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More Energy

More Life
A guide to the
Lift Chi Up, Pour Chi Down Method

as taught by
Master Mingtong Gu
Introduction 3
Energetic awareness, effective practice 7
Beginning purposefully 14
Opening movement 24
Sequence I 33
Sequence II 47
Lifting arms to the horizon 47
Sequence III 61
Completion sequence 68
Transcending limitations 75
Importance of integration 81
Developing dedication 83
Stages for cultivation and visualization 84
Cultivating a sense of source energy 90
Frequently asked questions 95
Voices of practitioners 103
More energy, more life 108
Energy gates reference 110
Related resources 114

Of the thousands of Qigong practices developed over centuries,
Wisdom Healing (Zhineng) Qigong’s foundational practice, Lift
Chi Up, Pour Chi Down Method (LCUPCD), has been proven to
be one of the most powerful healing technologies. Its universal na-
ture addresses all purposes and brings strong benefits to all condi-
tions. The movements are simple and yet encoded with the secrets
of thousands of years of accumulated wisdom. They were carefully
designed to bring each practitioner into their optimum state of
balance and harmony both internally and externally.
This book teaches you the physical form, that is, how to move your
body through the LCUPCD Method movements. It also provides
guidelines to amplify the benefits through deliberate mental focus
and visualizations. The benefits come with your diligent practice.
We have included a DVD to support your practice.

What is Qigong?
Qi (chi) is the energy that animates and sustains all life. Our re-
sources of personal chi come from our heritage, environment, and
relationships, and our personal cultivation of energy. As science has
proven, our genetics can be changed with our cultivation of chi/
energy to overcome physical, emotional and/or mental challenges
that we may have lived with for years. Gong means cultivation and
also a deliberate practice to enhance our well-being. Thus, Qigong
is the cultivation of our personal energy resources uniting with the
universal chi. This cultivation enhances our energetic relationship
with other people and the world around us.
Qigong comes from many different traditions, and thus, has many
forms. Qigong is most often known as a moving meditation with
slow, gentle, mindful movements. Qigong forms also include
sitting, standing, and walking practices, sound healing and breath
practices. *

History of LCUPCD & Wisdom Healing (Zhineng)

The creator of Zhineng Qigong, Dr. Pang Ming, was trained in
Western medicine and Traditional Chinese medicine, and by nine-
teen Qigong Grandmasters and Masters. Dr. Pang took a scientific
approach to ancient Qigong wisdom to bring forth the benefits of
his studies and experience as a doctor, as well as his profound and
deep studies throughout his life. With careful study and application
of the most powerful and successful techniques, Dr. Pang developed
Lift Chi Up, Pour Chi Down Method.
LCUPCD and other Zhineng Qigong methods have been test-
ed and proven effective over years of experience with millions of
practitioners, many who have used Qigong to recover from life
threatening illnesses. Dr. Pang created the system known as Zhineng
Qigong. Zhineng Qigong literally translated means, “cultivating
wisdom energy”. It can also be translated as “wisdom healing”. Dr.
Pang recognized the need for, and thus founded, the world’s largest

Master Mingtong Gu while
in two year
Master training program
with Dr. Pang Ming

medicine-less Qigong Hospital (also known as “the Center”), where

the methods of cultivating the mind-body connection and culti-
vating energy were applied, in part as a response to those whose
diseases were not being cured by Western medicine. The Center
grew quickly and was soon recognized for teaching, healing, and
research. Thousands of people practiced together daily and many
lived at the Center for weeks at a time.
At the Center, students underwent rigorous medical assessments be-
fore beginning Zhineng Qigong and again after significant periods
of practice. The data collected demonstrated 95% effectiveness in
the methods with a full range of significant illnesses.
Master Mingtong Gu participated in the last, two-year long
Master’s Training Course with Dr. Pang in China and brings these
teachings to the West with infectious joy and vitality. Master Gu
used these methods to personally heal himself of scoliosis, asthma,
and other inherited and environmental conditions. As the founder
of The Chi Center, Master Gu carries on the tradition and deep
teachings of Dr. Pang. Master Gu teaches LCUPCD Method using
movements, sounds (vibrations), and the capacity of our conscious-
ness (visualizations). Additionally, Master Gu has amazing faculties
to unite energy that support our learning and practice by guiding
students in cultivating the mind-body connection and the blending
of inner and outer chi/energy.

