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Minerals Engineering 180 (2022) 107514

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Stirred-tank bioleaching of copper and cobalt from mine tailings in Chile

Ruiyong Zhang 1, Axel Schippers *
Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Geomicrobiology, Stilleweg 2, 30655 Hannover, Germany


Keywords: Metals from low-grade sulfide ores, electronic waste and mine tailings can be recovered using bio­
Bioleaching hydrometallurgy. In this study, acidophilic microbial consortia of mesophiles and moderate thermophiles were
Mine tailings applied in shake flasks as well as in stirred tank reactors (STR) to bioleach cobalt and copper from mine tailings
in Chile. The mine tailings near Taltal contained considerable amounts of copper (~5000 ppm) and cobalt
Moderate thermophiles
Stirred tank reactor
(~115 ppm). After adaptation of the mesophilic consortium, 38% of Co and 86% of Cu were recovered in 2-L STR
at 10% solid load after 12 days bioleaching at 30 ◦ C. In a mini-pilot test in 20-L STR at 15% solid load, Co and Cu
extraction reached 49% and 83%, respectively. Improved metal recovery was obtained by using a moderate
thermophilic microbial consortium at 42 ◦ C, reaching 74% of Co and almost 100 % Cu in 2-L STR at 10% solid
load. Low Fe dissolution below 14% for all tests was observed which may favor the downstream processing of Cu
and Co. Together with the results from chemical leaching, the data indicated that Cu was mainly leached by
sulfuric acid (acid leaching) while a high Co extraction required Fe(II)-oxidizing microbial activity (bioleaching).

1. Introduction recovery of Cu and Co (Ahmadi et al., 2015; Marrero et al., 2015;

Falagán et al., 2017; Altinkaya et al., 2018; Mäkinen et al., 2020; Zhang
Chile is the country with the highest copper reserves and has the et al., 2020; Hao et al., 2021; Shengo, 2021) or even in an industrial
highest copper mining activity, which generated huge quantities of ore application (Morin and d’Hugues, 2007). One example of bioleaching of
processing residues known as mine tailings. These tailings contain not copper from flotation tailings is the copper mine at Bor, Serbia, where
extracted, partly economically relevant quantities of base metals such as the benefits of a higher metal recovery with bioleaching compared to
copper and cobalt, thus, they can be considered as potential metal re­ acid leaching was demonstrated, combined with a lower environmental
sources. Due to the increased demand of metals and the gradual deple­ impact (Stanković et al., 2015).
tion of the conventional ore deposits, metal recovery from mine tailings In most of the studies, mesoacidophilic iron- and sulfur-oxidizing
has been raised increased attention. For an economic reprocessing of bacteria and sometimes also archaea were used for bioleaching of the
mine tailings for Cu and Co recovery a suitable process scheme for each sulfidic tailings. The following are some bioleaching examples for Cu
case needs to be developed including various steps (Alcalde et al., 2018; and Co recovery. A maximum copper extraction of 60 % was obtained in
Berkh et al., 2019; Kinnunen and Kaksonen, 2019; Dold, 2020; Araya column bioreactor tests with copper flotation tailings (~0.2% Cu) from
et al., 2021; Drobe et al., 2021; Schueler et al., 2021; Shengo, 2021). Zambia (Hao et al., 2021). Bioleaching in 10-L stirred tank reactors
Bioleaching takes advantage of acidophilic bacteria, which generate (STR) reached metal leaching of 87% Co and 43% Cu from Scandinavian
ferric ions and sulfuric acid for dissolution of metal sulfide minerals and tailings (Mäkinen et al., 2020). The most effective extraction of copper
metal solubilization. Biomining processes are estimated to be relatively (84 to > 90%) was achieved by bioleaching the tailings from Bor, Serbia
low-cost, environmentally friendly and suitable for both, large scale as and Sevilla, Spain at 45 ◦ C, using a defined thermo-tolerant microbial
well as small scale applications for low-grade ores and mine residues consortium and addition of elemental sulfur allowing for a low pH 1
(Vera et al., 2013; Schippers et al., 2014; Kaksonen et al., 2018). One (Falagán et al., 2017). Co and Cu extraction achieved even 91% and
processing option is bioleaching of mine tailings, which has been suc­ 57%, respectively, from bulk tailings of the abandoned Rammelsberg
cessfully tested in a number of laboratory to pilot studies also for the mine, Germany in STR bioleaching experiments, and 66% Co and 33%

