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The heart pumps oxygenated blood to the body, LAYERS OF PERICARDIUM

moves a one-way flow providing oxygen and
1. Parietal - Outer layer
nutrients and regulates blood supply. The heart
2. Visceral - Inner layer
has different activities:
● Also known as epicardium
1. Circulation
● Adheres to the outside of the heart
● Systemic – Left
● Pulmonary – Right Pericardial space – Space between the
2. Cardiac conduction system – Conducts parietal and visceral layer
electrical impulse to the heart
3. Cardiac cycle ● Consists of at least 10 to 50 mL in order
● Complete heartbeat to lubricate the surface of the heart,
● Contraction and relaxation allowing easy movement during
4. Cardiac output contraction and expansion of the heart
● Volume of blood that is ejected from the ● Silent rapid filling as little as 100 mL can
heart compromise the cardiac function and
● Indicates the pumping functions of the cause cardiac tamponade
1. Endocardium – Inner layer
1. Systemic – Supplies oxygen and nutrients to ● Consists of endothelial tissue and
the body tissue and brings blood back to the lines inside the heart valves
heart ● Only layer that receives oxygen and
2. Pulmonary – Brings blood to the lungs for nutrients from blood circulating the
removal of carbon dioxide and oxygen update heart
2. Myocardium – Middle layer or
contracting layer
3. Epicardium – Exterior layer, also known
as visceral.
- Thickness of the cardium varies
according to the pressure generated to
move blood to its destination
- Left ventricle is thicker than right ventricle


The heart has four chambers which functions as

a two sided pump:

1. Atria – Collecting chamber

2. Ventricles – Pumping chamber


1. Pericardium – Has 2 layers

2. Valve
3. Arteries
HEART VALVES capillaries and function in controlling systemic
vascular resistance, which is referred to as
Valves - Ensures one-way blood flow and arterial pressure.
prevents back flow that produces heart sounds
Coronary arteries are the vessels that deliver
1. Atrioventricular valve oxygen-rich blood to the myocardium. Cardiac
● Produces S1 heart sounds that veins are the vessels that remove the
separates atria from the ventricle deoxygenated blood from the heart muscles.
● Contains mitral and tricuspid valve
Collateral circulation is a network of capillaries
2. Semilunar valve
that supplies myocardial cells. There are
● Produces S2 heart sounds
numbers of functional and nonfunctional
● Closure of the aortic and pulmonic
anastomosis that exist between the coronary
vessels, which can enlarge by flow if one of the
arterial branches increases. Enlargement of
anastomosis can improve blood flow to
myocardial segment and provide collateral

Arteries – High pressure

Arterioles – Response to ANS control

● Responsible for dilation or constriction

Coronary arteries – Delivers oxygen-rich blood

to the myocardium

Collateral circulation – Alternate circulation

around a blocked artery or vein via another path,
such as nearby minor vessels


There are two major coronary arteries:

1. Right coronary artery, or RCA –

Extends to the R and continues to R AV
Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygenated sulcus to the posterior surface of the
blood away from the heart. They keep blood flow heart
away from the heart except pulmonary arteries 2. Left coronary artery, or LCA – Extends
which carry blood towards the lungs for to the L then divides into major branches

The arterioles system is the higher-pressure

portion of the circulatory system. During heart
contraction it is called systemic pressure. When
the heart expands and refills it is called diastolic

Arteries also help the heart pump blood. As blood

moves to the periphery, arteries subdivide to
become arterioles which can dilate or constrict in
response to autonomic nervous system control.

Dilation decreases resistance to flow.

Constriction increases resistance to flow.
Therefore the arterioles distribute blood to the
CO = HR × SV (4 to 8 LPM)

The average cardiac output in a resting adult is 4

to 6 L/min.

Stroke volume – Volume of blood ejected with

each heartbeat

Cardiac cycle is one contraction and one

relaxation of the heart to form one heartbeat.

The circulating volume of the blood to the heart

varies according to the needs of the tissue cells.
Increase in the work of the cell causes an
increase in blood flow and the subsequent
increase in the work of the heart and the
myocardial oxygen consumption.

The cardiac function is based on the cardiac

output. This is the total volume. Cardiac output
indicates how well the heart is functioning as it
pumps. It also depends on the stroke volume and
heart rate.

Stroke volume is the volume of blood ejected from

each heartbeat. The blood is ejected from each
ventricle due to the contractions of the heart
muscle which compresses the ventricles. Stroke
volume is expressed in mL per beat. Decrease in
stroke volume will decrease heart rate.

Cardiac Cycle – 2 phases

1. Diastole – Is the atrial contraction and

ventricular relaxation
2. Systole – Is the ventricular contraction
and atrial relaxation

Causes of Low CO:

1. Inadequate left ventricular ejection –

CAD, cardiomyopathy, HTN, aortic
stenosis, mitral regurgitation, drugs that
are negative inotropes, and metabolic
These pictures show how the coronary arteries
supply blood to the myocardium.
2. Inadequate left ventricular filling –
CARDIAC OUTPUT Hypovolemia, tachycardia, stenosis,
rhythm disturbance, high CO due to
Amount of blood pumped by the ventricles into exercise, fear, anxiety and sepsis
the pulmonic and systemic circulation per one
minute. Cause of High CO – Exercise, fear, anxiety and
The average stroke volume in a resting adult is
about 60 to 130 mL. The average heart rate in a
resting adult is 60 to 100 bpm. Cardiac output is
computed by multiplying the stroke volume by the
heart rate.