Encoded Wisdom
It is not necessary, as a practitioner, to understand the complexity
of the energetic science behind the LCUPCD Method. By relaxing
into the movements and trusting the wisdom behind them, your
meridian channels, centers, and gates are activated naturally. As we
practice, our bodies intuitively balance and come into harmony.
The Qigong secrets from the ancient masters, as well as the wisdom
of modern medicine, are encoded in this one method, making it a
profound healing technology.

Energetic awareness, effective practice
To most effectively learn the physical movements of the Lift Chi
Up, Pour Chi Down Method (LCUPCD), we want to open our
perceptions beyond just the body mechanics of moving our arms
and positioning our hands. The physical movements will invite into
our bodies a fresh flow of energy, open our bodies to receive it, and
integrate this energy (chi) throughout our physical bodies, as well as
our emotional and spiritual aspects.
How you relate to the energy defines the effectiveness of your prac-
tice. To make the considerable effort that it takes to learn a new form
and also practice it consistently, we focus our training on what will
bring forth the maximum potential.

Relax and do your best

Typically, when learning something new we tense up and concentrate
hard. Here, we want to do the opposite. We want to relax our body
and mind as we learn, in a way that opens us to receive more, while
remaining engaged and connected to the techniques we are learning,
as well as observing our body’s responses and sensations.
Relaxing is the first and perhaps most important step to feel and
receive, be nourished by, and cultivate the energy (chi). One of the
great gifts of this practice is learning how to relax and receive, while
maintaining good posture and mental clarity of purpose. “Relax into
the Source Energy” is a phrase or mantra, you can repeat to yourself
Through relaxation we learn about our physical energy. By noticing
tension in our bodies, then deliberately shifting this condition, we
begin to cultivate the mind’s influence on the body’s energy. When
our mind is full of anxious thoughts and we purposefully shake
it off by going for a walk or some other manner, we honor our
body’s influence on our mind. Bringing our mind and body into
alignment through purposeful partnership opens us to a whole new
world of potential.
When we are physically tense and then relax, we feel much more
energy available to us. If we can relax while concentrating on a
problem, we will tap into new potential and creativity. Learning
how to engage fully with life and relax into the outcomes or the
circumstances is foundational to health, longevity, and happiness
because it naturally connects us to a deeper source of energy.

What do we mean by source energy?

Images on pages 9 & 10 are courtesy

of and copyrighted by Alex Grey.

What are we relaxing into?

Physical energy
We all have a sense of our personal energy as we react to the con-
ditions of our life. We know what it’s like to feel “on top of the
world” or exhausted with low-energy. These are conditioned energy
patterns that relate to the story of our life and how we hold the sto-
ries of our past in our body: what we ate, a restless night’s sleep, and
any illness or emotional conditions creating a new story for today.
This starting point is important to acknowledge and accept even as
we open to a new potential and a new relationship with this energy.
Normally, exercise takes a lot of our physical energy and we can feel
exhausted afterwards. We rely only on our physical energy and we
are limited by our training and muscular capacity. Most Qigong
movements are slow and gentle, requiring less energy and encour-
aging us to connect with a wider spectrum of energy available both
externally and internally, thus reserving and recharging our energy.

Easy, fluid motions encourage the muscles, ligaments, joints, and
organs to release any stuck energy that materializes as pain into the
flowing movements. Most have experienced the stiff, stagnant feel-
ing from a long sleep, but with some gentle movements suddenly
feeling very different inside. Our ability to keep moving is vital to
health and longevity.

