Announcement Butler 15.5.2023

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Considering the provisions of the Resolution of the Secretary of State, February 18, 2015,
establishing criteria for the. selection oflocal staff inthe Foreign Affairs Service, it has
been agreed to ann~:)Unce this selection process under the following:


1. General rules

1.1. A selection process is called to cover ONE position for BUTLER in an open access

-rhe functions, remuneration and other characteristic~ ofthe post are listed in Annex l.

1.2. The selection process will be implemented through an open competition system, with
the assessments, exercises and scores that are specified in Annex 11.

1.3. Once the selection process is over, the selected candidate will be offered the
corresponding contracto

1.4 The full terms and conditions ofthe call will be published on the fóllowing places:

*the Embassy's wewebsite: . '.


*the notice board,of the Embassy of Spain, Kalliolinnantie, 6; 00140 Helsinki

*Tourist Office: PohjoinenMakasiinikatu 6 A-2º. Helsinki

*Economic and Commercial Office: Pohjoinen Makasiinikatu6 A-2º. Helsinki

*at General Access Point

2. R~quirements for candidates

2.1. To be admitted in the selection process, applicants must fulfill the following
requirements on the lastdate for the submission of applications and maintain them until
the formalization of the employment contract:

2.1.1. Age: at least 16 years old and not to exceed the maximum retirement age.
2.1.2. Functional Support: háve the functional capacity to perform the required
tasks and functions.

2.1.3. Atlthorization: Not have been suspended by a disciplinary decision ofany

Government or Public Adminlstration constitutional or statutory bodies, orhave
been judicially disqualified from employment or public position. Not to have been
disqualified to exercise similar functions as those carried out by other labour
pe·rsonnel: In the case of foreigners, not to have been judicially disqualified, or to
have been subjected to disciplinary action that prevents public employment in
his/her country of origino

2.2. Non-EU applicants must be in possession of the corresponding residence and work
permit or authorisation in Finland on the date of commencement of the provision of
services. In any case,the contractshall terminate on the day on which the worker ceases
to hold the relevant residence and wQrk.permit or authorisation.

3. Applications

3.1. Those wishing to participate in the application must complete the form shown in
Annex 111 that is available at:

3.1.1. Embassy of Spain, Kalliolinnantie 6, 00140 Helsinki.

3.1.2. Web page:!Embajadas/HELSINKl/es/Embajada/Paginas/
3.1.3. Spanish Commercial Office, Pohjoinen Makasiinikatu 6 A- 2, Helsinki
3.1.4. Spanish Tourism Office: Pohjoinen Makasiinikatu 6 A 2, Helsinki

3.2. Applications shall be submitted electronically to the Embassy of Spain, without

prejudice to the provisions of Article 16.4 of Law 39/2015 of 1 October 2015, on
Conimon Administrative Procedure for Public Administrations, by May 26th 2023
at 14:00.and shall be sentía the following address:
. Embassy of Spain in Helsinki

Kalliolinnantie 6

00140 Helsinki

Applications may be submitted telematically through the General Electronic

Register of the General State Administration https:/

Applications submitted by post must be registeredat the post office on time and
with the corresponding entry stamp on the application form (Annex 111). The
ordinary,postmark or postal payment slip will not be accepted as proof of
submission on time.

In the event that the application is súbmitted by post or at a public registry other
than that of this Representation, it is recommended that the application be sent
,by e-mail a scanned copy of Annexlll with
the corresponding entry stamp and the Ide'ntity Card or Passport.

3.3. The ápplication must be accompanied by:

- photocopy of the Identity Card or Passport.

- Curriculum vitae.

- Documentation accrediting the merits that the applicant wishes to be assessed in the

competition phase

Failure to submit this documentation will result in the exclusion of the candidate from the

selection process, unless . . it is orUy documentation accrediting the merits that the

candidate Y"ishes to be assessed in the competition phase, in which case the candidate

máy be admitted, but will be assessed with:zero points in the assessment of merits .

. AII the documentation listed' above may be provided, where appropriate, during the
period for rectification provided for in point 4~1.