1. Preload
● Gives the volume of blood that the
ventricle has available to pump
● Depends on the venous return
2. Contractility
● Is the force that the muscle can
create at a given length
● The force of the contraction is
generated by the myocardium
3. Afterload – Is the arterial pressure
against which the muscle will contract

These factors establish the volume of blood

pumped with each heartbeat


Cardiac output can increase or decrease by

changes in heart rate. This can lead to
dysrhythmia or arrhythmia. Increase in heart rate MEDICATIONS THAT LOWERS HR
reduces the time the heart is in diastole and 1. Adenosine
results in the decrease of left ventricular filling and 2. Beta blockers
coronary blood flow to the myocardium. Heart 3. Calcium channel blockers
rate and contractility are increasing factors. The 4. Digoxin
characteristics of the cardiac tissue are
influenced by the humoral and neural MEDICATIONS THAT INCREASES HR
mechanism. Preload and afterload depend on the
1. Epinephrine
characteristics of the heart rate and vascular
2. Norepinephrine
3. Atropine
1. Heart rate, or HR – Changes in CO affects
2. Preload – Starling’s Law There is an increase in blood returning to the
3. Afterload – Resistance of left ventricular heart
4. Contractility – Inotropic agents 1. Increase in circulating blood volume –
Overtransfusion, polycythemia
PRELOAD AND AFTERLOAD 2. Mitral or aortic insufficiency
3. Heart failure or hypovolemia
Preload is based on the principle of starling’s law
of the heart. The greater the volume, the greater Treatment:
the stretch of the cardiac muscle fibers and the
greater the force in which the fibers contract. ● Diuretics – Furosemide
Preload is affected by the venous blood pressure ● Vasodilators – Nitrates and morphine
and the rate of the venous return. There are
factors that affect preloading:

● Blood volume
● Distribution of blood
● Ventricular function
● Ventricular compliance

There is a reduction in the volume of blood 1. Ventricular outflow obstructions – Aortic

returning to the ventricle. Very common example valve stenosis
is blood loss. 2. SNS stimulation – Epinephrine release
causes increase PVR
1. Decrease in circulating blood volume –
3. Hypertension
Bleeding, dehydration
4. Hypercoagulability
2. Mitral or aortic stenosis
3. Vasodilator Treatment:
4. Atrial fibrillation
If there is a decrease in afterload..
5. Cardiac tamponade
1. Vasodilators – Morphine, nitroprusside,
hydralazine, Clonidine, ACE inhibitors,
● Fluids – Isotonic solution, 0.9% NS, LR ARBs
● Blood and blood products
2. Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump, or IABP
● Vasopressor – Not effective if full tank
● Volume expander If there is an increase in afterload..
AFTERLOAD 1. Vasopressor – Dopamine, dobutamine,
norepinephrine, epinephrine
The resistance or pressure which the ventricle
must overcome to eject its volume of blood during Dopamine – Increases contractility and
contraction oxygen consumption
Right ventricle – Pulmonary Vascular Correct hypovolemia with volume
Resistance, or PVR – The right ventricle ejects replacement before considering
blood through the pulmonic valve against the low vasopressors
pressure of the pulmonary circulation, or
pulmonary vascular resistance

Left ventricle – Systemic Vascular Resistance,

or SVR – The left ventricle ejects blood through
the aortic valve against the high pressure of the
systemic circulation, also known as systemic
vascular resistance

Afterload is the resistance in blood flow as it

leaves the ventricle. Increase in vascular
resistance can increase ventricular contractility to Intra-aortic Balloon Pump – Increases
maintain stroke volume and cardiac output. myocardial perfusion, increasing cardiac output
and coronary blood flow
Afterload is directly related to arterial blood
pressure through ejection of blood in the systemic CONTRACTILITY
circulation. Increase in arterial pressure requires
Refers to the inherent ability of the myocardium
more energy to eject blood. Increase in energy
to contract normally and influenced by preload
requirement for ventricular systole increases
myocardial oxygen demand. May be affected by:

Vascular resistance must be overcome to push 1. Ventricular muscle mass

blood to the circulatory system. Systemic 2. Heart rate
vascular resistance is resistance by the systemic 3. Oxygen status
circulation. Pulmonary vascular resistance is the 4. Chemical or pharmacological effects
resistance by the pulmonary circulation.
Contractility is influenced by preloading. This is
sometimes called an inotropic state.
Ejection Fraction – Normal: 55% to 70%
1. Sympathetic stimulation – Fear or anxiety
Depolarization – Contraction
2. Calcium
3. Inotropes – Digitalis, epinephrine, and In depolarization, once electrical impulse is
dobutamine generated, movement of sodium into the cell exits
to the potassium. It is known as contraction of the
Repolarization – Relaxation
Repolarization – Return of ions to previous
1. Negative inotropes – Beta blockers, calcium
resting state which corresponds to relaxation of
blockers, barbiturates, and most
the myocardial muscles
2. Infarction Action Potential – The change in electrical
3. Cardiomyopathy potential associated with the passage of an
4. Vagal stimulation impulse along the membrane of a muscle cell or
5. Hypoxemia nerve cell
6. Acidosis
Action potential is any stimulus that decreases
the permeability of the membrane to generate
electrical potential. It is the nerve impulse that
causes permeability of an ion to cross the cell


1. Automaticity or rhythmicity – Spontaneous

initiation of an impulse without control
- Automaticity and rhythmicity discharge
electrical impulse in the SA node where the
sodium moves into the cell. Rhythmicity
refers to the regular discharging of action

