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Algodoo v2.1.0, Win32

June 24 2021, 10:09:36
215 ms: Timer type: rdtsc
215 ms: Timer overhead: 8.66 ns
215 ms: Process attached to CPU 0
215 ms: CalcWorkDir
215 ms: GetExecutablePath
215 ms: FileSystem::RenameFile: "Algodoo/Logfile_previous.txt" already
216 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/Logfile_previous.txt"...
216 ms: No joysticks detected
216 ms: Subsystem initialized
217 ms: ------------------------------------------------------
217 ms: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1035G1 CPU @ 1.00GHz
217 ms: 8 cores at 1190 MHz
217 ms: CPU features:
217 ms: MMX - yes
217 ms: SSE - yes
217 ms: SSE2 - yes
217 ms: SSE3 - yes
217 ms:
217 ms: Windows 6.2
217 ms: ------------------------------------------------------
218 ms: argv[0] == "C:\Program Files (x86)\Algodoo\Algodoo.exe"
218 ms: Failed to open registry key: The system cannot find the file
specified. (error code 00000002)
218 ms: Threadpool...
218 ms: Resources...
221 ms: Looking for DCS API...
223 ms: Failed to find DcsSdkDll.dll
224 ms: Initializing Pango...
232 ms: Pango initialized
232 ms: Skin::OnSkinChange...
232 ms: Borders::Reload...
254 ms: Skin::RemakeTextDrawers...
254 ms: Looking for usable font...
272 ms: Simulation...
272 ms: SPH...
272 ms: Scene...
272 ms: Input...
272 ms: Classmate...
272 ms: GUI...
272 ms: Adding console...
272 ms: Adding Reflection...
272 ms: Adding Language...
272 ms: Adding Tools...
272 ms: Adding EntityModifier...
272 ms: Starting application...
272 ms: Loading chains...
273 ms: Loading Algodoo/chains/chain.phn...
273 ms: Deserializing code...
277 ms: Code deserialized
277 ms: Imported phunlet Algodoo/chains/chain.phn
278 ms: Loading Algodoo/chains/rope.phn...
278 ms: Deserializing code...
281 ms: Code deserialized
281 ms: Imported phunlet Algodoo/chains/rope.phn
284 ms: Initializing thread-pool...
284 ms: Application created
284 ms: Parsing Algodoo/thyme.cfg...
286 ms: Done parsing Algodoo/thyme.cfg.
286 ms: Parsing Algodoo/autoexec.cfg...
326 ms: Done parsing Algodoo/autoexec.cfg.
326 ms: Parsing Algodoo/config.cfg...
354 ms: - WARNING - Failed to find path to skinned texture:
354 ms: - WARNING - Failed to find image "SKINNED/gui/spongify"
407 ms: Done parsing Algodoo/config.cfg.
407 ms: Subsystem::CreateTheWindow
407 ms: Creating window...
522 ms: * SCOPE BEGIN: QResizeEvent
522 ms: QEvent::Resize from [-1, -1] to [1920, 1080]
523 ms: * SCOPE END: QResizeEvent
523 ms: * SCOPE BEGIN: QTWindow::resizeEvent
523 ms: * SCOPE END: QTWindow::resizeEvent
523 ms: GLWidget::showEvent
523 ms: Failed to connect to the SBSDK
743 ms: Init GLEW...
747 ms: Unloading GL resources...
747 ms: Done Unloading GL resources
747 ms: OSImpl::OnWindowCreated, hwnd = 000405BC
747 ms: LoadTouchAPI
747 ms: Touch API loaded.
747 ms: Orientation locked to landscape
747 ms: Looking for accelerometer...
763 ms: Unable to find any sensors on the computer.
763 ms: Window created.
764 ms: Setting root container size to [1916, 1076] (scale = 1)
764 ms: Looking for tablet...
764 ms: No tablet found (or Wintab32.dll missing)
764 ms: Web...
765 ms: Prefetching resources...
765 ms: Prefetching textures...
881 ms: Prefetching shaders...
884 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for vertex shader: line
884 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
885 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for fragment shader: line
885 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
897 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for vertex shader: particle
897 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
897 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for fragment shader: particle
897 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
907 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for vertex shader: particleFast
907 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
907 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for fragment shader: particleFast
907 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
917 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for vertex shader: plane
917 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
917 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for fragment shader: plane
917 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
930 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for vertex shader: planeTextured
930 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
930 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for fragment shader: planeTextured
930 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
943 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for vertex shader: polygonBlack
943 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
943 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for fragment shader: polygonBlack
943 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
954 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for vertex shader: water
954 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
954 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for fragment shader: water
954 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
966 ms: Prefetching done.
