The20-Nitric Oxide-The Miracle-Molecule

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Mind-Body FLOW

Why you need Nitric Oxide after age 40

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Do you feel like age is catching
up with you?

Do you want the Energy, Vitality, and Lust for Life

you felt in your 20s?

Then you need to know about “NO”

or Nitric Oxide which gives you:

- lasting energy
- mental clarity
- restorative sleep
- satisfying intimacy
Well into your 70s and beyond!

The key to feeling great? Giving your body the right things

We all know:

Our bodies need oxygen and nutrients to thrive

And we know we need:

Hydration, nutritious foods, exercise, and sleep

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Your circulation and general health are positively impacted by
many things, like:

- Exercise
- Stress management
- Massage
- Hydration
- Smoking cessation
- No fried foods
- Eating healthy fats
- No sugar

BUT what you still need to know is that Nitric Oxide is a

key player in the game!

Nitric oxide gets oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood where it

needs to GO

Nitric oxide boosts blood flow, promotes

circulation, and supports healthy blood
pressure levels. On top of that, it also:

- Boosts energy
- Sharpens memory
- Deepens sleep

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- Balances the levels of your “feel good hormones”
- Enhances your intimate performance
- Increases lubrication

Wired magazine calls nitric oxide the “zen molecule” because it’s been linked to
people who practice meditation, engage in yoga, and exercise. 1 0F

That’s because the more you breathe through your nose, the more your body
produces nitric oxide and circulates it throughout your body.

So what is Nitric Oxide?

It’s a gaseous signaling molecule - a gas your body uses as soon as
it’s produced - that regulates vascular tone by relaxing the inner
muscles of your blood vessels 2

It’s also involved in nearly every process in

your body 3

NO acts as a signaling molecule to maintain normal

bodily functions

Nitric Oxide Is Zen: Molecule Could Explain Tibetans' High-Altitude Ease
Why is Nitric Oxide important for our brain?\
The nitric oxide hypothesis of aging

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4 5
Cardiovascular health

• Vasodilation decreases blood pressure and improves blood flow

to the organs

• Anti-inflammatory action in the arteries

• Prevents obstructions and blood clotting in the arteries

• Regulation of binding and release of O2 to hemoglobin

6 7
Immune defense

• Destruction of viruses and parasitic organisms

Age-Related Reduction of NO Availability and Oxidative Stress in Humans
Aging of the nitric oxide system: are we as old as our NO?
Nitric oxide and superoxide in inflammation and immune regulation
Vaccinia virus-induced inhibition of nitric oxide production

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8 9 10 11
Cognition and memory

• Enhances memory and learning processes

• Preserves functional integrity of the brain

Sexual function

• Enables erectile function

• Increases lubrication and pleasure

13 14
Digestive system

• Promotes a healthy digestive tract by regulating the secretion of digestive

hormones and enzymes

• Regulates gallbladder function

15 16
Lung function

• Plays a role in respiration - may help modulate bronchomotor tone

Inhibitory learning and memory in newborn rats influenced by nitric oxide
Involvement of nitric oxide in learning & memory processes
Endothelial Nitric Oxide: Protector Of A Healthy Mind
The participation of nitric oxide in the facilitator effect of arginine vasopressin on
Oral L-citrulline supplementation improves erection hardness in men with mild erectile
Nitric oxide and gall-bladder motor function
Physiological role of nitric oxide in gallbladder emptying in men
Nitric oxide in health and disease of the respiratory system
Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) as therapeutic target for asthma and chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease

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It’s so vital to health - your body has multiple systems
for making NO

You need nitric oxide to regulate blood flow throughout every

system in your body. When you eat foods containing natural nitrates,
your body converts them into nitric oxide.

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FLOW supports two pathways for nitric oxide
production (endothelial and salivary systems)

It provides the precursors your body uses to make

nitric oxide.

NO is a foundation
of healthy aging

Your body makes less Nitric Oxide as you get older

You need to know, by the time you turn 50, your body
makes half the nitric oxide it did at age 20. 17

Hundreds of studies have shown that nitric oxide is

crucial to our day-to-day health, and it becomes
even more important the older we get.

Age-Related Reduction of NO Availability and Oxidative Stress in Humans

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That’s why supplementing with nitric oxide from external sources is
crucial if you want to continue experiencing great health and vitality
well into your 50s, 60s, and beyond.

