Restaurant Dialogue

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Write a dialogue between a waiter and some guests in a restaurant.

The dialogue must have at least 20 lines.

(Subject + action (verb) + complement)

*The guests follow the waiter and sit down.*

W:Oh, hello, how can I help you?
G:I need a table for three, please.
W:Ok, follow me.
*The guests follow the waiter and sit down*
W:What would you like to start with?
G:Can I take a look at the menu?
W:Yes, of course!!
*The waiter gives them 3 menus*
G: I´ll have a glass of white wine and some cheese, salted almonds or peanuts, please.
W:Ok, would you like anything else?
G:No, thank you.
*The waiter leaves and comes back later with the order*
W:Here’s your order.
G:Oh, thank you.
W:Would you like anything else?
G:Yes, I think I’ll have chicken soup, please.
W:Ok, a chicken soup, anything else?
G:Yes, I’II have a large steak, potato chips, and a mixed salad.
W:Ok, How do you want your meat? Do you want it rare, medium, or well done?
G:I want it well done, please.
*The waiter writes the order*
W:Ok, so you’II have chicken soup, a large steak well done, potato chips and a mixed salad,
W:Would you like something to drink? Wine, beer or a soft drink?
G:I’d like to have a glass of soda water.
G:Can I have a beer please?
W:Yes, of course.
W: Ok, would you like anything else?
G:No, thank you.
*The waiter leaves*
*The guests eat the food*
*The waiter comes back with the main dishes*
W:Here are your orders.
G:Oh, thank you
G:Thank you
W:I hope you enjoy your meal!!
*The guests eat the food*
G:Wow, this meat is delicious!!
G:Yeah, this soup is good.
*The guests have a conversation*
W:Would you like some liquor? Scotch, cherry, or amaretto?
G:Yes, I would like some amaretto
G:Could I have some coffee?
W:Ok, anything else?
G:No, thank you.
*The waiter comes back with the drinks*
W:Here are your drinks.
G:Thank you.
G:Thank you.
*The guests enjoy their drinks*
G:Could you bring me the bill, please?
W:Yes, of course.
W:How will you pay?
G:With a credit card, please.
*The guest pay the bill*
G:I really enjoyed the meal. It was very good, thank you!
W:Thank you for coming here.

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