966 ms: Creating GUI...
966 ms: AppGUI::CreateGUI(recreate=true)...
966 ms: Skin::OnSkinChange...
966 ms: Borders::Reload...
1007 ms: Skin::RemakeTextDrawers...
1007 ms: Looking for usable font...
1008 ms: Serializing widgets...
1008 ms: Removing widgets...
1009 ms: Restoring widgets...
1042 ms: Naming widgets...
1042 ms: AppGUI::CreateGUI done.
1042 ms: App::CreateGUI done
1042 ms: Loading scene...
1043 ms: AppGUI::LoadScene "_ONEXITSAVE.phz", automatic = true
1043 ms: Loading Algodoo/scenes/_ONEXITSAVE.phz...
1045 ms: Deserializing code...
1060 ms: Code deserialized
1060 ms: Loaded scene Algodoo/scenes/_ONEXITSAVE.phz
1060 ms: Running program...
1061 ms: Multi-texturing is supported
1061 ms: OS language: 0809
1062 ms: MakeWelcomeScreen()
1064 ms: ------------------------------------------------------
1064 ms: OpenGL vendor: Intel
1064 ms: OpenGL renderer: Intel(R) UHD Graphics
1064 ms: OpenGL version: 4.6.0 - Build
1064 ms: OpenGL shading language version: 4.60 - Build
1064 ms: OpenGL extensions: GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1
GL_AMD_depth_clamp_separate GL_AMD_vertex_shader_layer
GL_AMD_vertex_shader_viewport_index GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility
GL_ARB_ES3_1_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays
GL_ARB_base_instance GL_ARB_bindless_texture GL_ARB_blend_func_extended
GL_ARB_buffer_storage GL_ARB_cl_event GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object
GL_ARB_clear_texture GL_ARB_clip_control GL_ARB_color_buffer_float
GL_ARB_compatibility GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage GL_ARB_compute_shader
GL_ARB_conditional_render_inverted GL_ARB_conservative_depth GL_ARB_copy_buffer
GL_ARB_copy_image GL_ARB_cull_distance GL_ARB_debug_output
GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture
GL_ARB_derivative_control GL_ARB_direct_state_access GL_ARB_draw_buffers
GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_draw_indirect
GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location
GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions
GL_ARB_fragment_layer_viewport GL_ARB_fragment_program
GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader
GL_ARB_fragment_shader_interlock GL_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments
GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_geometry_shader4
GL_ARB_get_program_binary GL_ARB_get_texture_sub_image GL_ARB_gl_spirv
GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 GL_ARB_half_float_pixel
GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_indirect_parameters GL_ARB_instanced_arrays
GL_ARB_internalformat_query GL_ARB_internalformat_query2 GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata
GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_multi_bind
GL_ARB_multi_draw_indirect GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture
GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_pipeline_statistics_query
GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite
GL_ARB_polygon_offset_clamp GL_ARB_post_depth_coverage
GL_ARB_program_interface_query GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_query_buffer_object
GL_ARB_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_ARB_robustness GL_ARB_robustness_isolation
GL_ARB_sample_shading GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map
GL_ARB_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects
GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counter_ops GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters
GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters GL_ARB_shader_group_vote
GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store GL_ARB_shader_image_size GL_ARB_shader_objects
GL_ARB_shader_precision GL_ARB_shader_stencil_export
GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object GL_ARB_shader_subroutine
GL_ARB_shader_texture_image_samples GL_ARB_shading_language_100
GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack GL_ARB_shading_language_packing GL_ARB_shadow
GL_ARB_spirv_extensions GL_ARB_stencil_texturing GL_ARB_sync
GL_ARB_tessellation_shader GL_ARB_texture_barrier GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp
GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32
GL_ARB_texture_buffer_range GL_ARB_texture_compression
GL_ARB_texture_compression_bptc GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc
GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array GL_ARB_texture_env_add
GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3
GL_ARB_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_gather
GL_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat
GL_ARB_texture_multisample GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
GL_ARB_texture_query_levels GL_ARB_texture_query_lod GL_ARB_texture_rectangle
GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_texture_stencil8
GL_ARB_texture_storage GL_ARB_texture_storage_multisample GL_ARB_texture_swizzle
GL_ARB_texture_view GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_transform_feedback2
GL_ARB_transform_feedback3 GL_ARB_transform_feedback_instanced
GL_ARB_transform_feedback_overflow_query GL_ARB_transpose_matrix
GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_vertex_array_object
GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev
GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_ARB_viewport_array GL_ARB_window_pos
GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color
GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax
GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array
GL_EXT_direct_state_access GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_range_elements
GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample
GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters
GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil
GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp
GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color
GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix GL_EXT_shadow_funcs
GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_array
GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_add
GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_integer
GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_sRGB
GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_EXT_texture_snorm
GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_timer_query
GL_EXT_transform_feedback GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat
GL_INTEL_coarse_fragment_shader GL_INTEL_conservative_rasterization
GL_INTEL_fragment_shader_ordering GL_INTEL_framebuffer_CMAA GL_INTEL_map_texture
GL_INTEL_multi_rate_fragment_shader GL_INTEL_performance_query
GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent
GL_KHR_context_flush_control GL_KHR_debug GL_KHR_no_error GL_KHR_shader_subgroup
GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_arithmetic GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_ballot
GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_basic GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_clustered
GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_quad GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_shuffle
GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_shuffle_relative GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_vote
GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_conditional_render
GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap
GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays
GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_swap_control
1064 ms: GLU version: Microsoft Corporation
1064 ms: GLU extensions: GL_EXT_bgra
1064 ms: ------------------------------------------------------
1064 ms: ------------- START OF GAME LOOP -------------
1091 ms: Testing FBO support...
