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Our friends at Discovery have created a bespoke quiz for you and the family

to enjoy while watching brand new episodes of How Do Animals Do That!

Part of Wild Nights In every Sunday 6-11pm on Discovery Channel.

Ep 13 Whale Songs & Cool Canines Ep 14 Super Sloths & Ostrich Marathons
1. How do anteaters eat so many ants? 1. How do dogs sniff out underwater targets?
2. How do whales sing? 2. How and why do fireflies glow?
3. How do dogs keep cool? 3. How can an ostrich run so fast for so long?
4. Why do veavers build dams? 4. How do sloths live upside down?
5. Why do dung beetles roll poop? 5. How do pelicans hunt in packs?

Ep 15 Decorative Crabs & Loud Lions Ep 16 Fish Farts & Giant Eggs
1. Why do dogs roll in poop? 1. Why do mosquitoes suck blood?
2. How and why do ants carry leaves? 2. Why do cats get stuck in trees?
3. Why do lions roar? 3. Why do kiwis lay monster-sized eggs?
4. Why do crabs dress up? 4. What noise does a giraffe make?
5. Do ostriches really bury their heads in sand? 5. Why do herring pass gas?

We’d love to see you taking part! Please share using the following social handles:
Twitter & Facebook: @DiscoveryUK #SkyVIP
Instagram: @discovery_uk #SkyVIP
Great work! Don't forget to check back next week for your next wild quiz

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