Fitness of Good Test

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Information on what kind of test you are referring to, as there are several possible

meanings of "fitness of good test".

Here are some possible meanings of "fitness of good test":
 The fitness of a test to measure what it is supposed to measure. This is often
referred to as the validity of a test. A good test will have high validity, meaning
that it will accurately measure the construct that it is supposed to measure.
 The fitness of a test to be used in a particular setting. This is often referred to
as the applicability of a test. A good test will be applicable to the setting in
which it will be used. For example, a test that is designed to be used with
children should not be used with adults.
 The fitness of a test to be used with a particular population. This is often
referred to as the cultural appropriateness of a test. A good test will be
culturally appropriate for the population with which it will be used. For
example, a test that is designed to be used with people from a particular
culture should not be used with people from a different culture.

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