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Acta Cryst. (1970). B26, 1469

The Crystal Strueture of CazFe2Os and its Relation to the
Nuclear Eleetrie Field Gradient at the Iron Sites

Department of Geology, California State College at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Californ~t 90032, U.S.A.

(Received 23 October 1969)

Single-crystal counter data have been used to refine (R = 0.034) the crystal structure of Ca2Fe2Os, which
belongs to space group Pcmn (Dl~)with a=5.599 (1), b= 14.771 (2), c= 5.429 (1)A, and four formula
units per unit cell. In agreement with Grant's results of Fe3+ ion nuclear electric field gradient measure-
ments, the oxygen octahedra and tetrahedra about the Fe3+ ions are both markedly distorted, primarily
along the b axis. The thermal vibrations are anisotropic with the greatest vibration amplitudes directed
away from the strong bonds.

Introduction Recent investigations by Grant (1969) on the nu-

clear electric field gradient (EFG) in the system
Dicalcium ferrite, CazFe2Os, is an end-member of the CazFez-zAlz05 provide evidence that the charge dis-
solid solution series CazFez-zAlz05. The name brown- tribution surrounding the Fe 3+ sites is remarkably
millerite has been given to natural and synthetic mater- asymmetric. 57Fe M0ssbauer spectroscopy shows that
ial with 0.66 < x < 1.38 and space group Icmm. For a CazFe205 and related solid solutions have exception-
comprehensive review of the crystal chemistry of ally large quadrupole splittings for Fe 3+ ion-contain-
CazFe205 and solid solutions see Geller, Grant & Gon- ing materials. In CazFe205 the peak separations, AEQ,
set (1969). The most probable space group, Pcmn, and at the octahedral and tetrahedral sites are 1.40 and
the general atomic arrangement for dicalcium ferrite 1-38 mm.sec respectively. Single-crystal specimens of
were determined first by Bertaut, Blum & Sagni6res CazFe205 were used to determine the orientation of
(1959). The structure consists of perovskite-like layers the principal axes of the EFG at both Fe 3~- ion sites.
of oxygen octahedra connected along the b axis by The space group symmetry restrictions on the EFG par-
single chains of tetrahedra centered at b = ¼ (see Fig. 1). ameters are the same as those of the thermal vibration
Bertaut et al. found the octahedra to be essentially parameters. In Ca2FezOs, the octahedral Fe 3+ ion is on
regular and the tetrahedra to be distorted only by a an inversion center (at 0 0 0) and thus there are no
large tetrahedral angle (not given) that results in a restrictions on the EFG; the tetrahedral Fe 3+ ion is
large 0(2)-0(2) length of 3.43 A, directed along the on a mirror plane of symmetry (at y = ¼) and one prin-
b axis. A similar structure was proposed by Biissem cipal axis of the EFG must be perpendicular to the
(1937, 1938) for brownmillerite. plane of symmetry. Grant concludes that at the octa-
hedral site the principal axis corresponding to the
largest EFG component, Vzz, is approximately along
the b axis (experimental error 20 °) and at the tetra-
hedral site is exactly parallel to the b axis.
This paper reports the refinement of the crystal struc-
ture of CazFe205 and compares the results with those
of the EFG measurements.

The crystal used for this study was grown by Mr L. D.
c Fullmer using the Czochralski technique and was from
the same batch as that used for the single-crystal M6ss-
bauer work. The single crystal used for the collection
of intensities was a sphere with diameter 0.27 mm ob-
b tained with a sphere grinder similar to one designed
by Bond (1959).
The reflection absences allow two space groups,
Pcmn (centric) and Pc21n (non-centric); the final pre-
cision of the refinement corroborates the choice of
Fig. 1. S t r u c t u r e o f C a 2 F e 2 0 5 s h o w i n g F e - O f r a m e w o r k . Pcmn originally made by Bertaut et al. (1959).

