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Notaris : No. 10 tgl 24 Desember 2011 Didik Ponco Sulistiyono, S.H, m.K

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TAHUN AJARAN 2021 / 2022




1. Farhan : Can the girls play basketball?

Syawal : yes, they can. They have won twice in the school competitions.
We know from the dialogue that .. ?
a. Syawwal doesn’t have ability to play basaketball
b. The grils are not able to participate in the basketball competition
c. Farhan asks for the girls’ willingness
d. The girls can plas basketball well
2. Which of the following expressions shows ability?
a. Dicky can read japanese caracters
b. Dhea can’t understand English language
c. Rossi won’t tell you the answer
d. Riko will teach you Arabic language
3. Dinho : can you operate a computer well?
Ronald : yes, I can. I can type using ten fingers.
Dinho : Really? Can you teach me
Ronald : sure.
From the dialogue, we know thatm . . .
a. Ronald doesn’t have ability operate a computer
b. Dinho can type using ten fingers
c. Ronald has capability to type using ten fingers
d. Tiara doesn’t have capability to operate a computer

This text is for question 4-5

My name is Ronaldo. I have joined a dancing course since i was eight. Now, i can dance well. When there is an
event in my neighborhood, the commite will invite me as e performer. Iwon’taccept the offer when the event is held
on school days. I won’t leave my study just because of my hobby. I can dance traditional and modern dance, but i
like tradytional dance very much. I can dance serimpi, jaipong, and merak dances. In 2016, i couldn’t dace for there
months because i broke my leg. Now, I won’t practice carelessly anymore. I won’t break my leg again.
4. We know from the text that alya will not perform if ...
a. The salary is low c. The dances are difficult
b. The event is held on holidays d. The event is in school days
5. Which of the following sentences is not true based on the text ?
a. Ronaldo can dance well
b. Ronaldo wont’t practice carelessly
c. Ronaldo cannot dance now
d. Ronaldo will perform in teh event held in holiday

This dialogue is for question 6 to 8

Bobo : Let’s decide our destination. Where will we go?
Hoho : how about going to the lake
Dede : that’s good idea, Bobo.
Hoho : okay, we will go to the lake. We need to prepare the meals and some snacks.
Dede : i will ask my mother to cook the meals. Don’t worry about that.!
Hoho : we can buy the snacks in the store today. I will buy some snacks and the drinks.
Bobo : by the way, who will prepare the transportation?
Dicky : i will prepare it. It will rent a car.
Bobo : Okay. I will ferry and reza. I will tell them that our preparation is ready.
6. Who will prepare a car for picnic?
a. Hoho b. Dede c. Dicky d. Bobo
7. Where will they go?
a. To the mountain b. To the beach c. To the hills d. To the lake
8. From the dialogue, we know that ...
a. Dede will look for the snacks and meals.
b. Bobo wil ask his mother to cook melas.
c. Ferry and Reza will rent a car
d. They are discussing about the preparation for the picnic
9. Faza : ..., sir. May i wash my hands?
Fizi : sure
a. Attention, please c. Hey
b. Look at me, please d. Excuse me
10. Mr. Jhon : everybody, can i hava your attention, please?
Students : . . .
a. Thanks, Sir. b. Yes, Sir. c. I am fine, Thanks d. See you, Sir.
11. Coach : I will explane about the tiki-taka procces. Look at the whiteboard!
Players : Okay, coach!
a. Do you understand? c. Attention please!
b. Are you oke? d. How are you?
12. Mr. Aguero : first you should read carefully. Then, find the difficult words and translate into
indonesian. Lastly, answer the question . . .
Ansufati : yes, Sir. I understand
a. Is it difficult? c. Do you know what 1 mean?
b. Do you like it? d. What do you think?
13. Amir : you had read the novel. Do you understand the story?
Amel : Yes, I do. The story is very interesting.
The underlined sentence us the expression of ...
a. Getting attention c. Checking understanding
b. Asking for opinion d. Showing apreciation
14. Eric : Where did you go yesterday?
Garcia : i had a basketball competition.
Eric : How was the result?
Garcia : My team won.
Eric : Wow, you did it! Congratulation! Your parents must be proud of you.
What does Eric expresion?
a. Checking Garcia understanding
b. Suggesing Garcia do something
c. Getting Garcia attention
d. Giving appreciation to Garcia
15. Maya : Hi, Yani, look at this! Myb grandmother gave me a new bag.
Yani : . . . it is suitablefor you.
The suitable expression to complate the dialogue above is . . .
a. I think so b. It is very nice c. I don’t like it d. It is easy
16. Petra : what do you think the painting?
Siska : Well, in my opinion, it is fascinating.
We knowv that petran ...
a. Gives advise c. Asks for opinion
b. Refuses to give an opinion d. Gives an opinion

