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Stradford International College MGT 113


(YEAR 2023)


Answer ALL questions in SECTION A

Answer THREE questions in SECTION B

Answer ONE question in SECTION C

ALL answers must be written on the answer sheets provided.

Submit both question and answer papers.

Do Not Open the Question Paper Until Instructed

This Question Paper Consists of FIVE (5) Printed Page

Stradford International College MGT 113

SECTION A (10 Marks) – (CD1)


Multiple Choice Questions. Answer ALL questions.

Question 1
______________ refers to job-specific knowledge and techniques needed to proficiently perform
work tasks. (CLO1)
A. Technical skills
B. Human skills
C. Conceptual skills
D. Communication skills

Question 2
_______________ is an ability to work well with other people both individually and in group.
A. Technical skills
B. Human skills
C. Conceptual skills
D. Communication skills

Question 3

________________ is an ability to see the organization as a whole, understand the relationships

among various subunits, visualize how the organization fits into its external environment.
A. Technical skills
B. Human skills
C. Conceptual skills
D. Communication skills

Stradford International College MGT 113

Question 4
Communication is a process of exchanging EXCEPT (CLO2)
A. Information
B. Ideas
C. Evaluation
D. Feelings

Question 5
In __________________, spoken words are used. (CLO2)
A. written communication
B. oral communication
C. basic communication
D. specific communication

Question 6

All of the following are the elements of nonverbal communication EXCEPT (CLO2)
A. Speaker
B. Appearance
C. Sounds
D. Audience

Question 7
_____________ is the plan for the future period of time containing the statements of expected
results in numerical terms.
A. Budget
B. Programmes
C. Planning
D. Controlling

Stradford International College MGT 113

Question 8

_____________ refers to general economic conditions and trends that may be factors in an
organization's activities. (CLO3)
A. Social variables
B. Technological variables
C. Political variables
D. Economic variables

Question 9
A _______________ may be an institution such as a school, hospital or government agency or
another firm, such as a contractor, distributor or manufacturer or an individual. (CLO3)
A. supplier
B. government
C. customer
D. media

Question 10
Primary aim of ____________ is to obtain data about applicants that help predict their probable
success as managers. (CLO4)
A. testing
B. interview
C. orientation
D. placement

Question 11
During ___________ employees are made aware about the mission and vision of the
organization. (CLO4)
A. testing
B. interview
C. orientation
D. placement
Stradford International College MGT 113

Question 12
_______________ is said to be the process of fitting the selected person at the right job or place.
A. Testing
B. Interview
C. Orientation
D. Placement

Question 13
The ___________ leader makes decisions alone as power is centralized in one person. (CLO5)
A. authoritarian
B. participative
C. free-rein
D. emotional

Question 14
The ____________ leader include one or more employees in the decision-making process.
. (CLO5)
A. authoritarian
B. participative
C. free-rein
D. emotional

Question 15
The __________ leader gives power to subordinates to make the decisions. . (CLO5)
A. authoritarian
B. participative
C. free-rein
D. emotional

Stradford International College MGT 113

SECTION B ( 30 marks )
Structured Questions. Answer (THREE) structured questions from four questions

Question 1
a) State the TWO (2) types of communication
(CLO2, CD2) (2 marks)

b) List the THREE (3) importance of communication

(CLO2, CD2) (3 marks)

Question 2

a) Give the THREE (3) importance of planning

(CLO2, CD2) (3 marks)
b) State the TWO (2) forms of planning
(CLO2, CD2) (2 marks)

Question 3

a) State the THREE (3) steps in controlling process

(CLO3, CD2) (3 marks)
b) List the TWO (2) types of control
(CLO3, CD2) (2 marks)

Question 4

a) State the TWO (2) types of recruitment

(CLO3,CD2) (2 marks)
b) State the THREE (3) importance of manpower planning
(CLO3,CD2) (3 marks)

Stradford International College MGT 113

SECTION C (10 marks)

ESSAY. Answer (ONE) essay questions from TWO questions..

1) Organizing is the second key management function, after planning. Explain the FIVE
(5) importance of organizing.
(CLO3, CD4) (10 marks)

2) The most human resource function are recruitment and selection. Discuss the FIVE (5)
differences between recruitment and selection.
(CLO4, CD4) (10 marks)

3) In its simplest form, leadership is influencing other people to follow. Briefly explain the
FOUR (4) factors of leadership.
(CLO5, CD4) (10 marks)



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