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1 Jumlah soal sebanyak 20 pilihan ganda dan 5 essay

2 Disediakan Lembar Jawaban Penilaian Akhir Semester (LJPAS).
3 Tulislah nama dan identitas dengan jelas
4 Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum anda menjawabnya.
5 Kerjakan terlebih dahulu soal yang anda anggap mudah
6 Laporkan kepada Pengawas bila terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah soal kurang

I. Choose the correct answers.

1. What is the best vocabulary to describe the statement below?

Something that is not allowed for social reasons

A. crossing
B. negative
C. taboo
D. depressed
E. polite

2. What is the best vocabulary to describe the statement below?

Having no one to talk to or keep you company

A. deep
B. lonely
C. polite
D. secure
E. friendly

3. What is the best vocabulary to complete the sentence below?

I think you should go out tonight. Having a(n) … life is important.
A. society
B. social
C. necessary
D. lonely
E. innocent

4. What is the best vocabulary to complete the sentence below?

Cyber bullying can … a person’s online experience.

A. decrease
B. repair
C. raise
D. ruin
E. progress
5. What is the best vocabulary to complete the sentence below?
Governments charge … and use the money to pay for roads and hospitals.

A. society
B. maximum
C. taxes
D. wages
E. prize

6. What is the best vocabulary to complete the sentence below?

I’m very sorry I was rude to you yesterday. I hope you will … my apology.

A. attempt
B. edit
C. supposed
D. obvious
E. accept

7. What is the best vocabulary to complete the sentence below?

The girl was trapped in the burning building. It was … what the hero had to do.

A. obvious
B. accept
C. reward
D. social
E. brave

8. Complete the following sentence using the correct comparative or superlative adverb.
Marry  jumps … (high) of all her friends.

A. high
B. the highest
C. more highest
D. the high
E. higher than

9. Complete the following sentence using the correct comparative or superlative adverb.
Jenna speaks … than Lanny.

A. more quietly 
B. the most quietly
C. the more quietly
D. quietly
E. quiet

10. Choose the correct form of the indirect speech below.

“They have a duty to recycle as much as possible,” Jack said.

A. Jack said that they had a duty to recycle as much as possible.

B. Jack said that he has a duty to recycle as much as possible.
C. Jack said that they have a duty to recycle as much as possible.
D. Jack said whether they had a duty to recycle as much as possible.
E. Jack said whether they will had a duty to recycle as much as possible.
11. Choose the correct form of the indirect speech below.
“Do you worry about the effects of climate change?” Paul asked.

A. Paul asked me if I worried about climate change.

B. Paul asked me that I worried about climate change.
C. Paul asked me if I worry about climate change.
D. Paul asked me that he worried about climate change.
E. Paul said that he worried about climate change.

12. Choose the correct form of the indirect speech below.

“I think climate change is a huge challenge,” he said

A. He told us that he think climate change is a huge challenge.

B. He told us that he thought climate change is a huge challenge.
C. He told us that he thought climate change has a huge challenge.
D. He told us that he think climate change was a huge challenge.
E. He told us that he thought climate change was a huge challenge.

13. Choose the correct form of the indirect speech below.

“Do you think we can save the planet?” Jason asked.

A. Jason asked me if I think we can save the planet.

B. Jason asked me if I thought we can save the planet.
C. Jason asked me if I think we could save the planet.
D. Jason asks me if I thought we could save the planet.
E. Jason asked me if I thought we could save the planet.

14. Complete the conditional sentence below.

If I … (be) in charge, I would … (repair) the desk in the classrooms.

A. were - repair
B. am - repair
C. were - repaired
D. am - repaired
E. was - repaired

15. Complete the conditional sentences below.

If I … (eat) healthier foods, I wouldn’t need to … (go) on a diet.

A. eat - went
B. eat - go
C. ate - go
D. ate - went
E. eaten - go

16. Complete the conditional sentence below.

If the weather … warmer, he … exercise outside.

A. was – would
B. were – would
C. was – will
D. are – would
E. is – would
17. Use the given words to write Type 2 conditional sentences.
(build) (factories) (unemployment)

A. If they build more factories, there would be less unemployment.

B. If they will build more factories, there would be less unemployment.
C. If they have built more factories, there would be less unemployment.
D. If they built more factories, there would be less unemployment.
E. If they had built more factories, there would be less unemployment.