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Schippers).
Present addresses: Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Corrosion and Biofouling, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 266071 Qingdao,
China; Open Studio for Marine Corrosion and Protection, Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (Qingdao), 266237 Qingdao, China.
Received 31 January 2022; Received in revised form 15 March 2022; Accepted 16 March 2022
Available online 23 March 2022
0892-6875/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Zhang and A. Schippers Minerals Engineering 180 (2022) 107514

Cu were extracted from a tailings flotation concentrate (Zhang et al., 2.2. Bioleaching microorganisms
2020). STR bioleaching experiments at 40 ◦ C using pyrrhotite-rich
tailings from Sudbury, Canada showed 90–100% and 80–100% leach­ Microbial consortia of acidophilic microorganisms from the BGR
ing of Ni and Co, respectively (Cameron et al., 2018). These two metals strain collection were used to bioleach valuable metals from the tailings
could also be extracted, 53–57% Ni and 55–60% Co, from non-sulfidic samples. A mixed culture of mesophiles (consortium 1) composed of
tailings of laterite processing in STR bioleaching experiments supple­ Acidithiobacillus (At.) thiooxidans, At. ferrooxidans, Leptospirillum (L.)
mented with elemental sulfur (Marrero et al., 2015). STR processing ferrooxidans, and Ferroplasma (Fa.) acidiphilum and a mixed culture of
showed a good performance for bioleaching (Vakylabad et al., 2012). moderate thermophiles/thermophiles (consortium 2) composed of At.
Reprocessing flowsheets for copper mine tailings in Chile combining caldus, L. ferriphilum, Sulfobacillus (Sb.) thermosulfidooxidans, Sb. bene­
flotation, magnetic separation and acid leaching were recently pub­ faciens and Fa. acidiphilum were cultivated in basal salt medium
lished without considering bioleaching (Drobe et al., 2021). This study (Wakeman et al., 2008) on 50 mM ferrous iron plus 10 g/L S0 with an
explores the efficiency of bioleaching for metal extraction (i.e. Cu and initial pH of 2.0 at 30 ◦ C or 42 ◦ C, respectively.
Co) from these tailings in Chile. Different acidophilic microbial con­
sortia including sulfur- and iron- oxidizing mesophiles, moderate ther­ 2.3. Shake flask bioleaching tests with samples from four tailings sites
mophiles as well as indigenous bacteria from tailings were used in
bioleaching experiments in shake flask as well as in batch 2-L and 20-L To evaluate the metal recovery from the four tailings sites by using
STR to treat tailings’ samples from four sites in Chile. bioleaching vs. chemical leaching, experiments in shake flasks with 4 g
of sample material with 200 mL basal salt medium were set up. A 1 M
2. Materials and methods ferrous sulfate solution was added to get a final concentration of 50 ppm
Fe(II) in each flask which was inoculated with a mixed iron(II)- and
2.1. Tailings samples and characterization sulfur-oxidizing culture of the two acidophilic bacteria Acidithiobacillus
ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans. There were three parallel
Since the work was part of a collaboration of BGR (Bundesanstalt für bioleaching replicates for each sample and one control experiment
Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe), the German Chamber of Commerce without inoculation of bacteria, but under the same chemical condi­
in Chile (AHK Chile) and the Chilean state organization SERNAGEOMIN, tions. The leaching was performed for 28 days.
tailings of the state owned company ENAMI (Empresa Nacionál de
Minería, Santiago de Chile, Chile) were accessible and sampled from 2.4. Bioleaching of Taltal tailings
four tailings sites (Supplementary Fig. S1; Drobe et al., 2021): Minera
Clarita (NW San Felipe, S 32◦ 41‘25‘‘ E 70◦ 47‘29‘‘), Minera Carola (SE Bioleaching assays were performed at either 30 ◦ C or 42 ◦ C to
Copiapó S 27◦ 34‘21‘‘ E 70◦ 14‘58‘‘), Planta El Salado (E Chañaral S comparatively study the leaching efficiency of mesophilic and moderate
26◦ 25‘16‘‘ E 70◦ 19‘06‘‘), Planta Taltal (Taltal S 25◦ 23‘53‘‘ E 70◦ 28‘23‘‘). thermophilic consortia as well as to select the optimal bioleaching
From each tailings dump, about 20 kg samples were collected at three to conditions. Abiotic controls representing chemical leaching were per­
