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Environmental Degree of Mitigation

Aspect Impact* Enhancement/Measures
Physical Environment
Noise Level Potential increase in LT, S, A, In Structural enclosure and use
noise levels associated of partition walls to buffer
with equipment noise.
Workers will be equipped
with noise protective gears
while working inside noisy
Regular maintenance of
equipment to minimize noise
Water Demand Potential increase in LT, S, A, In Adopt appropriate water
water demand. management and
conservation practices.
Water Quality Potential increase in LT, S, A, In Waste water from the
water contaminants operation will be discharged
associated with into the drains for treatment
domestic effluents. in Plant's STP facility.
Installation of adequate
septic facilities.

Air Quality Increase in TSP, Nox, LT, S, A, In Installation of adequate air

SOx pollution control device, as
necessary. Proper and
regular maintenance of plant

Paper Demand Increase in paper LT, S, A, In Buy paper from sustainable

demand can lead to source such as suppliers with
deforestation. PEFC and FSC certified mills.

Ensure scrap papers are

Human Environment
Population Increase in population. LT, P, B, Si No mitigation measure
Employment and Increase in LT, P, B, In Priority in hiring of qualified
Livelihood employment local residents.
opportunities to local
Health and Safety Increase in solid waste LT, S, A, In The proponent shall institute
generation. and implement a proper solid
waste handling procedures
and guidelines in compliance
to local practices and

Environmental Degree of Mitigation

Aspect Impact* Enhancement/Measures
Health and Safety Increase in the LT, S, A, In Strict and proper adherence
possibility of fire to building and electrical code
hazards. specifications.

Adequate and strategic

location of fire hydrants.
Potential increase of ST, S, A, In Installation of adequate
BOD loading into the septic facilities in the plant
nearby drain canal. ST, S, A, In and office.

Potential increase in ST, S, A, In Strict implementation of

solid waste generation. plant's sanitation procedures
and practices.
Potential increase in
operation regulated Strict implementation of solid
injuries and accidents. waste minimization and
handling procedures.

Workers should be provided

with adequate personal
protective gears.

Presence of a standby vehicle

for transporting injured
personnel to a pre designated
medical facility in case of

Conduct regular safety


Aesthetic and Visual Improvement of LT, P, B, In Stict implmenentation and

Qualities aesthetic quality of the maintenance of mandated
site. sanitation and easements

Adequate Standard Depriving the LT, S, A, In Institute and implement an

of Living local population access effective data collection
to productive resources method focusing on village
which are indispensible mapping, key informant
to their livelihoods. interviews, household or
individual surveys and focus
group discussions.

Strict and proper adherence

to FPIC standard and other
human rights local laws.
individual surveys and focus
group discussions.

Health Potential decrease of LT, S, A, In Strict and proper adherence

traditional medicines to to FPIC standard and other
maintain their health human rights local laws.
practices, including the
conservation of their Training on FPIC to all
vital medicinal plants. relevant staffs.

Culture and Practice Denied enjoyment of LT, S, A, In

Tradition their own culture
or the practice of their
own religion and
traditional activities
with the use of land
resources, including
fishing or hunting.

Note: Impact Classification Terminology

ST - Short Term LT - Long Term
P - Primary Impact S - Secondary Impact
B - Beneficial A - Adverse
Si - Significant In - Insignificant

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