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Every fashion designer has their own path into the industry and there are many different

things in one's
life. That might inspire you to embark on that path. Over the years. We've spoken to many successful
folks from the world of clothes and they've shared with us how they got started in the business sibling
Duo Kevin and Terrence Kim founded, their label. I say, because they wanted to embrace their families
cultural heritage. We actually grew up in America and we went to Korea to Seoul to visit for the flight
first time when we were about 23 years old. And then When you're always into fashion industry, we're
back home within. When we saw all these a Korean things for the first time, we thought it would be a
cool idea to kind of make a brand that represents both sides. So that's always starting. Well AJ, AJ of the
brand DJ kayak was inspired by her family itself. When I became aware of being alive on this Earth, I was
inspired by the beauty of my mom. Since I remember myself, you know, at the very beginning of my life
and she was an extremely beautiful. Awful and elegant and I was fascinated and mesmerized each time
she was getting dressed to go out for a party and then that gave me, I think the esthetical importance, I
mean, we love, you know, creating something. I think it's my mom God's designers. We so Allah tells Ena
and Miro Himalayan it learned. They wanted to start a company together while still in school.
Remember, once you are saying I should do this easier now that. Yeah. Who and then, you know, all the
teachers were like all over and as I got in a mirror actually. So, you know, like we already work together
on this very early stage and you know, when we both graduated we were like we were already working
together. So why not feel do the same thing instead of to do separate things. Lebanon's, Rami cobby,
doesn't remember ever making the decision to get into the fashion business activities? Since the day, I
was born. I knew that I want to become a designer Her. Or I even knew that I liked everything that has to
do with art, with colors textures painting. And when I grew up, I was my decision that I want to become a
fashion designer and this is my passion and what I read, it's what I see all the time.

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