five locations close to the surface for shake flask bioleaching tests. The formed by adding 0.5 mM formic acid to the assays to inhibit potentially
Taltal tailings were additionally sampled in more detail with 18 drilling introduced bioleaching bacteria without inoculation (Ballerstedt et al.,
locations. Inside the Taltal tailings, a vertical and horizontal gradation 2017). The leaching experiments were first conducted in shake flasks at
of the material was observed according to the deposition velocity of the 2% solids load and then at 5%, 10% or 15% solids load in stirred-tank
tailings particles. Two size fractions could be identified, a coarse sized reactors (STR) using basal salts medium at pH 2.0. Elemental sulfur
fraction was usually of black to grey colour and a fine-grained clayish (10 g/L) was supplemented as the additional energy sources. The pre-
material was either black, reddish or brownish (Supplementary Fig. S1; cultivation strategy for increasing the pulp density was applied ac­
Drobe et al., 2021). Fine and coarse material from all Taltal coring lo­ cording to the previous report (Hedrich et al., 2016). The experimental
cations was mixed each for a bulk fine and a coarse tailings sample. Both conditions for tests in 2-L and 20-L STR (Supplementary Fig. S2) were as
samples were sieved and the fraction < 500 µm (99 % of the sample follows: Temperature at 30 ◦ C or 42 ◦ C; leaching time of ~ 13 days (2-L
material) was stored under nitrogen in gas-tight bottles to avoid or 20-L STR); two or three inoculated parallel assays and one abiotic
oxidation reactions. These two samples were separately used in bio­ control (one for 20-L STR due to the limited amount of material). Once
leaching experiments in stirred-tank reactors. the experiments started, the pH in abiotic reactors was set according to
The elemental composition of the two Taltal tailings samples and of the pH values of the bioleaching reactors, which allows for a direct
bioleaching residues was determined by peroxide fusion ICP-MS (FUS- comparison of bioleaching vs. chemical leaching at the same pH over the
MS-Na2O2, Actlabs), X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) and chemical experimental time. The pH adjustment was automated by the STR
analysis. For the latter, the samples were digested by aqua regia and operation systems through pumping 5 M sulfuric acid. Water evapora­
then analyzed for their metal ion concentration by ICP-OES. tion was compensated at regular intervals by addition of acidic deion­
Total sulfur and organic carbon contents were analyzed using a LECO ized water during the experiments, and samples were taken at different
CS 230 carbon–sulfur analyzer. For the latter, samples were first treated time intervals. Bioleaching results are shown as mean of parallel STR
with 10% HCl at 80 ◦ C to remove inorganic carbon. Treated samples runs with standard deviation as error bars.
were then combusted in a high frequency oven at about 2000 ◦ C with an
oxygen stream. The resulting carbon dioxide was analyzed by infrared 2.5. Analytical methods
detection, carbon monoxide was catalytically oxidized to carbon dioxide
before detection. The sulfide content was determined by using Homogenously suspended samples were regularly taken from the
chromium-reducible sulfur (CRS) distillation as previously described leaching assays for different analyses. Microscopic cell counting after
(Gröger et al., 2009). The specific surface area was determined by N2 SYBR Green staining by using a fluorescence microscope, and quanti­
adsorption with a Micromeritics Gemini III 2375 surface area analyzer tative real-time PCR (qPCR) using copy numbers of bacterial 16S rRNA
(Kaufhold et al., 2010). The mineralogical composition was determined genes were used to quantify the cell numbers, and terminal restriction
via X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) with Rietveld refinement (data fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) was used to analyze the mi­
taken from Drobe et al. 2021). Surface analyses of solids was done by crobial community succession as previously described (Hedrich et al.,
electron probe microanalysis (EPMA-SEM). 2016). The pH and redox potential were analyzed with digital pH- /
redox meters. Consumed acid during leaching was recorded for com­
parison. Dissolved iron(II) and total iron were measured by the ferrozine