1091 ms: Non-PoT FBO:s supported
1091 ms: Pre-buffering scene...
1091 ms: Pre-buffering done.
1091 ms: TEX_Icon: 4.4 MiB
1091 ms: TEX_Border: 2.2 MiB
1092 ms: Total VRAM allocated: 6.8 MiB

1092 ms: Background::Init...

1092 ms: Loading images...
1110 ms: Background::Init done
1111 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for vertex shader: Batch:
1111 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
1111 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for fragment shader: Batch:
1111 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
1124 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for vertex shader: Batch:
1124 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
1125 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for fragment shader: Batch:
1125 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
1136 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for vertex shader:
1136 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
1136 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for fragment shader:
1136 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
1147 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for vertex shader:
1147 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
1148 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for fragment shader:
1148 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
1159 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for vertex shader:
1159 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
1159 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for fragment shader:
1159 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
1172 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for vertex shader:
1172 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
1172 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for fragment shader:
1172 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
1186 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for vertex shader:
1186 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
1186 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for fragment shader:
1186 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
1219 ms: Setting root container size to [1916, 1076] (scale = 1)
1219 ms: * SCOPE BEGIN: QResizeEvent
1219 ms: QEvent::Resize from [1728, 888] to [1920, 1080]
1219 ms: * SCOPE END: QResizeEvent
1362 ms: Successfully checked for updates
4445 ms: Pre-buffering scene...
4445 ms: Pre-buffering done.
4445 ms: TEX_ATLAS_Clouds: 16 MiB
4445 ms: TEX_ATLAS_Clouds: Atlas (size: [2048, 2048], format: 0x1908, mipmap:
false) - 16 MiB
4445 ms: TEX_Icon: 4.4 MiB
4445 ms: TEX_Border: 2.2 MiB
4445 ms: TEX_Skin: 0.6 MiB
4445 ms: TEX_Util: 3 MiB
4445 ms: TEX_FBO: 4.8 MiB
4445 ms: Total VRAM allocated: 31.1 MiB

16854 ms: Allocating new texture atlas (nr 1)

16870 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for vertex shader: Batch:
16870 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
16870 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for fragment shader: Batch:
16870 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
112644 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for vertex shader:
112644 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
112644 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for fragment shader:
112644 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
300170 ms: Autosaving...
300183 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
300194 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
345336 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for vertex shader: Batch:
345336 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
345433 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for fragment shader: Batch:
345433 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
398811 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for vertex shader: Batch:
398811 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
398813 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for fragment shader: Batch:
398813 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
550083 ms: Allocating new texture atlas (nr 1)
600102 ms: Autosaving...
600114 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
600114 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
600123 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
900037 ms: Autosaving...
900068 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
900068 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
900110 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
983815 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for vertex shader: Batch:
983815 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
983816 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for fragment shader: Batch:
983816 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
1017179 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
1017179 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
1017179 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
1018511 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
1018511 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
1018511 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
1020827 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
1020827 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
1020827 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
1021243 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
1021244 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
1021244 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
1091157 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
1091157 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
1091157 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
1200011 ms: Autosaving...
1200024 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
1200025 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
1200038 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
1220932 ms: - WARNING - Found crossing that went unfixed
1499939 ms: Autosaving...