A C 26B - 6

The cell constants, obtained from the powder data The 413 non-zero, non-equivalent reflections were
of Smith (1962), and the calculated density are: collected to sin 0=0-5 and include only those that
a =5-559 (1) b=14.771 (2) c=5.429 (1)/k were sufficiently above background to make a con-
V= 448.99 .&3 tribution to the least-squares treatment. The structure
Z=4 was refined with the Busing, Martin & Levy (1962)
least-squares program. The starting positional param-
Calculated density, 4.02 -3. eters were those of Bertaut et al. (1959); the isotropic
The crystal was mounted on the c axis and 413 inten- temperature factors were set at 0-5 A z for the metal
sities were collected for six levels using Zr-filtered ions and 1.0 A 2 for the .oxygen ions. Atomic scatter-
Mo Kc~ radiation and a single-crystal diffractometer ing factors were taken from the tabulation of Ibers
equipped with a scintillation counter. For each reflec- (1962) and corrected for the real part of anomalous
tion the counter was fixed and the crystal was rotated dispersion using the values of Cromer (1965). In the
through the angle ~0 at 0.5 deg.min -1. The peaks were initial refinement all parameters including a single scale
recorded on a strip chart and integrated with a disc- factor were varied. The low and high amplitude Fobs
type planimeter. Each peak was integrated twice and were weighted slightly lower using a scheme similar to
the values averaged. The intensities were corrected for that of Cruickshank (1965).
absorption and Lp factors using a program similar to After three cycles of refinement the R value was
one by Lovell & Van den Hende (1961) which utilizes 0.066. Five low-angle, tdgh-intensity reflections pre-
correction tables computed by Bond (1959). sumably affected by extinction were removed from the
calculation and the remaining 408 intensities were used
Table 1. Observed and calculated structure amplitudes throughout the subsequent computations. After four
used in the refinement
r, k i ,n ~, ro.'~. real. r~s. rclle
12~., ,IZ.~ ~ e 16.:~ -i~.~ 26.5 -26.~
~.8 ~.9 7 e .", .o 51 . ~ 51.1
-21.0 ~.4 64.0 64.1
2"2,1 26.3 I 9 2~.o 2~.9 ,6 n4.C, 46. I
29,7 ~.$,4 4 9 21 ..: 34.5 ~.1
16 16.B -t6.4
~ , o 2S.9 2~.4 , io 76.6 37.-" ~.0
-7ti.7 41 16 I'~.8
i o 25.2 -23.9 2 Io 2o+1 3-~.a -~9.0
,9.~ 5 17 ':<I cu.9
~,++o 109.7 121.~ :~ IO .~'). ") <'+'.9 o ,e ~,~ J7.6
71.7 72.7 4 io ,:..,# it,.2 2 , ~.e
71.6 -71.6 9 io 2~,.0 2a.5 ~,~l e 20.9 2~.0
1 127.~ -t~5.e 7 Io 49o2 67.$ t'.7.8
76.5 -77.9 i ii 27.9 21.~ -2a.2
-2~.e 19.5 .i B.I~
7 ~ ~ 44.1 -,~~..6 i i+ it)1.5 io5.2 (,7..', • -6~.6 17.9 -~.o
o ~ 92.9 e8.9 2 i~ 19+7 t9.5 -.m.9 .: 27.1 27.,
i~.4 -3,.i i 12 ~r.9 7~.0 1~.
6 4 o • ~7.~ -,t6.3
i,o. ~, -22.B 5 12 4.3.5 :,7.~ z 29.2 ~.9 5
~m" 5~.I 54.S
1 `5 o 99.2 101.5 2 11 ++.~.. 6 .',+. 7 ~,.i. 7
94+4 97.~ 4 15 1,7.2 26.~ 28,0
67.:' 5 -:O.6
65.9 65+2 6 ii 45.~ 6 •~ ~.0
15.1 .~:.?
o 6 o 87.2 59.~ 5S,~ 6 .~9. ~, Y~.5
~1.9 -~2.9 I 14 76.6 2.: ,o ~.~ 30.7 31.4
~2.0 5,1.... ~.5 6 21 ..~ 22.S
~.1 :,5.7 z 1~, a2.-- -.:1 . s ~ 2 91.1 5.'.5
S6.0 a6.0 ,I I~ ~.~ ;++i -72.1
-+t,.9 ,=2.~ 42.6 7 21 ..l 21.o
5 7 o ~6.6 -~6.6 6 15 .;~.~ '~7.7 -~9..'- r.,s.n -64.l
5 7 o 17..: 19.1 I 16 26.0 77.], 5 -2S.a 7
"1 7 o 29.0 2`].i $ 16 $(,+t~ le.`5 -19.0
~,.1 7 ~ 17.'.~ ,7.~
,oo.< ~ ,6
s:,..~ , is
21 .`5
a :..0 31.7 7
i 4 I.:~ .2 I~7+~
~1 .~ 1~ 2~.0 111.7 I 1.1.1
'~ ~ e~.l
85.5 g, ~2.6
o 19.6
17.4 :,7.1 ~ o ."2.7 -21.1 4 2S.~ -:e,~ e
~.~.I 51.7 -31.6
~.I.I ~.~ 6 o ;l .o 5 4 75. 70.~
61.a 2 4 .',. ~ ,'0.7 76.1
,21oOoo 114.2
4).2 7 ,~.S •:5.7 a 25.B -27.o
Ic.6 le.2 I 5 77.e 7S.2 2n.9 ~ .9
6 10 94.$ 92.2 2 85..5 ~8.5 2 :'9.e ~9.6 9
18.1 -19.8 5 26.7 ~.9 ,'~.4
28.0 1 5 16.7 IB.~ 9 2a .8 -el.a
~.9 -92.9 4 2 5e.~ %.7 4 29.1 28.9 I0 eg.~ 87.9
4.6.4 -'=7.5 5 56.7 56.5 22.5 -2~.7 I0 2:).2 I.q.7
H =S.2 -4~..';' 6 z 2 07_+ S~.l 19.0 -~9.1 ~o £'6.8 6~..~
ioi ..: 96.e o ,~.a n~,.7 1 6 ~.7 80.7 tO 55.2 5¢,4
2 12 0

