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Research ethics

Hidden risks associated with clinical trials

in developing countries
Cláudio Lorenzo,1 Volnei Garrafa,2 Jan Helge Solbakk,3,4 Susana Vidal5
Department of Public Health, ABSTRACT additional forms of risks involved in clinical trials in
University of Brası́lia, Brazil The academic literature in research ethics has been this context, that is, forms of risk that are not
Post-Graduation Program of addressed by conventional methods and procedures
Bioethics, Brası́lia, Brazil marked in the past decade by a much broader focus on
UNESCO Chair of Bioethics, the need for the protection of developing communities of risk assessment. Besides, the increase in the size
Post-Graduation Program of subjected to international clinical trials. Because of the of risks that are identified by conventional assess-
Bioethics, University of Brası́lia, proximity of the revision of the Declaration of Helsinki, ment procedures will be discussed. Finally, the
Brası́lia, Brazil 3Section for completed in October 2008, most papers have difficulty in properly applying standard procedures
Medical Ethics, Department of
General Practice and Community addressed the issue of a double standard of care of risk minimising will be addressed.
Medicine, University of Oslo, following the use of placebo. However, other no less
Oslo, Norway 4Centre for important issues, such as interactions between the THE CONTEXT OF TRANSNATIONAL CLINICAL
International Health, University lifestyles structures of low-income communities and the
of Bergen, Bergen, Norway TRIALS
UNESCO Regional Programme efficiency of risk-minimising procedures also deserve It is important to recognise that the internation-
of Bioethics and Ethics of attention. The purpose of this paper is to discuss forms alisation of clinical research, which is mainly
Science, SHS Sector, UNESCO of uncertainty involved in clinical trials in poor and low- caused by private pharmaceutical and device
Regional Office for Science, income countries that are not addressed by conventional
Montevideo, Uruguay
companies, can bring benefits to poor and low-
methods of risk assessment. Furthermore, the increase income countries13 if there is a state capable of
Correspondence to in size of risks that are identified by conventional imposing regulations that put local individual and
Professor Cláudio Lorenzo, assessment methods will be addressed. Besides, the public interests above private and public interests in
Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas difficulty in properly applying risk-minimising procedures affluent countries. Internationalisation could also
em Bioética, NEPeB, Campus will be discussed. Finally, this paper proposes the
Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, contribute to the alleviation of priority problems,
Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde,
involvement of research ethics committees in the risk both in health care and in health-related research as
Brası́lia, DF e Brasil Caixa Postal evaluation process and the establishment of national well as to the growth of research capacities of host
04451, CEP 70.904-970, Brazil; ethics evaluation systems. countries. This could partly be achieved through the
provision of equipment for healthcare and research
Received 17 June 2009 institutions and through the facilitation of the
Revised 3 November 2009 There is growing ethical concern related to the ever- transfer of know-how in research to health profes-
Accepted 5 November 2009 sionals in host countries. In general, however, there
Published Online First
increasing involvement of populations of poor and
low-income countries in clinical research origi- are too few political and institutional conditions in
13 January 2010
nating from affluent countries, especially industry- place in many host countries to deal effectively with
sponsored clinical research. These concerns are the regulation of research activities. Besides, the
mainly related to the medical and social relevance conduct of transnational clinical trials has so far
of these studies; the quality of informed consent contributed marginally to the improvement of the
procedures and the freedom of choice of individ- health situation of the populations in these coun-
uals; the possibility of a double standard of care tries.
related to the use of placebo in clinical trials and The discrepancy between the increasing partici-
post-trial availability of interventions that has pation of poor and low-income countries in trans-
proved to be useful.1e12 national clinical trials and the investments in drug
trials targeting diseases that affect mainly patients
However, other no less important issues, such as in the sponsoring countries is evident in several
the interactions between the lifestyles structures of recent studies. For example, Chirac and Torreele14
low-income communities and the efficiency of risk- found that out of 1556 new drugs developed
minimising procedures also deserve attention. worldwide between 1975 and 2004, only 10 drugs
In the literature on clinical research ethics and in were directed at diseases that were predominantly
international ethical guidelines reference is made to prevalent in low-income countries. When malaria
four main risk-minimisation procedures to protect and tuberculosis are included, this number of new
individuals undergoing clinical trials: drugs rises to 21. This indicates that during the past
< Appropriate selection of research subjects; 30 years, that is, the period in which the involve-
< Clinical monitoring of participants, with the ment of poor and low-income countries in multi-
possibility of emergency interventions; centre clinical trials has been the greatest, only
< Effective communication networks connecting slightly more than 1% of pharmacological innova-
participants and the research group; tions were directed at diseases that predominantly
< Sound capacity for social control of the study by affect the populations in these countries. In a recent
the community in which it is conducted. study Glickman et al.15 found that approximately
The purpose of this paper is to view the appli- one-third of the trials they reviewed (157 of 509)
cation of these procedures within the lifestyles were conducted outside the USA, and that many
structures of low-income communities and discuss of these trials were being conducted in poor and