2. Excitability – Ability of the cell to respond to

an electrical impulse or stimulus
Ejection fraction is an indicator of the heart’s - Excitability indicates how well the response to
ability to maintain contractility. It is also the electrical stimulus. Conductivity is the ability
relationship between the diastolic volume and the of the cell to respond to an electrical impulse
stroke volume. from one cell to the next. Excitability and
Decrease in ejection fraction is a sign of conductivity are both related. Excitability
ventricular failure. refers to the ability to respond to a stimulus.
Conductivity allows the stimulus to pass from
Systolic Dysfunction – The ejection fraction falls one cell to the next
below 40%.
3. Conductivity – Propagate electrical
This is measured by echocardiogram, nuclear impulses *ability to transmit an electrical
studies, MRI, and CT scan. impulse from one cell to another

4. Refractoriness – Inability to respond to a

new stimulus while still in a state of
contraction from an earlier stimulus
- Refractory period is when the myocardial
cells depolarize before they can depolarize

2 phases:

● Absolute – Cell is complete

unresponsive to any electrical stimulus
and noncapable to initiate to any
depolarization; Normal
● Relative – Electrical stimulus is stronger
than normal, which can cause premature
contraction, placing the patient at risk


1. Sinoatrial node, or SA, or pacemaker – 60

to 100 bpm
● Primary or dominant pacemaker
● Located at the junction of the
superior vena cava and the right
2. Atrioventricular node, or AV, or junction – Pulse Pressure – Difference between systolic
40 to 60 bpm and diastolic pressure, 30 to 40 mm Hg
● Located at the lower portion of the
right atrium Mean Arterial Pressure – Average pressure
● The slow conduction of the AV node maintained in the aorta, 70 to 110 mm Hg
allows filling of the ventricle Peripheral Resistance – A resistance of all
3. Bundle of His or AV bundle – 40 to 60 bpm peripheral vasculature in the systemic circulation
● Fuse with the AV node to form
another pacemaker Pulse pressure reflects the stroke volume,
● It is divided into left bundle branch ejection velocity, and systemic vascular
and right bundle branch resistance. It indicates how well the patient can
4. Purkinje fibers – Inherent the rate of 30 to maintain cardiac output. Increase in pulse
40 bpm or less pressure increases stroke volume. It also
increases peripheral volume, increases in
● Not activated as a pacemaker unless vascular resistance, and reduces the sensitivity of
conduction through the bundle of His arteries due to high pressure in the aorta.
becomes blocked, or in a higher Examples include light exercise, fever, anxiety,
node such as SA or AV nodes atherosclerosis. Decrease in pulse pressure
reflects decrease in stroke volume. It means
there is a decrease in the left ventricular volume
and insufficient preloading. It also means
decrease in cardiac output. Examples include
hypovolemia, blood loss, heart failure, or shock.

Mean arterial pressure is the pressure at which

the blood moves for the cells to receive adequate
oxygen and nutrients needed to metabolize
energy in an amount sufficient to sustain life.
Decrease in mean arterial pressure indicates
decrease in blood flow which leads to decrease
perfusion to the vital organs. Increase in mean
arterial pressure increases cardiac flow.
Peripheral resistance is the resistance of
peripheral vasculature in the systemic circulation.
Blocked vessels and vasoconstriction can
increase peripheral resistance. Vasodilation can
decrease in peripheral resistance


Blood flows back to the heart via venous system

with assistance from vessel wall tone, pumping
action of the skeletal muscle

Central venous pressure – Approximation of

right atrial pressure; normal: 5 to 10 cm H2O

Brunner – 4 to 12 mm Hg


Capillary pressure is the pressure exerted by the CHANGES IN RESPONSE TO

blood against the capillary. The balance of the PARASYMPATHETIC AND SYMPATHETIC
interstitial fluid depends on the capillary pressure NERVOUS SYSTEM
and plasma oncotic pressure
Baroreceptor – Sends impulses to the medulla
25 to 30 mm Hg at arterial oblongata to stimulate either vagal response

10 to 15 mm Hg at venous ● Reports abnormal blood pressure to the

CNS, which responds by regulating the
Stretch receptors – Sends impulses to the CNS
1. Neural or ANS to stimulate HR and blood vessel constriction to
A. PNS – Inhibitory effects regulate circulatory volume status that affect BP
B. SNS – Acceleratory effects
2. Endocrine control – Hormones contribute to Chemoreceptor – Sensitive to hypoxemia and 2°
regulation of the circulation of the heart to ↑ CO2 and ↓ arterial pH
3. Local control or peripheral receptors – pH, O2
Baroreceptor is sometimes called a
and CO2 concentration
pressoreceptor. It is located in the wall of the
Parasympathetic nervous system releases neural aortic arch and carotid sinus. It is a sensory nerve
transmitter acetylcholine that can decrease the in the blood vessels that reports abnormal blood
rate of SA node firing or decrease in heart rate, or pressure to the CNS
even decrease in atrial or ventricular contractility
Stretch receptors respond to pressure changes
and conductivity
that affect circulating blood volume
Sympathetic nervous system releases neural
Chemoreceptor senses chemical changes in the
transmitter norepinephrine, producing
blood. Usually, chemical changes in blood
acceleratory effects on the heart, such as
including pH, carbon dioxide, and oxygen level
increase heart rate, increase conduction speed,
alters the cardiac and respiratory activity
or even increase in atrial or ventricular
contractility and peripheral vasodilation


A. Chief Complaint
1. Chest pain or discomfort – SOCRATES
Angina pectoris – 5 to 15 min;
uncomfortable pressure, squeezing or
fullness in substernal chest area
Acute coronary syndrome, or ACS – >
15 min
Pulmonary disorders – Sharp, severe
epigastric pain or substernal arising from
inferior portion of pleura

