Thuggish Covert Hand Signals

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Thuggish covert hand signals, thuggish covert vehicular signals, thuggish covert verbal commands,

thuggish covert electronic communications, thuggish covert physical gestures, and thuggish covert
pedestrian actions are how the “great” American thug units known as gangstalkers communicate with
each other.

They follow these inbred imbecilic signaling protocols to a targeted individual’s exact location, and then
perpetrate their federally authorized thuggery against the targeted person.

American men, women, and children are to to participate in this worthless anti-common sense social
activity, which is tantamount to a thuggish social engineering protocol that the American taxpayer pays
hundreds of billions of dollars to sustain.

The worthlessness of this program, its methods and its precepts boggle the mind; the stupidity and
ineptitude of the United States Congress for ineptly and ignorantly signing this into law is stunning, and
the lack of responsibility from that same Congress for not acknowledging this mobile gulag is jaw-

The United States’ Supreme Court, its Congress, Department’s of Defense and Justice, and state and
local legislative auxiliaries are no longer, and haven’t been for years, stewards of justice, liberty, or the
rule of law.

Rather they are thug enablers, murder and attempted murder enablers, harassment enablers, workplace
mobbing enablers, derived or staged car accident enablers, and military industrial complex revenue

That is what gangstalking is about and that is what it will continue to be.

Smear campaigns, distorted truths, outlandish excuses, outright denial, and failure to acknowledge are
all political tactics that the United States Congress will use to diminish or run from the monumental
importance of its gangstalking war on American citizens.

The utter embarrassment that this thuggish national security/community oriented/citizen oriented
“security” mechanism will cause this country is, and will continue to be, immense.

This hostile brand of American legislative thuggery was rooted in the enrichment of the military
industrial complex, a number of “national security firms,” and similar American organizations from the

The ignorant imbecilic thugs that participate in gangstalking are tricked into to doing what they think is
the “new norm.” Gangstalking just might be the new norm to put it mildly. This country, since
September 11, 2001, has been lock-stock-and-barrel a crony of special interests, national security
industrial interests, and hostile anti-freedom bureaucratic government elements that seek to further
their own ragged useless political and financial interests at the expense of law and order, civil liberties,
and constitutional republicanism.

The thuggish legislative protocols that the United States continues to unleash on mankind is a result of
years of violently negligent and criminally disruptive acts upon other countries and peoples, that
rendered this country an international pariah, causing fervent domestic guerrilla backlash against it,
which led to its nationally frightened state, leading to high treasonous legislative acts, including
unwaged wars on its citizen population.

The unbridled thuggery that America’s citizens have to endure because of its inept federal government
constitute crimes against humanity, the revocation of inalienable rights, and the federal authorization of
domestic terroristic actions against unsuspecting United States citizens.

Gangstalking is a total weaponization of the Federal Government of the United States. It is obvious that
not all United States citizens experience gangstalking because the country is not "up in arms."

People who experience this thuggish, federally financed, ill-conceived, poorly implemented national
security protocol are called targeted individuals.

The idiots that participate in this thuggery are called "gangstalkers."

Gangstalking is the name given to a military industrial complex product that was earmarked through
congress post 9/11 using national security legislation as its vehicle.

The congressional earmarking, implementation, and financing of gangstalking was made possible by
congressional representatives who sign off on national security legislation without reading the entirety
of the legislation beforehand. The reason that congressional representatives do not read these bills from
cover-to-cover is because these bills are anywhere from 4,000 to 10,000 pages in length. They simply
don't have the time or the willpower to read the bill through.

In these lengthy draconian pieces of national security legislation, there are inserts that are not
necessarily a part of the main political philosophy of the bill. These inserts are called "earmarks."

Earmarks are legalized along with the main portion of the bill even though most United States politicians
do not review them. These earmarks could literally be authorizing anything, including crimes like
gangstalking and no-one, even the president of the United States, would ever see them.

Gangstalking is one of these earmarks having been materialized. Gangstalking is obviously a civilian-
based community policing, citizen oriented community policing, deputized U.S. citizen, self-policing
neighborhood type of protocol that allows United States citizens to act as their own police units. The
result is a bunch of uncouth, knuckleheaded, surly, confused, violent, hostile, petty, loudmouthed,
clumsy annoying fools going from place to place looking for people to use their ignorant, useless,
thuggish, irritating "domination tactics" on, to see how the person reacts to them.

These idiotic, buffoonish, and stooge-like people are mobilized by clandestine federally directed
gangstalking units towards various targeted individuals in any given area. The targeted individuals are
"pointed at' by these useful dummies so that other gangstalkers will know who to mobilize against. The
way the stalker points at you will vary; it isn't always as simple as them pointing their finger at you.
Whatever they do is pre-arranged or staged. They could do something like walk near you and
intentionally drop coins on the floor in front of you, bend over and pick them up, and that act will
"mark" the targeted individual, letting other stalkers know who to mobilize themselves against.

They (the stalkers) may engage in a form of street theater, which is a pre-arranged form of attention-
craft, in which they do, say, or wear unusually loud or attention-grabbing clothing and act in such a way
so as to bring as much attention to themselves as possible. This is often done in front of targeted
individuals so as to catch them off guard and to alert other gangstalkers in the area to the targeted
individual's immediate location.

Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran are four countries that the United States has foolishly and with
costly futility beat the war drum against for 50 years.

The United States has not waged war with any of these countries because it is not sure it will win against
them in armed combat.

The United States’ military Industrial war monkey only works against countries that it will surely
decimate in armed combat. Taxpayer money is used by the federal government to buy its apish war
machines, creating exorbitant revenues for the manufacturers of these war machines, and an invasion of
the smaller less developed nation ensues under the banners of “regime change,” “the installation of
freedom or democracy,” or “national security,.”