3.4. Any errors in the application can be amended by the corresponding authority or at
the request of the applicant. '

4. Admissíon of Applicants

4.1. Once the deadline for submitting applicaÜons has passed, a list will be published, in
alphaoetical order, of applicants admitted and excluded, indicating their identity card or
passport number, in, the . manner determined by theseventh additional provision of
Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, oO,the
. .
. of Personal Data
. and guarantee of
digital rights, and indicating the reasons for exclusion, indicating.~ period of five working
days,.starting frorh the day following the publication of the list, to rectify the defect that
has led to their exclusion or om.ission. This 'Iist wilr be published on the notice board of the
Spanish Embassy,in Helsinki. The'place,t:late and time of the first competition test will
also be indicated.

4.2. In case of any ulterior changes, a new list will be publishéd in the,same place where it
was initialíy published. . ..

5. CommitteeMembers

5.1. The list of the Selection Committee members of this selection process is attac~ed as
Annex IV.
~ . .

·5,2. According to the Article 140f the Spanish Constitution, the Selection Committee shall
ensure strict cómpJia~ce with equa'f opportímity between both sexes.
lhe Selection Committee is empowered to consider, verify and assess all incidents that
. may arise in the development of the exercises, adoptingall reasoned decisions it deems

5.3. The Selection Committee members must abstain from participating in the selection
process in the following cases:

~ If they have a personal interest in the candidate concerned or in the resolution ',of this

case which. could influence the former; or have. any legal dispute with any ef the


- If they have a relationship of consanguinity in the fourth degree or affinity in the second

degree with any candidate.

- If they have a close friendship or enmity with any jnterested party.

:: If they have prept;lred candidates or a selective test related to this application in the

preceding five years of the publication of this cal!.

5.4. AppliCants 'may challenge the members of the 'Selection Committee when
circumstances specified in the preceding paragraph are presento

5.5. For the purposes of communications and other similar matters, the selection process
will belbcated at the Embassy of Spain at Kalliolinnantie 61 00140 Helsinki or vía e-mail to
this electronical address:

6. Development of the selection process

6.1. Candidates will be called to the exercise in a single summons, and those who do not
'appear wiil be excluded from the competitive examination stage.

6:2. Once each of fhe exercises of. the competitive examinátion phase has been
complefed, the Selection committee will publish, in the place or places where they are
held, at the headquarters of the sélectiol1 body and on, its website, ~he list of candidates
whohave reacheél the minimum score established to pass, with an indication of the score
obtained. Likewise, the place, date, and timeof the next exercise, if applicable, will be

6.3. Once the c()mpetitive examination phase has been completed, the selection
committee will publish in the place or places where the competifive examination phase
was held, at the headquarters of the selection committee and on its website, tlle list
containing the candidates who have passed it, with an indication of the place, date and
time of the interview in the competitive examination phase.

6.4. Once the interviews have been completed, the selection committee will publish in
the place 'or places where the competitive examination phase was held,. at the
headquarters of the selection committee and on its website, the evaluation of the l11erits
o(the competitive examination phase, indicating the seore obtained in eaeh of themerits,
the evaluation of the interview and the total score of the selection process.
.The applicants will have a period of five working days, starting from the day after the
publication of this list, to make the pertinent allegations. At the endof this period, the
selection body will publish the list with the definitive assessment of the seledion process.

6.5. The selection committee may require, at any time during the selection process,
accreditation of'the identity of the appli.cants. Likewise, if it becomes aware that' any
applicant does not fulfil any of the requirements demanded in the call for applications,
after hearing theperson concerned, it shall propose his/her exclusion to the convening

7" Passing the selection process

7.1. When the selection process has been completed, the Selection Committee's
President shall submit io the convening authorities the list of candidates who have
obtained at least the minimum score required to pass the selection process, in a list by
. order of score obtained.

This list will be published at. the offices of the Embassy of Spain as deemed appropriate,

providing the first candidate of the list a period of eight working days for the submission
of supporting documentation regar'ding 'the requirements to fill the vacancy.

7.2. Signing more than one contract per vacancy is not allowed.

7.3. The applicant is not entitled to receive any salary until the contract is signed.

7.4. The applicant who is hired must go through, a PRCBATICN PERICO OF FOUR
MONTHS, during which he /she will be evaluated by the corresponding authority.

7.5. In the event that the candidate fails to submit the documentation on time, nor meets
the requirements, resigns or his/her eval.uation trial period is not favorable, the position
may be awarded to the next candidate on the list referred to the based 7.1.

