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Av. La Reforma 12-06, zona 10 Edificio Armonía

Guatemala City

Fecha Centrada April 18, 2023

Mr. Alexander Webster

Sales Manager
Media Library
1817 W. Knox Street
Pittsburgh, PA 343010

Dear Mr. Webster:

I read the announcement on April l5 on your website about your new video tapes when you
published films about safety measure in the industry.

And we are interested in purchasing some video tapes, therefore we need you to provide us
information about these, prices from StarTrac 7632-soulp0, Fuji Shg 7658 and Fimfest 7663,
also the payment method and which bank are used so the payment can be made.

I would be grateful if you could contact me as soon as possible and I look forward to continuing
a good relationship with Media Liberary.

Alberto Smith de León

General Manager
Media Library
1817 W. Knox Street
Pittsburgh, PA 343010
April 21, 2023

Mr. Alberto Smith de León

General Manager
Av. La Reforma 12-06, zona 10 Edificio Armonía
Guatemala City

Dear Mr. Smith:

Thank you for your letter of April 17 expressing interest in our new video tapes.

The cost of the video tapes are StarTrac 7632-soulp0 one hundred eighty dollars (US$180.00),
Fuji Shg 7658 one hundred eighy-six dollars (US$186.00) and Fimfest 7663 one hundred eighty
dollars (US$180.00)
The total cost including shipping and delivery cost the reason is that the US government
through USAID sponsors one third of the making of the films for Latin America.

We work with WellsFrago Bank in the United States. In Guatemala it may be Banrural or Banco
Industrial. Your order is ready for delivery any time and order is made.

Thank you for your interest and inquiry of Media Library.

Sincerely yours,

Mr. Alexander Webster

Purchasing Manager

I have been reading the letters received from about fifteen

applicants for the openings we have in our different departments.

Personally, I like seven of those letters and want you to interests.

please interview them as soon as possible. They have a good working record, university
interests, and seem to have very good sales interests.

Remember that we only have three job openings in the sales use more people in other areas.
area but might be able to us let me know if I should continue with the advertisements or not.

I expect your comments as soon as possible

He estado leyendo las cartas recibidas de unos quince

solicitantes para las vacantes que tenemos en nuestros diferentes departamentos.

Personalmente, me gustan siete de esas cartas y quiero que te interese

entrevisten con ellos lo antes posible. Tienen un buen historial laboral, intereses universitarios
y parecen tener muy buenos intereses comerciales.

Recuerde que sólo tenemos tres vacantes en el departamento de ventas.

Por favor
área pero podría ser capaz de nosotros hágame saber si debo continuar con los anuncios o no.

Espero sus comentarios lo antes posible

Estimada Sra. Martínez

Podemos entender el problema que ha tenido porque no le ha llegado la mercancía que
necesita para sus ventas. Una investigación de nuestros registros indica que los artículos le
fueron enviados el 20 de julio. En consecuencia, deberían haber llegado a su tienda. Hemos
escrito a la empresa de mensajería pidiendo una explicación inmediata del retraso.
Lamentamos este retraso en la entrega de la mercancía que ustedes pidieron y desearíamos
haber podido evitarlo de alguna manera.
En cuanto recibamos una respuesta de la empresa, le escribiremos para informarle al respecto.
Le adjuntamos un catálogo con nuestros nuevos productos.


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