By contrast, targeted individuals are an "easy" target for the United States' multi-trillion-dollar military
industrial war chimp, because the many billions of war-machines that it takes to surveil, track, and
disrupt the daily movements and biorhythm of the targeted individuals is done in a clandestine, behind-
the-scenes, and invisible fashion.

Targeted individuals are typically not trained in military combat, war strategy, hand-to-hand combat,
advanced self-defense tactics, or the like. The treasonous, traitorous, unconstitutional, politically
bumpy, covert frontal lobotomy that are given to targeted individuals that cannot withstand this state-
sanctioned assault on them, is nothing but military industrial politically inept, constitutionally illiterate

There are deceased Australopithecus' that have more common sense than to allow such an
misanthropic congressional misadventure.

Freedom, democracy, and national security are nonexistent here in the United States of America. In its
thuggish gangstalking campaigns against its own citizens, thuggish, inbred, aloof, dull, dummies are
mobilized in units against the targeted person with no mission outside the annoyance, harm, or
instigation of verbal or physical contact with the target.

The United States federal government foolishly continues in spite of this to call itself a democracy and a
constitutional republic. It needs to declare itself a fascist state and be honest with its citizens.

The “national security” state that America is now, allows for state-enabled thuggery at a cost of $32T for
the taxpayer. /> }

A person does not need a criminal record to become a targeted individual. They do not need terrorist
affiliations, to be found to have been planning domestic terrorist attacks, under criminal investigation, or
have any derogatory civil or legal records indexed to their name at all.

Gangstalking, being the clandestine, piggish, military industrial/constitution destroyer that it is, can be
implemented or attached to anyone, anywhere, at any time, for any reason. The person is never
notified, there are no legal proceedings, no official government communications to that person, nor are
there any opportunities to fight the implementation, hire an attorney, or otherwise such legal or political
assistance to rid yourself of the illbred, poorly conceived, knuckle headed, pig protocol.
Gangstalking is an American failure, a political failure, an anthropological failure, a failure of
government, a failure of leadership, a failure of the use of databases and indexes, a failure of tax
revenue appropriation, a military industrial complex failure, a civil rights failure, a human rights failure, a
failure of democracy, a failure of the rule of law, a failure of allotment of civil liberties, a failure of
constitutional republicanism, and a failure to uphold one’s inalienable rights.

The United States is not at war with another country right now. There are no third-world countries for it
to invade. No false flag operations to lead the country in to another Middle Eastern war, no more
excuses to create terrorist "boogeymen," in other countries, and most recently the military junta of
Afghanistan kicked America out of their country. America will never invade Iran, China, North Korea, or
Russia for fear of getting decimated.

The American military industrial complex, that was the financial, economic, and political beneficiary of
every American war since the Korean War of 1953, (which is technically still going on in theory
geopolitically.)—is the root cause of gangstalking, the same as it was the root cause of the Cold War, the
Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War, the War in Iraq, the War in Afghanistan, and various other world-
wide skirmishes that America has involved itself in.

The military industrial complex refers to the "military industry" which is the capacity for the United
States to spend billions of taxpayer dollars per-year on military war machines, typically in the name of
"national security." The companies that produce these war machines and sell them to the United States
federal government reap enormous financial profits and serious increases in their stock performance.
The contracts that these war companies reap are courtesy of the congress, many of whom obviously get
kickbacks from the war companies and line their own pockets in that regard.

Because of the lack of wars being fought by this country around the world, the military industrial
complex is wearing thin. With fewer war machines being sold to the United States federal government
for its Department of Defense, its companies profits are declining and their stock performances are
waning. With so many members of congress with personal and political investments in the success of
the military industrial complex, "something had to be done."

Now the United States of America has foolishly and ineptly declared war on its own citizens. Why?
Simple. Because it can't declare war anywhere else in the world presently. War generates lots of money
for military industrial war-machine makers, and those invested in that particular industry. Why lose out
on the guaranteed profits of an industry that taxpayers pay billions to each year anyhow?

Now the United States of America has gangstalking; an undeclared, unannounced, unnecessary war
(also called covert war) which stimulates its military industrial complex once again. The war machines
needed for gangstalking campaigns against targeted persons who are deemed "undesirable,"
"subversive," or "violent" by some American federal law enforcement/military industrial database or
record-keeping mechanism, namely as a foolhearted pretext to prosecute gangstalking campaigns
against them, cost the taxpayers billions of dollars, and generates huge revenues for the war machine
makers the same as if the United States decided to find a reason to, and invade a country like Sri Lanka,
to stimulate its military industrial complex.

Gangstalking is a United States citizen's own personal false flag operation against them. Like the Gulf of
Tonkin, which was this country's excuse for invading Vietnam, or "Weapons of Mass Destruction" which
was its reason for invading the Persian Gulf, or "The War on Terrorism," its reason for invading Iraq and
the Levant, the targeted individual being secretly, clandestinely, covertly, and unconstitutionally labeled
a "threat to national security," a "dangerous person" a "lone wolf" "strange" "unusual" "troublesome"
"subversive" "unpatriotic" "a hindrance to American progress," "violent or potentially violent," "dead to
rights," or maybe no reason is given at all by this government other than this person "needs to be
watched, surveilled, and disrupted." These are the pretexts for a gangstalking campaign, a revenue
generator for the military industrial complex.