Subtle Energy
Beyond the physical body we have an energy body. This energy
body does not have the same boundaries or limitations as the
physical body. When you sense a person coming up behind you,
you are feeling their energy body. When you send a smile to some-
one across the room, you are extending your energy body to greet
the other person with your happiness. Smiling or laughing is a
quick and easy way to feel the quality of energy shift in your body.
As we become aware of all sensations and all feelings arising during
our practice, we notice energy beyond the physical. Certainly we
have experienced the different qualities of energy that come with
our emotions; fear feels contracted, anger feels hot, and sorrow
feels weepy. When we feel “down”, we can think of someone we
love and feel pleasant warmth inside. We feel lighter and uplifted.
The qualities of openness, lightness, warmth, and being uplifted,
are all qualities of our inner energetic world that are key contribu-
tors to health and longevity.
Qigong uses the mind’s ability to pay attention to these subtle
shifts in our energy. In LCUPCD, our eyes are closed once we
learn the form, as this allows us to become internally engaged with
our interior world of subtle energy as well as the movements of our
bones and muscles. This use of the mind to engage deeply with the
energy circulating and being cultivated within us is one important
way that Qigong is different from ordinary physical exercise.
Through Qigong practices such as LCUPCD, we train our minds,
hearts, and bodies to connect with this subtle energy. We can first
notice and then learn to cultivate feelings of fulfillment, warmth,

and/or freely flowing energy. As we do this over and over again in
our practice, our whole sense of self shifts and expands naturally.
We have begun to train our mind to connect with energy beyond
our personality or our stories, beyond any limiting conditions of
our physical body or emotions.

Unconditional Source Energy

Our LCUPCD practice deliberately taps into the foundational
energy of all life. Available unconditionally, like the sun nourishing
all of life on the planet, this energy is available for the regeneration
of every cell within our bodies. This is the source energy we access
as we fulfill our deepest desires. Consciously choosing to connect
to and engage with this source energy is the Qigong secret. This
activation of our primal connection with source energy is another
profound aspect that distinguishes Qigong from ordinary exercises.
The movements of LCUPCD alternate between expanding into the
source energy and gathering this source energy deep inside, thus
blending our inner energy with the infinite universal energy. We
invoke a mental image of infinity when we expand our mind out
to the horizon and beyond and deep within the earth, and thus we
consciously participate energetically with the source of life creating
all life around us.
By mentally connecting inwardly to different parts of the body,
through different energy gates and along different energetic path-
ways, we are engaging with and drawing the energy deep inside
to circulate and benefit our whole being. This engagement of our
mind with the energy keeps the mind purposefully focused.

LCUPCD is training for the mind and body
The practice of LCUPCD is designed to cultivate our energetic
awareness and activate this vital energetic exchange. First, we learn
to pay close attention to the movements of our physical body. For
example, as we focus on initiating the arm movements from our
shoulders, we are paying attention to our shoulder blades. As we
begin to know what we are doing physically, we still keep our mind
engaged with the process of moving our shoulders, only now we
become aware of the feelings of opening and energy circulating
inside our chest.
This is the most important aspect in the cultivation of our practice.
Take your time and engage deeply with both the physical and ener-
getic nature of each part of the LCUPCD practice. Guidelines for
both your mind and your body will be given in upcoming chapters.
Naturally arising out of the growth of our awareness of the integral
nature of our mind, body, and energy, our continuous cultivation
opens us to the possibility and the practice of choosing and acti-
vating what we desire to experience. As this new capacity develops,
we become aware of a new level of responsiveness of our mind and
body, and also the responsiveness of the energy field. We learn to
incorporate our body’s response into our choices. Our practice
opens up our access to greater and greater energy resources that
serve and support our life and fulfill our deepest life’s purpose.
As your mind and energy follow the physical sequence of move-
ments, your body is trained to open to the free flow of energy in
and out. Learning to visualize the source energy all around and
inside you, trains the mind to guide, activate, and amplify this

The purpose of LCUPCD is to:

1) Unite the mind with chi. This happens when your energy
body is open and able to receive and integrate the exchange between
internal and external chi to amplify the life processes.

