Primera Parte Work Book

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My life is a simple thing that would interest nobody.

It is a known fact that I was born, and that is all that is necessary.

1 GRAMMAR simple past of be: was / were

Edilh Wh~"on
""",Cunom of,II~COUIl'ry

Was I.M. Pei composer?

No,he wasn't .........,. " . "" . ...... w""" ".,,,,,

a Com plece che semences wich was, tvere, waslt't, or werelt't. 7 Softa Vergara ! born ! Columbia?./
Was Sofia Vergara born in Colombia?
A Who's that ? ---------------------------------_?
Yes,she was
B It's Edith Wharton.
A Why 1 \Vas she famous? 8 Frank Sinatra I singer?./
Was Frank Sinatra a singer?
B She 2 was a writer. ---------------------------------_?
A ' _______ she Canadian? Yes,he was

B No, she ~ _wasn´t

_ _ _ __ 9 J.R .R . Talk ien and CS. Lewis! painters? X
She 5 was American. She 6 _was
_ _ born Were J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis painters
in New York City in 1862. No,they weren't
_ _ _ _ she married?
A And 7 _ _was 10 Michael Jackson ! born ! Britain? X
B Yes,she s_ _was _ _ __ Was Michael Jackson born in Britain
No,he wasn't
b Wrice qu escions and answe rs.
e Complete the dialogu es with present or past forms of be.
Alexander Graham Bell ! sportsman? X
Was Alexallder Graham BeUa sp-!Qo,,-rtLíSJ1m:JjaU1L'_____ ? 1 A What day ~ it taday?
No. he wasn't . B Manday. Yesterday tvas Sunday.
2 Richard Burton and Elizabeth Tay lor I actors?./ 2 Is
A Hi. _______ your sister at home?
0rúawc~t~o,,~,-_ ' B NO,she Isn´t . She _ _was_ _ __
Yeso thev tvere
3 Jorge Luis Borges! writer? ./ at work .
here this morning, but now she ______ _

Was Jorge Luis Borges a novelist

----------------------------------_? 3 A I can't find my keys. Where _ _are
_ _ _ _ they?
Yes, he was
B I don't know. They were on your des k
4 T he Beatles! fram the US? X this morning.
Were The Bearles from the US
No,they weren't
5 Robert Frost ! politicial1? X
Was Robert Frost a politician
No,he wasn't
6 I.M . Pei ! composer? X
Was I.M. Pei composer?

No,he wasn't
2 VOCABULARY word formation 4 LlSTENING
a Make professions fram rhese words. Use a or att. a , •.wm Listen ro a radio program about the grea test Americans of
1 invent an inventor al! time. Nu mberthe people in theorder they come on the list.
a writer
2 write
a dancer
3 dance
a composer
4 compase
5 music a musician

6 paint a painter

7 business a businessman

8 aet an actor
a scientist
9 sClence
a sailor 3 4
10 sail 5

b Underline [ he srressed syll ables, e.g. an inventor.

e Pracrice saying rhe \Vords in a.

d Comp lete rhe seme nces \V irh was! tvere a nd a
n OU Il f r o m a.

I Francis Dra ke wasasailor

2 Beer hoven and Mazart were compasers
3 James Dean was an actor

4 Gali leo was a scientist

was a musician 2 1
5 Freddie Mercury
6 T he Wrighr brorhers were inventors
7 F. Seott Fitzgerald was a writer

8 Howa rd Hughes was a businessman

9 Degas and Tou louse-Laurrec were artists

b ",149m Liste n aga in. Write T (true) or F (fa lse).
1 Ben Fran klin was a young newspaper ow ner.
3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress 2 George Washin gron was born on February 12, 1732. F

~!imm Listen a nd repear rhe conversarion . 3 He was 76 when he died. F

4 Marri n Luther Kin g, Jr. was born on January 15th, 1929. T

A Who was Aaran Capland? T
5 He was you ng w hen he died .
B He was a composer. F
6 Abraha m Lincoln was a pa inter.
A Was he British?
7 He was 56 when he d ied . T
B No, he wasn't. He was American.
A When was he born?
8 T he greatest A mer ican of a ll time was a si nger.
B He was born in 1900.
A Were his parents composers?
L earn these wo rd s a nd phra ses.
the (16th) cent uey lo, 'sentJoril
ki lled Ibldl
between (18 16a nd 1820) Ib,'twin l
be aga inst (someth ing) Ibi d'gEIlStl
be in lave (wic h someone) Ibi Il1 'IAvl
Girls just want to have fun.
Cyndi Lauper, American songwriter/singer

1 GRAMMAR simple past: regular verbs 8 time I work I did ! What I arrive I Luisa I yesterday I ar
What time did Luisa arrive at work yesterday
A '
a Compl ete rhe semences \Virh a regular verb in che simple B At ten o'c1ock.
past, firsr in che affirmarive and rhen in rhe nega tive.
e Complete rhe qu est io ns and answers.
book download listen miss play study watch work
1990 1997 1998 2001 2004 2007 2009
1 Yesterday 1 missed l1ly bus, but 1 didn't miss my
2 We _ listened
_ _ _ _ _ _ to rhe news, but \Ve
_ _ _listen
didn´t _ _ _ _ to the wearher.
3 My parenrs _ _
rhey didn´t
_ _ _ _ _ Freneh ar sehool, bur
Spanish or Japanese.
4 My sister watched

