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N Work Process of Master’s Project for MBA/MM/MHRM Action by Timeline


Registration (first time)

1 Submit PGR01 to Administrator RPMU with Supervisor's signature & Supervisor CV (for self-selected supervisor) Student/Supervisor Before /on deadline stated
(Late submission after the date is not
accepted) For January semester -31 January
For May semester-31 May
For September semester- 30 September

2 Receive form, Programme Coordinator to approve if research title deemed suitable Administrator RPMU/Programme Coordinator When received

3 Inform student on approval status via e-mail Administrator RPMU After form is approved

4 Register student in ICEMS Administrator RPMU After form is approved

5 Outgoing e-mail to registered student on registration details Administrator RPMU 1 month after closing date

6 Outgoing e-mail to Supervisor on Master's Project Guidelines/Appointment Administrator RPMU 1 month after closing date

Registration (from second and consecutive semesters until final submission)

1 Auto registered System Early semester

2 Payment to be made before auto drop date Student Early semester

Progress while doing Master's Project

1 Meeting between student/supevisor Student/Supervisor

2 Report progress in PGR03 Progress Report (compile all for final Master's Project submission) Student/Supervisor

3 Submission of final Master's Project between minimum 2 semesters and maximum 8 semesters Student

4 Failure to submit within 1 cycle (2 to 8 semesters) will be updated as F grade in 8th semester of Master's Project Exam Unit
5 Re-registration in cycle 2 (semester 9 of Master's Project) as REPEAT status and pay full fees Administrator RPMU/Finance Department

Submission of final Master's Project

1 Submit final draft to Supervisor (80 - 100 pages, 20,000 to 25,000 words excluding table, figures, appendix & reference - Only Chapter 1 to Chapter 5 is counted) Student

2 Approves final draft Supervisor

3 Submit for turnitin Student Only turnitin report of maximum 30% will consider for
final submission. Any exceeding will not considered and
cannot submitted to RPMU

4 Prepare soft copies of final Master's Project + All PGR03 Progress Reports + Submission checklist Student

5 Google link for document upload (google form) Administrator RPMU Link will be email to students or referred to
Registration Annoucement in MyOUM

6 Upload documents ( final Master's Project+Turnitin report + All PGR03 Progress Reports + Submission checklist) Student Before /on deadline stated
(Late submission after the date is not
accepted) For January semester -15 April
For May semester-15 August
For September semester- 15 December

6 Evaluation report PGR08 Administrator RPMU/Supervisor After final Master's Project received

7 Review final Master's Project and complete Reviewer's Report Reviewer

8 Submit marks to Exam Unit Administrator RPMU

9 Update marks Exam Unit Within 1 week

10 1 Payment to Supervisor Administrator RPMU

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