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Lave cannat save yau from yaur awn fate.

Jim Morrison, singer with The Doors

1 GRAMMAR be going to (predictions)

a Look at the pictures . Write se nte nces using rh ese verbs and be 8oilt8 too

buy change eat have listen lose read take

1 They're8oil'4J ro eat a plzza. 2 VOCABULARV verb phrases

2 Sheís going to change some money.
He´s going to buy a newspaper. C omplete rhe phrases wirh verbs from rhe box.
4 She´s going to have a coffee.
be become fall get (x3) llave meet move travel
5 She´s going to listen to mu sic.
6 She´s going to read a book. 1 be lucky
2 meet sornebody new
7 She´s going to take a phoro.
8 He´s going to lose hi s passport. 3 to a different country
4 get married
b Wrire a letre r in the box: A = plan, B = predi ction. S get
a lot of money
l'rn going to buy so rne sta mps. 0 6
in love
2 Ir's going ro be cold romorrow. OB
3 Jim's going to study tonight. OA
8 get
a new job
4 Our ream is go ing ro lose rhis game. OB 9 lta l!.e. a surpri se
5 There's goi ng to be a storm !ater. OB 10 move ro a new house
6 1 rhink rhar restaurant's goin g ro c1ose. OB

7 They're going to buy a new TV. OA

8 I'm going to book a flighr online. OA
3 PRONUNCIATION the letters 00
íh-e nt\-m-e Peh-ín
tfl,e ~et
a Look at che pa irs oEword s. C heck'/ ch e pa irs w irh ch e
sa me soun d and pur an X on che pa irs char are diffe renr.

1 choose school ./
2 book 500 n X
In tasseography, the fo rtune-teller uses tea lea ves to
3 food moon predict the future. You drink a cup of tea and leave
4 good caok a small amount in the bottom of the cupo Then you
move the tea around the cup three times, cover it with
5 took spoon
a saucer, and turn it upside down. Thefortune-teller
6 look too looks at the shape the tea lea ves make. For example,
a bi rd means that you're going to have good news.
b ?!mm Listen and check. Then li sten an d repear. B
In crystaUomancy, the for tune-teller uses a glass
4 READING ball. She places the ball on the table between you and
a Read rh e texto Ma tch rh e headings ro rh e paragraphs. her, and looks into it for a long period of time. At
first, the balllooks dull and e/oudy, but then it e/ears
1 Give me yOllr hand 3 Ho\V do you like yOllr tea?
and images start to appear. The fortune-telle r uses
2 Ler's play card s 4 W hat's ¡ns ide rhe ball?
these pietures to predict your future. For example,
bRead rhe tex t again and w rite T (erue) o r F (fa 1se). a nu rse means that you're goi ng to be sick.
I T he easiesr way ro read ta ro r cards is ro use C
fo ur card s. In tarot reading, the fortune-teller uses a special paek
2 A n image c Ea nurse mean s bad hea lth . of tarot ca rds to predict the f uture. There are 78 cards
3 A srrong hearr line means yau're going to fi nd love. in the pack, and there are different ways of using
4 A shape oEa bi rd Ll1e<lns bad luck. them. The quickest is to lay three cards on the table
e G uess rhe mea nin g ofrh e highlighted wo rd s. C heck in from left to right. The cards represent the post, the
yOll r d¡ctio na ry. present, and the future. The fortune-teller turns over
the cards and says what they mean. For example, the
sun means that you're going to becomefamous.
a ~!mm Li ste n ro Pete and Amy's co nversatio n Chiromancy is also caUed palmistry and it's when
abo ut the psychic U ri Ge ll er. Was hi s trick
the fortune-teller studies the /ines on the palm of
w ith the s poo ns rea l?
your hand to predict your futu re. There are four
majar /ines on the hand: the life /ine, the head /ine,
the heart /ine, and the health /ine . For example,
a strong heart /ine means that you're going to find
the right partner and be happy in your life.

b ,!¡mm Li sten aga in and write T (true) or USEFUL WORDS ANO PHRASES
F (fal se).
Learn these words and phrases.
1 A lot o f peo ple watched U ri Ge ller in the pasto
soon Is unl
2 Pete and A my see a vi deo o f the tri ck.
be lucky Ibi '1l1kil
3 A my doesn't believe rh e rrick ar firsr.
Com e in! I kl1m In l
4 Uri doesn't use a norm al spoon.
get married IgEt 'mreridl
S Uri doesn'r spea k durin g rhe rrick.
move ro anot her country Imuv tu ;;,nl1o;;,r 'kl1ntril
6 To day, U ri doesn't appear in public.

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