2) Use your mind to direct chi towards your purpose. This hap-
pens as you cultivate your mind’s ability to both access and direct
source energy.

Having a clear and pure purpose is essential

What do you want to heal or improve? What is the purpose behind
your desire for healing? How does your desire serve beyond your
own needs? Seeing your purpose within the context of a greater
good amplifies the energy. Additionally, the more the world ben-
efits, the greater the quality and quantity of energy that becomes
available to fulfill your desires.

Spiritual Realization
LCUPCD is the most effective practice for overall healing, as well
as awakening the energy body for spiritual development, including
paranormal ability and expanded consciousness. It is encoded with
the most important Taoist and Buddhist wisdom of becoming One
with universal consciousness. Progressing in LCUPCD can lead
to the highest levels of self-realization and is compatible with any
tradition, religion, or spiritual belief system. Spiritual development
happens naturally through the cultivation of LCUPCD and con-
scious dedication to a greater purpose of serving others.
To maximize the benefits of learning LCUPCD, please spend some
time before reading further to consider these questions and write
down your answers.

What do you want to heal or improve?

What is the purpose behind your desire for healing?

How does your desire serve beyond your own needs?

Beginning purposefully
The greatest benefits come with purposeful, consistent practice.
Purposeful: You are eager and ready; that’s why you are engaged
with this book. Your purpose is motivating your actions. Continue
to keep your personal purpose clear and allow it to drive your desire
to practice.
Consistent: Daily practice = success. Join a class or practice group
in your community or online. Share your enthusiasm with and
become accountable to a chi-buddy (a friend sharing your learning
and practice journey). Choose a particular time and place for daily
practice and schedule the rest of your day around it.
Even on days when your enthusiasm wanes or life presents the
inevitable obstacles, let your motto be; “Just do it.” Remember your
deep desire for healing, transformation, and well-being. Remember
the testimonials and read them over and over.

Choosing a place to practice

For the best results, chose a regular place (and time) to practice.
When you consistently practice in your home, the energy will ac-
cumulate there and accelerate your practice because every time you
practice you are building a chi field for your own practice in your
home. An easy way to cultivate your chi practice place is to infuse
the space with Mingtong’s voice by playing the video and/or the
audio. You will create a power practice spot with your intention and

Ideal conditions to experience the unconditional source energy:

• Quiet with no distractions.

• Comfortable temperature.
• Easy access to video and audio to support your practice.

Any place you find yourself: motel room, by a stream, in the office
break room, the chi field will be amplified and blessed by your
practice. You can bring the memory, and thus the energy, of your
quiet space at home and/or a retreat session with Mingtong, into
that location. The chi and your chi field are not limited by time or

Remembering the purpose of LCUPCD

Through the mind’s induction and the physical movements of open
and close, we expand the internal chi and collect fresh, external
chi, achieving an integration of the human being and the universe
through deliberate, diligent practice, which strengthens the body, re-
leases illness, reduces stress, increases vitality, enhances mental clarity
and emotional stability, and cultivates a stronger connection with
the universal source. ~ Mingtong Gu
As you come into your practice space and begin to shift consciously
into your time of practice, remember your personal purpose and
the benefits you desire. Remember others who have gone before
you and those practicing with you now. Recall their testimonials
and know that their efforts and your efforts are supporting each
other as you practice. Visualize your deepest desires; receive the
energy you are cultivating.
Energetically connect with your teachers and their blessings from
the collective chi field.