Gangstalking is the new American norm. The buffoonery that constitutes the simpleminded American
governmental protocol has permeated the Executive branch of the United States government (including
the office of the President of the United States) the Federal Reserve System, Congress, the Department
of Defense (DOD), the Department of Justice (DOJ), the United States Treasury, and the executive
(Gubernatorial) offices and state legislatures of all fifty states, as well as the mayoral offices and city
councils of every city, town, municipality, township, and village in the entirety of the country. --------------


Every household in the United States has been, to the delight of the ultra-expensive, tax-payer draining,
ultra-secretive, ultra-thuggish military industrial complex, exposed to gangstalking and participates in it
to some degree. The DOD and the DOJ have clandestine "national security" protocols that involved
plainclothes deputized United States citizens (gangstalkers) that under the direction of the DOD and DOJ
coerced the use of signals that gangstalkers could use with each other to indicate that they are
"connected" to the gangstalking mechanism, and as a way to clandestinely communicate with each
other to the detriment of targeted individuals who are not "linked in" to the communication network.
Gangstalkers continually mark targeted individuals as "suspicious" using a system of hand gestures,
verbal cues, vehicular maneuvers, noise harassment, color coding, sound-making, and other annoying,
intrusive, apish, and brutish communication methods.

The protocols, domination tactics, acts of explicit annoyance to another, implicit acts of ignorance, scent
harassment, intentional aggravation, and acts of outright violence are all a part of the federally enabled
earmarked national security protocol known as gangstalking.


Every neighborhood, personal residence, business district, church, office building, workplace, retail
store, public facility, municipal beach, public park, municipal recreation center, public property,
municipal complex or structure, public swimming pool, municipal library, grocery store, convenience
store, hardware store, elementary, middle, and high school, college and university, amusement park,
movie theater, pub and tavern, nightclub, gentlemen's club, five-star restaurant, fast-food restaurant,
buffet-restaurant, concert, mom-and-pop store, warehouse, and gas station is a stronghold for
gangstalking and derivative thuggery.

Even information technology firms and big data firms are loaded to the hilt with gangstalking
practitioners that actively, willingly, and intentionally sabotage the digital progress of targeted
individuals who either don't know, don't understand, or refuse to participate in the verbiage, physical
gestures, or other tomfoolery that gangstalkers use to identify one another.
People learn gangstalking in different ways. The first gangstalkers, the ones that received deputization
from the federal government circa 2004, learned directly from DOD sources in a "top secret"
environment, under the auspices of "national security research."


Laymen and laywomen, which make up the majority of the United States population, learn how to
gangstalk targeted persons via word-of-mouth, by observation of other gangstalkers, and by
experiencing light gangstalking themselves, by other gangstalkers as a gangstalking training module.

Once a targeted individual is tracked, identified, marked as suspicious, and engaged by one of these
annoying buffoons, other buffoons can follow suit if they so choose. Targeted individuals have been
entered in a clandestine or "confidential" DOD or DOJ (or both) database as "subversive" or "a threat to
national security" or "a threat to the public peace." Privately-owned, private investigatory firms are
involved in the sense that they have the ability to collect data on targeted individuals that can be
accessed and processed by " Fusion Centers " that can communicate remotely, through electronic
means with DOD and DOJ sources.

The official governmental protocols for the initial selection of a targeted individual for processing,
surveillance, covert psychological evaluation, sabotage, and disruption are secret and not disclosed to
the American public. The reason that this process is secret is because it is unconstitutional, unseemly,
unpatriotic, idiotic, despotic, politically heretical, buffoonishly corrupt, treasonous, traitorous,
murderous, hateful, violent nonsensical, anthropologically stupid, detrimental to civilization, a boon to
humanity, biased, grotesque, and cowardly.

America is a congressional scourge. Over the past 60 years, it has legalized post 9/11/2001 national
security earmarks, which are actually tantamount to a number of killing missions, that have threatened
the lives, liberties and livelihoods of the citizens of this country.

This country, The United States of America, is a vassal state with various interests trying to control it
with these designated legislative mandates (earmarks) that neither Congress nor the people could ever
independently have the opportunity to vote on. These earmarks, once passed, have the full force of the
law and can make your life suddenly and exponentially worse without you realizing it.

The federal government of the United States authorizes, commits state-sanctioned murder and various
catastrophic events in the lives of the targeted individuals and commits these crimes in secret. The
national security earmark is the catalyst, and the bills of parliament (Congress ) are the means by which
these crimes are carried out.

Gang—stalking is a direct result of allocated military industrial and community oriented / citizen
oriented law enforcement programs that affect national security, infrastructure, and other things,
sneaking past the judgment and will of Americans, with stealth and unconscionable maliciousness; and
we, the people, didn't know that programs such as this existed legally.

Gangstalking was passed post 9/11/2001 unnoticed by the authorizing congressional representatives.
This program operates through a variety of harassment, threats, vehicular assaults, home invasions,
workplace mobbing mechanisms and/or other violent or murderous mechanisms. This being the case,
the passage of these various national security and infrastructure earmarks makes the U.S. federal
government guilty of state-sanctioned criminal murder.

Inducing gang harassment (gang stalking) programs and designated or derived personal hazards are the
result of several speculations contained in several congressional budgets, national security legislation,
and other federal, state, and local laws.

The thousands of pages of legislation that contain malicious earmarked content that most politicians
have never read or heard of, could destroy the fabric of American society, end democracy and nullify our
status as a constitutional republic.

Gangstalking was invented by bad clowns who did not like the social or economic direction of the
country and decided to create a gangster shadow government and shadow army themselves.

The ringleaders of the Gang-Stalk achieved their mad ambitions with the authority the mad
exterminationist American congress through a covert/insert/designated mechanism which has
permeated federal, state and local US legislatures.

Those targets, (targeted indivisuals) including myself, take our experience with this inflammatory
program and its destructive and highly intrusive nature very seriously.

An itemized veto (the line-item veto) is the only way to destroy this horrible and unconstitutional
bullying contract known as gang bullying or community harassment.

The US government has committed state-sanctioned murder. State-sanctioned killings are part of a
ubiquitous gang-harassment program that runs through American society.

Gang stalking is the result of thousands of congressional appropriations (secretly hidden legislative and
statutory provisions) that have passed Congressional legislatures and have been incorporated into
American law.

Gang stalking is the mobilization, referral, and targeting of [people who have been assigned lifelong
gang stalking activities] by U.S. citizens as part of their daily activities.