1499962 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
1499962 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
1500014 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
1757412 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
1757412 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
1757412 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
1758695 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
1758695 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
1758695 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
1759094 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
1759094 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
1759094 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
1759193 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
1759194 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
1759194 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
1759711 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
1759711 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
1759712 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
1759944 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
1759945 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
1759945 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
1760711 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
1760711 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
1760711 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
1763051 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
1763052 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
1763052 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
1768941 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
1768941 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
1768941 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
1779469 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
1779469 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
1779469 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
1821747 ms: Autosaving...
1821758 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
1821758 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
1821773 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
1918943 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
1918943 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
1918943 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
1932726 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
1932726 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
1932726 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
1934124 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
1934124 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
1934124 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2005450 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2005451 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2005451 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2016327 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2016327 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2018750 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2018750 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2018750 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2068950 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2068950 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2072433 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2072433 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2114294 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2114294 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2114294 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2116342 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2116342 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2116342 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2116342 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2116342 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2121686 ms: Autosaving...
2121697 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
2121697 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
2121717 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
2123380 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2123381 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2123381 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2124847 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2124847 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2124847 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2124863 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2124864 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2129744 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2129744 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2129744 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2130162 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2130162 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2130162 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2131460 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2131461 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2131461 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2138689 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2138689 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2138689 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2138824 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2138824 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2138824 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2138824 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2138824 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2139006 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2139006 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2139006 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2139055 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2139055 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2139055 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2139174 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2139174 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2139174 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2139224 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2139224 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2139224 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2139573 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2139573 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2139573 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2140140 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2140140 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2140140 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2141704 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2141704 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2141704 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2142141 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2142141 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2142141 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2400148 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2400148 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2421625 ms: Autosaving...
2421645 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
2421645 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
2421705 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
2474092 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2474092 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2474092 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2491386 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2491387 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2491387 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2493787 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2493787 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2493787 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
2494552 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
2494553 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
2494553 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
3028186 ms: Autosaving...
3028208 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
3028208 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
3028246 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
3328145 ms: Autosaving...
3328161 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
3328162 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
3328179 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
3448732 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
3448732 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
3485864 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
3485864 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
3485864 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
3491915 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
3491915 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
3491915 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
3628086 ms: Autosaving...
3628097 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
3628097 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
3628121 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
3630258 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
3630258 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
3630258 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
3636279 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
3636279 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
3636279 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
3651409 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
3651409 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
3651409 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
3657551 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
3657551 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
3657551 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
3663890 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
3663890 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
3663890 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
3671185 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
3671185 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
3671185 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
14181470 ms: Autosaving...
14181482 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
14181483 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
14181510 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
14481420 ms: Autosaving...
14481431 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
14481431 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
14481464 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
14833583 ms: Autosaving...
14833594 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
14833594 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
14833621 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
15111272 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15111272 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15111272 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15113052 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15113052 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15113052 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15113214 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15113214 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15113214 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15113970 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15113970 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15113970 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15114269 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15114270 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15114270 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15115419 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15115419 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15115419 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15116535 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15116535 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15116535 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15116774 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15116774 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15116774 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15117389 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15117389 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15117389 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15117454 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15117455 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15117455 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15117671 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15117671 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15117672 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15117689 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15117689 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15117721 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15117721 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15117722 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15117756 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15117756 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15117756 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15118293 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15118293 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15118293 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15118375 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15118375 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15118375 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15119174 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15119174 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15119174 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15119609 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15119609 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15119609 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15119825 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15119825 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15119825 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15120533 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15120533 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15120533 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15120710 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15120710 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15120710 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15120925 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15120925 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15120925 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15121873 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15121873 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15121873 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15151397 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15151397 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15151397 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15154569 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15154569 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15154569 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15155338 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15155338 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15155338 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15156436 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15156436 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15156436 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15157510 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
15157510 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15157510 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15257946 ms: Autosaving...
15257957 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
15257958 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
15257988 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
15331273 ms: - WARNING - Found crossing that went unfixed
15557890 ms: Autosaving...
15557906 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
15557906 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
15557934 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
15692154 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
15692154 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
15857835 ms: Autosaving...
15857849 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
15857849 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
15857878 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
16038288 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
16038288 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
16038288 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
16038421 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
16038421 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
16038421 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
16038804 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
16038804 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
16038804 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
16038921 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
16038921 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
16038921 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
16039403 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
16039403 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
16039403 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
16039870 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
16039870 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
16039870 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
16183194 ms: Autosaving...
16183207 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
16183207 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
16183233 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
16483135 ms: Autosaving...