● Location – Substernal or cordial

● Characteristics – Pressure, burning,
Categories of mechanism in the circulation in ● Intensity – Mild, moderate, or severe
addition to neural include: ● Onset – Sudden or gradual
● Duration – Intermittent or continuous
Autocrine Control. Several hormones contribute ● Precipitating factors – Emotion
to the regulation of the heart circulation.
Catecholamine are released in response to 2. Palpitations – Rapid or irregular
physical activity and stress, which influences heartbeat
heart rate, myocardial contractility, and peripheral 3. Dyspnea – EOD, PND, orthopnea
vascular resistance. Other hormones include such as ACS, cardiogenic shock, HF
angiotensin, adrenocortical hormones, and valvular heart disease
vasopressin, bradykinin, and prostaglandin. 4. Cough – Dry, paroxysmal with
Local Control. Meets all the metabolic needs of exertion
the surrounding cells 5. Unusual fatigue – Inability to perform
activities of daily living
6. Peripheral edema – Grading scale
7. Syncope – Medical term for fainting
or passing out, loss of
consciousness, because of decrease
blood flow to the brain, usually from 5. Pulse – PR, rhythm, quality,
low blood pressure configuration or contour, bruits, and
8. Weight gain palpation of arterial pulse
9. Hepatosplenomegaly, or HF –
Common in patients with right-sided
heart failure 1. Inspection – Apical pulse, retraction
10. Dizziness in 5th ICS MCL
11. Postural hypotension Apical Pulse – Can indicate pericardial disease
2. Palpation – Thrills
B. Patient History Thrills – Palpable vibration over the precordium.
1. Past medical history It can indicate aortic stenosis or pulmonic
2. Medications history – Vitamins, herbal, stenosis
and other OTC medications 3. Auscultation – Murmurs, abnormal
3. Family history heart sounds
4. Diet and nutrition – Height and weight, 4. Jugular veins – 1 to 3 cm above the
food preferences and preparation level of manubrium
5. Elimination – Bowel and bladder habits 5. Blood pressure - SBP, DBP,
Nocturia – Very common in patients with heart pulse pressure
failure because of the increase in circulatory Patients might have postural hypotension in
volume during nighttime which there is a systolic increase of at least 20
Valsalva maneuver – Breathing method when mm Hg within 3 minutes of moving from lying,
the heart is beating too fast sitting, or standing, accompanied by dizziness
6. Socio-cultural – Education level, and lightheadedness due to reduced preloading
occupation, sleep pattern, exercise, which compromises the cardiac output
tobacco use, economic resources
Sleeping pattern – Recent changes such as There is a risk for coronary artery disease if
upright position is common in patients with heart abdominal fats are greater than 40 inches for
failure male and 35 inches for female
7. Psychological – Self-perception and
self-concept, coping and stress
strategies, prevention strategies;
depression, behavioral changes

Head to toe physical exam – IPPA techniques

A. General Appearance
1. LOC, mental status, and the size,
height and weight, and BMI –
Normal, over-, or underweight,
Cachexia – Weakness due to severe chronic
2. Skin – Color, ecchymosis, turgor,
temperature, moisture – Pallor,
peripheral and central cyanosis
3. Nail – Color, shape, thickness,
symmetry, clubbing of fingers
Clubbing – Due to prolonged lack of oxygen,
which can activate local vasodilators that secrete
growth factors that causes changes in the distal
part of the fingers
4. Extremities – Edema, ulcerations,
capillary refill time
3. Aspartate Transaminase
● Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic
Transaminase, or SGOT
● Heart failure can lead to generalized
swelling of the body that causes elevated
AST, which can result to liver damage or
an insult to the heart
● 10 to 40 u/L

4. Myoglobin
➔ Oxygen-binding protein found in striated
➔ Skeletal muscle injuries releases
➔ Increase within 2 hours after AMI
➔ Returns to normal about 12 hours
➔ 30 to 90 mcg/L
➔ Not specific in diagnosing MI but can help
in diagnosing the oxygen-carrying
capacity to the muscle tissue
➔ Hemoglobin transforms oxygen.
Myoglobin stores oxygen. Oxygen is the
carrying pigment of the muscle tissue

