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a? Computer and Information Technology SS 2 ADO (Activex Data Object): i {tis an advanced technology that can be used to design "Controls" not as ordinary tools Where; ADO.NET is a set of classes that provides access to multiple data sources; such as "Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, and Oracle ", j SQL (Structured Query Language) ; It is a programming language designed for managing database files, Q4: Put (v) in the front of right sentence and in the Front of wrong sentence (x); (2)¥ou can use Try/Catch to discover errors while running the program and display an appropriate message for this error. (vy) (2) The code Me.IbIDC.Text = dt Rows(0}.ttem(7).ToString customize a value te the element in the second row and first column of the data table IbIDC. (x) (3) The event SelectedindexChanged of the control ComboBox is executed when changing the current item in the existing list. (v) ‘+ The (&) operator is used to concatenate between string variables and text; the cesult is a single string. wv) 5) The code Me.IbIDC.Text = dt.Rows(0).1tem(2).ToString customize 4 value to the element in the first row and third column in the spreadsheet and places it within the IbIDC. wv) ' To the URL property in the code Me. WMPlayer.URt = ad to stop or play the sound file "anthem.mp3". ix) {7 ) The function FromFile is used to assign a picture from a file (Vv) ‘umbo8ox can've used co specity {8) The praperty OlsplayMember fat cowears inside this consol GB LN i tee (4) The property ValueMember of the control ComboBox can be used to specify a field from the data source as the value of each element of the list items. (V) (10) The announcement of a Function is done by using the word "Sub" (x) { 11)There is AX Windows Media player in’too! box in (C2) (12) The command is used to insert image in the tool picture box is PictureBoxl.Image=Image. Fromfite{“Picture Filename.ext”) (¥), (13) Itis better to name folders with names suitable for the content of its files and folders. ~ (14) Textbox control can be used for entering data and displaying result. ( v ) (15) To open code window we press on F5. (x) (16) A comboBox control displays a dropdown list from which one item can be selected, (v) (17) We use Dim for declaration of variables. iv) (18) When you declare a Variable, it is possible that the variable Name begins with a number. (x) (19) Variable of type Double is used to store integers only. {20} We open channel of communication between the programme that is created in Visual basic Dot Net language and Excel file by using ADO.NET tools. (“) (21) Variable of type ( OleDbConnection) is used in closing the communication channel that has been opened. (x) (22) The return value from the function : “GetDatafromexcelSheet (FilePath As String, sai As String) As Datarabie” tv) is of type String (23) You can use a variable of type (OlebCommand) for the purpose of : (x) opening a channel of communication data file. (24) You can create a variable of type (DataTable) in-memory ; in which we store data that were brought from the data file. ; C49 Q2: Choose the correct answer between brackets: 1-To Run the project we press on ( F5 -F7-F1) 2- One of the rules of naming the Variables or Constants in the program is: the variable (Number- Letter ~ Space) name should start with .. 3- The tool box contain by default all the following tools except ( Label ~ Picture Box- Combo Box- Windows Media Player) 4: To delete all items from the object (listbox), we use the Method (Delete — Clear — Remove ) Ce) en after 5: Comment in VB.Net project is wi 6- The user will use a. -by clicking on it to perform a specific task. (Label ~ Button -Timer ) 7- The function GetdatafromExcelsheet(File Path As String, sql As String) As Data Table has“ kinds of operands. (four - three ~ two) 9- When creating a new project , a (form ) appears with a name... (label1- form4- listbox1) 10-"URI"is a...» to recall path of video file (Event~ Property - Method) 11: The most suitable tool that used to display 2 drop-down list and from which ( Button ~ Picture Box ~ Combo Box ~ Text Box) ‘one item can be selected ifs pal? ‘| < (23) You can use a variable of type (OleDbCommand) for the purpose of (x) opening a channel of communication data file. (24) You can create a variable of type (DataTable) in-memory ; in which we store data that were brought from the data file. (vv) 22: Choose the correct answer between brackets: 1-To Run the project we press on ( FS -F7-F1) 2- One of the rules of naming the Variables or Constants in the program is: the variable name should start with . (umber- Letter ~ Space) 3- The tool box contain by default all the following tools except (Label ~ Picture Box- Combo Box- Windows Media Player) 4-To delete all items from the object (listbox1), we use the (Delete — Clear Method 5- Comment in VB.Net project is written after. 6- The user will use Clicking on it to perform a specific task. {Label — 7 The function GetditafromExcelsheet(File Path As String, sql As String) As Dat ‘Table has ~----- kinds of operands. (four - three - two 3 9- When creating a new project , a (form ) appears with a name. { labell- form4- listbox1) 10-"URVis a... to récall path of video file {Event - Property - Method } 11: The most suitable tool that used to display ¢ drop-down list and from which ‘one item can be selected. { Button ~ Picture Box - Combo Box - Text Box) f. 12 Thevumuulists the property setting for the selected form or contro! { properties window ~ solution explorer ~ form window) 13-The function GetdatafromExcelsheet(FilePath As String,sq! As String]As DataTable has.......Kinds of operands. (three - four -two } 14- The required data for project is .. (text and picture ~ sound and video clip ~ all the pervious) 15- The control which used to put list of elements inside it { Picture Box ~ Combo Box ~ Label ~ Button ) 16-The code Me.IbIDC.Text = dt.Rows(0).Item(2).ToString customize a value to the element in st row and third column - the second row and first column -the first row and (the second column ) 17- The control used to play sound and video files are... fiaPlayer - ComboBox - PictureBox} (Windowsm Q3: Reading the following code then complete :- Function GetDatafromexcelSheet {_} Dim MyConnection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection Dim MyCommand AS New OleD».OleDbCommand Dim Da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter Dim Dt As New DataTable will act as an adapter for data from. the variable ......da. Excel file. ~The variable .......dt....... has a table in which we save ¢ that have been brought fram the Excel file ientific term between brackets: 4- The statement is used to prevent errors ,while running the program. (Try/ Catch) 2- It is the procedure called into action when an event occurs. (Event Handler} 3- A control used to provide the user with information . Label} 4-Tools used to open connection channel between the project of and Excel file. (ADO.NET ) 5- Window through it, we can write instructions and codes in Visual basic. (Code Window) 6 A.user will use it by clicking on it to perform a specific task. (Button) 7-The control tool that used in operating audio and video Files. _ {Windows media player 3- A file located in a storage media or a table stored in the memory. (Data Source) 9- The control displays a drop-down list from which one item can be selected. (Combo Box } 10-Language deals with data base files and Select statement consider the basics statement of it (SQL) OR {Structured Query Language } La: It fs programming language designed for managing data base files, SOU 12- The control is used for displaying a list of items. ListBox) 13. it is 2 Namespace that contains a set of Classes that can be used to manipulate databases that have been designed using Microsoft Office. {OLEDB} 44- Where Fill is a way to fill the rows (records) in (Data Table) inside the memory. (Fi) 15- It is a link between the database and Visual basic. Each Database program has its own Data Provider (Connection, Command and, DataAdapter). { Provider ) 116-A control can be used for both entering data and displaying results. ‘TextBox: 47- it is the basic constructive element in object oriented programming and has Properties Events and Method. (Object)

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