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Angelica F. Damayanti (2100026131)
Muh. Pramudya A, Kelvin
Sports History

Sport has been an integral part of human life for centuries. From the gladiatorial matches of Ancient Rome to
the modern Olympics, the sport has undergone a tremendous evolution. Over the years, sports have been a
means of demonstrating strength, speed, skill and physical endurance.

However, even though sports have existed for centuries, modern media have played a significant role in
changing the way we see and understand sports. As technology has advanced, the media social has helped
increase the popularity of sports and promote athletes. With media social, sport can not only be enjoyed by
live spectators, but also accessible by millions of people around the world.
The Role of Media in Sport

The media social has a very important role in the world of sports. One of the main roles of the media
social is to help increase the popularity of sports by providing extensive and detailed coverage of
athletes and games.

Not only that, the media social also plays a role in promoting athletes and making them famous
throughout the world. With the media social, athletes can be an inspiration to others and motivate them
to exercise and live a healthy life.
Example of the Role of Social Media in Sports

Olympic Coverage
In recent decades, technology has made it possible for spectators to watch the
Olympics live on television or even online. This helped increase the popularity of the
Olympics and inspired a new generation of athletes who dreamed of becoming Olympic

live Broadcast
This provides an opportunity for players to become global celebrities and inspire
millions of fans around the world. Without social media, sports matches would not have
the global reach they do today
Challenges in the Role of the Media
The biggest challenge in the role of the media in sports is maintaining integrity and objectivity in
reporting. The media must ensure that the information conveyed to the audience is accurate and does
not favor one party or a particular athlete. This can be difficult when there is pressure from sponsors or
other business interests.

In addition, the media must also be careful in reporting controversies or scandals in the world of sports.
They must ensure that they are not only sensationalizing but also presenting true facts and not taking
sides. Along with the development of technology and social media, the challenges are even greater
because information can be spread quickly and easily without going through a proper verification
In conclusion, we can conclude that the media played a very important role
in the history of sports development. From coverage of the Olympics to live
broadcasts, the media social helps increase the popularity of sports and
promote athletes. However, challenges in the role of the media social must
also be recognized, such as maintaining integrity and objectivity in sports
coverage. Therefore, the media social must be responsible for reporting
sports correctly and honestly.

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