18. If I had known they were coming, I would have … more cake.

A. bake
B. baking
C. had baked
D. bakes
E. baked

19. If his dad … that job, they could have moved to England.

A. has accepted
B. accepted
C. accept
D. had accepted
E. had accept

20. If I had not done the dishes, we couldn’t … dinner.

A. cook
B. cooked
C. cooks
D. have cooked
E. had cooked

Text for no. 21-22

The United Nations predicts Earth will have to feed another 2.3 billion people by 2050, mostly
concentrated in urban centers far from farmland. Conventional agriculture may not be able to meet that
demand, but luckily NASA has been working for decades to tackle food production both on Earth and in
space. Feeding astronauts during long-term space exploration means stretching resources to grow plants in
space—including minimizing water use and energy consumption and eliminating soil.
NASA initially pioneered these techniques on the ground by building the country’s first vertical farm.
Inside a decommissioned hypobaric chamber left over from testing the Mercury space capsule, technologists
stacked rows of hydroponic trays like bookshelves against the walls. Then systems for lighting, ventilation,
and circulating water were added using off-the-shelf parts. Various crops were planted on the stacked trays
to test how well they would grow in water and without the benefit of sunlight or open air. This innovative
approach to farming created a foundation for the industry of controlled environment agriculture, or CEA.
CEA combines plant science and environmental control to optimize plant growth and maximize
efficiency, frequently incorporating vertical growth structures. Technology enables the filtering of
contaminants from crop water and delivers precise nutrient balances. Artificial lighting provides only the
necessary wavelengths at the right time, intensity, and duration, while environmental controls maintain ideal
temperature and humidity. This approach could help feed burgeoning future generations, said Nate Storey,
chief science officer at Plenty Unlimited, one of several companies building on NASA’s plant-growth
21. It is stated in the passage that …
A. The world will run out of food by 2050 according to the United Nations.
B. NASA has maximized a farming method requiring a little water.
C. NASA is taking over conventional agriculture to address future food demands.
D. To improve plant development, plant science must be integrated with vertical growth structures.
E. NASA’s innovative approach pioneered the establishment of a controlled environment agriculture
22. Regarding the role of NASA in producing food, we know that …
A. The more farming techniques NASA uses the less energy it requires.
B. The greater the space exploration is carried out, the more number of astronauts that must be fed.
C. The more people requiring food, the more maximum NASA’s agricultural technology will be.
D. The longer the space expedition is, the more NASA optimizes its farming resources.
E. The more maximum NASA farming technology becomes, the less traditional farming will be required.

Text for no.23-26

Most societies have a number of problems. If you’re interested in helping to find solutions, you must
first choose an issue to invest your time in. Here are just a few of the areas that could use some
improvement in most modern societies:
1. Bullying is a big problem in schools. It’s been talked about a lot; nevertheless, it’s still happening
every day. Luckily, there are some easy ways for everyone to do their part. It’s as simple as treating
others with the respect and kindness they deserve. You can also report abuse or other bad behavior
that you see to an adult. If everyone did their part, schools would become safer and friendlier.
2. Unemployment causes all sorts of problems for the public. For one, not having enough money can
cause people to commit illegal acts, leading to more innocent victims. Unemployment can ruin
people’s lives and lead to lasting poverty.
3. Homelessness, which can sometimes result from unemployment, is a difficult social issue. Similar to
unemployment, it can lead to illegal acts. It can also cause serious health problems.
These are just a few of the larger social problems. If you’re interested in helping, many charities are
working to make necessary changes that will help to make the world a better place. Volunteering is a great
way to help repair society.

23. What is the main message of this passage?

A. Many social problems can be helped.

B. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect.
C. Charities need volunteers to help society.
D. There are many social problem in the world
E. Everyone should spend some time volunteering.

24. If you see bullying in school, you should …

A. tell a teacher
B. raise your voice
C. tell the neighbor
D. keep calm
E. keep silent

25. According to the passage, what problem does homelessness and unemployment share?
A. Both issues cause serious health problems.
B. Both issues are not serious problem for the government.
C. Both happen when people are too lazy to work.
D. Both can cause people to commit crimes.
E. Both issues have charities working to solve them

26. Which social issue causes the MOST trouble for society?
A. bullying
B. unemployment
C. homelessness
D. bullying and homeless
E. not stated