B. Diagnostic Studies 5. Troponin

➔ Normal cardiac troponin level is very low.
Laboratory Tests
The level increases rapidly with
A. Serum Enzymes myocardial infarction
1. Creatinine Kinase, or CK – CK-MB ➔ Released only when myocardial
● Found in the heart necrosis occurs
● Rise within 6 hours of injury ➔ Preferred marker for myocardial injury.
● Peak at 18 hours post injury Physicians might suspect myocardial
● Returns to normal in 2 to 3 days. injury or ischemia in an elevated troponin
● Normal CK – 36 to 188 u/L. ➔ There are two levels. Troponin T might
● Normal CK-MB – < 25 u/L indicate myocardial ischemia. Troponin I
Creatine kinase is formerly known as creatine are for patients with unstable angina
phosphokinase. The three isoenzymes are CK- ➔ Increase within 3 to 12 hours from the
MM, CK-MB, and CK-BB. Elevated CK-MB might onset of chest pain
indicate myocardial infarction. Avoid IM injection ➔ Peak at 24 to 48 hours
prior to extraction
➔ Returns to baseline at 5 to 14 days
➔ Troponin level increase earlier than
2. Lactate Dehydrogenase, or LDH – L1 and
CK-MB level
● Useful in diagnosis of MI ➔ Normal Troponin T – < 0.2 mcg/L
● Detected within 24 to 72 hours ➔ Normal Troponin I – < 0.35 mcg/L
● Peaks within 3 to 4 days
● Elevated 14 to 24 hours after onset of MI 6. C-reactive Protein, or CRP
● LDH – 90 to 176 units/L ➔ CRP is produced by the liver. It increases
● Returns to normal after 2 weeks in response to tissue inflammation or
➔ Marker for systemic inflammation
➔ Identifies myocardial injury
➔ Better predictor for MI than cholesterol
➔ < 1 mg/dL ● Measures the seconds needed for a clot
to form. If there is prolonged PTT, then it
7. Lipid Profile will take longer for a clot to form and
➔ Cholesterol – < 200 mg/dL thrombus may not occur or develop
Required for hormone synthesis and
cell membrane formation, found in 9 Brain Natriuretic Peptide, or BNP – < 100
large quantities of the brain and ng/L
nerve tissue. ● BNP is a neurohormone that helps regulate
➔ Triglycerides – 100 to 200 mg/dL blood pressure and fluid volume
Free fatty acids and glycerol. Stored in adipose ● It is secreted from the ventricles to increase
tissue and it is a source of energy preload which can result in an increase in
Physical activities are needed to decrease ventricular pressure. If there is an increase in
triglycerides if it gets too high BNP, there is also an increase in ventricular
wall pressure. This is significant to patients
Lipoproteins with heart failure, acute MI, and hypovolemic
a. Low Density Lipoprotein, or LDL – < 160 state like renal failure
mg/dL ● Used to diagnose heart failure, MI, and
Primary transporters of cholesterol and pulmonary embolism
triglycerides into the cell ● Decrease in BNP decreases sodium
retention and decreases renin angiotensin
Harmful effect: secretion
Deposition of these substances in the walls of
arterial vessels, causes coronary artery disease 10. Homocysteine – Indicates high risk for CAD,
B. High Density Lipoprotein, or HDL stroke, and peripheral vascular disease. Normal:
M – 35 to 70 mg/dL 5 – 15 umol/L
F – 35 to 85 mg/dL ● Homocysteine is an amino acid that links to
Transport of cholesterol to the peripheral can the development of atherosclerosis
result to coronary artery disease ● Patients might indicate high risks for coronary
Triglycerides – Stored calories that provides the artery disease, stroke, and peripheral
body with energy vascular disease. This is to determine
HDL – Has a protective action in which it patients at risk for cardiovascular diseases
transports cholesterol away from the tissue and ● Increase in homocysteine indicates a risk for
cells of the arterial wall to the liver for excretion coronary artery disease due to genetic factor
and vitamins B6, B12, and folate deficiencies
8. Coagulation studies ● Vitamins B6, B12, and folate supplements
● Coagulation studies are performed before can lower homocysteine
invasive procedures
Prothrombin time – 10 to 14 seconds 11. Atrial Natriuretic Peptide, or ANP –
● Prothrombin time evaluates the extrinsic Controls body water, Na, and K release by the
coagulation system and screens coagulation atria in response to blood volume
deficiency factors 1, 2, 5, 7, 10 ● Regulates excess cellular volume. It reduces
● Monitor patients who take anticoagulants and water and sodium in the circulatory system to
screen patients with Vitamin K deficiency reduce blood pressure
● Measure the time to form a clot ● Counteracts secretion of aldosterone
If < 10 seconds – Patient is at risk for ● Patients with heart failure have high ANP
thrombus formation because of hypervolemic state
If > 30 seconds – Patient is critical and at 12. Electrolytes
risk for bleeding A. Sodium – Diuretic therapy; 135 to 145
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time, or mEq/L
aPTT – 20 to 39 seconds Low or high sodium do not necessarily affect
● Evaluates intrinsic coagulation system cardiac function.
● Identifies bleeding and clotting disorders Decreased sodium may indicate fluid
● Monitors the effect of heparin excess, heart failure and administration of
diuretics. Increased sodium may indicate
fluid deficit, diarrhea, diaphoresis, loss of ● Necessary for absorption of calcium,
water. maintenance of potassium and metabolism
of ATP
Prolong use of diuretics may put pxs at risk ● Necessary factor for the conservation of
for Hyponatremia. potassium in the kidney
● Major roles include: Protein and
B. Potassium Carbohydrate synthesis, Muscular
● 3.5 to 5.5 mEq/L Contraction and Neuromuscular Activity
● Affects heart muscle ● Neuromuscular activity causes decrease in
● Ventricular dysrhythmias calcium and potassium
● Presence of U wave in the ECG tracing ● Mg is a factor for the conservation of
● Hypokalemia - may be caused by potassium in the kidney
administration of potassium excreting - ⬇ Mg could cause irregular
diuretic which may lead to heart rhythm, atrial or
dysrhythmia, ventricular tachycardia / ventricular tachycardia or v.
ventricular fibrillation. If the client is taking arrhythmia
digitalis, then hypokalemia may put client at - ⬆ Mg could depress myocardial
risk for digitalis toxicity. Presence excitability and contractility
of U wave is visible in ECG tracing. that will cause heart block,
● Hyperkalemia - may be caused by or worse, acistole as well as
increased intake of potassium, decreased hypotension and bradycardia
renal excretion of potassium, use of
● NORMAL VALUE: 1.8 to 3 mg/dl
potassium sparing diuretics eg. Aldactone.
Other Laboratory Tests:
Hyperkalemia may result in heart block,
acistole, ventricular dysrhythmia. Digitalis Basal Metabolic Panel > determine glucose
toxicity increases electrical instability. level in the blood;

NORMAL FASTING: 10 - 12 hours

Creatinine and BUN > assesses kidney

function and fluid balance .


