifty meters below and the great towers of characters will notice in the north western corner of the
glass and steel standing majestically in the distance. A room that one of the walls has been collapsed in on itself,
low rumble rises above the energetic hum that fills the hopelessly buried beneath copper and iron debris. It’s
statue and you feel the ground begin to shake as you obvious that this was the source of the noise they heard
long shadow passes over Lady Liberty. You see a civilian earlier. Amongst the rubble they can find a mangled sign
rocket transport zoom into view before rising towards the that says “Maintenance Hatch to Torch.” It would seem that
crest of the statue. You’ve got no time to waste! You know the Red Scorpion agents have sealed themselves atop the
that if the kidnappers get Tesla on board that ship there’s Statue of Liberty in a last ditch effort to prevent pursuit.
nothing to stop them from getting him off-planet!
But the heroes aren’t without hope! They can attempt to
climb through the windows that dot Lady Liberty’s crown
As the rocket transport zooms off to the torch, the and climb on top of the statue to assault the torch from the
characters will have to hurry if they hope to make it to outside! In order to make their way through the window
the top of the statue in time! As they’re scrambling to and make the precarious climb above the crown they’ll
the proper stairwell, the Gamemaster should read or need to succeed at a Strength + Athletics check (Difficulty
paraphrase the following text to create a further sense of 12), though characters with Mark III rocket packs or other

Tesla's torch

modes of flight will have a much easier time and will be

able to assist their companions. However, such mobile
heroes will certainly alert the Red Scorpion agents to their
presence very quickly with their surprising resourcefulness.

Scene Two: The Blazing Light of Liberty

In their final confrontation with the Red Scorpion
kidnappers our heroes will need to climb onto the exterior
of the Statue of Liberty some one hundred meters above
Bedloe Island and climb to the torch if they hope to save
Tesla from the transport ship waiting to take him off planet
and to who knows where!

Cresting the Crown

You come to the stand atop the head of Lady Liberty
and gaze up to the torch. It’s blazing with the light of a
hundred suns, pulsating and powerful and you realize
this is the source of the constant echoing hum you heard
all through the inner corridors. Above both this noise and
howling harbor winds you hear the engine of a rocket
ship and see the massive shape of a rocket transport
moving into position to pick up Tesla and his kidnappers.
You see a rope ladder drop from an open hatch in the
transport as it precariously moves within a few meters of
the torch. Just as you’re about to leap into action you see
that there’s a struggle on the platform ringing the torch!
Torches and Terror
Tesla’s awake and clearly struggling with his kidnappers. As you set foot on the platform encircling the now
His eyes catch yours and he frantically waves, pointing blinding, pulsating flame of Lady Liberty, Nikola Tesla’s
to the torch before catching a hard shot to the jaw and screams are barely heard over the chaos of wind,
crumpling to the cold copper. technology and battle: “The torch! It’s going to explode
and destroy the city if you don’t-”

Heroes who have rocket packs or other means of flight will His cries are cut short as one of the criminals brings the
be able to reach the torch in a mere move action and may butt of his pistol down on the scientist’s head. It’s only then
even carry their allies to the platform, while those below that you see a tiny panel open on the side of the torch
will need to make Strength + Athletics rolls (Difficulty revealing several gauges, dials and buttons and it doesn’t
15) as they struggle to free climb the copper exterior of take a rocket scientist to see that they’re in the red!
the statue. It will take the climber 3 Action Rounds to
make it to the platform, reduced by one round for each As one of the kidnappers hoists Tesla onto his shoulder
degree of success achieved beyond a normal success to a and reaches for the ladder you and your allies realize
minimum of 1 full Action Round with a Fantastic Success. you’re saving more than just one man, but also the millions
The platform itself is quite full, with six Red Scorpion of Manhattanites who will perish if the torch blows!
kidnappers crowding it along with an injured Tesla. As the
characters make their ascent the kidnappers will attempt
to open fire with their own sidearms as well as the light The kidnappers are focused on fleeing to the waiting
RAY cannon still positioned there. When the first player transport, but will use every dirty trick in the book to keep
character reaches the platform read or paraphrase the the player characters from stopping their escape, including
Torches and Terror boxout. hurling them to the pavement one hundred meters below.