R. Zhang and A. Schippers Minerals Engineering 180 (2022) 107514

Table 1 3. Results and discussion

Shake flask copper bioleaching test with samples from four Chilean tailings sites.
Mean and standard deviation (in brackets) of three parallel bioleaching flasks as 3.1. Preliminary bioleaching tests
well as one not inoculated control are given.
Tailings site Carola El Clarita Taltal Results of the copper bioleaching for the four tailings sites from Chile
Salado are shown in Table 1. The tailings from the two sites Carola and Clarita
Cu content in tailings sample (mg/ 1155 3991 1234 4582 showed a lower Cu bioleaching potential, while a higher copper content,
kg) a higher copper extraction and larger differences between the bio­
Cu extraction in bioleaching assays 21 (3.1) 59 (1.5) 51 (3.8) 69 leaching and the control assays were observed for the El Salado and
(%) (0.9)
Cu extraction in control assays (%) 18 44 50 53
Taltal tailings. Since tailings from Taltal showed the highest Cu
extraction, this tailings site was chosen for more comprehensive bio­
leaching tests in bioreactors.
assay (Lovley and Phillips, 1987). ICP-OES was used to determine the
concentration of metal ions. XRF and XRD were used to analyze
3.2. Taltal tailings characterization
elemental and mineralogical compositions of the Taltal tailings samples
as well as leaching residues. The “readily extractable” iron, copper and
The specific surface area of the coarse and fine Taltal tailings was 3.4
zinc present in the tailings were determined by shaking 5 g tailings in
and 7.9 m2 per g, respectively. Results of elemental analyses of both
100 mL 0.1 M H2SO4 using a reciprocal shaker at 120 rpm at room
samples are shown in Table 2 and 3. Both tailings samples contained a
temperature for 1 h. The extracts were filtered through nitrocellulose
similar amount of organic carbon (0.03–0.04%), Co (0.011–0.012%)
filters (0.2 μm pore size) and metal concentrations were measured by
and Cu (0.47–0.58%). The Cu content of about 0.5 % is of most eco­
ICP-OES. Microcalorimetric activity measurements were done according
nomic interest. The four mineral phases quartz, magnetite, plagioclase
to previous reports (Schippers and Bosecker, 2005). The measured heat
and chlorite accounted for half of the components in both, coarse and
output was given in μW per gram tailings.
fine tailings. Sulfide minerals were not detected via XRD (Table 3) and
EPMA-SEM (Supplementary Fig. S3 and S4) but small amounts of about
2.6. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM)
1% pyrite and 0.2% chalcopyrite in the Taltal tailings were reported by
Drobe et al. (2021). Cu was also present in 0.4% atacamite (Cu2Cl(OH)3)
Cells on tailingś particle surfaces were visualized by using nucleic
or chrysocolla (Drobe et al., 2021). Only approximately 0.5% of reduced
acid stain Syto 9 or protein stain Sypro orange. Samples were neutral­
sulfur compounds were detected. To secure sufficient substrate for bio­
ized with filter-sterilized tap water and incubated with fluorescently
leaching microorganisms, elemental sulfur was added in tailings bio­
labelled stains for 20 min at room temperature. Afterwards, stained
leaching experiments.
samples were washed three times with filter-sterilized tap water in order
to remove the unbound stains. Samples were directly observed using
confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) without any further treat­ 3.3. Bioleaching of Taltal tailings in 2-L STR
ment. Examination of stained biofilms was performed by CLSM using a
TCS SP5X, controlled by the LASAF 2.4.1 build 6384 (Leica, Heidelberg, The bioleaching results of coarse tailings in 2-L STR at 30 ◦ C are
Germany). The system was equipped with an upright microscope and a shown in Fig. 1. Total dissolved Fe concentrations in both, bioleaching
super continuum light source (470–670 nm) as well as a 405 nm laser and abiotic assays, increased over time and reached 54 and 19 mg/L
diode. Images were collected with a 63 × water immersion lens with a after 13 days, respectively (Fig. 1a). The dissolved Fe2+ concentration
numerical aperture (NA) of 1.2 and a 63 × water-immersible lens with showed almost no changes in bioleaching assays and it remained around
an NA of 0.9. 1.5 mM until the end of the tests (Fig. 1b). The content of Fe2+ in the
Fluorescence image analysis and surface coverage calculation were abiotic assays continuously increased due to chemical leaching. Obvi­
done by using an extended version of the software ImageJ (v1.50i). ously, most dissolved Fe in bioleaching assays was Fe3+ due to
Maximum intensity projection (MIP) was produced with the software Fe2+–oxidizing activity of the bacteria. This agrees with the measured
IMARIS version 8.1.2 (Bitplane AG, Zurich, Switzerland). values of redox potential (Fig. 1c), which was mainly determined by the
ratio Fe3+/Fe2+ in acidic conditions. The pH values in bioleaching assays
dropped continuously from 2.3 to 1 (Fig. 1d). The dissolved Cu and Co
concentrations in bioleaching assays showed a steady increase over
time, while only a slight increase of the Cu and Co concentrations was
detected in the abiotic assays (Fig. 2a and b). The metal extraction of Co,