17. Kaka : what do you think of Messi new shoes?

Marcelo :...
The best responses is . . .
a. I thinkn she is kind
b. I think she is many shoes
c. I think you are beautiful
d. I think they are expensive
18. Pogba : My match score always bad. I am confused what i should do.
Paul :...
a. You should join the competition
b. You should go home now
c. You should study and do more practise
d. You should forget the score and play the game
19. The students are prohibited to do the following activities in the library, except . . . .
a. Making suchb a noise
b. Taking too loudly
c. Borrowing and reading books
d. Eating and drinking
20. The expression that belongs to personal oblogation is . . .
a. You should go to the bed earlier.
b. Don’t sleep overnight.
c. I must go to the bed at nine.
d. You musn’t wear sandals at school.

This complete text is for number 20 – 22

Every student 21) . . . . be honest, courteous, considerate, and tolerant. Avery student should come to or leave school
in clean and proper school uniform, carrying with him/her all the required books and materials. Who come with a
message for a staff member should 22) . . . . and wait until ettended to. Students 23) . . . . attend all classes including
assigned study periods.
21. The right
a. Should
b. Will
c. Must
d. Can
22. The right
a. Enter
b. Leave
c. Call
d. Knock
23. The right
a. Have to
b. Must
c. Should
d. Had better
24. To get someone’s attention we can use the following expression, except . . . .
a. Do you know what i mean?
b. Attention, please!
c. Hey, look!
d. May I have your attetion, please?
25. Karim : I think Messi is the great player in the world. What do you think?
Benzema : . . . . He is always great every time.
The suitable expression to complate the dialogue is . . .
a. I don’t think so
b. I don’t agree
c. Impossible
d. I think so
26. Dono : What do you think of our new classmate, Dina?
Dina : He is really . . . student
Dono : I think so. He makes friends easily
a. Shy
b. Sociable
c. Talkative
d. Stubborn

This incomplete dialogue is for number 27 to 28

Xavi is helping Iniesta doing his homework
Xavi : this anzyme helps our body digest food. 27) . . . .
Iniesta : Well, I’m not sure I know what you mean.
Xavi : 28) . . . .
Iniesta : Yes, please.
27. the answer
a. do you know what I’m talking about?
b. Can you tell me once again?
c. What do you mean?
d. Do you beliave it?
28. The answer
a. Do you ask me?
b. Can you help me?
c. Do you need any help?
d. Do you want me to repeat my explanation?
29. She . . . . Arabic everyday.
a. Speaks b. Speak c. Spoken d. Speaking
30. Dikal and Angga .... .... jump on the table
a. Does/not b. Is/not c. Do/not d. Not
31. . . . my uncle buyb me noodle?
a. Is b. Am c. Does d. Do
32. My mother ... me a book
a. Give b. Gave c. Gives d. Giving
33. My parents ... ... to England now
a. Is going b. Was going c. Are going d. Has ben going
34. Are my can and frog . . . .Television right now.
a. Watch b. Watchs c. Watching d. Watched
35. Is . . . a cake for my mother now
a. He b. You c. They d. We
36. The students ... ... ... Arabic at the moment
a. Is not studying c. Are not studying
b. Is not talking d. Do not go
37. Am . . . going to Bali right now?
a. I
b. You
c. We
d. They
38. I have made a letter, but I . . . to zaid (report)
a. Has reported
b. Have not reported
c. Has not reported
d. Have report
39. My young brother . . . .ball to his friend (bring0
a. Have not bring
b. Have brought
c. Does not bring
d. Will bring
40. You . . . . in this house (Live)
a. Have lived
b. Will live
c. Don’t live
d. Are living

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