21 . s
i 2

C'= ..:
0 U:,.6
~1.0 I0 7a.~. 71.8
57. i t~ 5,~.a r,5.r
~.0 It.7 6 2~.n ."~.~ 5 6 72.2 72.9 II ~i .,~ -~0.9
24.6 24.1 7 2 3~.7 -~s.e, 6 25.2 :~2.1 I] 19.$ 21 .-"
7 I~ 2~.7
61 .e
o 2
-26.i 1
7+, [,i ,,t $0.5 II 24.~, -2..'. :,
~2.8 -a2.r: li +t.I m.5
~ 7 ~9..'. i+
,69.~ -~9.S ~ 2 11.8 -~2.~ ~. I -~.2 i i~ I~.7 -I~., +
89.I 8~.~ 4 19.1 ~1.9 31 .g l~ 2-<+ 2.:.'.
16 0 ~.~ ~.~ ~ " ~1 .~ -15.a
~ 7
,26 b ~.~
~.s 17.9 0 ~1.6 ~., 31.6 -]r.$
~0.0 ~ .,~ i 2,.i. .~7.~' ~2,a -5l . z o
le .~ .~ 19,~ 19.fl ~ 11 17.1 ~6+1
46.2 47.7 .5 n~.~ ~.7 4
~1.6 ~e.S -:~.6
. . . . . . 72.6 ~ ,
.5 i ....
~0.9 'CO,.~ i 9 .:.; , e 0(3)I
$7,5 -~9.6 6 9 2 22.4 -.'~ .4 5 9 17.~ 2~.7 2"..~
i00.0 9,1.~ 7 ~ , 1.5.c 17.n 47.1 ...... ,~ 26.+7 -27.~
;m.o 79. i e ~ 2 2a., -Z+.O 2 to (2.~, ~.o.~ 2~.8 25.a
~.i ~O.2 o 6 ~ 62.~ ~,0.~ ;,~..+,j z7.8 ~ i~
o 1~..I 19.9 22.t i+-+ ~.e ~.2.,

