Fill in The Blank 140

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1. Entrance based on merit and fitness to be determined as far as practicable by competitive

examination, or based on highly technical qualifications (Career service)

2. Entrance on bases other than those of the usual tests of merit and fitness utilized for the

career service. (Non- career service)

3. Positions in which appointments to which prior qualifications in an appropriate

examination is required (Open career positions)

4. Positions which are scientific, technological or managerial in nature such as positions of

the faculty and academic staff of state colleges and universities. (Closed career positions)

5. Those whose employment in the government is in accordance with a special contract to

undertake a specific work or job, requiring special or technical skills not available in the

employing agency (Contractual personnel)

6. Is the process of studying a job to determine which activities and responsibilities it

includes, its relative importance to other jobs. (Job analysis)

7. Is the process of gathering and analyzing information about the content and the human

requirements of jobs, as well as, the context in which jobs are performed. (Job analysis)

8. Contains simple term called “analysis” which means detailed study or examination of

something in order to understand more about it. (Job analysis)

9. It helps to determine the number of employees to be hired (Human resource planning)

10. It directs the hiring process by suggesting employee (Recruitment and selection)

11. It helps to determine the training need of employee (Training and development)

12. It supports the orientation program (Placement and orientation)

13. It helps to design job standards and rewards linked with it. (Performance Appraisal)
14. It provides all the information related to employees (Personnel information)

15. It suggests the ideal work conditions for the employees (Health and safety)

16. Means search of the prospective employee to suit the job requirements as represented by

job specification. (Recruitment)

17. As the development and maintenance of adequate manpower resources (Recruitment)

18. Is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

job in the organization. (Recruitment)

19. It refers to the recruitment from within the company (Internal source)

20. Refers to practice of getting suitable persons from outside the various external sources

(external sources)

21. Placing a notice on the notice board of the enterprise specifying the details of the job

available (direct recruitment)

22. Organization which are regarded as good employers draw a steady of stream of

unsolicited applications in their offices. (Casual callers of unsolicited applications)

23. Advertisement gives the management a wider rage of candidates from which it is choose,

there are also some advantages and dis-advantages of advertisement (media


24. Employment exchanges run by the government are regarded as a good source of

recruitment for unskilled, semi-skilled and skilled operative jobs. (Employment agencies)

25. They maintain data bank of person with different qualifications and skills and even

advertise the jobs on behalf of their clients to recruit right type of personnel

(Management consultant)
26. Job in commerse and industry have become increasing technical and complex to the point

where school and college degree are required. (Educational institution)

27. Applicants introduce by friends and relatives made prove to be good source of

recruitment (Recommendation)

28. Workers are recruited through labour who are themselves employees of the organization.

(Labour contractors)

29. The practice of telecasting of vacant posts over TV. (Telecasting)

30. Is a technical term used when employees working else where are attracted to join

organization. (Raiding)

31. Is the central personnel of agency of the Philippines Government. (Civil service


32. It is responsible for the policies, plans, and programs concerning all civil service

employees. (CSC)

33. Is the generic term of the men and women employed in the government to carry out

public services in all its branches, subdivisions, and instrumentalities. (Civil service)

34. Was the formal establishment of CSC (Septermber 19, 1900)

35. Date when Philippine CS Board was organized to administer the provision of presidential

act no.5 (September 26, 1900)

36. Date when the Philippine CSC Board was reorganize into the bureau of civil service.

(October 26, 1905)

37. What is the first law of CS that was enacted on June 13, 1959 lead to the establishment of

CSC (Republic act. No. 2260)

38. Is the process of specifying the duties ad responsibilities that will be included in

employees’ roles. (Job design)

39. That employees are expected to perform in the set time (task)

40. The jobs should be designed in a way that bring motivation to employees to do their job.


41. The company should allocate their resources effectively and efficiently to the specific job

role, as appropriately allocated resources can influence innovation (resource allocation)

42. Both monetary and non-monetary rewards should be incorporated into the job design as

the can motivate employees to perform better. (reward system)

43. This means splitting one big task into smaller parts (job simplification)

44. This is the process in which employees are shifted from one duty to another (job rotation)

45. This technique allows employees to have more authority and accountability in the

organization (job enrichment)

46. This is when more duties and tasks are added to the job role horizontally, meaning that

even though the variety of duties and tasks will increase the employees will stay at the

same hierarchical level. (job enlargement)

47. Also referred to as scientific management (Taylorism)

48. Incorporates social and technical aspects of the job and highly focuses on making a job

that will fulfill employee’ needs (socio-technical system)