but she didn´t watch

5 T he secrerary booked
rhe movie \Virh me,
rhe soccer game.
a rabie fOf lunch ,
it happen?
but she _didn´t
_ _ _ _ _ _ a taxi. 1 when I the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge / apen
":y"QuB~rui"d8,,,e~0"lP~e~,,~_ _ _ _?
6 I downloaded sorne mu sic anta my Japtop,
but 1 didn´t download any l11ovies. It opened in 1998 .
7 The sa lesperson last Saturday, 2 when / Michael Jackson / die
hut she didn´t work 0 11 Sunday. When did Michael Jackson die
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -7
8 My brocher played tennis ar sehoo l, 2009__
He died in _
but he didn´t play basketba ll.
3 when I Facebook / st art
b Order rhe \Vords ro make questions. When did Facebook start
1 you / did / night / T V / What / o n / last / wateh? 2004
It started in _ __
A Whar did y oll watch Otl IV las! ni8U,
B [ wa tched rhe news. 4 when I Princess Diana / die
When did Princess Diana die
2 did / game / the / time / e nd / What - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -?
She died in ____ ,
A _What__time_did_the _
_ end
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?
B At six o'dock. 5 when I the first tourist / travel into space
When did the first Tourist travel into space
3 your / presen" / birthday / like / you / Did --------------------------_7
A _ _ you
_ like
___ presents
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _? 2001
It traveled into space in _ __
B Yes, I did. T hey \Vefe great!
6 when I iPhones I first appear
4 did / eollege / YO Ut / in / brother / What / study When did iPhones first appear
A _ What
_ _study__ in college
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _? -------------------------------?
They appeared in _ __
B Modern Lan guages.
5 parenrs I yaur I arrive ! late I Did 7 when I Tim 8erners-Lee I create the World Wide Web
Did _
parents arrive When did Tim Berner-Lee create the World Wide Web
A _ __ _ late
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -7
B No, rhey didn 'r. T hey \Vere early. He created it in _1990
6 Brazil j yau r I in I friends I did I Where ¡ Iive
A _Where
_ _live_in_ Brazil
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?
B Rio d e Janeiro.
7 of / you / Did / at / th e / ery / m ov ie / end / the
A Did your cry at the end of the movie ?
B Yes , 1 did. Ir \Vas very sad.
2 VOCABULARY past time expressions 5 L1STENING
~the correct answer. a Li sten to four speakers descr ibing bad
J charred wirh rny frie nd s foc an h our~ t nii§Y¡ rrips. How did rhey travel (e.g., by car, etc.)?
by plane by train and car
yesterday night. 1 3
by car by bus and taxi
2 My gi rlfrie nd finished co llege ago tWD years ! 2 4
twa years ago.
3 T hey traveled abroad last month I the last manth.
b ,!.t:ttlm Listen again and match the spea ke rs 1- 4
tú the se ntences a- d.
4 Did yau ca l! me last morning I yesterday morning?
5 Ir stopped raining two hours ago I twa ago hours.
Speaker I DC

6 My brorher worked in rhe city last July I the last July.

Spea ker 2 DD
7 We watched rhar mov ie befare two weeks I
Speaker 3 DB
twa weeks ago.
Speaker4 DA

8 David booked rh e tickets yesterday afternoon I A A stra nge r helped me.

last aftcrnoon. B SOllleone in llly falllily helped me.
9 Steve \Vas born in 1990 I 00 1990. C 1starred my trip twice.
10 1 played golf the day yesterday before I O I didn'r arrive ar my destination.
the day befare yesterday.


a Listen to rh e words. Underline rhe word Learn these words and phrases.
w here -ed is pronounced IId /. GPS /d3i pi 'es/
I booked checked wa nred wa lked surpri sed /sJr'pralzd/
2 painted arrived finished traveJed arrive /J'ralv/
3 asked wa ited looked sto pped cry /krall
4 called played chatted li srened mi ss /mls/
5 mi ssed warched coo ked srarted rcxt /tEkst/
6 followed decided lived relaxed rravel /' tnevl/
b ,!mm Lisren again and repear rhe words. cou ntry house /kAntri 'haus/

a Read rhe artide and choose rhe best title.

1 The wro ng match erbian tennis pLayer Bojana Javanovski
2 T he wrong desrinarion was only 19 when she played in the
3 The wrong player San Diego Open. However, she aLmost
missed the tournament. Her first match
bRead rhe anide again and answer
was in Carlsbad, California, so her agent
rhe quesrions.
booked a seat for her and gave her the ticket
How old was Bo jana when rhe to Carlsbad. It was a long trip beca use
inciden[ happened? 19
Bojana needed to take three different planes.
2 Where was rhe tennis túurnament? When she finally arrived in Carlsbad, she was surori,sed
Carlsbad California
3 How did she rrave! tú Carl sbad ? to find that the airport was empty. 5he waited for 15 minutes
By plane
4 Where did Bojana rrave! tú first? and then called Tournament Transportation. The problem was that Bojana
Carlsbad, New Mexico
5 When did she arrive ar rhe tournamenr? was in Carlsbad, New Mexico and the transportaban service was in Carlsl,adl.!
30 minutes before her match
6 Who did she play in her firsr match? California where the tournament was. So, Bojana stayed in New Mexico for
Roberta Vinci
7 Did she win? the night and then traveled to Carlsbad, California the next morning. She
arrived anLy 30 minutes befare the start of her match with the Italian player
Roberta Vinci. Unfortunately, the day finished badly for Bojana because
lost the match 3-6, 6-4, 6-1. Afterthat, she just wanted to go home!

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