J Med Ethics 2010;36:111e115. doi:10.1136/jme.2009.031708 111

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Research ethics

low-income countries. Besides, they found that among the Social vulnerability focuses on the lifestyle structure of indi-
ongoing phase 3 clinical trials sponsored by US-based companies, viduals and communities and relates to factors such as: lack of
none were trials of diseases such as tuberculosis that dispropor- income, information, knowledge and technology; lack of access
tionately affect the populations of these countries. Instead they to political power and other types of social representation;
found a variety of trials for conditions such as allergic rhinitis and a highly restricted network of social contacts; diversity of beliefs
overactive bladder! Another factor that could increase this and customs with respect to the majority and extreme age and
discrepancy is the imposition of TRIPS-Plus provisions to poor physical deficiencies.37 38
and low-income countries, something that could significantly As stated in the introduction to this paper there are four main
reduce the capacity of these countries to provide adequate public risk-minimisation procedures involved in protecting individuals
access to medicines and jeopardise the development of autono- undergoing clinical trials: appropriate selection of research
mous biomedical industry production.16 subjects; clinical monitoring of participants; effective commu-
In view of this situation of international clinical research, the nication networks and adequate capacity of social control. The
bioethics debate has been marked in the past decade by a much interactions of these procedures with the lifestyles structures of
broader focus on the need for protection of developing populations and communities in poor and low-income countries
communities.8e13 Besides, in view of the proximity of the last can generate the production of forms of risks not previously
revision of the Declaration of Helsinki (October 2008), many envisaged, increase the severity of estimated risks and reduce
papers during recent years have addressed the controversial issue of efficiency with regard to the application of risk-minimising
a double standard of care following from the use of placebo in procedures.
clinical trials.17e29 It gives reason for deep concern, however, to
observe that despite the current situation of international clinical
research, the permission to use placebo in clinical trials conducted
Suitable subject selection is dependent on the quality of the
in poor and low-income countries was finally included in the
procedure of selection and on the quality of the information
Declaration, thus favouring the interests of science and the phar-
provided by the researchers as well as by the targeted subjects. It
maceutical market over the ethical imperatives of protecting the
is probably easier to assess the quality of the selection procedure
safety and wellbeing of individual humans undergoing research.
than of the information, as the selection procedure is based on
an appropriate definition of the criteria for inclusion and
exclusion of subjects in relation to the stated objectives of the
study and of a good clinical examination. However, the appli-
cation of these criteria also depends on the quality of informa-
Risk can be defined as the set of all the possibilities that an
tion provided by the subjects recruited about previous and
undesirable event has of provoking harm. It consists of two
present health problems. In turn, the quality of this information
components, the magnitude of the harm and the frequency of its
may be heavily influenced by educational level, cultural
occurrence.30 In the literature there is consensus that assessment
conceptions of the healthedisease process as well as by the kind
of the possible risks involved in a trial is of fundamental impor-
of access to health services that the subjects under recruitment
tance in conducting the ethical assessment of clinical research.
have been enjoying.
However, in clinical researchdand in particular in international
A low level of schooling in the population in tandem with the
clinical researchdrisk is neither the only form of uncertainty at
absence of a public healthcare system, both a frequent situation
play, nor an absolute factor; it is relative to the expected benefits
in poor and low-income countries, implies the possibility that
of the trial31 as well as to the risks involved in routine daily
subjects recruited are prone to be underinformed about their
activities or in standard therapies, as defined by the concept of
own health and disease status, resulting in the omission of
minimal risk.32 33
information about clinical situations in the past or present that
A review of the main international declarations and guidelines in
would, if known, have excluded them from being enrolled in the
research ethics shows that the risk concept in use is a concept
study under consideration. A history of hepatitis, for example,
related to expected direct benefits, establishing the famous
which would have automatically excluded subjects from a clin-
riskebenefit ratio. The same concept is at play in the last version of
ical trial with a drug of potentially hepatotoxic nature, could be
the Declaration of Helsinki in 2008.34 However, during recent years
unknown to the subject or not possess a disease-related meaning
other forms of benefit, so-called ‘inclusion benefits’, which are not
in their culture, generating omissions of relevant information
directly related to the research intervention in question, such as free
that would expose the subject to a risk described in the protocol,
goods or services provided as an enrolment incentive, improvement
but hidden to the research group. Consequently, clinical trials in
of health facilities (hospitals or health centres), capacity building
populations with a low level of education and low accessibility
(knowledge or tools) and the provision of medicines for other
to healthcare services may require additional scrutiny to confirm
health problems, have also been included.35 These benefits are
whether inclusion in the study under consideration is warranted
clearly among those that international research can bring to poor
or not. When there is no possibility to confirm or deny by
and low-income countries, but they are addressed to society as
interviews the conditions investigated, the additional risks that
a whole and to local scientific development. Such benefits can
would be involved in a situation like this can only be justified if
therefore not be considered as a compensation for biological
the benefits of research are directly related to the group
hazards to which individuals are exposed during a study, as this
recruited. In this case, the clinical monitoring needs to be even
would be at odds with the most fundamental ethical imperative in
more rigorous.
research ethics, that is, the primacy of the human being over the
interests of science or society.35 36
From these considerations about benefits not directly related CLINICAL MONITORING OF PARTICIPANTS, WITH THE
to the risks involved in a clinical trial, we shall turn attention to POSSIBILITY OF EMERGENCY INTERVENTIONS
the notion of ‘social vulnerability’, an idea that has come to play The control of the magnitude of a given harm depends on three
a more important role in discussions on risk. factors: the technical quality of the health professionals