16483157 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
16483157 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
16483235 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
16777085 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for vertex shader: Batch:
16777085 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
16777086 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for fragment shader: Batch:
16777086 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
16783144 ms: Autosaving...
16783157 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
16783157 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
16783185 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
17083087 ms: Autosaving...
17083099 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
17083099 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
17083131 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
17118330 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
17118330 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
17118330 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
17383040 ms: Autosaving...
17383054 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
17383054 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
17383081 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
23961008 ms: Autosaving...
23961037 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
23961038 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
23961111 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
24070550 ms: Wrapping skin texture - not eligible for Atlas (app/spring)
24090265 ms: Snapped LineEndPoint
24090267 ms: Snapped LineEndPoint
24090280 ms: Snapped LineEndPoint
24090282 ms: Snapped LineEndPoint
24090297 ms: Snapped LineEndPoint
24090314 ms: Snapped LineEndPoint
24090332 ms: Snapped LineEndPoint
24090334 ms: Snapped LineEndPoint
24090348 ms: Snapped LineEndPoint
24090364 ms: Snapped LineEndPoint
24090381 ms: Snapped LineEndPoint
24241385 ms: Flushing bad constraint
24244477 ms: Flushing bad constraint
24261023 ms: Autosaving...
24261038 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
24261038 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
24261075 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
24288939 ms: Won't write thumbnail to C:/Program Files
(x86)/Algodoo/scenes/phunlets/misc/.algodoo_thumbs/Soft body.phz.png
24290112 ms: AppGUI::LoadScene "Algodoo/scenes/phunlets/misc/Soft body.phz",
automatic = false
24290121 ms: Loading Algodoo/scenes/phunlets/misc/Soft body.phz...
24290121 ms: Deserializing code...
24290127 ms: ShowLoading: "Loading code..."
24290127 ms: Loading: Loading code...
24290247 ms: - WARNING - Failed to find path to skinned texture:
24290247 ms: - WARNING - Failed to find image "SKINNED/gui/spongify"
24290247 ms: Code deserialized
24290248 ms: Imported phunlet Algodoo/scenes/phunlets/misc/Soft body.phz
24325934 ms: Won't write thumbnail to C:/Program Files
(x86)/Algodoo/scenes/phunlets/misc/.algodoo_thumbs/Soft body.phz.png
24328978 ms: Won't write thumbnail to C:/Program Files
(x86)/Algodoo/scenes/phunlets/optics/.algodoo_thumbs/Concave lens.phz.png
24328979 ms: Won't write thumbnail to C:/Program Files
(x86)/Algodoo/scenes/phunlets/optics/.algodoo_thumbs/Convex lens.phz.png
24328980 ms: Won't write thumbnail to C:/Program Files
(x86)/Algodoo/scenes/phunlets/optics/.algodoo_thumbs/Laser array.phz.png
24328980 ms: Won't write thumbnail to C:/Program Files
24328981 ms: Won't write thumbnail to C:/Program Files
24334156 ms: Saving dropped image to "Algodoo/textures/_dropped.png"
24334171 ms: Normalizing image path "Algodoo/textures/_dropped.png"...
24334183 ms: Allocating new texture atlas (nr 1)
24334202 ms: ShowLoading: "Generating geometry from texture..."
24334203 ms: Loading: Generating geometry from texture...
24334393 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for vertex shader: Batch:
24334393 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
24334394 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for fragment shader: Batch:
24334394 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
24340011 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for vertex shader: Batch:
24340011 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
24340011 ms: - WARNING - -- Compilation results for fragment shader: Batch:
24340011 ms: WARNING: 0:2: '' : #version directive missing--
24342011 ms: - WARNING - Qt: QCursor::update: Invalid cursor shape 19
24342567 ms: Creating directory "Algodoo/scenes/phunlets/optics"...
24342579 ms: Adding extra file to zip at: textures/_dropped.png
24342582 ms: Phunlet saved to Algodoo/scenes/phunlets/optics/_dropped.phz
24342649 ms: Creating directory
24342672 ms: Won't write thumbnail to C:/Program Files
(x86)/Algodoo/scenes/phunlets/optics/.algodoo_thumbs/Concave lens.phz.png
24342673 ms: Won't write thumbnail to C:/Program Files
(x86)/Algodoo/scenes/phunlets/optics/.algodoo_thumbs/Convex lens.phz.png
24342674 ms: Won't write thumbnail to C:/Program Files
(x86)/Algodoo/scenes/phunlets/optics/.algodoo_thumbs/Laser array.phz.png
24342674 ms: Won't write thumbnail to C:/Program Files
24342675 ms: Won't write thumbnail to C:/Program Files
24349511 ms: AppGUI::LoadScene "Algodoo/scenes/phunlets/optics/Laser array.phz",
automatic = false
24349517 ms: Loading Algodoo/scenes/phunlets/optics/Laser array.phz...