BUN NORMAL VALUE: 10 to 20mg/dl
C. Calcium – 8.5 to 10.5 mg/dL Bicarbonate & Chloride
● Hypocalcemia – Dysrhythmia and prolong QT
interval 14. Complete Blood Count, or CBC
● Will slow nodal function and impair ● RBC – Hemoglobin and hematocrit
myocardial contractility which increases ● WBC
the risk for Heart Failure. ● Platelets
● Hypercalcemia – Could result from
administration of thiazide diuretics which Hemodynamics – Circulation
reduces renal excretion of calcium. ● Invasive procedure to closely monitor left
Shortens QT interval which results to ventricular pressure and cardiac output by
AV block/heart block. the use of Arterial Line and Pulmonary Artery
● Both Hyper/Hypocalcemia could result to Catheter
cardiac arrest ● Studies the movement and forces of blood in
D. Magnesium - 1.8 - 3 mg/dl the cardiovascular system
● Decreased Mg could cause irregular heart ● To test the effectiveness of cardiac
rhythm, atrial/ventricular tachycardia, or function
ventricular arrhythmia ● Used to patients in ICU
● Increased Mg could depress myocardial ● Close examination of cardiac function in
excitability and contractility that will cause acutely ill patients
heart block, or worse, asystole as well as ● Rapid identification of completions after
hypotensionand bradycardia MI
● Differentiates pulmonary disease from ● Assesses the right and left
left ventricular failure pumping action of the heart
● Guide in the management of low CO ● Could quantify cardiac output
● Calculation of oxygen level
between the arterial and venous
Methods that can be used to obtain ● Used to prevent overhydration
Hemodynamics and pulmonary edema during
open heart surgery
➔ Obtaining the Heart Rate - Use of ● Helps to improve conditions such
Dinamap or Doppler (Non invasive) as:
➔ Arterial Line, Swan-Ganz and - Cardiac tamponade
Pulmonary Artery Catheter (Invasive for - Myocardial infarction
Patients in ICU) - Cardiogenic shock
- Pulmonary Hypertension
- Restrictive cardiomyopathy


PAP – Assess the left heart pressure, left


PCWP – Indirectly measure left atrium


Heart function – Right and left pumping action of

the heart

Blood flow – Quantitative measurement of

cardiac output

HEMODYNAMIC PARAMETERS Calculation of O2 level – Between arterial and

1. Central venous pressure, or CVP –
Measures the blood volume and venous Radiographic Techniques
return; 1. Chest X-ray, or CXR
Indicates mean right atrial pressure; 5 to ● To assess contour, size and position of
10 cm H2O or 4 to 12 mm Hg the heart
2. Systemic intra-arterial pressure – ● Reveals any cardiac and pericardial
Allows continuous monitoring of systolic calcification
and diastolic blood pressure and mean ● Demonstrate physiology alteration in
arterial pressure, or MAP pulmonary circulation
2. Cardiac Catheterization – An invasive
procedure used to obtain details information
Systolic BP + (2 Diastolic BP) about structure and performance of the heart,
valves and circulatory system
● Visualize structure and performance of
Normal - 70 to 110 mm Hg the heart chambers, valves, great
vessels and coronary arteries and
Pulmonary Artery Pressure, or PAP and
Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure, or
● Assesses the coronary artery patency,
extent of atherosclerosis
Swan-Ganz catheter – A catheter is passed ● To determine the benefits of
through the right side of the heart and into the percutaneous coronary intervention
pulmonary artery ● Standard test for CAD
● Can be diagnostic and therapeutic 7. Determine the efficacy of a heart
intervention transplant
● Includes electrophysiologic studies,
For Evaluation of:
hemodynamic monitoring
● For percutaneous transluminal ● Any Coronary Heart Diseases with
angioplasty Unstable Angina that does not respond to
● Palliative procedure for congenital heart treatment of medications
defect ● The end of coronary artery surgery or
● Could diagnose pulmonary arterial Angioplasty
To Diagnose:
Right – Myocardial biopsy and measure PAP
● Atypical chest pain
● More safe ● Complications for MI
● Inserted through basilica or femoral vein ● Aortic Dissection
● Potential complications may include:
- Dysrhythmia or arrhythmia To Assess for valvular function
- Venous spasm
To Determine the efficacy of heart transplant
- Infection
Left – Visualize coronary arteries and ventricular
function 1. Written consent
2. History taking – Allergies to shellfish
● Used to evaluate aortic arc and major
3. Laboratory results
4. Baseline vital signs
● Monitor mitral and aortic valve function
and shunting
6. Explain to patient the flushing sensation
● Inserted through brachial and femoral
during procedure
7. Voiding; no jewelries and dentures
8. Pre-op medications – Antihistamine,
9. Withheld Metformin 48 hours prior to
10. Shaving the operative site
11. Health teaching