-:,:'. 5
.',1 .r+

7 m 2e.~
21 ..:
°0 ."2.2
-$7.." Oil) X ?
-~.0 79.+ 77.1
t i 26.0 -2~.,~
~1.9 ~1.6 2 7 2 +:.:.7 -~5.1 ~1 .o
04.9 6~.Z 4 7 2 21.~ -21 .~ <<9 .:.~ .0
~ 2 y~ .o
.:~:. i
- Io.,*.
27.1 27.2 .,', 8 , 26.6 -26.+'. .~7.8 ~. i 21.8
......... ~ g',~ t,O.Z

. . . . . . .. ~ . ~
-2.5. I
21 . "
5 ~a
+i .~:
7, .~
~,').2 /
~I .s ~o.~ 12.~' i b -2~.I i:
~,.~ ..~.~ ~ ..... :, ~.8 z 15 ~.7 - ~:).,,,
1.51.9 165.0 o 2 ] l .fi -59.6 6 75. I 7.~.e
8S.7 8~.4 io 2 ~'5.9 o~+o ",9.7 {o.e 6
7 ~.1 ~.4 ~ ii 2 55.0 ~.~ 2~.6 ,=7.6 ..~.1
~7.U 46.~ 6 2 9~.6 92.~ -'2.7 1<2 ~7.~
22.e -zr..e 4?.l -++r.t
02., ~.9 ~ ,, ~ ,,:6 -41.7 ~.o ,::.t -+~,+. :-
22,7 22.,I ~ H 2 6~.~ -~2.1 la.~ 11 ..a -~1 ..1
t~ 101.6

~.6 86.6 o'"i
107.0 6 ii


i 19
21 .~


..... ?,
I2. ~
Oum( "~ - _ - 0~31
4 eO.,t -.'m.0
8.1.2 82.6 ~' 21.2 -21.4 27.1 -27.e t ",~.2 -~',.~
17.1 ,CC.~ 25.0 .":..6
I 7
0 I+
-2a .o
~ .2
; o
1 o
~.:. i
io~). 7
-55. i
107+1 1 12
,~l.e ,~I+2 (b)
4 7 . . . . . . . . - ~+~.9 g , 1116 6 .... 51.7 5 o 2e.o -2~.6 12
8+77 67.1
}1.4 -~1.7 o 14 2
"lP.0 -~.~ 2 i -'-9.7 ..... ,,I t~.7 +,';.4
-12. I
I e,
i~ z
4 I.+
5 :,~..~
;~ ,o
;c .:+
Fig. 2. The interatomic distances (a) and the interatornic angles
40.0 ~9.~ i i`5 26.~ -,~7.4 2 2 a1.5 J5.7 17 (b) for the octahedron and the tetrahedron in Ca2Fe2Os.
ALAN A. C O L V I L L E 1471

cycles o f isotropic r e f i n e m e n t the R value was 0.043 used in the refinement. T a b l e 2 lists the p o s i t i o n a l par-
a n d a s u b s e q u e n t a n i s o t r o p i c r e f i n e m e n t led to a n R a m e t e r s a n d the a n i s o t r o p i c t h e r m a l p a r a m e t e r s . T a b l e
value o f 0.034. T h e r e was virtually no c h a n g e in 3 lists the b o n d distances a n d angles c o m p u t e d using
the p o s i t i o n a l p a r a m e t e r s f r o m the i s o t r o p i c to the the O R F F E p r o g r a m by Busing, M a r t i n & Levy (1964).
a n i s o t r o p i c refinement. U s i n g the final p a r a m e t e r s the
structure a m p l i t u d e s n o t used in the r e f i n e m e n t were Discussion of the structure
calculated a n d f o u n d to be b e l o w b a c k g r o u n d . T a b l e 1
lists the o b s e r v e d a n d c a l c u l a t e d structure a m p l i t u d e s U s i n g the perovskite structure as a p r o t o t y p e , one can