Text for no.27-28

A hurricane is a large storm with extremely fast winds and a lot of rain. On August 23, 2005, experts
began warning the people who lived in the city of New Orleans about the danger that hurricane Katrina
would soon bring. Thanks to that warning, around 1.5 million people were able to escape before the
hurricane began. If they hadn’t, many more people would have died. However, even though some people
had plenty of opportunities to escape, and even though the danger was obvious, not everyone who was
supposed to leave did. While it’s impossible to know exactly how many people chose to stay behind, the
best guess is between 150,000 to 200,000 individuals. Some people were unwilling to accept that the storm
was as serious as experts claimed it would be. However, it’s more important to note that others behaved this
way because they were unable to leave. This included those with physical problems, such as having to use a
wheelchair. These people simply could not escape on their own and didn’t have anyone to help them. Also,
those who lived in extreme poverty simply could not afford to leave. In the end, some 1,800 people died
during Katrina. Interestingly, after it was over, many of the people who decided to stay behind were
interviewed, and few expressed regrets.

27. What is the passage mainly about?

A. How many people died in Katrina

B. What should have been done to prevent deaths
C. The reasons why people stayed behind during Katrina.
D. How experts save lives during disasters.
E. A hurricane is a large storm.
28. Who is “they” referring to in this sentence: If they hadn’t, many more people would have died.
A. the people who left New Orleans
B. the writer
C. the people who stayed in New Orleans
D. the experts
E. impossible to know

Text for no. 29-30

Anna knew that there were a lot of social problems in America, and she felt that she really ought to
try and help. She was also keen on taking a year off to travel before she started college. That’s why she
decided to start backpacking across the country, and giving free educational talks in different cities along the
way. In her talks, she discusses the permanent damage that unhealthy lifestyle choices, like eating high-
sugar foods, can cause. She teaches people about different opportunities they have to change their
behavior. At the end of her talks, she explains the rewards of a healthier lifestyle. She says, “You have to
change your attitude. You have to promise yourself you’ll stick to your goals.” Some people have argued
with Anna, however, saying that the number of obese people in America isn’t entirely due to people choosing
to live unhealthy lifestyles. Instead, they say that people are overweight because of many other issues, like
poverty. They tell her that the solution is more complicated than just “changing your attitude.” Anna surprises
those who try to argue with her by agreeing. She says she also wishes that healthy food was more
affordable. “However, in spite of agreeing with you,” she tells them, “I also think that it’s impossible to solve
all the country’s problems at once.”

29. What social issue is Anna trying to solve?

A. A lack of educational talks.

B. Lack of sugar consumption.
C. Healthier lifestyle choices.
D. Unhealthy, high-sugar foods.
E. Lifestyles that cause weight gain.

30. What does Anna agree with others about?

A. That America has a lot of social problems.

B. How to solve obesity and poverty.
C. The problem is easy to solve.
D. Other ways she should help society.
E. That the problem isn’t that simple.


II. Read the text and answer the questions

A bully is someone who hurts others. Bullies usually hurt the same person, again and again, on purpose.
There is no typical bully. Bullies can be boys, girls or adults.
There are three kinds of bullying. Young bullies usually use words (verbal bullying). They call people ugly
names and tease their victims. Older bullies often use physical bulling – they hit, push, kick and so on.
Teenagers often use the third kind, called emotional bullying. This means that bullies don’t touch the other
person but they play with people’s feelings. For example, bullies spread false rumors about someone in
class. They ignore people or laugh at them behind their back to make the victims feel like they don’t belong
to the group. Or they may use cyber bullying, which is becoming more and more common. For example, they
post photos on the internet.
Let’s be clear about three things: (1) bullying is not ‘normal’ – it’s not a part of growing up; (2) one type of
bullying is not better than another – bullying is bullying; and (3) all bullying is wrong.
Here are some reasons why people bully:
 They don’t feel very important. Bullying makes them feel more important.
 They have no friends and feel lonely. Many bullies don’t know how to make friends because no one
taught them how.
 They feel bad about themselves. They want to make other people feel bad too.
 They are victims of bullying at home or outside school. Many bullies are bullied.
 They are angry people. When they bully, they let out their anger.
 They need attention. Sometimes they don’t get much attention at home – or people only pay attention
to them when they are bad.
 They don’t think about people’s feelings.

Bullies are not born that way. They learn the habit. They are often sad, angry and lonely people.

1. What is the definition of bully based on the text above?

2. Write and explain the three kinds of bullying based on the text.
3. What can you conclude about bullying?
4. Why do people often become victims of bullying?
5. How do we avoid bullying?

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