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2020-28-0480 Published 25 Sep 2020

Motorist Warning System on Road Bends in Hilly

Regions for Safer Riding
Renold Elsen School of Mechanical Engineering-VIT

Jenitha Deepa Anna University

Citation: Elsen, R. and Deepa, J., “Motorist Warning System on Road Bends in Hilly Regions for Safer Riding,” SAE Technical Paper
2020-28-0480, 2020, doi:10.4271/2020-28-0480.

regions are always filled with many hectic and endless curves.

afety is a major concern addressed in various industries These curves are classified into Hair-Pin Curves, Salient
and most specifically in transportation industries. Curves and Re-entrant Curves. These curves offers partial or
Road accidents are undoubtedly more frequent and are no visibility about the incoming traffic for the drivers. In this
responsible for many permanent disabilities deaths worldwide. approach two ultrasonic sensors are used to obtain the velocity
Many works have been done to improve the safety of different and the distance of the object placed in the curves. The signals
vehicles as the number of accidents is increasing. The main from the two sensors are obtained, compared and the prob-
objective of this work is to further improve road safety by ability of the vehicles reaching the curves is predicted using
providing instantaneous warnings to drivers about hazards a simple algorithm with the help of Arduino UNO module.
in their intended path in hilly region. This further it aims to Then the warning signals are provided to the lamps and thus
provide a pleasant and peaceful hill travel and to avoid any the drivers can be alerted by this approach the accidents can
possibility of accidents in hill curves. The roads in these hilly be avoided effectively.

Driving Safety, Hill Road Bends, Arduino Uno Module,
Ultrasonic Sensor, Automatic Warning Signals

and by 2030 it is expected to be fifth leading cause for death

ransportation has made many thing possible in the worldwide. Accidents impose substantially 3% loss to GDP
development of mankind for many years now. Initially for India (1999-2000) and 30 % of all accidents on rural roads
transportation was done mostly for trade from ancient occurs at bends.
times with it the cultural exchanges happened. Now-a-days
it also plays a major role in the economy of an country. We as
 FIGURE 1   NCRB statics of accidents in curves on 2014.
an individual have moved to a stage where it plays a vital role
in our life and some have sentiment towards their vehicle.
Many people like to take an break from normal life by
engaging on an long ride. And, mostly people enjoy to drive
through the hilly areas to enjoy the beauty offered by the
nature and take pleasure in its quietness. Despite the
misleading serenity of the hills, the path is normally
hazardous, especially for the duration of the monsoon [1].
© SAE International and SAE India.

Road accidents are undoubtedly more frequent and are

responsible for many deaths worldwide. According to official
statistics [2] provided by National Crime Records Bureau
NCRB in 2015, 4,77,731 people injured and 1,41,526 persons
were killed in India in 2014 due to accidents in highways
Figure 1. These figures highlights the number of death toll
has continued to rise at about 70% a year over the past decade.
It is predicted in 2004 to be the ninth primary reason for death
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 FIGURE 2   Reason for Accidents  FIGURE 3   Proof of concept

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© SAE International and SAE India.

