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Unit 11 Quiz *™ Date: Score: © Listen to a conversation between two friends. Then check (/) true or false. A True False ——/8 points 1, Sue found some money where she works. a oo {@ points each) 2. Sue tried to contact people who were at the ao restaurant on the night she found the money. 3, The woman thinks Sue should tell her manage. 4, Atfirst, Mark thinks Sue should keep the money. 9 B Choose the term that best completes each sentence, B 1, Doing something that is against the law is a. responsible __/ Bponts 2. Someone who is always in a bad mood is __. b. unfair (1 polt each 43. Punishing one person and not another for the same crime is. _«, irrational 4. Being is telling someone how you really feel. 4 illegal 5. Being on time to work and doing a good job is __ behavior. . disapproving 6, Making decisions when you're overly emotional can be £ disagreeable 7, Some parents are of their children’s career choices. & honest 8, Being friends with someone so you can borrow a car is __. bh. unscrupulous © Circle the words that best complete each sentence. c 1. wouldn't return someone’s wallet unless /only ifit had 2 large amount of cash in it 18 points 2. Lwould buy anew gadget even if / only if it really served a purpose that I need. (1 point each) 8, Iwouldn’t give money to a charity only if /unles Thad a favorite cause 4, Even if / Unles the job paid a lot of money, I still wouldn't take it. 'd hate it. 5. Iwould use a fake student ID to get a discount even if /only if I was really broke. 6. Twouldn’t report a classmate wales /only if he or she had cheated on a test D_ Complete each sentence with words from the box. D i 10 points Soy faceted ent i pana 1, Suki paid for everyone's dinner tonight. She is always so 2, Vi always tells the truth. Her is her strongest quality. 3. To get a promotion, work hard and show ____ for your boss. 4. Chris never helps others. I can't believe he can be so 5. Paul’s________i amazing. He donates all his profits to charity. 6, Be careful of offending Rosie. She is quite 282 ‘© Cambridge University Press 2008, Photocopiablo 7, Dr. $u works a lot, but she always looks great. She has remarkable 8, Alawyer uses_____and daes not discuss clients with others. 9, Many companies are to the environment. They only care aboat making profits. 10, Social workers must be of everyone, even abusive people. (Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. E 1. Twish I so much at the party. Now I'm embarrassed. (not talk) 110 points 2, Hf had looked where I was going, T ‘ver that tree root. (not trip) points each) 3. [only my professor less homework on Fridays! (assign) 4, Lwish T nore time with my litle sister growing up. (spend) 5. 11 harder, I could have been a professional musician. (practice) Read the interview. Then check (/) true or false. F 18 points ain ragazine opake with Sera Campbell, om th All-Star women's basketball team. Here's what (@ points each) she had to say. ‘Vain Magazine: Sara, you've been a cortravrsial figure this season. Can you tlk about that? Sara Campbell: Sure, You know, m brutally honest, and | say wat | Tel. Some of my team ‘memers have ala me with that. They don't want to hear that they're not performing as well as they could, oF that theyre not working hard enough, \VM: Do you think that some of your words have orn your team apart, rather than helped 1? ‘80: Maybe. had bean more compassionate, perans people wouldnt hav been offended. | should ‘have been more sensitive, But| cate I think we can recover trom this and become a better team. ‘VM: What about your personal ie? ‘SC: Wel, | don‘ realy ke to Yak boat myset.\'m prety sores, and ont wart be inthe ‘Spotlights hard being me! VME: What do you mean? ‘SC: | mean, 'm tall woman with aloud voice. People are Scared ot me, i's hard to get close to people. \VM: What would you lke to Say to our readers about that? ‘SO: 'm actually pretty tender. You just have to get past my tough exterior. VM: Thanks for talking with us, Sara ‘80; Kas my pleasure. 1, Sara keeps her feelings ta hersell 2, Sara wishes she had been more sensitive. 43, Sara likes to talk about her personal life. 4. People are afraid of Sara. oooog 2 nooo§

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