The trail of the scorpion

They have 3 Action Rounds after the Gamemaster reads player character, granting them a +4 to their attempt to
the above description to stop the kidnappers before Tesla is disarm the torch. In the event the torch is not disarmed a
successfully carried up the rope ladder and the ship escapes. spectacular explosion occurs that can be seen across New
On the last round, the transport will begin pulling away York State. The Island of Manhattan is leveled in a radium-
with a single kidnapper carrying Tesla over his shoulder and fueled explosion and countless innocent lives are lost,
clinging to the rope ladder. If this happens the characters will including Tesla, the player characters and the Red Scorpion
need to think fast to prevent their escape. The Gamemaster agents.
should encourage the players to come up with creative ideas
for his rescue and determine Attribute + Skill pools and After the battle is over and the torch disarmed, if the
difficulties based on the nature of what the characters are characters search the kidnappers they discover a few of them
doing. If anyone attempts to engage the kidnapper in any have a mysterious red Martian scorpion tattooed on their
form of hand-to-hand combat, he will drop Tesla and our left wrist. Any character with the Friends trait associated
heroes will have to react in an instant with a last minute with the criminal underworld may make an Ingenuity +
catch him. Coordination + Athletics (Difficulty 21) will allow Knowledge roll (Difficulty 18) to recognize it as the symbol
them to grab the scientist as he falls within arm’s length of of the Red Scorpion Crime Syndicate – an organization that
the torch platform and save him from certain doom! During exists only as a rumor and is said to have its hands in the
the whole affair they will also need to address the ticking illicit affairs of every planet in the Solar System.
time bomb that is Lady Liberty’s torch, which will detonate
in 5 Action Rounds if no action is taken.
The Tragic Death of
A Splendid Torch
Roll: Ingenuity + Science
Nikola Tesla
Difficulty: 21 Sometimes even the greatest heroes fail and it is quite
Results: possible that Tesla may not survive this adventure.
• Fantastic: You read a book on Tesla’s theories regarding Sometimes the heroes don’t react fast enough.
radium-based energy production! You’re able to power Sometimes they don’t see what the villains are planning.
down the torch in 1 Action Round. Sometimes they’re just out of Story Points and the dice
• Good: It’s complicated, but nothing you can’t handle. just aren’t on their side. Nikola Tesla isn’t immortal and
You are able to shut down the torch in 2 Action Rounds he could die in this adventure. But death in Rocket
as long as you are not interrupted. Age is not always certain. If Telsa tumbles from the
• Success: There’s a reason they call Tesla a genius – torch of Lady Liberty, he could easily be cast into the
this is complicated. It will take 3 Action Rounds of New York Harbor and his body never recovered. This
uninterrupted fiddling to keep the torch from exploding. would allow creative Gamemasters to introduce him in
• Failure: This is far beyond anything you’ve ever seen! a later adventure. Perhaps he is shot by a Red Scorpion
You can’t make heads or tails of it! kidnapper’s RAY pistol and slums to the ground in a
• Bad: You crossed the wires! The light of the torch heap. Only after they have defeated the villains and
suddenly flares bright enough to momentarily blind disarmed the bomb do they discover that the scientist
you and break your concentration. You can try again was wearing a prototype personal energy field that
next round with a -2 penalty to your roll. protected him from the blast. This might offer hints to the
• Disastrous: You’ve caused a power surge and the jolt technology revealed in the next episode: Walk Right
of energy has nearly launched you off the platform! In in Steal 'Em Blind. There are any number of ways for
order to keep yourself from tumbling to the ground Tesla to survive in the world of Rocket Age – it’s just
below you’ll need to make a Strength + Athletics roll a matter of a little bit of ingenuity and a lot of moxie!
(Difficulty 12) roll. If you fail, another character can
attempt to catch you with a Coordination + Athletics For a darker spin on the adventure Tesla could truly be
roll (Difficulty 15), but they forfeit all other actions slain. The death such an icon would certainly give the
that Action Round. player characters reason to take up arms against the
Red Scorpion Crime Syndicate. If the Gamemaster opts
If the characters have already rescued Tesla before the torch to have Tesla slain in the course of this episode, they
has been disarmed they can attempt to revive him from will need to alter the epilogue, as it is written with the
unconsciousness with a successful Ingenuity + Medicine assumption that he will survive.
(Difficulty 12) roll. Once Tesla is awake, he will assist the