More number of accidents is expected to takes place on

bends in hill station bend than that of the normal straight
road. The roads in these hilly regions are always filled with
many hectic and endless curves. In hilly regions of INDIA
the traffic accidents are due to poorly developed national
highways, poor infrastructure and unattended hazard zones side of the road, similarly another pair of sensors are installed
Figure 2 [3]. Such curves provide the drivers with minimal by the side of the downhill side of the road. The sensors are
or no-vision of the oncoming vehicles to the drivers [4]. As, mutually exclusive and are connected to Arduino UNO
the prevention of road accidents is extremely important and through wires. The ultrasonic waves are emitted from the
can’t be ensured by strict laws and enforcements. However, sensors with a fixed frequency as shown in the Figure 3(a).
the obligation of the drivers to adapt their speeds at risky When a car approaches from the right hand side the car
corners has to be the only solution for which driver assistance reflects the ultrasonic waves back and this is picked by the
system could serve the situation. A popular method found detector and then an indication is given in the left hand side
in hill bends are just raised mirrors at the bends for the with an yellow signal as an warning (Figure 3(b)). An very
drivers to see the reflection of the vehicle. Safety traffic similar approach is adapted in the case when a car approached
mirror can’t be used during rainy and foggy conditions [5, from right hand side as shown in Figure 3(c). And finally
6, 7]. A road safety device is proposed in this work which when both the vehicles approaches the corner the red signal
can be extensively be used in hill roads are filled with many is given as an danger signal in the post as shown in Figure
hectic and endless curves. The drivers will be warned about 3(d) to the drivers.
the incoming traffic in opposite direction. By this, it is
expected to reduce accident rates to provide a pleasant and
peaceful hill travel.
Proposed System Model
Methodology Initially 10 micro second trigger pulse are produced using
PWM of atmega328 and given to the two ultrasonic sensor
connected to arduino UNO. The Ultrasonic sensor transmits
Road traffic safety system refers to the combination of devices eight 40 kHz pulses which is further used for detection of the
used to prevent people from being killed or seriously injured objects. The time taken by ultrasonic burst to leave and return
in road accidents [8]. Typical people affected by road acci- to sensor is used for finding the distance of the object from
dents include pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, vehicle passen- sensor. The distance of the approaching objects are calculated
gers, and passengers of on-road public transport [9]. One of by using the Equation 1
the important solutions for this problem can be the obligation
of the drivers to adapt their speeds at the corners. On this Thigh × Vsound
regard a system is proposed and prototyped to warn drives D= (1)
about the approaching traffic in hill curves by which the
safety of the commuters travelling is ensured. Also the Where D is the distance of the object, Thigh is the high
comfort and confidence to the drivers while maneuvering level time and Vsound is the velocity of sound in air (340 m/s2).
the risky corners is established. A new novel approach is These sensors are placed in two poles and they connected
developed by combining ultrasonic sensor and warning with the warning signal yellow LED and danger signal green
signals with the help of Arduino UNO programmer. LED. These two poles are placed at the end of curve, visible to
Compared to other sensors like infrared sensor, magnetom- the drivers. When there is no approaching vehicle a “0” signal
eter sensor, high accuracy and desired result has been is returned by both the ultrasonic senor. The signal post is
produced by the ultrasonic sensor. The proof of concept of kept off in this scenario to save power. Based on the output of
the system is given in the Figure 3. The System has two pair sensors, position of vehicles on either side of the bend is
of sensors, which are placed on either side of the hairpin detected which is provided as an input to the Arduino
bend. One pair of sensors are installed by the side of the uphill Processor. The processor which works on a power supply of
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 FIGURE 4   Block Diagram of the Proposed Model  FIGURE 6   Prototype of the system

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© SAE International and SAE India.

testing. Further, field-testing can be implemented from the

real time prototype and the final modification can be done
from enhanced performance.
 FIGURE 5   Conceptual Test Setup The main components in the proposed actual system are
Arduino uno (atmega328), Ultrasonic sensor, connecting
wires, solar panel, battery (5V), signals for warning and Mild
Steel pipe (2.5 inches). The cad model of the working setup
was done using Fusion 360 as shown in Figure 7. The cost
for fabricating a single system is estimated (Table 1) to
be  Rupees Eleven thousand and three hundred and
seventy five.
© SAE International and SAE India.

The proposed system can be used for all road commuters

to avoid vehicle collision in turnings whereas in the existing
technology only the host car is warned. Also, it works at
various weather conditions - unlike safety traffic mirror which
cannot be  used only during rainy and foggy conditions.
Further, the comfort and confidence to the drivers while
maneuvering the risky corners are established. To add to it
the fabrication cost, assembly charge and installation costs
are very low.

5V triggers the warning LEDs to glow (and thereby intelli-

gently controlling the movement of vehicles at the bend.  FIGURE 7   Proposed setup
Warning LEDs along with a convex mirror are placed at the
centre of the outer curve of a hairpin bend. The layout of the
actual connection to be done with the electrical component
was developed and is given in the Figure 5.
The important aspect of the proposed work compared
very similar system is that it can predict the movement of the
actual object is towards the system or away from the system,
which is not the case in the other proposed models.

© SAE International and SAE India.

Ultrasonic sensor senses toy car pushed manually and sends

the information to the controller board. Warning signal are
provide by the LEDs placed over a cone connected with the
controller board. The controller makes the warning signal
glows according to the objects distance. From Figure 6 it can
be observed that the red leds are glowing as the two toy cars
are pushed towards the mark made in the board. The proto-
type was found to be working successfully as indented in the
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ISSN 0148-7191

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