7.6. Finnish Labour: laws will be applicable to this contracto

8, Final rule

An appeal for reconsideration may be lodged against this callfor applications within a
period of one month from the day following its publica~¡on, before the same hody that
issues it,or a contentious-administrative appeal within a period of two months from the
day following its publicatiQn, befare the competent judicial body, in accordance with the
provisions of Law 39/2015, of 1 Octdber, on the Common Administrative Procedure ofthe
Public Administrations and Law 29/1998, of 13 July, regulating the Contentious­
Administrative Jurisdiction, it being noted' that, in the event of lodging an appeal for
reconsideration, a contentious-administrative appeal may not be lodged until it has been
expressly resolved ortheappeal has been presumptively rejected.

Helsinki, May 15th 2023

. Fernández-Arias Minuesa
Ambassador of Spain

Professional Category: BUTlER

No of I Qualification Job Description Salary Duration of

vacancies contract
* Coordination and supervision of al! the . 20133,90€ gross/year
1 staff at the Ambassador's residence; indefinite
*Maintenance and cleaning of the ,

Atnbassador's residence;
*Supervision and maintenance of the
officiargoods{crockery, glassware,
silverware) and furniture ofthe residence;
*Waiting at table and supervision of
waiting staff at offidal events;
! *Eventually, substitutions ofthe other
personnel working at the residence.
*Contact tothe local suppliets
I ;


The selection process will consist on two parts:


It will consist of the following eliminatory tests:

1. Practica! test, which will consist of the resolution ofq practical case study the functions of the post listed in Annex I of the call for applications.

The test may be completed manually.

It will be marked out of 10 and a minimum of S points will be required to progress

to the next test.

2. Language test, which will consist of an oral test of knowledge of English.

It will be marked out of 10 and a minimum of 5 points will be required to progress

to the next test.

The mark for the competition phase will be thesum of the marks obtained in each
of the tests. .

The maximum markfor the competition phase will be 20 points. The minimum
mark for the competition phase will be 10 points~

The assessment of the competition phase will be carried out only for candidates who
have passed the competition phase.

The maximum mark for the competition phase will be 13 points.

The competition phase will consist of:

A. Assessment of professional and training merits

The following merits will be assessed, which must be in possession by the closing date for

the submission of applications:

1. Pro/essiona/ merits: Experience in posts in the same or a similar category, wlth

documentary evidence, will be táken into consideration.

Maximum score: 10 points.

Method of marking: 1 point for each fuI! six-month period of experiehce.

When assessing professional merits, the same points wlll be awarded for having held a

post in the Administration as in a private company.

2. Training merits:.
Courses related to the post, academic qualifications and other knowledge relevant to the
post will be taken into account.
Maximum score: 2 points.

B. Interview: This will consist of a personal interview, detailing the aspects to be covered
in a concise and exhaústive manner, and may not inelude elements that have already
been assessed in the restofthe merits ofthe competition phase. The interview may not
be of an eliminatory nature.
Maximum mark: 1 point.
The mark for tb.e competition phase will be. tbe sum of the marks obtained in.each of the
merits and the interview.
The final mark will be determined by the sum of the marks obtained in the competitive
examination phase and the competitive examination phase.

In the event of a tie, the order will be established according to:

1. the highest marks obtainedin the competitiveexamination phase.

2. Highest score obtained in the flrst exercise.
3. Highest score pbtained in the assessment of professional merits.
4. Article 60 "Work offamily members abroad", point 2, of law 2/2014, of 25 March, on
5tate Action and Foreign Service.

The necessary measures shall be taken to ensure that applicants with disabilities enjoy
the same conditions as the rest of the applitants in the performanceof the exercises. In
this sense, for those candidates with disabilities who so state in their application,.the
possible adaptations in time and means for their performance will be established.


PRESIDENT: Mr. Fernando Fernández-Arias Minuesa

Substitute: Ms. Da Menda Manso de Zúñiga Spottorno, Deputy Head of Mission

Titular: Da. Ana Fernández-Tresguerres Sánchez, Consul
Substitute: Mr. José Carlos Patiño Rejas, Chancellor

VOCAL: Ms. Elena Samper, Administrative Ass.

Substitute: Ms. Angeles Cabrera Garda, Administrative Ass.

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