Getting your body ready
The Lift Chi Up Pour Chi Down Method is done standing with
your feet and legs together.
Basic Standing Posture: Stand comfortably with feet together,
knees comfortable, neither bent nor locked. Center your body over
your feet.
Everyone’s posture has evolved through habitual postures and from
conditions brought on by accidents, work, and/or play. Energy
flows most freely when the vertebrae of the spine are able to move
easily. An elongated, straightened spine lifted from the skull and
sinking at the tailbone, greatly increases the energetic benefits of
the LCUPCD Method. Study your own spine and experiment with

Here are the most common adjustments to open up your

spinal column:

• Draw your tailbone forward. Our tailbones can’t move far, so
this is done by relaxing and allowing the tailbone to drop down
while pulling your stomach in. Invite an anchored, grounded
feeling to come with this motion. This will open up the lower back
Place the fingers of one hand on your navel and gently press in.
Place the other hand on the curve of your lower back to feel the
opening of the lower back. Stabilize your core muscles to hold this
position and then return your arms to the sides.
As you practice, continue to readjust your pelvic position as need-
ed. Eventually you will be able to hold it for long periods of time
during your practice.

• Shift chin to the back. Draw your ears back as much as possible
until they are directly over your shoulders while lifting the top of
your head.

Putting the palm of one hand on the back of your neck while you
do this allows you to feel the opening up of the neck vertebrae that
results from this adjustment. Stabilize your muscles to hold this
position and return your arm to the side. As you practice, readjust
your head and neck position often. Eventually you will be able to
hold it for longer periods of time during your practice.
At the crown of the head is an energetic gate named Baihui (Hun-
dred Gathering). Often this adjustment is referred to simply as “lift
Baihui.” Baihui is our body’s portal for bringing down the energies
from the heavens into our body.

• Relax your shoulders and open your armpits. Without slouch-

ing, keep the elongation of your spine stable and relaxed. Especially
relax your shoulders, feeling your shoulder blades slide down fur-
ther on your back. You can rotate your shoulder joints a few times
and relax the joints towards the back of your shoulders.

To keep the chest open, feel an extension to either side through
your ribs. We call this “opening the armpits”. Imagine a ball (the
size of a small orange) or space under your armpits. From that re-
laxed yet engaged shoulder position, arms hang down with finger-
tips pointing to the earth (not curled inward).
To keep this good postural alignment, it is necessary to keep your
muscles and memory engaged. It is important to hold this posture
in a relaxed way, not stiff and static, but rather ready for the energy.

Getting your mind ready
Enter the state of G.R.A.C.E.: Grounded, Relaxed, Aware, Cen-
tered, and Energized.
• Grounded: ground your mind into your body, and your body
into the earth.
• Relaxed: relax your body, your heart, and your mind into the
• Aware: bring your awareness to the pure energy presence within
and around you.
• Centered: center deep within your body and connect to the entire
universe of all form and formlessness.
• Energized: feel invigorated and enlivened by the chi flowing
through your mind and body.
Make a strong personal connection with the Wisdom Healing
(Zhineng) Qigong community of teachers and students practicing
all over the world. Remember your purpose for practicing. Trust in
the practice and the universal source energy that we tap into deeply
with our practice. Visualize your physical body and energy body
whole, healthy, and happy and practicing without any limitations.

Getting your energy connected
Your personal dedication and eagerness to enter into the full poten-
tial of the practice of LCUPCD is essential.
Your connection to Master Mingtong Gu, through this book-
let, and the included video and audio is important too. Because
Mingtong has achieved a high level of realization himself through
LCUCPD you can tap into his energetic support and directly
benefit from his energetic cultivation. As you read, watch, or listen,
imagine him being with you, and tune into the energy field through
him. This way you will progress faster, beyond your own effort.
Beyond yourself and your teacher, you can connect to the larger
community of practitioners. All of the people coming together for
a unified purpose create a sustainable energy field or chi field. By
opening our heart, mind, and body to the collective energy culti-
vated and structured from the lineage of Dr. Pang Ming, and now
Master Mingtong Gu, we simultaneously connect to the cultivation
achieved by all their students and their healing journeys. Not lim-
ited by time or space, the chi field is like a collective energy bank
with unlimited withdrawals available to all those participating.
The power of the Lift Chi Up, Pour Chi Down Method chi field
is continuously accumulating with each person and each practice
magnifying the energy for everyone else. Choose to link up in these
profound ways and you can tap into greater resources of energy and
realize the effective benefits with all the other practitioners.