Supporting your nitric oxide production as you age

increases your body’s ability to send blood flow
everywhere you need it, maintaining the health of all
your body systems and organs.

Declining health is NOT

an inevitable part of aging
Physical Ailments

- swollen ankles
- hearing problems
- cold intolerance
- numb fingers and toes
- shortness of breath

Mental Decline

- forgetfulness
- difficulty learning
- brain fog
- concentration problems

Cardiovascular Symptoms

- hypertension
- hyperlipidemia
- arterial plaque
- diabetes mellitus

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Nitric Oxide is essential to managing health as you age

It plays a key role in:

healing, immunity, heart, brain and lung function, memory, sleep,

digestion, sexual function, and detoxification.

Nitric oxide holds “the keys to the kingdom of healthy aging”

according to a prominent researcher. 19 18F

It dilates blood vessels to supply oxygen and nutrients

where you need them…

… increasing your cardiovascular health,

… stabilizing your blood pressure and cholesterol


… boosting your immunity,

The nitric oxide hypothesis of aging
Nitric oxide is key to kingdom of healthy aging, scientist argues

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… sharpening your sight and hearing,

… and protecting your liver, kidneys, and numerous other organs from wear
and tear.

Give yourself a daily boost with Nitric Oxide (NO) support

FLOW is made for everyone over 40

What it is:

Nitric Oxide Booster

Citrulline from organic watermelon (NO precursor)

Organic acerola cherries | N-Acetyle-Cysteine | Pinus


These five ingredients help your body create more

nitric oxide and counteract age-related nitric
oxide loss.

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What it does:

More energy

Better circulation

Sharpened focus

Satisfying intimacy

Deeper sleep

Give yourself the best with Organic

You pick foods that nourish your body - and you pick supplements
the same way


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Many other nitric oxide supplements are made with pesticide-laden vats of
fermented corn liquor from China. 20 These chemicals end up in the white
powders used to make all the bulk bags of arginine and citrulline you find on
the store shelves.

As well, many nitric oxide supplements are made with beets, and it’s estimated
that up to 90 percent of sugar beet crops are genetically-modified.

I know you don’t want to put that in your body, because, like me, you already
believe that what you put in your body matters.

FLOW is the only nitric oxide booster made from organic watermelon,
spinach and acerola cherries

Organic watermelon provides the citrulline to create

nitric oxide in your endothelial system.

Organic spinach provides natural nitrates to create

nitric oxcide via the nitrates-to-nitrite-to-nitric oxide
salivary system.

Organic acerola cherries provide vitamin C to

increase absorption of citrulline.

Health effect of agricultural pesticide use in China: implications for the development of
GM crops

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FREE from pesticides, GMOs, gluten,
lactose, sugar, and arginine
Every batch is quality-tested.

We go the extra mile to make high-quality ingredients for you, our friends and our
families. And we put the ingredients that work into our formulations.

When you buy FLOW you can always be confident you are getting the best source
of ingredients possible for all-important nitric oxide production.

FLOW Provides Citrulline

A precursor your body uses to make nitric oxide (endothelial pathway)

Most nitric oxide supplements use arginine:

Made from pesticide-filled corn

Converted to citrulline powder - full of pesticide toxins

Less effective for NO production

Can cause herpes virus flares - including shingles, HSV1

and 2, Epstein Barr, and CMV

FLOW uses the best quality citrulline:

Made from real food

Uses organic watermelons

More effective for increasing NO production

Health effect of agricultural pesticide use in China: implications for the development of
GM crops

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Does not cause flare-ups

We chose organic watermelon

for our citrulline because it’s
“the most significant, natural
plant source of L-citrulline” 22

Studies show citrulline is more effective

than arginine at increasing
the amount of NO your body
synthesizes 23

Plus, supplementing with citrulline can speed up workout recovery

by increasing blood circulation - allowing muscle to repair
themselves and grow. 24

25 26
citrulline has multiple health benefits:

Citrulline and Arginine Content of Taxa of Cucurbitaceae
l-Citrulline Supplementation: Impact on Cardiometabolic Health
Citrulline malate enhances athletic anaerobic performance and relieves muscle
Citrulline malate enhances athletic anaerobic performance and relieves muscle
Oral L-citrulline supplementation improves erection hardness in men with mild erectile

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- Cleanses blood
- Improves immune function
- Increases circulation
- Speeds up muscle healing
- Improves sexual function
The citrulline in FLOW is derived from organic watermelon

FLOW is specially formulated

to increase energy
By improving blood flow and increasing NO synthesis

Get more sustained energy with FLOW

Exercising sends blood flowing through your body

and boosts your energy.