24349517 ms: Deserializing code...
24349527 ms: - WARNING - Failed to find path to skinned texture:
24349527 ms: - WARNING - Failed to find image "SKINNED/gui/spongify"
24349527 ms: Code deserialized
24349527 ms: Imported phunlet Algodoo/scenes/phunlets/optics/Laser array.phz
24560989 ms: Autosaving...
24561005 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
24561005 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
24561032 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
24860933 ms: Autosaving...
24860945 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
24860945 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
24860984 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
25161548 ms: Autosaving...
25161557 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
25161557 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
25161594 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
25461500 ms: Autosaving...
25461513 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
25461513 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
25461568 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
25655181 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
25655181 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
25655181 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
25688713 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
25688713 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
25688713 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
25761481 ms: Autosaving...
25761495 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
25761495 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
25761537 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
28818597 ms: Autosaving...
28818613 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
28818614 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
28818689 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
29118605 ms: Autosaving...
29118621 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
29118622 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
29118663 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
29418567 ms: Autosaving...
29418584 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
29418584 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
29418625 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
29718539 ms: Autosaving...
29718553 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
29718553 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
29718598 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
30062966 ms: Autosaving...
30062977 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
30062977 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
30063019 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
30362919 ms: Autosaving...
30362935 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
30362935 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
30362975 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
30662892 ms: Autosaving...
30662905 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
30662905 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
30662957 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
31012360 ms: Autosaving...
31012370 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
31012370 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
31012425 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
31312333 ms: Autosaving...
31312348 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
31312349 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
31312398 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
31668080 ms: Autosaving...
31668098 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
31668098 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
31668188 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
32042864 ms: Autosaving...
32042878 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
32042879 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
32042928 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
33764258 ms: Autosaving...
33764291 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
33764292 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
33764581 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
34093177 ms: Autosaving...
34093189 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
34093189 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
34093238 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
34445803 ms: Autosaving...
34445818 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
34445819 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
34445895 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
34745804 ms: Autosaving...
34745815 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
34745815 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
34745869 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
35045771 ms: Autosaving...
35045782 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
35045783 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
35045840 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
35346149 ms: Autosaving...
35346158 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
35346158 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
35346218 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
35646119 ms: Autosaving...
35646129 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
35646129 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
35646186 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
36436962 ms: Autosaving...
36436973 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
36436973 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
36437024 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
36736938 ms: Autosaving...
36736949 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
36736949 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
36736998 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
37036914 ms: Autosaving...
37036925 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
37036925 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
37036975 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
37336879 ms: Autosaving...
37336892 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
37336892 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
37336945 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
37400035 ms: Flushing bad constraint
37424390 ms: - WARNING - Found crossing that went unfixed
37639347 ms: Autosaving...
37639356 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
37639357 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
37639407 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
37939311 ms: Autosaving...
37939321 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
37939321 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
37939377 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
39493865 ms: Autosaving...
39493909 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
39493909 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
39494269 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
68266433 ms: Autosaving...
68266454 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
68266455 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
68266677 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
75939607 ms: Autosaving...
75939630 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
75939630 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
75939797 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
76222469 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
76222469 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
76222469 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
76229598 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
76229598 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
76229598 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
76238579 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
76238579 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
76238579 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
76239194 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
76239194 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
76239194 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
76251709 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
76251709 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
76251709 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
76251856 ms: Autosaving...
76251867 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
76251867 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
76251930 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
76319243 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
76319243 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
76319243 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
76319392 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
76319392 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
76319392 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
76319525 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
76319525 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
76319525 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
76321872 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
76321872 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
76321872 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
76323171 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
76323171 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
76323171 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
76323921 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
76323921 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
76323921 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
76330137 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
76330137 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
76330137 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
76332872 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
76332872 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
76332872 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
76333521 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
76333521 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
76333521 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
76387741 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
76387741 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
76387741 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
76411573 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
76411573 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
76411573 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
81829162 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
81829162 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
81829162 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
81831531 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
81831531 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
81831532 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
81849905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
81849905 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
81849905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
81858270 ms: Autosaving...
81858283 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
81858284 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
81858348 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
81872252 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
81872253 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
81872253 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
81885504 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
81885505 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
81885505 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
81888006 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
81888006 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
81888006 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
81889621 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
81889621 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
81889621 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
81892619 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
81892619 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
81892619 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
81897951 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
81897951 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
81897951 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
81901549 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
81901549 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
81901550 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
81916649 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
81916649 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
81916649 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
82158249 ms: Autosaving...