Setting the chi field

Any audio or video file of a practice session will guide you through
setting the chi field. If you are practicing on your own without
audio/video, learn to invoke this deeper connection with the energy
of the universe.

Come into the body posture described in greater detail above, with
your feet together and body centered. Tailbone down and in, crown
of the head lifted with chin tucked in.

Relax the entire body naturally. Look straight ahead at the horizon.
Slowly withdraw your vision inward and gently close your eyelids.

Reciting the Eight Verses is the traditional way to link with the
LCUPCD chi field.

The essential Eight Verse Mantra in English:

Head touches sky, feet stand on earth.
Body relaxes; mind expands from inside out.
Be respectful externally and quiet internally.
Heart is clear. Appearance is reverent.
Let go of any thoughts.
Mind expands into infinite space.
Feel the entire body inwardly.
The entire body is harmonized with chi, harmonized with chi,
harmonized with chi.

Feel your deep intention for healing.

Project your intention for love, compassion, and healing to the chi field.

Opening movement
Palms forward and back
In the starting position, with your hands facing your thighs, your
fingertips extended toward the earth, begin the movement. Rotate
your hands so that your palms face the wall/horizon behind you.

Connect with all that is behind you.

Flex the wrists, lifting the fingers so that the palms face the earth.

Connect with all that is beneath you.

From this position, with your wrists at the center of and paral-
lel with your legs, press your palms down and forward about the
length of your hand, keeping the wrists flexed and palms connected
to the earth.

Expand the energy into the earth. Gather the energy into your body.
Repeat this movement three times. The third time, pause with
hands at your legs as you gather energy in to your body. Extending
your fingertips energetically, rotate your hands so that your palms
face each other, each hand on the side of its respective leg.

Visualize your palms holding an energy ball.

Middle fingers point to Dantian

Slowly, arms float up diagonally in front of you, shoulder width
apart, to navel height. Bring the hands together with the fingertips
about four inches apart and thumbs and forefingers extended in the
Tiger’s Mouth position.

Visualize arms holding a ball of energy rising up from the earth.

Flex the tips of both middle fingers so that they point inward to
your navel. Pause.

Sense (visualize) the energy flowing from the universe, through your
middle fingertips, through your navel and into your Dantian. Take a
moment to receive this energy within.

Then turn your palms down and extend your fingertips toward the
horizon in front of you.

Palms face Mingmen

With arms still gently extended, circle your hands around your
body in a slow continuous movement with each hand flowing in
opposite directions at the navel level. Left fingertips scan the hori-
zon on the left and right fingertips scan the horizon on the right.

Connect with the horizon and beyond.

Continue flowing without pausing, rotating within your shoulders

so that your arms can travel as far behind you as possible. Hands
stop one hand width apart behind you. Pause with your palms
facing inward towards Mingmen.
The energy gate directly opposite your navel on your lower back is
Mingmen (Gate of Life).

Sense (visualize) the energy flowing through the Mingmen into your
Dantian. Take a moment to receive this energy within.

Middle fingers point to Dabao

There are energy gates approximately four fingers below each arm-
pit. These points are named Dabao (Big Envelop). They are often
tender when pressed.
From the Mingmen, bring your fingers upward and forward until
your middle fingers press into Dabao under each armpit, palms
facing up. Relax your shoulders and adjust your elbows. Elbows are
out to each side (not forward or back), and as possible, the back of
your hands are parallel to the earth. Do your best.

Connect with the energy of your heart center. Take a moment to receive
this energy within.

Middle fingers point to Shenji Palace
Draw your elbows back, extending your fingertips forward to the
horizon. Move your hands forward, lifting your arms slightly until
your arms are at shoulder level and fingertips are at eye level. Your
arms are almost straight. Shoulders are rotated so that your palms
can face upward.

Connect with the horizon in front of you and the heavens above you.
Curl both middle fingers slightly up and back. This is an ener-
getic suggestion directing the energy through the energy gate (see
chapter at end of book for diagrams) at the Third Eye (Yintang) and
through into the center of the brain (Shenji Palace). Pause.

