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Mata Kuliah : English IV

Dosen : Vera Dwi Martani, M.Pd.
SKS / Semester : 2/6
Hari / Tanggal : Sabtu, 15 Juli 2023
Waktu : Pukul 15.00-17.00
Prodi : Pendidikan Agama Islam

Nama : Fauzan Zuhri

NIM : 2386022620

1. Kerjakanlah soal-soal di bawah ini
2. Mulailah mengerjakan soal dengan Basmalah
3. Tuliskan Nama, NIM, Semester/Kelas, Prodi, Fakultas pada pojok kanan atas pada lembar
jawaban dan bubuhkan tanda tangan di bawahnya.
4. Tulislah jawaban anda pada lembar jawaban dengan jelas, rapi dan mudah dibaca
5. Setelah selesai mengerjakan kumpulkan lembar jawaban kepada pengawas yang berugas

Multiple Choice
Choose the right answer!
1. Which is your car, is that…yours?
a. once b. one c. ones d. one’s
2. See those two boys? Is the boy with the white shirt the tall …?
a. once b. one c. ones d. one’s
 3. She is a happy girl. Her…looks from her face
a. happier b. the happiest c. more happy d. happiness
4. Don’t be angry. Stop your…
a. angrier b. the angriest c. anger d. angery

5. A few well-chosen words convey a great deal of meaning. The passive construction is…
a. A great deal of meaning is conveyed by a few well-chosen words.
b. A great deal of meaning was conveyed by a few well-chosen words.
c. A great deal of meaning be conveyed by a few well-chosen words.
d. A great deal of meaning can be conveyed by a few well-chosen words

6. You…make any noise in the library.

a. must b. should c. mustn’t d. may

7.I worked … a waiter when I was a student. Most of us did.

a. like b. as c. because d. so
8. Your jacket is the same colour …mine.
a. and b. but c. or d. as
9. All the tickets were sold out … we got there too late.
a. as b. but c. or d. and
10. I had to park on the next street…. the road was closed
a. although b. but c. as d. or

A. 1. Equality in Islam
The message of Islam is for the entire human race. According to Islam, Allah (SWT) is the
Creator of the entire world and the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the Messenger of Allah
Almighty for the whole mankind. Islam unites the entire human race under one banner without
any kind of discrimination. Islam does not distinguish between human beings according to
their races, gender, color, or their beliefs. Islam looks at everyone as equal to each other,
because at the end we are all the same in front of Allah Almighty. Humans are all made of
mud, all mankind is the lineage of Adam and Adam was formed out of clay. Islam even does
not distinguish between man and woman; all are equal in front of Allah.

According to Quran, everyone is equal in front of Allah, what really matters and differ humans
from each other is their own actions in life and what they did during their living period on earth.
The Quran urges without commanding, kindness to the slave and recommends their liberation
by purchase or mannerism this is equality in Islam.

In the eyes of Allah, all are equal, except for when it comes to piousness and righteousness.
Those who have these two qualities have a better standing in the court of Allah, other than
that they are all the same. Therefore, thinking that Islam has something to do with racial,
cultural or social discrimination is a false pretense.

Answer The questions below based on the text!

1. Does Islam differenciate between human beings according to their races, gender,
color, or their beliefs? Why?
As a religion, Islam does not recognize the racial discrimination among people.
Muhammad repudiated the discrimination based on race and color. Islam
recognizes no distinction among human beings based on races, gender, color
or their beliefs, because at the end we are all the same in front of Allah
2. What makes human aren’t the same as others?
Piousness and righteousness makes human aren’t the same as others. Those
who have these two qualities have a better standing in the court of Allah, other
than that they are all the same.
3. Those who have these two qualities have a better standing in the court of Allah.
What does the word “those” refer to?
The word “those” refers to piousness and righteousness
B. Islamic culture
Islamic culture generally includes all of the practices which have developed around the
religion of Islam. There are variations in the application of Islamic beliefs in different cultures
and traditions.
In a Muslim family, the birth of a child is attended with some religious ceremonies.
Immediately after the birth, the words of Adhan is pronounced in the right ear of the child.[49] In
the seventh day, the aquiqa ceremony is performed, in which an animal is slaughtered and its
meat is distributed among the poor.[50] The head of the child is also shaved, and an amount of
money equaling the weight of the child's hair is donated to the poor.[50] Apart from fulfilling the
basic needs of food, shelter, and education, the parents or the elderly members of family also
undertake the task of teaching moral qualities, religious knowledge, and religious practices to
the children.[51] Marriage, which serves as the foundation of a Muslim family, is a civil contract
which consists of an offer and acceptance between two qualified parties in the presence of
two witnesses. The groom is required to pay a bridal gift (mahr) to the bride, as stipulated in
the contract.[52] With Muslims coming from diverse backgrounds including 49 Muslim-majority
countries, plus a strong presence as large minorities throughout the world there are many
variations on Muslim weddings. Generally in a Muslim family, a woman's sphere of operation
is the home and a man's corresponding sphere is the outside world. However, in practice, this
separation is not as rigid as it appears[53]
Answer The questions below based on the text!
4. What does Islamic culture generally contain?
Islamic culture generally includes all of the practices which have developed
around the religion of  Islam. There are variations in the application of Islamic
beliefs in different cultures and traditions.