112 J Med Ethics 2010;36:111e115. doi:10.1136/jme.2009.031708

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Research ethics

responsible for monitoring data on side effects and provision of cation of risk-minimising procedures. From these observations it
care; the quality of equipment available in the healthcare units becomes evident that when recruiting research subjects from
that provide the monitoring and the rapidity of transfer to an such communities, more information about housing conditions,
emergency service of a participant who has been affected by access to communication and transport services etc, will be
a serious undesirable event. needed to ensure adequate protection from harm.
In general, in poor and low-income countries, public health
institutions have serious difficulties in providing adequate health
care, something that creates obstacles with regard to the recruit-
ment, training and support of specialised healthcare professionals.
Social control of the research is based on ethical provisions, such
In rural areas in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, life condi-
as the formulation of normative documents, activities of ethics
tions are even worse than in the cities. A good access to health care
review committees and the power of civil society to perform
exists only for populations belonging to the highest social strata,
critical monitoring of research activities. The quality and effec-
and from which participation in clinical trials is rare.39
tiveness of the application of ethical provisions depend as much
Therefore, if a pharmaceutical company that is conducting
on political actions as on how developed social institutions are.
a clinical trial in a city of a low-income country does not guar-
The more unstable the democratic institutions of a society, the
antee quality clinical interventions for research participants but
more difficult will be the application of these provisions.
leaves such care to the local healthcare institution, there is
South America and Africa, two continents with a large
a considerable risk that in situations of severe adverse events
number of poor and low-income countries, are good examples to
such as, for example, gastrointestinal bleeding or cardiac
illustrate the relationship between democratic stability, organi-
arrhythmia, efficient emergency intervention would not be
sation of civil society and the efficiency of systems of ethical
a realistic option. So, even if the frequency of an event such as
review of clinical trials. In South America, democracy was
this can be calculated through the use of quantitative methods
restored to all countries during the last two decades, after the
of risk assessment applicable to all countries, there remain
wave of military dictatorships that dominated the whole
serious uncertainties about the magnitude of its consequences
continent during the cold war period. However, most countries
for poor and low-income countries.
are characterised by a heavy dependency on foreign capital and
The situations of housing can worsen this problem when the
suffer from the existence of fragile democratic institutions and
enrolled subjects are not hospitalised but take the drug in their
poorly organised civil societies. The case of Africa is graver still
domiciles. In most large cities in the developing world, the rural
both socioeconomically and politically. Besides, chronic food
exodus and the disordered demographic growth brought large
shortages, climatic conditions that are sometimes extremely
populations to urban centres. These populations were thus
hostile, and the spread of epidemics such as AIDS, numerous
ghettoised on the slopes and valleys surrounding the cities where
ethnic conflicts, tribal clashes and civil wars make state
access to such urban facilities as pure water, transport and
restructuring difficult, and contribute to these societies seeing
communication is very difficult.40 Therefore, if we take the
basic human rights suspended. This reality is reflected directly in
previous example of a severe side effect occurring under such
the difficulty of many of these countries to develop sustainable
conditions the transfer to an emergency service could be
ethical review systems of research.
substantially hampered and with possibly detrimental conse-
Several difficulties have been reported with regard to the
quences for the injured research participant. This reality is not