T a b l e 2. Atomic position and thermal parameters for CazFe205

Ca Fe(1) Fe(2) O(1) 0(2) 0(3)
x* 0.0233 (2)]" 0 0.9338 (2) 0.2366 (7) 0.0716 (7) 0.8746 (8)
y 0.1079 (1) 0 ¼ 0.9839 (2) 0.1403 (2) ¼
z 0.4806 (2) 0 0.9459 (2) 0.2632 (8) 0.0234 (8) 0.6005 (9)
flll~ 0.0052 (2) 0.0020 (2) 0.0039 (2) 0.0036 (9) 0.0065 (9) 0.0044 (13)
fl22 0"0005 (1) 0"0008 (3) 0"0004 (1) 0"0009 (1) 0"0004 (1) 0"0002 (2)
fl33 0"0068 (5) 0"0021 (4) 0"0032 (4) 0"0040 (17) 0"0104 (18) 0"0081 (20)
fl12 --0"0002 (1) 0"0002 (1) 0 0"0002 (3) --0"0002 (2) 0
fl13 0"0008 (2) 0"0001 (2) --0"0000 (2) --0"0023 (8) 0"0006 (11) --0"0025 (11)
fl23 0.0004 (1) -0-0001 (1) 0 -0.0004 (4) 0-0004 (3) 0
Site 8(d) 4(a) 4(c) 8(d) 8(d) 4(c)

* Equivalent positions for space group Pcmn are: + x,y, z; ½- x, ½- y, ½+ z; - x, ½+ y, - z; ½+ x, - y, ½- z.

]. Standard errors are in brackets and refer to the last digit.
J; The form of the temperature factor is: exp [ - (h2f111+ k2f122 + 12fl33+ 2hkf112+ 2hlf113+ 2klf123)].

T a b l e 3. Bond lengths and angles f o r Ca2Fe205

Bond lengths
Fe-Fe Octahedron (O-O)
Fe(1)-Fe(l) 3.899 (1) A* 0(1)--0(2) 2.808 (5) x 2
Fe(1 )-Fe(2) 3.723 (1) 0(1)--0(I)1 2-843 (2) x 2
Fe(2)-Fe(2) 3.406 (1) 0(1)--0(1)2 2.719 (2) x 2
0(1)1-0(2) 2"868 (5) x 2
Octahedron [Fe(l)-O] 0(1)2-0(2) 2"708 (2) x 2
Fe(l)-O(l) 1"963 (4) x 2 ./~ 0(1)3-0(2) 2"885 (5) x 2
Fe(1)-O(l)l 1"970 (4) × 2 Mean 2"805
Fe(1)-O(2) 2"115 (3) x 2
Mean 2.016 Tetrahedron (O-O)
O(2)-O(2)1 3-241 (6)/~
Tetrahedron [Fe(2)-O] 0(2)-0(3) 3-019 (6) x 2
Fe(2)-O(2) 1"844 (3) x 2 O(2)-O(3)1 3.007 (5) x 2
Fe(2)-O(3) 1"904 (6) O(3)-O(3)1 3-052 (5)
Fe(2)-O(3) 1 1.920 (4) Mean 3.057
Mean 1.878
Ca-O(1) 2.484 (4) A
-O(I)1 2.483 (4)
-O(1)3 2.427 (4)
Ca-O(2) 2.542 (5)
-0(2)2 2-330 (4)
-0(3) 2.350 (3)
-O(1)2 2.741 (4)
-0(2)1 3.000 (5)
Bond angles
Fe(1)-O(1)-Fe(1) 164-8 (2) °
Fe(1 )-O(2)-Fe(2) 140.2 (2)
Fe(2)-O(3)-Fe(2) 125.9 (3)
Octahedron Tetrahedron
O(1)--Fe(1)-O(1)l 92.6 (1) ° O(2)-Fe(2)-O(2)1 123"0 (2) o
O(1)--Fe(1)-O(2) 86.9 (1) O(2)-Fe(2)-O(3) 107"3 (2) × 2
O(1)l-Fe(1)-O(2) 89.1 (1) O(2)-Fe(2)-O(3)1 106" 1 (2) × 2
O(3)-Fe(2)-O(3)1 105"9 (2)
* Standard errors are in brackets and refer to last digit.