82158261 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
82158261 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
82158334 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
82458241 ms: Autosaving...
82458255 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
82458255 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
82458324 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
82758225 ms: Autosaving...
82758239 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
82758239 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
82758315 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
82867102 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
82867102 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
82867102 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
82869024 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
82869024 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
82869024 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83136899 ms: Autosaving...
83136908 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
83136909 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
83137008 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
83297383 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83297383 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83297383 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83297580 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83297581 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83297581 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83297914 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83297914 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83297914 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83299215 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83299215 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83299215 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83301512 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83301513 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83301513 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83302323 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83302323 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83302323 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83303225 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83303225 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83303225 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83303426 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83303426 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83303426 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83303460 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83303460 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83303460 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83303494 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83303494 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83303494 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83303495 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83303495 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83303542 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83303542 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83303542 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83303692 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83303692 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83303692 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83306425 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83306425 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83306425 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83306828 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83306828 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83306828 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83307558 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83307558 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83307558 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83307878 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83307878 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83307878 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83307990 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83307990 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83307991 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83308377 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83308377 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83308377 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83312574 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83312575 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83312575 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83321181 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83321181 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83321181 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83321348 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83321348 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83321348 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83321463 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83321463 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83321463 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83321614 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83321614 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83321614 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83321679 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83321679 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83321679 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83321846 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83321846 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83321846 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83321982 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83321982 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83321982 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83322382 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83322382 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83322382 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83322546 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83322546 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83322546 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83323229 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83323229 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83323229 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83323448 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83323448 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83323448 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83323532 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83323532 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83323532 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83323612 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83323612 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83323612 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83323764 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83323764 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83323764 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83325543 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83325543 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83325543 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83325594 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83325594 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83325594 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83325794 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83325794 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83325794 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83325894 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83325894 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83325894 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83326063 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83326063 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83326063 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83326778 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83326778 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83326778 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83326912 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83326912 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83326912 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83327179 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83327179 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83327179 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83327462 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83327463 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83327463 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83327527 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83327527 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83327527 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83327544 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83327544 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83328111 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83328111 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83328111 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83329096 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83329096 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83329096 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83329159 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83329159 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83329159 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83329409 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83329409 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83329409 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83329459 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83329459 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83329459 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83329644 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83329644 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83329644 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83329761 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83329761 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83329761 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83329843 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83329843 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83329843 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83330041 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83330041 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83330041 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83330144 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83330144 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83330144 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83330329 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83330329 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83330329 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83330696 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83330696 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83330696 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83330777 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83330777 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83330777 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83332310 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83332310 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83332310 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83335394 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83335394 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83335394 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83336856 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83336856 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83336856 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83336912 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
83336912 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
83336912 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
83436910 ms: Autosaving...
83436933 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
83436934 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
83437109 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
83737010 ms: Autosaving...
83737032 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
83737032 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
83737209 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
84037116 ms: Autosaving...
84037128 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
84037129 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
84037205 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
84337113 ms: Autosaving...
84337135 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
84337136 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
84337303 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
84637213 ms: Autosaving...
84637233 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
84637234 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
84637416 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
85533404 ms: Autosaving...
85533417 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
85533417 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
85533496 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
85655206 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
85655206 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
85655206 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
85863889 ms: Autosaving...
85863903 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
85863903 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
85863987 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
86163900 ms: Autosaving...
86163921 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
86163922 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
86164145 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
86464046 ms: Autosaving...
86464071 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
86464072 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
86464265 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
86764177 ms: Autosaving...
86764205 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
86764207 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
86764445 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
87064360 ms: Autosaving...
87064394 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
87064395 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
87064638 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
87364549 ms: Autosaving...
87364575 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
87364576 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
87364809 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
87664712 ms: Autosaving...
87664734 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
87664735 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
87664947 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
87964851 ms: Autosaving...
87964875 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
87964876 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
87965091 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
88264997 ms: Autosaving...
88265023 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
88265024 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
88265273 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
88565183 ms: Autosaving...
88565297 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
88565298 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
88565384 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
88865293 ms: Autosaving...
88865308 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
88865309 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
88865410 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
91513610 ms: Autosaving...