Gangsters are responsible for the resulting car accidents, street violence, and deadly confrontations with
the police for fake 911 calls, all of which are used as weapons against targeted individuals.

Because gang-stalking is a global scourge, these dramas happen all over the world.

The United States of America, at -$32,000,000,000.00 in net worth, at the legislative mercy of inept
politicians that know neither the law or good governance, and at war with its own citizens via military
industrial thuggery, ought to hold a vote in Congress as to whether or not to officially designate this
country a banana republic, a failed state, and an enemy belligerent to its people.

The gangstalking mechanism that United States citizens are placed in is a database driven American
catastrophe. United States citizens are “assigned” to a unit of human excrement called “gangstalkers,”
who throughout the day, provoke, obstruct, disrupt, annoy, threaten, and attack the targeted individual.

This mechanism is obviously a “crime deterrent,” for its targets on behalf of society; the only problem is,
most if not all targeted individuals have no criminal record, terrorist ties, or violent tendencies.
The forced hospitalization mechanism in the United States is something that is used against targeted
individuals to justify the gangstalking campaigns against them. If a relative or other acquaintance makes
the call, local police can, without any evidence or judiciary hearing, detain the targeted person, take
them to a psychiatric facility, and leave without making sense of the allegations against the targeted

There are other justification mechanisms that can be used against a targeted individual in this thuggish
country as well. Traffic tickets, parking tickets, littering citations, and other minor victimless offenses can
land a potential targeted person in a gangstalking campaign, something that is design to stimulate the
military industrial complex’s revenue squandering surveillance and detainment mechanisms, to the
detriment of the targeted person.

The United States of America has a uniquely thuggish way of condemning its citizens, especially the ones
it cannot incarcerate for lack of a good reason.

You are right that laws and regulations seem to allow gang-stalking by mobsters in other countries,
leading to community bullying/bullying and workplace bullying/bullying in the United States.

The only way to defeat gang-stalking is to hold Congress accountable. Since September 11, 2001,
hundreds of thousands of budget bills secretly voted on by Congress have appeared throughout the
National Security Act and the Budget and Infrastructure Act.

The ultimate goal of gangstalking is to use a targeted individual's material surroundings as weapons
against him, in such a way as to cause permanent psychological and or physical injuries to him so as to
drive him into the "institutionalization" mechanism, including perpetual mental hospital stays, from the
psychological stressors of gangstalking, and/or habitual incarceration from a life of crime, induced by the
hopelessness of the disruptive and burdensome gangstalking campaign against him. Homelessness is a
part of the menu of attacks against a targeted individual, as he finds it impossible, or nearly impossible
to attain an advanced college degree, or gainful long-term employment due to the disruptive and
subversive nature of the gangstalking campaign against him.

Community Harassment is a pork barrel project and is the result of many earmarks that have gone into
many congressional budgets, National Security bills, and other federal state and local legislation. Many
of these bills are several thousands of pages long and inserting malicious earmarks into them even those
that could destroy the very fabric of American society nullifying its democracy and voiding its status as a
constitutional republic are not only possible but they happen. Gang-stalking was crafted by inbred jokers
that didn’t like the direction that the country was headed in socially or economically, and decided to
implement a shadow government, and a shadow military, of which, are the drivers of gang-stalking, and
the gangstalkers themselves respectively. By stealthily embedding gangstalking through USA legislative
assemblies at the federal, state, and local levels, their ambitions of a maniacal exterminationist America
became law. Targeted individuals, myself included, are dead serious about our experiences with this
treasonous program, and its destructive and highly intrusive nature. The line item veto is the only cure
for this horrifying unconstitutional annoyance act called gangstalking. Community Harrassment is a post-
9/11 construct that is the result of ill bred national security policies that were pork barreled, earmarked,
and misappropriated through National, state, and local legislative assemblies. (Tags) gang-stalking
congressional earmark What is the excalibur that can slay the gangstalking leviathan? Why, the line-item
veto of course.
Targeted individuals are typically not trained in military combat, war strategy, hand-to-hand combat,
advanced self-defense tactics, or the like. The treasonous, traitorous, unconstitutional, politically
bumpy, covert frontal lobotomy that are given to targeted individuals that cannot withstand this state-
sanctioned assault on them, is nothing but military industrial politically inept, constitutionally illiterate

There are deceased Australopithecus' that have more common sense than to allow such an
misanthropic congressional misadventure.

Freedom, democracy, and national security are nonexistent here in the United States of America. In its
thuggish gangstalking campaigns against its own citizens, thuggish, inbred, aloof, dull, dummies are
mobilized in units against the targeted person with no mission outside the annoyance, harm, or
instigation of verbal or physical contact with the target.

The United States federal government foolishly continues in spite of this to call itself a democracy and a
constitutional republic. It needs to declare itself a fascist state and be honest with its citizens.

The “national security” state that America is now, allows for state-enabled thuggery at a cost of $32T for
the taxpayer.

The gangstalking mechanism has the capacity to go worldwide. This is not something I want to see. I do
not want to see other countries, those which have a genuine sense of pride, commonality, and
nationalism unlike the United States, to fall prey to the political, legislative, and socioeconomic mud pit
known as gangstalking.

It’s easy-to-follow patterns and its “rewards” system for its participants create an incentive for the
empty-headed thuggish sociopaths that participate in it.

It is easily inserted into multi-thousand paged national security legislation as run-of-the-mill community
surveillance, community policing, or community protection protocols. Because the gangstalking program
here in America is hidden from the public as a taxpayer funded, federally directed national security
procedure, it is difficult to know for certain which Department of Defense or Department of Justice
mechanism it has manifested under. I assert that a combination of the above named offices in
cooperation with local fusion centers in all fifty states allow for the omnipresence of this inbred, illbred,
Constitution-ignoring robbery of the rights and civil liberties of every United States citizen.