49. Also called the Job Characteristics Theory and core characteristics model, was designed

by Hackman and Oldham. (Job characteristics model)

50. Incorporating tasks that once completed have a visible outcome or the result (task

51. The level of freedom for employees to choose a method of how complete a task


52. Employees should have access to sufficient feedback regarding their performances (job


53. Any wage cost not directly connected with the employees productive effort, performance,

service or sacrifice. (fringe benefits)

54. Embrace a broad range of benefits and services that employees receive as part of their

total compensation, package pay or direct compensation and is based on critical job

factors and performance (fringe benefits)

55. Are those benefits which are supplied by an employer to or for the benefits of an

employee and which are not form of wages, salaries, and time rated payments. (fringe


56. It the process of choosing people by obtaining and assessing information about the

applicants with a view of matching these with the job requirements and picking up the

most suitable candidates. (selection)

57. Begins with job specification. (selections process)

58. Is an oral examination of candidates for employment (interview)

59. Is both an art and a science. (interview)

60. May include verification of reference from past teachers, employers or public mean;

police verification; and medical examination (background investigation)

61. Includes both wages and salaries (remuneration)

62. Are commonly considered as the price of labor paid to the workers for the services

rendered to the organization employing them (wages)

63. Financial position and soundness of an organization can put it in a position to offer

attractive compensation package. (Organization’s ability to pay)

64. This is practically the major factor that induces any organization to take it as a base while

determining wage and salary structure for it. (prevailing market rate)

65. Also known as most comparable rate of wage; and most popular method for wage rate

determination, especially for lower cadre positions (prevailing market rate)

66. Is measured in terms of output per man hour (productivity)

67. Towers the working community of the organization does influence in wage determination

ad revision at an appropriate time (management attitude)

68. As sole parameter for success or failure in the life (psychological and social factors)

69. This may be the primary exercise that an organization needs to carefully carry out with an

intention to create base for wage determination (job analysis and evaluation)

70. Are monetary benefits paid to workmen in lieu of their outstanding performance.


71. According to Burack & Smith it is a plan or programme to motivate individual or group

on performance (incentive scheme)

72. Are the extra compensation paid to individual for all production over a specified

magnitude which stems from his exercise of more than normal skill, effort or

concentration when accomplished in a predetermined way involving standard tools.

(individual incentives)

73. Include salary, premium, reward dividend, income on investment etc. (financial

74. Are that social and psychological attraction which encourages people to do the work

efficiently and effectively. (non- financial incentives)

75. Are those agreeable factors related to work situation which prompt an individual to attain

or excel to the standards or objectives set for him (positive incentives)

76. Are those disagreeable factors in a work situation which an individual wants to avoid and

strives to accomplish the standards required on his or her part. (negative incentives)

77. May include promotion, worker’s preference, competition with fellow workers and own’s

record. (positive incentives)

78. Include fear of lay off, discharge, reduction of salary, disapproval by employer. (negative


79. It is a tool used by the management for a variety of purpose to further the existence of the

company. (compensation)

80. In layman’s language it means something, such as money, given or received as payment

for service. (compensation)

81. According to Wendell French is a comprehensive term which includes wages, salaries

and all other allowance and benefits. (compensation)

82. Are the renumeration paid for skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled operative workforce.

(daily or hourly) (wages)

83. Is the remuneration of those employees who provides mental to the employer such as

supervisor, office staff, executive, etc. (monthly basis). (salary)

84. Also known as payment by results, paid in addition to wages and salaries (incentives)
85. These are given to employees in the form of benefits such a provident fund, gratuity,

medical care, hospitalization, etc. (fringe benefits)

86. They include challenging job responsibilities, recognition of merit, growth prospects,

competent supervision, comfortable working condition, job sharing and flexi time. (non-

monetary benefits)

87. Is imparted on the job and at the work place where the employee is expected to perform

his duties. (on the job training method)

88. An oldest method of on the job training (experience)

89. Involves direct personnel instruction and guidance, usually with extensive demonstration.


90. It involves broadening the background of an employee or trainee in an organization (job


91. The trainees will be asked to perform special assignment, thereby he/she learns the work

procedure. (special projects)

92. Under this method, the trainee will be placed under a qualified supervisor or instructor

for a long period of time depending upon the job and skill required. (apprenticeship)

93. Actual work conditions are created in a class room or workshops, gives more emphasis

on learning process rather than production. (vestibule training)