Nitric oxide does the same thing without exercise.

High or low blood pressure can make you feel

stressed, or completely drained

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- NO helps you maintain healthy blood pressure for more even
energy levels 27
Unhealthy blood sugar and added dietary sugar can cause “sugar crashes”
and afternoon slumps

- NO helps you maintain healthy blood sugar levels for balanced energy
throughout the day 28 29
Illness and immune system overload zap your energy and make you lethargic

- NO supports healthy immune system functioning, protecting your precious

energy 30
Poor quality and inadequate sleep leave you feeling tired with brain fog

- NO helps you get better quality, deeper sleep, so you’re well-rested and
Declining feel-good hormones and intimate performance difficulties get you down
NO boosts intimate performance and mood, reinvigorating you

l-Citrulline Supplementation: Impact on Cardiometabolic Health

l-Citrulline Supplementation: Impact on Cardiometabolic Health
The sweet danger of sugar
Nitric oxide and superoxide in inflammation and immune regulation
Oral L-citrulline supplementation improves erection hardness in men with mild erectile

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Life is about good FLOW
Everything you do depends on good FLOW

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- how you think
- how you move
- and what you do

What do I mean by FLOW?

Blood Flow
Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to every part of your body, from individual cells
to whole body systems.

Good FLOW is essential for mental clarity, sustained energy, and sexual
satisfaction, plus so much more.

Every function in your body can be enhanced with better FLOW

Better blood flow means better

sexual performance too
NO relaxes blood vessels in your penis or vagina,
allowing more blood flow - a key to sexual
satisfaction 32

Blood flow to the genitalia is called tumescence or


It helps you:

- Feel tingly pleasure and increased lubrication

- Men experience longer, firmer erections

Oral L-citrulline supplementation improves erection hardness in men with mild erectile

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- Women feel more intense, longer-lasting orgasms

FLOW has 3 Different Blood

Flow Boosters
1. Organic acerola cherries for Vitamin C to increase citrulline
absorption and NO synthesis 33

Acerola cherries contain 50 - 100 times more Vitamin

C than oranges, so that you absorb the nitric oxide
in FLOW even faster.

2. N-Acetyl Cysteine - precursor to glutathione

which improves nitric oxide bioavailability and
enhances vasodilation 34
N-Acetyl Cysteine enhances the effectiveness of nitric oxide. It also
helps with production of glutathione, which then reverses
endothelial dysfunction - the primary pathway for nitric oxide
in your body.

3. Pinus pinaster (pine tree bark extract) - powerful

antioxidant that increases blood flow 35

A Japanese study found it increases blood flow

by 42%, sending more oxygen and nutrients
through your body.

Blood flow ensures the transportation of nutrients,

hormones, metabolic waste, O2, and CO2 throughout
the body to maintain cell-level metabolism, regulate

l-Ascorbic Acid Potentiates Nitric Oxide Synthesis in Endothelial Cells
Glutathione reverses endothelial dysfunction and improves nitric oxide bioavailability
Pycnogenol®, French Maritime Pine Bark Extract, Augments Endothelium-Dependent
Vasodilation in Humans

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the pH, osmotic pressure, and temperature of the whole body, and protect
the body from microbial and mechanical harms.

If you’re over 40, get the one

supplement you should take
Quickly and easily improve your health span by replacing the nitric oxide your body
loses over time.


With just two small capsules a day, you’ll give your body the daily boost it
needs to keep you feeling energetic and healthy.

FLOW gives your body the tools it needs to produce nitric oxide through
two different pathways, optimizing your energy and FLOW.

When you take FLOW, the five ingredients we’ve included help
your body create more nitric oxide and help reverse the loss of
nitric oxide as you age.

Think of it like your daily vitamin. Or fish oil for your

heart. FLOW is a foundation of healthy aging.

This supplement is a daily gift you give your health


Save up to 25% on FLOW

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