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NIM : 2318101
Semester : 8 (Delapan)
Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Hp : 0895602482699

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1. Title : The Effect of Concept Oriented
Reading Instruction on Students Reading
Comprehension in narrative text at the
Eighth Grade of SMPN 1 Ampek Angkek

Identification of problems :
1.Most of students are lazy to reading the text
2.Most of the students feel bored when studied
3.Most of students have low ability in reading

Theory :
One of them narrative text. According
To Wardiman, Jahur, & Djusma (2008:94)
stated that narrative is a text which have
purposes to entertain listeners or readers with a
true experience or an imaginary one. The
characteristic of the text is marked by conflict
and resolution.Each kinds of text had generic
structure differently.

It is suggested by Guthrie (2004:17),

He stated that CORI is a comprehension strategy
that builds students’ prior knowledge
Before they read a text, during reading and after
reading by the fourth CORI processes. (a)
observe and personalize, (b) search and retrieve,
(c) comprehend and integrate and the last (d)
communicate to others.
Concept Oriented Reading Instruction also had
two main aspects. (1) Support for the cognitive
strategies for knowledge construction during
reading and (2) Support for the motivational
development of learners (Guthrie, Wigfield, &
Perenvich, 2004:05).

2 Title :The Effect of Metacognitive Strategies

. Awareness on Students Reading
Comprehension in narative text at the Eighth
Grade of SMPN 1 Ampek Angkek

Identification of problems :
1.Students do not understand the text in the
reading material.
2.Lack of awareness of students in reading
3.Low reading ability of students to read.

Theory :
As an addition, Baker and Brown (1984), it
was cited by McKeown and back (2009:7-8),
there is an explanation that there was an
investigation about the correlation between
effective reading and metacognitive ability.
From the studies, It was concluded that there
were two dimensions of the ability.

Readers’ perception in monitoring and

regulating of these strategies during reading are
called as readers’ awareness (Anderson, 2003).

The awareness of metacognitive reading

strategies influences learners comprehension
because it controls the ways learners arrange
their interaction with the context and also for
how the use of strategies is related to effective
reading comprehension (Mokhtari & Sheorey,

A number of studies have been conducted in

investigating students’ awareness revealed a
positive relationship between metacognitive
reading strategies use and reading
comprehension (Gaith & El-Sanyoura, 2019).

Students’ involvement in using metacognitive

strategies to Understand texts have turned them
into a more motivated and high confidence
readers (Wigfield, 2010). Thus, metacognitive
strategies can increase a good motivation and
confident in reading.

According to Mokhtari and

Sheorey (2002), The development of
Students’ metacognitive awareness can
be trained to choose the best strategy in
Selecting, remembering, re-recognizing,
organizing the information it captures
And solving problems related to reading

It Is supported by Klingner, Vaughn, and

Boardman (2015) who state that reading
Comprehension is the process of
Constructing the meaning by
Coordinating several complex processes
That include word reading, word, and
World knowledge, and fluency.

According to Rahmawati (2010), a Narrative is

a form of a text intended to
Retell action or past event to narrate and
Resolve the problems, to entertain or
Amuse the readers, and sometimes to
Offer morality.
3 Title : The Correlation Between Students
. Reading Speed And Their Reading
Comprehension in Narative Text at the
Eighth Grade of SMPN 1 Ampek Angkek.

Identification of problems:
1.The Students was in reading activity
2.The Students had difficulties in understanding
english words
3.The students reading comprehension was low

Theory :
According to Wainwright (2006, as quoted
in Setyawardani, 2013,p. 2), reading
speed is usually used to describe howfast a
reader reads a text that has been known by the
number of words per minute.

According to Nuttal (1982, as quoted

in Arab, 2009, p.29), reading
speed and reading comprehension
are twoelements that are closely
related.This concept in accordance
with the research that connducted
by Arab (2009).

Students who read slowly due to their lack of

speed in reading will not develop reading speed
as other students who read quickly (Anderson,
Wilson, and Fielding, 2010).
Calon Pembimbing : (Diisi Oleh
Calon Pembimbing (Diisi Oleh Kajur ) : Kajur)
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Bukittinggi, Juni 2022

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