A C 26B - 6*

derive the structure o f Ca2Fe205 by changing alternate ions a n d anions in the o c t a h e d r a as well as in the
layers o f o c t a h e d r a into tetrahedra. T w o of the oxygen t e t r a h e d r a occupy positions in Ca2Fe205 similar to
a t o m s in each t e t r a h e d r o n are s h a r e d with adjacent o c t a h e d r a l positions in perovskite. The resultant f r a m e -
o c t a h e d r a while two are shared with adjacent tetra- w o r k of c o r n e r - s h a r i n g o c t a h e d r a a n d t e t r a h e d r a con-
h e d r a , thus f o r m i n g single chains that zigzag parallel tains large irregular cavities that are the sites o f the
to the e axis (see Fig. 1). W a t a n a b e , Sugimoto, F u k a s e C a ions.
& H i r o n e (1965) a n d Geller, G r a n t , G o n s e r , Wieder- The results of the refinement (see Table 3) indicate
sich & E s p in o sa (1966) have p o i n t e d out t h a t the cat- that both the t e t r a h e d r o n a n d the o c t a h e d r o n are dis-

Table 4. Anisotropic thermal ellipsoids for Ca2Fe205

R.m.s. Angles between ellipsoid axes and cell axes
Axis amplitude Isotropic B a b C
Fe(1) 1 0"096 (2) A t 0"73 (3)/~2 82 (3) ° 8 (3) ° 94 (4) °
2 0.055 (5) 0"24 (4) 124" 83 (9) 35*
3 0"056 (4) 0"25 (3) 35* 93 (18) 55*
Fe(2) 1 0.079 (2) 0"50 (3) 2 (10) 90"0 92 (13)
2 0.069 (5) 0.37 (5) 88 (13) 90.0 2 (lo)
3 0"064 (3) 0"32 (3) 90.0 00.0 90.0
Ca 1 0"107 (3) 0"91 (5) 66 (6) 111 (3) 33 (6)
2 0"088 (2) 0"61 (3) 27 (5) 92 (7) 117 (6)
3 0-072 (3) 0"41 (3) 79 (6) 21 (3) 72 (5)
0(1) 1 0"11 (1) 0"9 (1) 66 (12) 39 (18) 119 (14)
2 0"09 (1) 0"6 (1) 126 (18) 51 (18) 59 (14)
3 0"05 (2) 0"2 (1) 45 (15) 85 (11) 45 (14)
0(2) 1 0-126 (9) 1"3 (2) 81 (17) 82 (7) 11 (11)
2 0"102 (7) 0"8 (1) 12 (15) 100 (11) 97 (16)
3 0"069 (9) 0"4 (1) 82 (10) 13 (9) 99 (7)
0(3) 1 0"12 (2) 1"1 (3) 118 (13) 90"0 29 (13)
2 0.07 (2) 0"4 (2) 28 (13) 90.0 62 (13)
3 0.05 (2) 0.2 (2) 90.0 00.0 90.0
* The orientations of these axes are poorly defined as the cross-section (normal to the principal axis) is approximately a circle.
I" Standard error in brackets refers to the last digit.