94. Emphasizes the use of committees to increase the flow of ideas from less experience

managers and to train them positions of greater responsibility. (multiple management)

95. Helps the employees in self-improvement and self-development (performance appraisal)

96. Personnel actions such as layoffs, demotions, transfers and discharges etc. (help in

personnel actions)

97. Performance appraisal brings out the deficiencies and shortcomings of the employees

(help in creating healthy competition)

98. According to Edwin B. Flippo it is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an

employee for doing a particular job. (training)

99. It is not a “one step process”, but it is a continuous or never-ending process. (training)

100. It is the most important component of HRD (training)

101. Indicates the process involved in improving the aptitudes, skills and abilities of

the employees to perform specific jobs. (training)

102. Is a vital phase of management control (training)

103. Increased human performance often directly leads to increased operational

productivity and increased company profit. (increasing productivity)

104. Better informed workers are less likely to make operational mistakes. (improving


105. Organizations that have a good internal education program will have to make less

drastic manpower changes and adjustments in the event of sudden personnel alternations.

(helping a company fulfills its future personnel needs)

106. An endless chain of positive reactions results from a well-planned training

program. (improving organizational climate)

107. Proper training can help prevent industrial accidents. (improving health and


108. Training and development programs foster the initiative and creativity of

employees and help to prevent manpower obsolescence. (obsolescence prevention)

109. Employees on a personal basis gain individually from their exposure to

educational experiences. (personal growth)

110. Concerned with maintaining and improving current job performance (training)

111. Is a job centered in nature (training)

112. Means the growth of an employee in all respects (development)

113. Is associated with the overall growth of the executives (development)

114. Seeks to develop competence and skills for future performance (executive


115. Is career-centered in nature (development)

116. Often called as classroom training wherein the employees are given lectures about

the job requirements and the necessary skills required for implementing the job (special

courses and lectures)

117. In this method, the participants pools, their ideas and experience in attempting to

arrive at improve methods of dealing with the problems, which are common subject of

discussion. (conferences)

118. Allows the trainees to look at the problem from a prouder angle. (conferences)
119. Under this method, the trainees are given the situation or a problem in the form of

case study, and required to solve it as per their learning from the training program (case


120. This method increases the trainees power of observation, helping him to ask better

questions and to look for broader range of problem. (case studies)

121. This is the method of stimulating trainees to creative thinking. (brainstorming)

122. It is a problem-solving technique which seeks to throw a problem to the

participants and then reach the decision on its solution based on evaluation of their ideas.


123. Is conducted by creating an experimental laboratory situation in which employees

are brought together in groups, to interact in an unstructured environment. (laboratory


124. An increasing popular technique of management development (simulation)

125. It is the presentation of real situation of organization in the training session.


126. Which participants assumes the role of particular character and enacts it as

realistic as possible. (role playing)

127. It focuses attention on administrative problems (gaming)

128. It is also called as T- Group training, involves interaction between members of

small, informal, or unstructured groups. (sensitivity training)

129. Is a method of evaluating the behavior of employees in a workplace, normally

including both the quantitative ad qualitative aspect of the job performance. (performance


130. According to Flippo, it is the systematic, periodic and an impartial rating of an

employee’s excellence in matters pertaining to his present job and his potential for a

better job. (performance appraisal)

131. Includes all formal procedures used to evaluate personalities and contributions

and potentials of group members in a working organization (performance appraisal)

132. Performance appraisal is not a one-act play (a process)

133. Is another name of performance appraisal, it gives supervisors a more effective

tool for rating their personnel. (merit rating)

134. It provides a common and unified measure of performance appraisal, so that all

employee are evaluated in the same manner. (appraisal procedure)

135. Performance appraisal give us a complete information in the form of records

regarding every employee (work performance records)

136. Performance appraisal guides the employee in removing their defects ad

improving their working (employees development)

137. May be expressed as non-compliance to formal and informal rules and regulations

of an organization (indiscipline)

138. It is prejudicial to the interests of the employer and other employees, inconsistent

with the norms set for discharging duties, unsafe or unfaithful to such a degree that it

becomes incompatible to continue employer-employee relationships. (misconduct)

139. Results in few serious consequences (minor contravention)

140. Partially hinders the working of the organization (major contravention)

141. Are of unlawful and seven nature which endanger employer relationship.

(intolerable offences)

142. Is a way of implementing HR strategies, policies, and practices in organizations

through conscious and directed support of and/or using web-technology-based channels.


143. Is the planning, implementation, and application of information systems for

networking and supporting actors in their shared performing of HR activities. (E-HRM)

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