A person does not need a criminal record to become a targeted individual. They do not need terrorist
affiliations, to be found to have been planning domestic terrorist attacks, under criminal investigation, or
have any derogatory civil or legal records indexed to their name at all.

Gangstalking, being the clandestine, piggish, military industrial/constitution destroyer that it is, can be
implemented or attached to anyone, anywhere, at any time, for any reason. The person is never
notified, there are no legal proceedings, no official government communications to that person, nor are
there any opportunities to fight the implementation, hire an attorney, or otherwise such legal or political
assistance to rid yourself of the illbred, poorly conceived, knuckle headed, pig protocol.

Gangstalking is an American failure, a political failure, an anthropological failure, a failure of

government, a failure of leadership, a failure of the use of databases and indexes, a failure of tax
revenue appropriation, a military industrial complex failure, a civil rights failure, a human rights failure, a
failure of democracy, a failure of the rule of law, a failure of allotment of civil liberties, a failure of
constitutional republicanism, and a failure to uphold one’s inalienable rights.

The United States of America is a failure as well. It is a failure in each of the above named categories. It’s
politicians are failures, as is it national security mechanism.

Furthermore, the United States of America's bureaucratic dump of a political system is rigged against
the targeted individual. A targeted person cannot reasonably go to anyone in law enforcement, the
military, or in politics about what they are experiencing because the above named options are all pre-
programmed to say they didn't see anything or that the targeted individual is wrong or mistaken.

One of the institutionalization mechanisms that befall many targeted individuals is the tampered-with
psychiatrist mechanism. Targeted individuals get erroneously diagnosed with mental diseases that they
don't have because they speak about their experiences to dishonest or otherwise unprofessional or
criminally tampered-with psychiatric doctors.

The other institutionalization mechanism being the targeted individual is provoked in such a way, over
such a long period of time to where he lashes out at someone, and gets arrested by a tempered-with
police officer. One that may physically harm him, saying he "resisted" or something similar.

The goal of a gangstalking campaign is not to help, assist, or otherwise aid the targeted person. The goal
is to kill the targeted person, cause his death, cause him to kill himself, kill someone else, or otherwise
cause another person death. That is considered a successful gangstalking campaign. My gangstalkers
failed miserably with me in that regard.

Gangstalkers are set up by federally regulated perpetrators to take credit for a targeted individual's
work or enterprise as well. When a targeted individual is somewhere typing for example, a gangstalker
will typically stroll past within the hour and sit somewhere in the general vicinity of the targeted
individual with a computer of his own, gesturing and looking suspiciously at the targeted individual,
almost as if to give off the impression to other stalkers nearby, that he is giving the targeted individual
ideas or direction in his endeavor. Gangstalkers, the federally funded group of useful idiots, oftentimes
hack targeted individual's' computers and steal files from them, so as to commit intellectual property
theft against them, so as to steal their original ideas and sabotage their endeavor or otherwise discredit

The war machines used in one of America's third-world wars, are fighter jets, army tanks, SCUD missiles,
army helicopters, grenade launchers, anti-tank ballistic weapons, and M-16 assault rifles. The war
machines used in America's war against targeted individuals are stingray devices, location interceptors,
thermal imaging devices, sound wave interceptors, x-ray devices, biorhythm spying mechanisms, and
thermal imaging devices.

The kinds of thuggish weasels that carry out the "street" element or up-close-and-personal elements of
gangstalking (and ALL gangstalkers are thuggish weasels) do it through workplace mobbing, timed
obstructive maneuvers, psychological attacks, biohazardous attacks (intentional coughing, sneezing,
breaking wind, vomiting, derived heavy breathing and other forms of disgusting, thuggish, and childish
forms of bacterial communication to other people) annoying and/or intrusive forms of forced physical
contact so as to irritate and/or distract the targeted individual, near collisions on bicycles, scooters,
skateboards, rollerblades, rollerskates, and so-forth, vehicular containment and/or near-miss vehicular
aggressive driving in a targeted individual's immediate vicinity, intentional food contamination,
attempting to make a targeted individual "lose their appetite" via gross and disgusting acts involving
bodily functions while near the targeted individual. Surly dispositions and angry countenances are also
common psychological irritation tactics that the thug gangstalkers use to intimidate targeted individuals.

The goal is a federally enabled outcome of agoraphobia for the targeted individual, the lashing out at
society through violent means, or a mental breakdown of the targeted individual leading to an intended
early grave via malnourishment or suicide.

'Gangstalking is federally funded human experimentation posing as a national security measure. It was
implement through stealth legislation via national security earmarks, covertly entered "side measures"
that are attached to 6,000 paged bills that no politician ever reads before signing off on it.

The United States federal legislature, because of its enabling, implementation, and financing of
clandestine gangstalking, should formally renounce its status as a democracy and as a constitutional
republic. The United States calling itself as such is an insult to the world-at-large. The people do not get
to vote directly on the federal legislative issues that lead to gangstalking, and the program in and of
itself, is a brutish, thuggish, inappropriate, intentional, and heinously violent negation of the United
States Constitution. The United States should formally declare itself a totalitarian state, a fascist
construction, a plutocracy, or an oligarchy, and dissolve its federal and state constitutions, and devise a
new clear, concise, readable, and observable constitution asserting it political aims of a country
beholden to the military industrial complex at the expense of the American citizen and his/her tax
dollars. At least at that point the federal government of this country would be telling the truth to the
American people for once.

There is the smell of secessionism in gangstalking in the United States. Its disruptive, violent,
unconstitutional, law-breaking, brand of degenerate thuggery has a capacity to remind one of Jim Crow.

Because the intrinsic cowardice of the United States governmental mechanism disallows it, gangstalking
has not been federally recognized as a program, an entity, an enterprise, a military industrial construct,
a taxpayer burden, or as anything at all.