,% Oc,s
O( ,"OIsl


( )Oct,
Fig. 3. Coordination geometry and thermal vibration ellipsoids for CazFe205.
A L A N A. C O L V I L L E 1473

torted, in agreement with the results of the EFG meas- Summary

urements of Grant (1969). Fig. 2 illustrates the two
sites and gives the appropriate bond distances and The results of this investigation confirm Grant's pre-
angles. The octahedron is distorted primarily by elon- dictions from EFG measurements that the coordina-
gation along the b axis, the Fe(1)-O(2) distance in this tion polyhedra of the oxygen atoms surrounding the
direction being 2.115 A compared with. 1.963 and Fe 3+ sites should be distorted primarily along the b
1.970 A for the two bond distances at approximately axis. In addition, the refinement has yielded reasonable
right angles to b. The angle between Fe(1)-O(2) and orientations for the principal axes of the thermal ellip-
the b axis is 10.5 ° and O(1) is in a general position such soids. This careful analysis of Ca2Fe205 provides a
that the octahedra along [101] are alternated clockwise basis for further crystal structure studies that are under-
and counterclockwise around an axis parallel to c. The way in the system Ca2Fez-zAlzOs.
distortion of the tetrahedron can be shown by a com-
parison of the oxygen-oxygen distances: the distance The author wishes to thank S. Geller for suggesting
O(2)-O(2) 1 is 3.241 ,~ (and along b) while the others this problem, R. W. Grant for several discussions of the
are all near 3.01 .A. One tetrahedral angle is 124.0 °, results of his work on the electric field gradient of the
to be contrasted with the others which average about Fe 3+ ions in CazFe205 and M. D. Lind for his aid with
106 °. The Fe(2)-O bonds are quite different, with the the O R T E P program.
shorter bonds (1-844 ,~) being involved in the large
tetrahedral angle and the longer bonds directed along
the chains.
Despite the irregularity of the individual bonds, the BERTAUT, E. F., BLUM, P. & SAGNI~RES,A. (1959). Acta
average bond lengths are similar to those in other Cryst. 12, 149.
Fe3+-coordination polyhedra. For example, in yttrium BOND, W. L. (1959). Acta Cryst. 12, 375.
iron garnet, Geller & Gilleo (1957) found the octa- BUSING, W. R., MARTIN, K. O. & LEVY, H. A. (1962). Re-
hedral and tetrahedral Fe3+-O distances to be 2.01 and port ORNL-TM-305. Oak Ridge National Labora-
1.88 A. The calcium sites within the framework are all tory, Tennessee.
crystallographically equivalent; each is surrounded by BUSING, W. R., MARTIN, K. O. • LEVY, H. A. (1964). Re-
port ORNL-TM-306. Oak Ridge National Labora-
an irregular array of eight oxygen ions. Six oxygen ions
tory, Tennessee.
lie at a mean Ca-O distance of 2.436 A and two other B0SSEM, W. (1937). Fortschr. Min. 22, 31.
oxygen ions lie at distances of 2.741 and 3.000 ,~. B0SSEM, W. (1938). Proc. Symposium of the Chemistry of
The magnitudes and the orientations of the thermal Cement, p. 153. Stockholm.
ellipsoids with respect to the crystallographic axes are CROMER, D. Z. (1965). Acta Cryst. 18, 17.
given in Table 4 and are illustrated in Fig. 3. The prin- CRUICKSHANK, D. W. J. (1965). In Computing Methods in
cipal axis corresponding to the largest thermal vibra- Crystallography, p. 112. Ed. J. S. ROLLETT. New York:
tion for the octahedral Fe 3+ ion is about 8 ° from the Pergamon Press.
b axis and roughly in the direction of the longest Fe-O GELLER, S. t~ GILLEO, M. A. (1957). J. Phys. Chem. Solids,
bond distance. Note that the orientations of the other 3, 1.
GELLER, S., GRANT, R. W. & GONSER, U. (1969). Progr.
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