application of ethical norms of research in these countries, such
usually considered in conventional risk considerations and
as inadequate training of the members of ethics review
calculations, and therefore remains a hidden risk not only to the
committees, lack of logistical support to carry out the work,
subjects themselves but also to the researchers and members of
inability to supervise ongoing research studies, lack of recogni-
ethics review committees.
tion of the legitimacy of committees by the research commu-
nity, and the absence of accreditation systems to supervise the
quality of the formation and functioning of the committees,
and, in some instances, the complete absence of an institution-
alised system of ethical review. A questionnaire about the ethical
In a clinical trial, a good communication network is of prime
review processes in the developing world submitted by Hydder
importance for the minimisation of both the magnitude and the
et al41 to 670 health researchers that work in several regions of the
frequency of possible harms. Rapid telephone contact in case of
planet shows that 44% of the studies were not reviewed by ethics
a serious undesirable event facilitates transfer to another health
committees in the host countries or by institutions of the health
unit and reduces the magnitude of the event. Such contact also
ministries in these countries.
ensures that other participants can interrupt their use of the test
The extreme weakness of social monitoring of research studies
drug immediately, thus also reducing its frequency. When the
has two main practical implications in relation to risk. First,
living conditions of the greater portion of the population in poor
studies can be carried out without either the society at large or the
and low-income countries are taken into account, it becomes
individuals involved being in a position to review the riskebenefit
clear that the provision of an effective communication network
assessment. Second, in the event of an extremely grave and
is difficult and sometimes even impossible. In many areas,
undesirable event, such as death or disability, dissemination of
whether on the outskirts of cities or in rural districts, access to
the information, both to the scientific community and to other
the phone service and transport service is rare or simply non-
key stakeholders of society, is made much more difficult precisely
existent. A subject using a test drug who lives under such
by the socioeconomic circumstances of the individuals harmed.
conditions is thus subject to risks much higher than those
suggested by standard clinical trial methodologies of calculation.
Obstacles related to the establishment of an efficient DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
communication network may thus increase the severity of This paper aimed to demonstrate that contextual aspects related
estimated risks, and reduce efficiency with regard to the appli- to lifestyles structures of populations in poor and low-income

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countries generate risks not foreseen in the standard protocol This is another reason why the establishment of national
of clinical trials and increase the frequency and magnitude of ethical review systems becomes so important to deal with
predictable risks. To this is added that the application of assessing context-related forms of vulnerability, including social
standardised mechanisms to minimise these risks are easily vulnerability, and cope with the pressures of economic ratio-
hampered. It was also emphasised that there is a need for nality that at present seem to dominate the so-called global-
a revision of the methods of risk evaluation for clinical trials as isation of clinical research, in particular the conduct of clinical
well as a need for increasing the ability of risk minimisation trials for new drugs in the third world.
procedures to cope adequately with local contexts. Finally, the Competing interests None.
need for strengthening the ethical review system in poor and
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
low-income countries has also been emphasised.
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Hidden risks associated with clinical trials in

developing countries
Cláudio Lorenzo, Volnei Garrafa, Jan Helge Solbakk and Susana Vidal

J Med Ethics 2010 36: 111-115

doi: 10.1136/jme.2009.031708

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