Table 2
Elemental analysis of the two mixed bulk samples of Taltal tailings (%).
Tailings Corg Fe Co Cu TS CRS* As Pb Zn Ca

Coarse 0.03 29.6 0.012 0.47 0.94 0.49 0.006 0.004 0.012 2.93
Fine 0.04 19.6 0.011 0.58 0.93 0.48 0.009 0.004 0.018 3.39

Corg: organic carbon; TS: total sulfur content; CRS: chromium reducible sulfur (reduced sulfur e.g. pyrite).

Table 3
Quantitative mineralogical analysis of the two mixed bulk samples of the Taltal tailings by XRD with Rietveld refinement (%) of the coarse and fine tailings in Taltal,
Chile (from Drobe et al. 2021).
Tailings Mineral phase

Quartz Magnetite Gypsum Amphibole Calcite Hematite Muscovite Plagioclase Chlorite

Coarse 13 22 3 10 3 6 8 23 12
Fine 15 15 4 8 4 8 15 19 12

R. Zhang and A. Schippers Minerals Engineering 180 (2022) 107514

Fig. 1. Bio- and abiotic leaching of coarse tailings with 10% solid loads in 2-L STR at 30 ◦ C by consortium 1. Changes of (a) total Fe concentration, (b) Fe2+
concentration, (c) redox potential (vs. Ag/AgCl) and (d) pH. ■ bioleaching assays, □ abiotic controls. The pH in the abiotic reactors was adjusted continuously as it
was in the bioleaching reactor runs before.

Fig. 2. Changes of (a) Cu and (b) Co concentrations during bioleaching of coarse Taltal tailings in 2-L STR at 30 ◦ C and (c) metal extraction after 13 days. ■
bioleaching assays, □ abiotic controls.

Fe, Cu was 38%, 8% and 86% for the bioleaching assays, and 20%, 2% measured heat output, due to S0 and Fe2+-oxidation activity, for the
and 43% for the abiotic assays, respectively (Fig. 2c). These data indi­ coarse tailings was 33 μW/g on day 1. It increased continuously and
cate that consortium 1 showed both, Fe2+- and /S0-oxidizing activity, as reached 84 μW/g on day 6. The heat output was 70 μW/g at the end of
expected, which enabled a better metal leaching from the tailings ma­ the tests (Fig. 4). These values are in the range of those for bioleaching of
terial than just chemical leaching at the same pH as it was in the bio­ the pyritic Rammelsberg tailings (Zhang et al., 2020), but lower than for
leaching reactor runs before. stirred tank bioleaching of a copper concentrate (Hedrich et al., 2016).
Cell numbers and microbial community changes are shown in Fig. 3. Microcalorimetric measurements were also applied to monitor acid
The consortium 1 showed a lag phase, but grew rapidly after day 4. Cell mine drainage generation in mine waste dumps and the effect of coun­
numbers reached 9 × 108 cells/mL (Fig. 3a), which is comparable to the termeasures (Schippers et al., 1995; Sand et al., 2007) as well as the
cell density of the sample consortium grown on Rammelsberg tailings metabolic activity of the mineral-associated microbial community in
containing pyrite (Zhang et al., 2020). The microcalorimetrically bioleaching (Makaula et al., 2017).