Tesla's torch

Epilogue: A Traitor Revealed Concluding the Adventure

With Tesla safely returned to the Empire State Building, The characters find no clues or signs that will allow them
the characters receive the thanks of Mayor La Guardia to track down other signs of the Red Scorpion. It’s as if
and the other attendants. However, one of the guests has they vanished into thin air. No doubt they will appear in
mysteriously vanished without a trace. A frustrated Tesla another episode to trouble the player characters again…
informs the Mayor that the Torch of Liberty Project will
have to be scrapped in light of these events, though he Though a shadow hangs over the Worlds Fair of 1939,
thanks the characters heartily for saving his life. representatives from all the planets invited will attend.
If the characters handled themselves well around Tesla
and didn’t attempt to make him feel beholden to them for
A Mind in Flames saving his life they may have a powerful ally in the future
– though he does not like to be disturbed very often or
The heavy mood on the 97th floor of the Empire State regarding matters of little importance.
Building rises as you return with Nikola Tesla safely in
your custody. Mayor La Guardia rushes forward with a Rewards
smile on his face and congratulations on his lips, but is At the Gamemaster’s discretion, player characters who
cut short by the dour scientist. successfully rescue Tesla may earn a Story Point, or
even a second one if they attempted to protect both the
“We’re done, La Guardia,” he says tersely. “The Torch property and population of New York City while doing so.
of Liberty has been extinguished.” However, thrilling heroics aren’t everything. Characters
who managed to inflict wonton damage on the city or
Tesla turns to walk away as the Mayor begins to protest, were particularly brutal to their adversaries run the risk
but Nikola turns on his heel and before a stunned crowd of earning no additional Story Points for their adventures.
begins to shout: “I’ll not have my technology used as a
weapon of mass destruction! I’m returning to my lab to
burn the notes!” His expression softens ever so slightly
as he turns to you and your friends. “I owe you my lives,
Story Point Awards
and for what its worth, the Age of the Rocket could use 1 Successfully rescuing Tesla and disarming the torch
more people like you and less like these vultures.” He 1 Making an active and successful effort to minimize
waves a hand at the dignitaries who look on in shock collateral damage to NYC
and disgust. -1 Recklessly destroying parts of the city and the Statue of
As he steps into the elevator, Tesla waves in departure -1 Being particularly brutal or bloodthirsty towards the
at you and your friends, a grudging smile on his Red Scorpion agents
face.“Hvala, my friends.”

The Mayor steps up with a dour look on his face

as the doors close and Tesla disappears. “Police
Commissioner Woods is downstairs. We captured one
New York City
of the kidnappers after you and your friends sped off. Theme: City at the Center of the Universe
It wasn’t long after agents from the State Department Complication: The Big Apple with a rotten core
showed up and took him into custody – damn g-men. Personality: Giuseppe Marcone, mob boss looking
The thug had a red scorpion tattooed on his arm and to the stars
made mention of something called the PKR. Does that
mean anything to you?”
New York City is recognized across the Solar System as
With a heavy sigh, La Guardia looks out towards the jewel of Earth and many extra-terrestrial visitors
Bedloe Island. “So much for the World of Tomorrow.” mistakenly believe it to be “the capital of the human
world,” not recognizing that Earthlings still live in a
multinational world. But with the reality of the Rocket Age,
New York Harbor now welcomes visitors from across the