5. What religious ceremony hold In a Muslim family when a child is born?

In a Muslim family, the birth of a child is attended with some religious
ceremonies. Immediately after the birth, the words of  Adhan  is pronounced in
the right ear of the child. In the seventh day, the aquiqa ceremony is performed,
in which an animal is slaughtered and its meat is distributed among the poor.
6. What do they do in marriage?
They are a civil contract which consists of an offer and acceptance between two
qualified parties in the presence of two witnesses. The groom is required to pay
a bridal gift (mahr) to the bride, as stipulated in the contract.


The Etiquette of Visiting/Hosting People Visiting fellow Muslims for the sake of Allah is of great
virtue in Islam. This has been confirmed in so many Hadiths. Here are two of them: 1. Abu
Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, quotes the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon
him, as saying that “a man went to visit a brother of his in another village. Allah the Almighty
sent an angel to wait for him on the road.
Translated from “Aadabe Mulaaqaat”
Courtesy: Madrasah Arabia Islamia – Azaadville, South Africa
The Holy Qur’an commands: “When you enter homes, observe Salaam with one another – a
Salaam of blessing and purity from Allah.” (Surah Nur verse 61)
If you are traveling to visit someone or if you are about to receive guests, whether those in
question are your parents, relatives, peers, or friends of a different age, make sure that your
hands, feet, and socks are clean, and your appearance and clothing is neat. Never neglect or
underestimate the importance of your look, for that would certainly mar the pleasure of the
meeting, while dulling the enjoyment of those you meet. In this regard, the Prophet(peace be
upon him) directed his companions upon returning from a journey: ‘You are returning to
your brethren, dress nicely, and sort out your rides so that you may become a beauty
mark among people, for Allah does not like sloppiness or acting in a sloppy way.’

Enter or leave your house with your right foot first, as it was the tradition of the Prophet(peace
be upon him). Imaam Abul Ala Hasan ibn Ahmad al-Hamazani, a great scholar of Hadith of his
time, was so keen on applying this Sunnah to the extent that if someone entered his house
with their left foot first, he would ask them to go out and re-enter with their right foot first. He
was so much respected that the Sultan of the day would visit him at school and sit in front of
him as a student. At one occasion, he told the Sultan to exit with his right foot first and walk on
the right side of the road.

When entering or leaving a house, do not push the door violently, or slam it shut, or leave it to
close by itself wildly. Such actions stand in contrast to the gracefulness of Islam to whichyou
are honored to belong. Close the door quietly with your hand. You may have heard a Hadith
reported by Imam Muslim whereby ‘Aisha (Radiyallahu Anha) quotes the Prophet(peace be
upon him):  ‘Gentleness adorns every act. Its absence will tarnish it.’

Answer The questions below based on the text!

7. “This” has been confirmed in so many Hadiths.What does the word this refer to? This
refers to The Etiquette of Visiting/Hosting People Visiting fellow Muslims
8. What does Surah Nur verse 61 contain? The Holy Qur’an commands “When you
enter homes, observe Salaam with one another – a Salaam of blessing and
purity from Allah.” is contain Surah Nur verse 61
9. What should we do when we visit relatives? When we visit relatives should make
sure that we hands, feet, and socks are clean, and we appearance and clothing
is neat. Never neglect or underestimate the importance of we look, for that
would certainly mar the pleasure of the meeting, while dulling the enjoyment of
those we meet.
10. What should we do when we enter or leave our house? When entering or leaving a
house, we do not push the door violently, or slam it shut, or leave it to close by
itself wildly. Such actions stand in contrast to the gracefulness of Islam to which
we are honored to belong. Close the door quietly with we hand.

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