This is by design as the Congress of the United States nor any American federal entity has to take
responsibility for it or any of the damage that it causes people or enterprises. They will quickly label the
damage caused by gangstalking as “misfortune” or “tragedy” or quickly and seamlessly (using politically
appointed spin doctors) say it was the result of this error or that error on the part of the targeted

At the end of the day this ( gangstalking ) will go down in history as a knuckle-headed, taxpayer revenue
generating robbery of the American taxpayer and a blank check to the military industrial complex to
conduct covert wars upon unsuspecting, unprepared, and under-resourced American taxpayers who are
attempting to attain their constitutional right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, three concepts
that a both foreign and meaningless to American politicians and their political cronies.

Gangstalking, as a federally directed national security protocol, acquiesces to the will of the spineless
thugs that participate in it. This clandestine federally authorized disruption platform sees what a
gangstalker would like to do to a targeted person, irrespective to how violent or troublesome the action
is. Oftentimes a stalker will approach a targeted person in a closed space like an elevator, a stairway, or
a public restroom. The stalker was federally “guided” to the target’s location using a buffoonish system
of verbal cues, physical gestures, vehicular cues, and other cues and commands.

The federal government of the United States is collectively guilty of the misappropriation of taxpayer
money. It’s trillion-dollar military industrial complex money-pit is the largest in the world.

The federally directed electronic interception of a targeted person’s social media posts, emails, text
messages, phone calls etc..., are a surefire way to keep the targeted person, usually of which, has no
criminal record or terrorist ties, contained, isolated, and perpetually prone to interaction with the
mindless numbskulls which are the stalkers themselves.

A word that comes to mind when thinking about the congress of the United States’ criminally negligent
abuse of power, and its passing of rights-restricting national security measures, is “buffoonery.” When I
think about how Congress has avoided responsibility of the disastrous, catastrophic, dangerous, and ill
conceived national security measures that have led directly to the implementation of gangstalking, the
word becomes “treasonous.”

Any citizen at any time can become a targeted individual for any reason under this monstrously stupid
military industrial complex feeding frenzy that has led to the draconian, selective, clandestine, and
illbred restriction of its citizens civil liberties, personal freedoms, and inalienable rights.

The United States Constitution, tattered and destroyed, has given way to post 9/11 national security
earmarks, clandestine Department of Justice surveillance and disruption procedures, and secretive
communication and location protocols that lead thuggish, annoying, and perpetually problematic
gangstalkers to a targeted individual’s exact location so as to initiate America’s daily war on that person.

Be it at work, school, church, a picnic, grocery shopping, or anywhere else, a targeted person must brace
himself for the guaranteed emergence of one of these gangstalking inbreds.

Any man, woman, or child can become the subject of these warlike attack mechanisms. A government
liaison is always in the fray directing the “action” towards the targeted individual when gangstalkers are
in the vicinity and then the stalkers take “cues” to the targets location and engage him or her in thuggish
mortal combat.

Democracy is dead in America. The United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights are dead also. Civil
rights and civil liberties are dead in America. The ability to move about freely in this country has been
vanquished by national security protocols that allow silly, inept, goofy, violent, dimwitted thugs organize
themselves into loosely affiliated mobs, militias and gangs, engaging in hostile activities against targeted
persons that are tantamount to terrorist activity.

Thanks to the easily hijacked legislative mechanism in America, a person need not be a terrorist, a
hardened criminal, or a national threat of any kind to experience this American brand of thuggish
buffoonery. All a person needs is for their name, a variation of their name, their vital statistics, or a
variation of their vital statistics to be clandestinely entered into a federally authorized and taxpayer
funded database that allows for a gangstalking campaign against that person’s life to begin.

The post 9/11 state-sanctioned death march that the United States Congress has hurriedly and without
constitutional considerations ratified is called gangstalking. It is the federally organized and synchronized
dispatching of a mob of silent, thuggish, and troublemaking harassers and attackers that follow a
thuggish, covert system of verbal, physical, vehicular and other cues to a targeted person’s location,
giving them all they can handle in the way of criminal menacing and thuggish buffoonery.

The mismanagement of federal, state, and local legislative votes accompanied by national security
misappropriations have sent trillions of taxpayer dollars to the military industrial complex, a system of
national security war machine purchases and national security legal measures that have enabled
thuggish buffoonery to the highest degree.

The United States federal government has, particularly over the past 20 years, legislated, mandated,
argued for, participated in, and financed terrorism.

United States soldiers typically do not know the particulars as to why they fight foreign wars. Chances
are, they do it because being a soldier in the United States Army pays decent money, has a good
benefits package, and offers a pension for retirees.

The Congress of the United States has legalized a state-sanctioned terrorism mechanism against its
citizens. This terrorism takes the form of a mobile pandering thug unit called gangstalkers.

These gangstalkers come in many different packages. Some are rich, some are poor, some are highly
educated, others are learning disabled, some are this race or ethnicity, some are another, all are
federally directed thugs.

The United States of America, at $32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt to its own central bank, is a grotesque
reminder of what happens when a country, instead of the public good, places supreme importance on
its military industrial complex, purchasing trillions of dollars of war machines, and giving your military,
and federal law enforcement agencies unchecked power in prosecuting gangstalking campaigns against
unsuspecting citizens.

Gangstalking is an extrajudicially implemented thuggish, politically and anthropologically illiterate,

military industrial complex revenue generator. Its core value to its infiltrating perpetrating crafters is war
profiteering the same as when the United States goes to "war" with a third war country. Gangstalking,
like one of these poorly conceived "America First" wars, maximizes revenue or the military industrial
complex while minimizing the threat of deadly recourse to the perpetrators by the targets.

When America invades or goes to war with a less developed country, its purchases billions of dollars in
war machines from the military industry here in the United States, raising illicit revenues for these
companies at the expense of the taxpayer. The loss of life means nothing to the representatives of this
country or the chiefs of the military industry.