Connect with the energy of the Shenji Palace. Take a moment to receive
this energy within.

To the horizon and up

Rotating your palms to face each other, begin to spread both arms
apart around to the sides, leading with your elbows. Continuously
rotating each arm so that the palms face the earth, slowly, continu-
ously, simultaneously moving and rotating. Continue rotating the
arms so that as you reach each side, arms form a straight line.

Open to the energy of the earth and the horizon.

While arms are extended in a straight line parallel to the earth, ro-
tate the palms forward then up. Fingertips extending to the horizon
on both sides.

Connect with the energy all around you in every direction infinitely.
Energetically extend your arms upwards into the blue sky on either
side of you until the hands come together, pressed above your head
and still extended.

Connect with the energy of the heavens.

Extend your pressed hands up further.

Notice and feel your body aligned between your feet and hands, and
connected to earth beneath and heaven above.

Coming down to Prayer Position

With hands still pressed together follow this sense of alignment
down to the energy gate at the crown of your head, Baihui.

Feel the heavenly energy flowing in through the top of your head.
Bring your hands diagonally forward to the front of your forehead.
Continue down leading with the wrists, about an inch or two in
front of your face. Continue down until the forearms are in as

straight a line as possible and hands are in Prayer Position about
four inches in front of your chest.

Feel the energy gathering down into your brain and heart.

Practice suggestion:
Before you try and memorize the whole LCUPCD practice, learn
just this opening sequence. It is a wonderful sequence that connects
you deeply to the energy all around and inside you.

Detail of hands in Prayer Position
Fingertips and heels of the hands are pressed together. There is a
small gap between the palms. The palms are not touching. Hands
are not pressed against the chest. As possible your forearms are par-
allel to the earth forming a straight line (modify if necessary until
flexibility increases).

Sequence I
With hands together in Prayer Position, rotate your fingertips in a
horizontal circle three times in one direction and then three times
in the other direction.

Connect with the energy of your heart center.

Connecting triangle with the horizon
Rotate wrists, fingertips forward. Extend your hands, still together,
forward toward the horizon from the chest level to shoulder level.
Pause when arms are fully extended and hands are at shoulder

Connect with the horizon and the infinite energy in front of you.

Keeping your thumb and first fingers together, open your fingers
one at a time so that your palms both face the earth. Notice the
triangle formed by your connected fingers. Now lift your hands so

your wrists are flexed and your palms are facing forward. Hands are
flexed as close to 90 degrees as possible from the arms.

Visualize a flow of energy coming to you through the triangle from the

Open the arms and hands until shoulder width apart, still at shoul-
der height. Palms both facing the horizon.

Connect with the horizon and the infinite energy in front of you.

Shoulder movements for pour chi in, gathering chi
Rotate the shoulders back then down. Straighten your wrists and
draw the hands in a few inches. Elbows drop down instead of mov-
ing out. Relax.

Pour chi in, gathering energy from the horizon into yourself.
Now extend your palms and arms forward, but not to the point
where the elbows are locked. Extend the heels of the hands keeping
your fingertips up (erecting palms).

Connect from within all the way out to the horizon.

Repeat this pouring and gathering in and expanding out using the
shoulder rotation to move the hands for three or more cycles. This
is not a big movement. Relax with the palms facing out, wrists
flexed, and arms extended.

Nourish your entire body with this energy exchange with the infinite
energy all around you.

Open arms to side

With hands shoulder width apart, open your hands and arms to
their respective sides, about two hand widths or 15 degrees.

Feel as if hands are supported by the horizon.

Moving smoothly, return hands to shoulder width apart. Keep arms
extended, palms flexed 90 degrees to arms, fingers straight and
pointing up.

Draw the sense of the infinite horizon inside you.

Repeat this opening and closing three times total.

Moving arms to both sides
With your wrists still flexed, fingertips skyward, arms extended,
slowly, evenly, move your arms to each side until they extend out in
one straight line.

