HRM Mid Exam Paper

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Index No: ____________________

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Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology

B.B.A. (Special) Honours Degree

Mid-Term Examination
Year 1, Semester II (2018)

BM1110 – Human Resource Management

Duration: 1 Hour

March 2018

Instructions to Candidates:
 This paper contains TWO PARTS (PART ‘A’ and PART ‘B’) in SIX (06) pages excluding
the cover page.
 PART ‘A’ consists of 15 Multiple Choice Questions; PART ‘B’ consists of written questions.
 Total Marks 60.
 Please write your answers on the space given.
PART A: Multiple Choice Questions 1 to 15 (2 Mark Each=30 Marks)

Underline the most suitable answer.

1. The human resource management functions aim at _________________.

(a) helping the organization deal with its employees in different stages of employment
(b) improving an organization’s creditworthiness among financial institutions
(c) efficient and effective utilization of human resource to achieve goals of an organization
(d) None of the above

2. The characteristics of human resources are _____________________in nature.

(a) homogeneous
(b) heterogeneous
(c) predictable
(d) None of the above

3. Treating employees as precious human resources is the basis of the _______ approach.

(a) hard HRM

(b) soft HRM
(c) medium HRM
(d) None of the above

4. Which of the following terms is not associated with job analysis?

(a) Task
(b) duty
(c) position
(d) competitor

5. The written statement of the findings of job analysis is called___________________.

(a) job design
(b) job classification
(c) job description
(d) job evaluation

6. Designing a job according to the worker’s physical strength and ability is known
(a) Ergonomics
(b) task identity
(c) job autonomy
(d) none of the above

7. Which of the following is not a component of job design?

(a) Job enrichment
(b) Job rotation
(c) Professional Technique
(d) Job outsourcing

8. Which one of the following terms is best described as a scheduling policy in which full-time
employees may choose starting and ending times within guidelines specified by the
(a) Gliding time
(b) Flex tour
(c) Telecommuting
(d) Shift work

9. “A machine operator is shifted among the jobs of machine operating, machine repairing,
packing end products”. What kind of a job design technique is implied in this statement?
(a) Job enlargement
(b) Job enrichment
(c) Job rotation
(d) Group technique

10. What do you mean by the efficient utilization of HR?

(a) Ensure the achievement of organizational objectives
(b) The ability to influence on determining its cost
(c) Ability to organize as unions and teams
(b) Optimum use of HR by minimizing wastage

11. What does Recruitment mean?
(a) Ask people to join with the company
(b) Let people to promote in the hierarchy
(c) Is attracting applicants for the employer’s open positions
(d) Choose suitable people to the positions in the company

12. A process relating objectives of HR Department is_______________________.

(a) Performance Objective
(b) Culture Building Objective
(c) Development Objective
(d) Maintenance Objective

13. Out of the following which is not a possible behavioral problems at Job Analysis?
(a) Employee fear
(b) Resistance to change
(c) Overemphasis on current incumbent
(d) Employee motivation

14. What should NOT be a behavioral element of job design?

(a) Specialization
(b) Skill variety
(c) Feedback
(d) Task significance

15. What would be the aim of the job design?

(a) To improve organization’s productivity
(b) To increase organization’s efficiency
(c) To enhance organization’s quality of product or service
(d) All of the above

PART B: (30 Marks)

1. Define Job Analysis and explain TWO methods of data collection for Job Analysis.
(12 Marks)


2. List down the steps in the Human Resource Planning process.
(6 Marks)


3. Read the following case study and answer the question given bellow.

Job Description at Red Lobster

Red Lobster operates over 670 casual-dining seafood restaurants in the US and Canada,
employing more than 63,000 people. When Red Lobster developed a new business strategy to
focus on value and improve its image, it established a new vision, mission, and goals for the
company. The restaurant chain simplified its menu with the highest-quality seafood it could
offer at mid-range prices, traded its restaurants’ tropical themes for a crisp, clean look with
white-shirt-and-black-pants uniforms for its employees. Executing the new mission and
differentiation strategy required hiring fun, hospitality-minded people who shared its values.
Especially it required to have Restaurant Managers who are responsible for planning menus,
ensuring compliance with licensing, hygiene and health and safety legislation/guidelines,
promoting and marketing the business, overseeing stock levels, ordering supplies, handling
customer enquiries and complaints, taking reservations, greeting and advising customers and
problem solving.
Although Red Lobster had not had any problem with hiring Restaurant Managers, the company
felt that the managers it hired did not always reflect Red Lobster’s strategy, vision and values.
The company also realized that their old job descriptions did not reflect the passion its new
strategy needed from its employees.

Assume you are hired as the new HR Manager for of the ‘Red Lobster’ company and develop a
‘Job description’ for the Restaurant Manager by making necessary assumptions.

(12 Marks)

End of the Question Paper

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