1. CBR - First 24 hours in hospital setting,

theoretically 6 to 12 hours
2. Monitor vital signs - Without hypertension,
hypotension, and bleeding which causes
elevated pulse rate
3. Immobilize the affected extremities
4. Elevate HOB at 30° angle
5. Check for the pressure dressing - Use 6 lbs
sandbag to prevent bleeding
1. Evaluate CAD with unstable angina 6. Refer chest pain, bleeding, dysrhythmias,
2. Diagnose atypical chest pain hematoma formation, and any untoward
3. Diagnose complications for MI signs and symptoms
4. Diagnose aortic dissection ● Manual pressure that is applied
5. Assess for valvular function during the removal of catheter may
6. Evaluate the end for coronary artery cause vagal stimulation could result
surgery or angioplasty
to bradycardia, hypotension, nausea - Patient is in supine position
and distended bladder with arm raised above the
● To reverse this effect, elevate the head while the camera move
lower extremities of the px higher around the patient chest in
than the heart, administer bolus of 180 to
intravenous fluid and atropine to treat - 360 degree to precisely
bradycardia identify areas of decreased
7. Hydration - Encourage increase fluid intake Myocardial perfusion.
for the excretion of contrast dye if it is not ● Positron Emission Tomography, or
contraindicated to the condition of the patient PET – Determine the blood flow in
the myocardium and metabolic
function such as cardiac and tissue
3. Coronary Angiography – Technique of
- safer and faster than SPECT
injecting a contrast agent into the
due to lower exposure to
vascular system to outline the heart and
blood vessels
- Evaluate tissue and organ
● Visualizes coronary arteries
functions by identifying body
● Technique of injecting contrast agent
changes at the cellular level
into the vascular system to outline
which make a disease
the heart and blood vessels
evident prior to other
4. Radionuclide Testing – Uses
imaging tests.
radioisotopes to evaluate coronary artery
- Eg. Ischemia tissue,
decreased blood flow and
● To evaluate coronary artery
increase metabolism
perfusion, left ventricular functions
● Assess Myocardial Ischemia and
1. Assess patient for fear of closed spaces or
Myocardial Infarction
Types of radionuclide testing:
2. Refrain from alcohol or caffeine 24 hours
● Thallium 201 - TI201; exercise
prior to PET
- Must be tested positive
3. ALARA Principle; explain that radiation
before undergoing Cardiac
exposure is safe and in acceptable levels
4. Monitor glucose level, or PET before the test
- Stress testing, to determine
5. IV access – Patent
Myocardial perfusion
6. Scan takes 1 to 3 hours to complete
immediately after exercise
- Areas that doesn't show
current update may indicate 1. Echocardiography
Myocardial Ischemia or MI ● Evaluate internal structure and
● Technetium 99m – Tc99m; motions of the heart and great
sestamibi vessels; may be performed with an
- uses various chemical exercise and pharmacologic stress
compounds that gives test
affinity to different types of ● Doppler techniques are also used to
cell determine the direction of blood flow
- Can be taken during resting and velocity
period, before and after an
● may be performed with an exercise
and pharmacologic stress test
● Single Photon Emission Computed
Tomography, or SPECT ● Monitors overall cardiac
- provides 3D images of the performance including the
chambers, size, motion and cardiac and determines whether the heart is
great vessels able to meet the increased oxygen
● As well as the intraventricular
● Dipyridamole scan, or Persantine
septum, posterior left ventricular wall,
● Determines whether the heart is able
valve motion, the directions and
to meet increased oxygen demand
velocity of blood flow to determine
after physical activity
any leaking valve
Persantine Scan
● Monitor if there's an increased ● If the patient cannot exercise,
pericardial fluid. Dipyridamole/Adenosine (shorter
duration span) can be administrated for
● Modes: vasodilation that has the same response
after a physical activity
Motion Modes
● This scan will allow increased heart rate
- shows 1D view of the heart to the point of 85% of the maximum heart
- Shows an image of a narrow area heart rate
within the ultrasonic beam ● Eg. If the heart rate is 80 x 85% = 68 + 80
= 148 beats per minute, the final answer
2D Echo should not exceed beyond 148 beats per
- produces a cross sectional view minute
- Shows structure, lateral movement ● This scan is contraindicated with patients
and spatial relationship between the that has:
heart structure - Hypertension
- Doppler technique - to determine - Aortic stenosis
direction of blood flow and velocity - Coronary Artery Disease
- May be performed with an - Heart Failure
exercise and pharmacologic - Unstable Angina
stress test 3. Duplex Scan – Arterial and venous
● Visualize the flow or movement of a
Doppler Ultrasonography – Records the structure, typically used to image
direction of blood flow through the heart; detects blood within an artery
presence, direction, speed and character of ● Determine the flow velocities through
arterial or venous blood flow within the vascular a region of narrowing or resistance of
lumen; could be done in Carotid Area a vein or artery
● Is combined with doppler flow
Color Flow Doppler, or CFD – Records flow
frequencies into different colors
4. Electrophysiologic Studies
● Evaluate the electrical conduction
system of the heart
● Assess the effectiveness of anti-
arrhythmic medications and devices
● Treat certain dysrhythmias through
the destruction of the causative cells
● Identify the location and mechanism
● Assess function of SA and AV node

● To distinguish atrial from ventricular


● To treat dysrhythmias by destruction

of causative cells
2. Stress Test ● For patients who often experiences
● Increases the demand placed on the syncope, palpitations, dysrhythmia
heart by increasing physical activity
● Efficiency of Anti arrhythmic Evaluates cardiac status of px with
medications known heart disease during cardiac surgery.

● Function of Nodes (SA,AV,BoH,PF)

● The needs to alternate interventions 1. Obtain consent
like pacemaker, radiofrequency 2. Restrict foods and fluids - NPO for 6-8 prior
ablation, implantable cardioverter to procedure
defibrillator 3. IV access - No jewelry, Void before the
procedure, no dentures
4. Vital signs -
5. Lab result
6. Emotional support


1. Monitor vital signs

2. Position client at 45°
3. Monitor for dyspnea, LOC
4. Check for gag reflex - O2 saturation and
shortness of breath
5. Inform of sore throat and dysphagia for the
next 24 hours
6. Cool liquids - would soothe sore throat
5. Transesophageal Echocardiography, or 7. Avoid talking
● Gives higher quality picture of the heart
and useful in clients who have thickened 6. CT Scan – Determines cardiac masses
lung tissue or thick chest walls or who are and diseases of the aorta and
obese pericardium
● Provides higher quality image of the 7. Magnetic Resonance Angiography –
heart because the sound wave does not Evaluates physiologic and anatomic
need to pass through skin, muscle, or properties of the heart
bone tissue. - more higher technology than the
CT Scan
● Appropriate for patients who are obese, 8. Electrocardiogram – ECG, EKG
has pulmonary disease and ● Records the heart’s electrical activity
by detecting magnitude and direction
● Certain conditions of the heart that of electrical currents produced in the
could also be viewed under heart
TransEsophageal Echo: HOLTER MONITORING - >24 hrs monitoring of
the heart activity
a. Mitral valve disorder
b. Blood clots
c. Muscles inside the heart
d. Dissections of the lining of the aorta
e. Implanted prosthetic heart valve


Assess heart function and structure

Evaluate the heart after heart surgery

procedure such as coronary artery
bypass / valve replacement.