When America goes to war with it own citizens via federally implemented gangstalking campaigns,
passing them off as national security measures, its purchases billions of dollars of war machines from
the military industry at the expense of the taxpayer, generating illicit revenues for these same war-
machine producing countries.

The war machines used in one of America's third-world wars, are fighter jets, army tanks, SCUD missiles,
army helicopters, grenade launchers, anti-tank ballistic weapons, and M-16 assault rifles. The war
machines used in America's war against targeted individuals are stingray devices, location interceptors,
thermal imaging devices, sound wave interceptors, x-ray devices, biorhythm spying mechanisms, and
thermal imaging devices.
The kinds of thuggish weasels that carry out the "street" element or up-close-and-personal elements of
gangstalking (and ALL gangstalkers are thuggish weasels) do it through workplace mobbing, timed
obstructive maneuvers, psychological attacks, biohazardous attacks (intentional coughing, sneezing,
breaking wind, vomiting, derived heavy breathing and other forms of disgusting, thuggish, and childish
forms of bacterial communication to other people) annoying and/or intrusive forms of forced physical
contact so as to irritate and/or distract the targeted individual, near collisions on bicycles, scooters,
skateboards, rollerblades, rollerskates, and so-forth, vehicular containment and/or near-miss vehicular
aggressive driving in a targeted individual's immediate vicinity, intentional food contamination,
attempting to make a targeted individual "lose their appetite" via gross and disgusting acts involving
bodily functions while near the targeted individual. Surly dispositions and angry countenances are also
common psychological irritation tactics that the thug gangstalkers use to intimidate targeted individuals.

Gangstalking is a federally directed war atrocity that is legally and lawfully carried out against United
States citizens whose names, vital statistics, variations of their names, and variations of their vital
statistics have been entered in national security databases as "dangerous," "subversive," "violent," "at-
risk," or "troublesome.".

The people who have been extrajudicially chosen for victimization in this vicious, hostile, violent,
murderous, cowardly, knuckleheaded program are called targeted individuals. Targeted individuals are
targeted by the residents and non-residents of whatever community they are in, namely, by any number
of numb-skull derelicts called gangstalkers. Gangstalkers use a system of "cues" to know where to go,
when to go, and who to bother, disrupt, attack, obstruct etc...,. These cues consist of verbal cues,
physical and gestural cues, vehicular cues, color coded cues, noise cues, music cues, and a number of
other cues. These cues are the federally directed stalkers' way of covertly following, speaking to,
harassing, crowding, or violently engaging a targeted person. The thugs that participate in gangstalking
come in many different socioeconomic categories across the demographic spectrum. It is difficult to
know why they do what they do. They are definitely not paid monetarily for what they do, as their is a
risk for their clandestine hate protocol to be exposed as the crime that it is. There is however, a definite
payoff for them, even if it is something as simple as "looking tough in front of their wife, kids, girlfriend,
or families," or maybe the federally directed and deeply rooted corporate and governmental aspects of
this program will "magically," give them a raise at work, or maybe a better grade in a college course, or
favor at church, or a better deal on a car etc...,.

Gangstalking is a 24-hour-a-day catastrophe. A targeted person can leave their residence (or non-
residence) any time of the day or night and will definitely run into gangstalkers. If he is driving, stalkers
use vehicular cues to trap, contain, and obstruct his vehicular path, and rigged remotely controlled stop
lights give the targeted person the constant danger of running a red light and getting ticketed (stop
lights are computer operated and can be hacked or remotely controlled just like any computer system
can. It isn't difficult, especially with federally authorized GPS monitoring, remote hacking technology and
military industrial synchronization equipment, to turn a stop light quickly from green to yellow to red
seconds quicker than the standard computerized module supports, so as to "cause" the targeted
individual to run a red light, oftentimes with a state trooper or a local police officer present.)
Gangstalking is, at its core, a clandestine harassment, disruption, obstruction, workplace mobbing,
vehicular containment, troublemaking, murder and attempted murder mechanism. It is a cooperative
activity between gangstalkers from a variety of different locations, (for example, a stalker on the street
can communicate with a stalker in an office building by honking his horn in a Morse code
communication mechanism to the stalker in the building, the stalker in the building can then
communicate with stalkers in the lobby by making an announcement on the intercom or other
mechanism, the stalkers in the lobby can communicate back to stalkers in the street by making various
phone calls or text messages to various other people in the street whose phone may ring in a certain
musical arrangement which will be near a targeted individual, who the next nearest stalker will know to

This is my interpretation of the various means of communicative cues that gangstalkers share with each
other, but "ground zero" (the gangstalker that first identifies the targeted individual, is always a
government liaison.) This being true because a person has to be governmentally identified as a federally
identified targeted individual in order for the containment, obstructing signal-making, and further
communicative thuggery can commence.

America, as an incorporated territory, as a sovereign nation, and as a politically established

governmental entity is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors, high treason, and crimes against

These things were true about the United States of America even before gangstalking became legal here.
The high cost of warfare adventures at home and abroad have not deterred this country, its corporate
establishments, its federal, state, and local governments, or its religious community, from finding
euphoria in the buffoonish, treasonous, wasteful, cost ineffective, and ultimately futile military industrial
spending projects that have led to the instigation of every American war effort from Korea, to Vietnam,
to Iraq, to Afghanistan, causing tens of millions of human casualties while generating trillions of taxpayer
dollars for the United States’ military war machine industry.

Gangstalking is another such thuggish American enterprise. America believes that waging a covert war
on its citizens will demonstrate to other countries the “control” that it has over the populace.

At $32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt to its own banking establishments, the USA isn’t even in control of it
own economy.

Congressional stooges who pass inept pieces of national security legislation which authorizes criminal
menacing by a bunch of gangstalking thug inbreds doesn’t secure America for its future.