R. Zhang and A. Schippers Minerals Engineering 180 (2022) 107514

Fig. 3. Changes of cell number and microbial community composition during the STR bioleaching experiment with coarse tailings using consortium 1 at 30 ◦ C. (a)
Cell number; (b) microbial succession, white: At. thiooxidans, black: At. ferrooxidans, vertical lines: L. ferrooxidans, horizontal lines: unidentified/indigenous bacteria.

Fig. 4. Microbial activity determined by microcalorimetric measurements during bioleaching of the coarse tailings material in STR at 30 ◦ C.

Community succession analysis showed dramatic changes of the bioleaching tests using consortium 2 at 42 ◦ C were conducted and results
bioleaching community composition over time. At. ferrooxidans was the are shown in Fig. 5. Total Fe and Fe2+ concentrations in bioleaching
dominant species in the initial stage, accounting for 50% and 42% of the assays using consortium 2 showed similar trends than for consortium 1
total community at day 1 and 6, respectively (Fig. 3b). At. thiooxidans at 30 ◦ C (Fig. 5a and b; Fig. 1a and b). Total Fe concentration in abiotic
had a variable abundance with 21% on day, 3% on day 6 and 84% at the assays continuously increased and reached 62 mM, much higher than at
end of the experiment becoming the dominant species. L. ferrooxidans 30 ◦ C. This indicates that Fe leaching from Taltal coarse tailings is
became the most dominant species on day 6 but the organismś abun­ promoted by temperature. The redox potential in bioleaching assays
dance decreased to 15% at the end of the tests likely due to the low pH. A increased linearly in the first 7 days. It reached 674 mV (vs. Ag/AgCl)
small proportion of unidentified/indigenous bacteria was detected on after 12 days. In contrast, the redox potential increased slowly from 405
day 13. The inoculated archaeal species Fa. acidiphilum seemed to be not mV to 460 mV (Fig. 5c). Interestingly, Co showed a linear leaching
adapted to the leaching conditions and was not detected (not shown), pattern, which indicates a suitable leaching environmental using con­
although it was frequently detected in bioleaching environments (Dop­ sortium 2 at 42 ◦ C. It also shows the potential of optimization of Co
son et al., 2004; Van Hille et al., 2011). Previous work showed that both, leaching by extension of leaching time. In contrast, Co leaching in the
changing substrates and redox potentials, govern the microbial com­ abiotic assays was rather poor (Fig. 5e). The final metal extraction of Co,
munity changes during bioleaching processes (Rawlings and Johnson, Fe, and Cu was 74%, 10% and 100% for the bioleaching assays, and
2007). In the current study, the supplementary S0 and continuously 28%, 9% and 100% for the abiotic assays at 42 ◦ C, respectively (Fig. 5f).
formed Fe2+ due to tailings dissolution may simultaneously determine The comparison with metal bioleaching at 30 ◦ C is also shown in this
the succession of the microbial community during bioleaching. figure. Bioleaching with fine tailings (instead of the coarse material)
In order to test the influence of temperature and associated other using consortium 2 showed a similar metal leaching performance
bioleaching community on metal dissolution of Taltal tailings, (Supplementary Fig. S5), with a final metal leaching extraction of Co, Fe,

R. Zhang and A. Schippers Minerals Engineering 180 (2022) 107514

Fig. 5. Bio- and abiotic leaching of coarse tailings with 10% solid loads in 2-L STR at 42 ◦ C by consortium 2. Changes of (a) total Fe concentration, (b) Fe2+
concentration, (c) redox potential (vs. Ag/AgCl), (d) pH and (e) Co concentration over time. (f) Comparison of metal leaching by consortium 1 and consortium 2 with
abiotic control. ■ bioleaching assays, □ abiotic controls.