91513623 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
91513623 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
91513723 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
91760905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91760905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91760905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91760905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91760905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91760905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91760905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91760905 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
91760905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91760905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91760905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91760905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91760905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91760905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91760905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91760905 ms: Flushing bad constraint
91760905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91760905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91760905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91760905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91760905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91760905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91760905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91760905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91760905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91760905 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91760906 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91760906 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91760906 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91760906 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91760906 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91760906 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91765321 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91765321 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
91765321 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91765354 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91765354 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
91765354 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91765575 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91765575 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
91765575 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91765585 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91765586 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91765637 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91765637 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
91765637 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91765835 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91765835 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
91765835 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91765852 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91765852 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91765854 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91765854 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91765887 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91765888 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
91765888 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91765968 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91765968 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
91765968 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91765971 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91765971 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91765986 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91765986 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91766038 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91766039 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
91766039 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91766054 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91766054 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91766069 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91766069 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91766136 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91766137 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
91766137 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
91766138 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
91766138 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92083590 ms: Autosaving...
92083602 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
92083602 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
92083702 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
92493695 ms: Autosaving...
92493709 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
92493709 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
92493810 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
92559545 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
92559545 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92559545 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92559922 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
92559922 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92559922 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92560556 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
92560556 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92560556 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92562061 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
92562061 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92562061 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92562358 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
92562358 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92562358 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92562593 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
92562593 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92562593 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92562758 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
92562759 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92562759 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92562858 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
92562858 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92562858 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92562926 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
92562926 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92562926 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92563676 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
92563676 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92563676 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92563843 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
92563843 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92563843 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92564956 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
92564956 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92564956 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92570638 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
92570638 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92570638 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92573789 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
92573789 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92573789 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92591490 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
92591490 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92591490 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92600475 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92600475 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92605533 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92605533 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92609925 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92609925 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92611586 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92611586 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92613027 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92613027 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92615722 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92615722 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92617433 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92617433 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92620306 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92620306 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92621499 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92621499 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92624195 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92624195 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92640178 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92640178 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92642967 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92642967 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92643462 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
92643462 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92643462 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92643462 ms: Flushing bad constraint
92643546 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
92643546 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92643546 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92643546 ms: Flushing bad constraint
92645214 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92645214 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92645639 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
92645640 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92645640 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92645640 ms: Flushing bad constraint
92646193 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
92646194 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92646194 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92646194 ms: Flushing bad constraint
92647994 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92647994 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92648536 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing geom
92648536 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92648537 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92648537 ms: Flushing bad constraint
92665948 ms: - ERROR - Body::IsBad
92665948 ms: FlushBadStuff: removing body
92793716 ms: Autosaving...
92793728 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
92793729 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
92793853 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn
94037514 ms: Won't write thumbnail to C:/Program Files
(x86)/Algodoo/scenes/phunlets/optics/.algodoo_thumbs/Concave lens.phz.png
94037514 ms: Won't write thumbnail to C:/Program Files
(x86)/Algodoo/scenes/phunlets/optics/.algodoo_thumbs/Convex lens.phz.png
94037515 ms: Won't write thumbnail to C:/Program Files
(x86)/Algodoo/scenes/phunlets/optics/.algodoo_thumbs/Laser array.phz.png
94037515 ms: Won't write thumbnail to C:/Program Files
94037516 ms: Won't write thumbnail to C:/Program Files
94058104 ms: - WARNING - English translation missing for "WidgetMenuTitle"
94074720 ms: Scene saved to "Algodoo/scenes/marble.phz"
94074743 ms: Won't write thumbnail to C:/Program Files
(x86)/Algodoo/scenes/phunlets/optics/.algodoo_thumbs/Concave lens.phz.png
94074743 ms: Won't write thumbnail to C:/Program Files
(x86)/Algodoo/scenes/phunlets/optics/.algodoo_thumbs/Convex lens.phz.png
94074744 ms: Won't write thumbnail to C:/Program Files
(x86)/Algodoo/scenes/phunlets/optics/.algodoo_thumbs/Laser array.phz.png
94074744 ms: Won't write thumbnail to C:/Program Files
94074745 ms: Won't write thumbnail to C:/Program Files
94080082 ms: ------------- END OF GAME LOOP -------------
94080082 ms: Subsystem::Run returned, saving config...
94080116 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/config.autosave.cfg"...
94080118 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_ONEXITSAVE.phz"...
94080118 ms: Saving scene: Algodoo/scenes/_ONEXITSAVE.phz
94080309 ms: Scene saved to Algodoo/scenes/_ONEXITSAVE.phz
94080309 ms: Permanently erasing file "Algodoo/scenes/_AUTOSAVE.phn"...
94080309 ms: Destroying GL resources
94080387 ms: Destroying subsystem
94080387 ms: Shutting down critical components
94080396 ms: Destroying stuff

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