Service Project Template

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Project Name: Implement a space only for tutorials and study groups

Identify Concerns: we as students identify the need of a space or many spaces to do the tutorials and when we need
to study in a big group for a exam or something like that. Our top concern is: Lack of places for study in group or for
Short description of the project:
First, we want to change one of the spaces that the university give to us to study like the “mediateca” with the
intention of this place be more dynamic and have the possibility of talk out loud with our partners and teachers,
without the restriction of talk softly.

Goal(s): What do I want to accomplish?

We want to do That university

understand our need and provide
these spaces or let us set aside some of
the classrooms that aren`t commonly
used. This with a system like the art`s
room, where we left our carnet or ID
and we get an instrument or some
sports object

Objective(s): What needs to be done to accomplish the goal(s)?

1. Discuss this with our directors, teachers and partners. To
have their support to start with this project.

2. Pass the requirement to the university


Resources: What do I need to complete the project? Write down everything you will need to complete the project
including any materials, expertise needed from others, funding, etc.).
Community Support
Timeline: How much time do I have to complete this project? Create a calendar with a start and end date for your
project. Fill in dates when important “milestones” or activities must be completed.
Date Activity

Sharing Your Project: What method(s) will you use to share the results of your project?

Reflection: How you will reflect on your project? This is an important step to gain a deeper understanding of what it
meant in your personal growth, learning, and service to others.


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