Fig. 6. Microbial community composition and total cell numbers during the STR bioleaching experiment at 42 ◦ C with consortium 2. (a) Cell number, (b) community
analysis, white: At. caldus, black: L. ferriphilum, vertical lines: Sb. benefaciens/Sb. thermosulfidooxians.

R. Zhang and A. Schippers Minerals Engineering 180 (2022) 107514

Fig. 7. Bioleaching of the Taltal fine tailings in 20-L STR with 15% solid loads at 42 ◦ C by consortium 2 for 12 days. Changes of (a) Fe2+ concentration and total iron
concentration, (b) cell number, (c) redox potential, (d) pH, (e) dissolved Co and (f) Cu concentrations.

and Cu of 68%, 14% and 100% for the bioleaching assays, and 32%, 12% indigenous bacteria in mine tailings (Zhang et al., 2021).
and 100% for the abiotic assays at 42 ◦ C, respectively. The acid con­
sumption (calculated for concentrated sulfuric acid per kg dry tailings)
was 60 g/kg and 20 g/kg for abiotic leaching and bioleaching of coarse 3.4. Bioleaching of Taltal tailings in 20-L STR
tailings, respectively, and 113 g/kg and 29 g/kg for abiotic leaching and
bioleaching of fine tailings, respectively. For a scale up test, the tailings adapted culture of consortium 2 was
Considering the experiments one can conclude that Co was mainly used to bioleach fine Taltal tailings in 20-L STR at 15% solid load
bioleached, probably associated to the about 1% pyrite in the samples without running an abiotic control due to material limitation. The re­
(Drobe et al., 2021), while Cu was mainly acid leached, which was sults are shown in Fig. 7. Total Fe increased continuously during the
present in 0.4% atacamite (Cu2Cl(OH)3) and chrysocolla, besides chal­ whole period, while the Fe2+ concentration was kept below 1 mM due to
copyrite (Drobe et al., 2021). Overall these results show that 1) an the high Fe2+ oxidizing activity of consortium 2 (Fig. 7a). The cell
increased temperature promotes Fe and Cu leaching, 2) Co leaching was number increased over time and reached 1.5 × 109 cells/mL after 12
promoted mainly due to microbial activity (Fe2+ - and sulfur-oxidation), days (Fig. 7b). Redox potential, in accordance with the changes of total
and 3) bioleaching using moderate thermophiles showed a much higher Fe and Fe2+ concentrations, continuously increased and reached 670 mV
Co performance than using mesophiles. (vs. Ag/AgCl). This value is usually sufficient to dissolve pyrite in bio­
Consortium 2 showed good growth in 2-L STR at 42 ◦ C and the leaching assays (Liu et al., 2008). The pH in the 20-L STR assay dropped
community succession analysis showed that the sulfur-oxidizer At. cal­ below 0.9, which proves the activity of the sulfur-oxidizing microor­
dus dominated the bioleaching process (at the beginning and at the end; ganisms in consortium 2. The leaching of Co increased rapidly within the
Fig. 6b). This was expected since the supplemental S0 was the main first 7 days and seemed to reach a plateau afterwards (Fig. 7e). The Co,
substrate. Cells of Sb. benefaciens/Sb. thermosulfidooxians accounted for Fe and Cu extraction reached 49%, 11% and 83% at the end of the 20-L
4% on day 1 and its proportion increased to 16% at the end of the tests. STR experiment (Supplementary Fig. S6). Compared with the somehow
Sb. thermosulfidooxidans was shown to have a weak Fe2+ oxidation ac­ lower Co and Cu extraction than in the assays with 2-L STR (Supple­
tivity (Christel et al., 2018), in addition to its sulfur oxidation capacity mentary Fig. S5), further optimization of scaling-up tests, e.g. stir con­
(Golovacheva and Karavaiko, 1978). Sulfobacillus species belong to the trol or agitation, or using continuous stirred-tank reactors, as opposed to
batch leaching applied here, has to be considered for improving Co and

R. Zhang and A. Schippers Minerals Engineering 180 (2022) 107514

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