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dfdgfdgdffsr323123213213How to Deactivate Messenger,

Only Not Facebook.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to

deactivate Messenger, Only Not Facebook.

The first step is to open

the Facebook app.

We are now on the Facebook

app homepage as you can see.

After that, tap on the profile icon here.

This will take you to the menu

section of your Facebook account.

There are several options

and sections here.

From those options, tap on the one

at the bottom named Settings and Privacy.

As you can see, the section has

expanded reveal more options.

From those options,

tap on this one named Privacy shortcuts.

We are now in the Privacy shortcuts

area of our Facebook account.

Please follow this tutorial step

by step to avoid making any mistakes.

Okay, let us proceed.

On the Privacy shortcuts, tap on this

option here, Delete your account and information.

We are now in the Delete your account and information section.

This is where you will find all

the information concerning your account.

Next, tap on this option here

named Deactivate account.

What you have to do now is simple.

On this page, you will see

this option Deactivate Account.

Besides it, there is

an option named Continue to Account Deactivate.

Tap on it.

You will now be required to enter

your password before you proceed.

After that, you will land on this page

where Facebook wants you to give

the reason for deactivating your account.

Tap on the bottom most option here.

Now, we will move to the next step.

Open your messenger account

on the messenger app.

By the way, this tutorial is the same

for both Android and iOS users.

Also, make sure both the Facebook

and messenger apps have been updated.

As you can see, we are now

on the messenger app homepage.

After that, tap on the menu icon here.

This is the menu section of messenger.

Next, scroll down.

After that, tap on this option

named Account Settings.

On the Settings page,

tap on personal information.

After that, tap on here Manage Account.

Finally, tap on Deactivate,

which is here as an option.

Enter your password now so that Messenger

is sure it is you who wants

to deactivate the account.

As you can see, we are on the page where

messenger wants to know

the reason for deactivation.

Tap on this option named Other.

Now you have to explain

further to messenger.

Tap on type something similar to, I want

to deactivate my messenger account only.

This will tell messenger

to deactivate only messenger.

After that,

tap on Continue and just like that, you

have deactivated your messenger account.

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