The trail of the scorpion

Further Adventures in New York City

New York City. The Big Apple. The City that Never Sleeps. Broadway is Burning: The latest hit on Broadway is
There are far more adventures to be had in the Great Mars the Red, a dramatic musical depicting the conflicts
Metropolis of Earth and excitement lurks on every street on Mars – but not all the reviews are warm! A group of
and around every corner. Here are a few ideas for more splinter group of Martians and their freedom fighter allies
adventures to be had in the Five Boroughs. have been setting theaters ablaze up and down Broadway
and soon their master stroke will be revealed – a radium-
The Battle Over Times Square: This infamous locale powered bomb planted beneath the heart of New York City
is known to be the heart of illicit activity in New York City, that must be discovered and defused before it’s too late!
but a particularly ambitious criminal mastermind has seized
control of this once great place! Whether it’s an Ancient The Urban Jungle: The New York City Zoo is about to
Martian RAY Shield covering several blocks, a garrison take possession of several extra-planetary creatures. But
of robomen holding the region hostage or several rocket when the security measures and fail-safes prove to be too
fighters hovering in the skies above, our heroes will need to little too late, a horde of monsters terrorize Central Park! The
muster their courage and quick-wits to keep this power-mad player characters will need to find a way to wrangle up the
entrepreneur from spreading his power across the city! beasts and save the lives of innocent bystanders enjoying
this once peaceful refuge!

Solar System. Earthlings, Venusians, Martians, and even a between the bright lights of the biggest city in the Solar
few Europans have come to New York in hopes of building System is a dark underbelly.
a new life for themselves. Some come for wealth and some
for power, but Earthling or not, they come with a dream. Giuseppe Marcone
When Charles “Lucky” Luciano got fitted for a pinstripe
With a new influx of dreamers and enterprising visitors, jumpsuit by way of Uncle Sam in 1936, a young under-
the city has been buried under a deluge of new problems. boss of the mafia named Giuseppe Marcone saw a golden
Skyscrapers can’t be built tall enough and rocket cars can opportunity. He swept in as the five families were thrown
go fast enough. As the legitimate government becomes into chaos. Through promises and threats, he drew men to
more and more overwhelmed with these all manner of his service and became a boss in his own right after less
new problems, citizens now turn to New York’s vibrant than a year. But knowing the older bosses saw him as an
underworld of organized crime. These families have upstart, he knew he’d have a short reign if he didn’t carve
become the true power of the city. They have influence out his own place in the world of organized crime.
in government, law enforcement, the waterfront, and the
illegal production of alcohol. Nothing seems to happen in While other bosses of the five families held on to their
New York City without knowledge or permission of these positions of power in liquor trade, racketeering and
mobsters. protection schemes, Giuseppe set his eyes on a new market:
the stars. Building on his connections in the underbelly
Yet life goes on and New Yorkers are a proud, dedicated, of the New York Harbor, Marcone made inroads into the
and tenacious lot. The strongest bodies and the brightest burgeoning stellar trade of New York.
minds always seem to find their way to the Big Apple. Even
Nikola Tesla makes his home here. His genius has drawn Now, he’s the kingpin of the radium-powered trade that
scientists and explorers who are eager to be on the edge passes through the city. If it’s illegal, rare, or profitable
of the latest radium-powered technology. With each new and it arrives in the five burrows by way of a rocket then
day it seems a new miracle is revealed to the public by way Marcone’s got a hand in it. He’s shrewd, patient, and
of scientific discovery. These daily revelations continue draconian in his control of these resources. But Marcone
to draw curious and eager citizens from across the Solar is also a traditionalist and a gentleman. He has a code
System to the City of Lights. of honor and whether it’s a promise of retribution or
agreement that’s mutually beneficial, Marcone always
But not everyone is hoping to travel to the stars and keeps up his end of the bargain and expects the same kind
beyond for the betterment of all beings. Technology, like of respect from any of his “business partners.”
any innovation, is often turned to nefarious purposes and


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