The United States federal government has, particularly over the past 20 years, legislated, mandated,
argued for, participated in, and financed terrorism.

United States soldiers typically do not know the particulars as to why they fight foreign wars. Chances
are, they do it because being a soldier in the United States Army pays decent money, has a good
benefits package, and offers a pension for retirees.

The Congress of the United States has legalized a state-sanctioned terrorism mechanism against its
citizens. This terrorism takes the form of a mobile pandering thug unit called gangstalkers.

These gangstalkers come in many different packages. Some are rich, some are poor, some are highly
educated, others are learning disabled, some are this race or ethnicity, some are another, all are
federally directed thugs.
The congressional representatives of the United States are too lazy, snarky, spiteful, and apathetic to
review the post 09-11-2001 national security bills that led to clandestine gangstalking. Therefore, the
program persists at the detriment of targeted and non-targeted persons alike. Its a detriment to
targeted persons because they have to continually evade, fight, wait for, and confront this covert
governmental war against them. Non-targeted people are disadvantaged because their taxes are raised
to feed the military industrial war monkey that prosecutes gangstalking campaigns against unwitting
United States citizens.

The United States of America has an image problem. It doesn't know if it wants to be the "shining city on
a hill," a "great melting pot," a "military war hawk," a "creditor nation," or a "stabilizer" for third world
countries. I assert that with $32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt, a historical record of having invaded and
indeed decimated third world countries, its horrible record on civil rights and jurisprudence, and its
arrogant and buffoonish middle-east meddling, it is none of the things that it portrays itself as through
taxpayer salaried politicians on television.

If the United States were to discover gangstalking, it would not end it immediately, but "phase it out,"
likely passing legislation enabling the excessively slow "phasing the gangstalking program out as long as
possible" (probably over a fifty year period) so as to continue feeding its military industrial complex as
the program is "phased out" while taking decades to phase it out to where all of the targeted individuals
would be too old or dead to enjoy their new found freedom.

I, your host, Emmanuel Isaiah Smith will continue to to report on gangstalking so that the rest of the
world can see how it is devised and implemented, so that they, in all good consciousness, can avert this
American influenced tragedy happening in their own country.

The very nature, cause and mechanism of gangstalking requires time, experience, vigilance, observation,
trial-and-error, research, and insight to decode; this is by design. Gangstalking was put over on the
American public by stealth; namely, through stealthily inserted national security earmarks particularly
post-9/11/2001. The goal was simple, a government-run population control and social engineering
experiment passing itself off as everyday public responses, behavior, actions and reactions, with the
intent to achieve the American dream. This program was rooted in deception, money laundering,
political manipulation, stealth legislation in 5,000 paged bills, indifference, apathy, hateful
vindictiveness, natural bias and ignorance, defective reasoning, covert thuggery, and death by causation
aims. The relationship between a government and its citizens is an implied contract. A government only
has power over its citizens if they consent to that power; this is why the “consent of the governed” is a
central tenet in the United States Constitution. Gangstalking is opportunistic by its creation. Post
09/11/2001 people generally didn’t know much about terrorism, the American war on terror, national
security, surveillance, or the forfeiture of ones rights to advance national security political protocols.
This gap in national awareness was the entry point for clandestine community harassment programs like
gangstalking to be born. Gangstalking is a mobile gulag, a secret pogrom, and a constitution rendering
juggernaut. America is not a democracy, neither is it a constitutional republic; I would hate to see other
countries, particularly those “allied” with America to allow similar thuggishly conceived measures such
as gangstalking to permeate and destroy their political makeup as is the case in this country.

Gawkers, Stalker's, and likeminded idiots might speculate as to why a targeted individual like myself
harnesses the power of the world-wide-web to communicate ideas about gangstalking.
The answer is simple. Gangstalking campaigns are staged to be 24/7 disruption spectacles that are to
endure for the duration of the targeted individual's life. After the targeted individual dies, his corpse is
defiled by federally directed, corrupt, weaselly county coroners. The coroner can be bribed by thuggish
government affiliated third parties to inject the target's dead body with drugs such as fentanyl, heroin,
cocaine, methamphetamines, crystal meth etc..., in order to give off the impression to the toxicologists
that the targeted individual was a "dope-head," or other undesirable. "Drugs in the system" will go on
the dead person's death certificate and the deceased's name is forever smudged.

Targeted individual's organs can and are removed from their dead body by corrupt coroners or funeral
parlor directors and sold on the black market. County Coroners Offices, and funeral parlors have, for
years, gone into business with the black market and found ways to extract a deceased person's eyes,
ears, nose, tongue, hearts, lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen, brain, genitals, limbs, etc... and sell them at retail
value to organ harvesters who themselves sell them to street doctors/physicians, "human trophy"
collectors, occult ritualists, rich cannibals, and other interested third parties who wish to purchase a
dead person's limbs or organs. To take a dead targeted individual's body, and further insult the
deceased by incorporating black-market activity to the deceased's legacy, is American federal thuggery
at its best.

Things things happen to a targeted individual whether they like it or not. I have been a targeted
individual for 22 years. I came to the realization just seven years ago, after sixteen years of the
disruption, destruction, slander, sabotage, violence, hostility, and obstruction that a targeted individual
faces. Whether or not I post my experiences and assertions about gangstalking on the internet my
gangstalking campaign will continue. The Congress of the United States is too cowardly, lazy, inept, self-
absorbed, and apathetic to do anything about it. Earmarks and the military industrial complex are legal
and the line-item-veto is illegal. That fact in itself shows the incompetency and hopeless corruption of
the United States governmental mechanism.

Posting these ideas online allows the world-at-large to see, that derived, federally enabled thuggery
exists here in the United States, and that the United States' legislative, legal, and congressional,
buffooneries have not gone unnoticed.

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