1. Inverted P-wave
2. Wide P-wave – P mitrale
3. Peaked P-wave – P pulmonale
4. Saw-tooth appearance – Atrial flutter
5. Absent normal P wave – Atrial fibrillation


• The time the impulse from the atria to the AV

node, the His-Purkinje system and through
the ventricles
• PR interval time 0.12 seconds to 0.20
➢ 0.20 sec – Delay in conduction from
SA node to the ventricle
• Three small squares to five small squares

1. Short PR interval – WPW syndrome
2. Long PR interval – First degree heart block


• Electrical depolarization and contraction of

the ventricles
• QRS duration 0.04 0.12 seconds
• Less than almost three small squares
• Morphology: progression from Short R and
deep S (rS)


• Wide QRS Complex

• Tall R in V1
• Abnormal Q Wave – > 25% of R wave


• The period between completion of

depolarization and the beginning of
repolarization of the ventricles
• Beginning of the ventricular repolarization
• Elevated or depressed indicates cardiac
• ST elevation indicates myocardial injury; ST
depression changes in the ventricular wall

❏ Electrical activity associated with SA node
impulse and depolarization of the aorta
❏ Atrial depolarization and contraction
❏ Impulse is from the SA node
❏ In all leads except aVR
➔ Patient is conscious and
hemodynamically stable
● Pharmacologic / Chemical Cardioversion -
uses anti arrhythmic medications instead of
electrical shock
➔ If the cardioversion is elective,
not lasts not longer than 48 hrs
anticoagulation for few weeks
before cardioversion
➔ Digoxin is withheld for 48 hrs
prior to cardioversion > to assure
resumption of sinus rhythm and

T WAVE ● Non-emergency basis

● Patient is sedated with either IV
• Recovery or repolarization phase of the diazepam or midazolam prior to the
ventricles procedure.
• Ventricular Repolarization
• Abnormal T wave indicates: myocardial 2. Defibrillation – Unsynchronized
ischemia or injury or electrolyte imbalances ● High energy shock
● Fall randomly anywhere within the
cardiac cycle – QRS complex
Seconds ● 200 to 360 J
P 0.06 – 0.12 ● AED
QRS 0.04 – 0.12 ● Emergency procedure - px is
ST Segment 0.12 unconscious
T 0.16 ● Delivers high energy shock randomly
PR Interval 0.12 – 0.20 within the cardiac cycle (QRS complex)
QT Interval 0.32 – 0.40 ● Discharge of unsynchronized impulse
● Most effective method in treating
ventricular fibrillation, dysrhythmia,
ADJUNCTIVE MODALITIES – Countershock ventricular tachycardia
● Initial Shock: 200 joules
1. Cardioversion – Treats tachydysrhythmias
● Secondary Shock: 200 - 300 joules
by delivering an electrical current that
● Third Shock: 360 joules
depolarizes a critical mass of myocardial cells
● Synchronized – Low energy
Defibrillator is the device both used in
➔ Use of electricity synchronized with cardioversion and defibrillation
the peak of QR ECG monitor is both needed in
➔ Option: Engage in Defibrillator cardioversion and defibrillation.
➔ Timing of electrical delivery should
be synchronized
➔ Used in patients with ventricular
tachycardia, atrial flutter and atrial
➔ Use of therapeutic dose of electrical
current to the heart using a rod at the
specific unit in the cardiac cycle
● Unsynchronized cardioversion - done in non-
emergency basis
1. Withheld digoxin 48 hours before
cardioversion • Similar with a pacemaker; implanted inside
2. NPO at least 4 hours before the procedure the body
3. Defibrillation: Epinephrine is given after initial • Delivers low level and high level of electrical
unsuccessful defibrillation impulses
4. Anti-arrhythmia: • Prophylaxis for patient who are at risk to have
➔ Amiodarone sudden cardiac death, ventricular fibrillation
➔ lidocaine
➔ magnesium
if ventricular dysrhythmia persists 1. To reset abnormal heart beat
5. Continuous CPR 2. Send high energy shock if an arrhythmia
➔ Two safety measure for the placement of become severe
Defibrillator paddle on the patient: 3. Treatment of certain fast rhythm
➔ Maintain good contact between the paddle 4. Detect sudden cardiac arrest or shock
and the skin of the patient
➔ No one should be in contact with the patient LINK OR CHAIN OF SURVIVAL
when the shock is being discharged


● Integrated cardiac life support
1. Conducting medium – Gel – is used – DO ● Integrated post cardiac care
NOT use gel or paste with poor electrical
conductivity like UTZ gel
2. Paddles are placed on the chest wall –
One in the left of the pericardium and the
other on the right of the sternum just below
the clavicle
3. Apply 20 to 25 pounds of pressure to the
4. The operator calls ALL CLEAR

Adjunctive therapy and RFA will be discussed in

cardiac dysrhythmias

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