Feel as if the hands are connecting with and beyond the horizon on
either side.

Pour and gather chi in, expand chi out

Initiate the pouring and gathering in movement from the shoul-
der joints by drawing your shoulder blades together, then relaxing
them down. This moves the hands in a few inches, elbows drop-
ping down. Wrists straighten as hands move in.

Gather chi from the horizon and draw chi into yourself.

Extend the center of your palms, wrists flexed, fingertips skyward,
back out to the horizon extending your arms to each side (but not
so far as to lock the elbows).

Expand towards the horizon.

Repeat this pouring and gathering in and expanding out using the
shoulder rotation to move the hands for three or more cycles. Relax
with the palms facing out, wrists flexed, arms extended to each side.
Watch the video to pick up the subtle nature of this movement.
Nourish your entire body with this energy exchange with the infinite
energy all around you.

Arms up and down

Move arms up about one hand length (15 degrees).

Connect with the heavens above.

Return arms to starting position parallel to the earth. Keep arms
extended, palms erected at 90 degrees to arms, fingers straight and
pointing up. Move up and down 3 times.

Connect with the earth below.

Lift Chi Up, then Pour Chi Down
Arms extended on each side, relax wrists and rotate palms (draw a
circle with your little finger) until palms face up towards the sky.
Lift both arms, energetically extended through the sky, until arms
are above your head. Relax your shoulders down, arms are slightly
rounded above your head, elbows pointing to the side.

Connect with the infinite blue sky and heavenly energy.

Relax with wrists shoulder width apart, palms angled diagonally

toward the top of your head, fingertips softly extended.

Feel chi flowing down from the

heavens though the top of your head,
Baihui, and through your body.
Pause for at least one cycle of
breath. Check your alignment and
adjust as needed.

Gather chi with visualization and

relaxation to the brain and body.

Moving chi down

Holding the hands with fingertips

pointing at each other, draw your hands down together to the top
of your head (Baihui). Come close to, without touching, the top of
your head.

Draw the heavenly chi down in through the Baihui energy gate.
Move hands together, palms still facing down, forward over the
forehead and down, traveling a few inches from the skin. Moving
slowly and continuously, pass the hands down in front of your face.
At your throat turn your palms to face your body, fingertips still
pointing at each other. Continue down in front of your chest.

Feel the energy sweeping and your awareness flowing down through the
interior of your body in sync with your hands’ movement.
Finish with your middle fingers pressing lightly upon your navel,
palms facing your belly. Feel the energy deep inside.

Feel the energy deep inside. Visualize a ball of energy in your Dantian.

Drawing a circle around your waist
With middle fingers, close to but not touching your body, contin-
uously pointing into the Dantian, as you circle your hands to the
back. Trace around the waist to the back to reconnect at Mingmen,
the energy gate opposite your navel in your lower back. Middle
fingers touch and point into Mingmen with palms facing your back.

Connect with your Dantian continuously. Visualize energy flowing into

Dantian from Mingmen.

Pause, checking your posture, making necessary adjustments to

align your spine.

Focus on your energetic alignment and Dantian.

Hip Circles
Release middle fingers from Mingmen. Move both hands down si-
multaneously over your buttocks and down the back of your thighs,
then your knees. Allow your knees to soften and buttocks to drop
back, squatting slightly as your hands continue down behind your
calves to your ankles. At your ankles, move your hands around,
palms facing the ground, and place on top of your feet if possible,
fingers aligned with your toes. Your chest has come close to the top
of your thighs. Relax your head and tuck your chin. If you are not
able to touch the ground with your palms, keep them facing the

Feel and guide the energy flowing between your Dantian and the earth
down through your legs.

Modified squatting position demonstrated.
Holding a comfortable squatting position, knees staying together,
focus on the hips making small circles. The circling begins forward
and down, then backward and up. Begin by putting your weight on
the front of your feet, sinking down. Then shift your weight to the
back of your feet.

Connect deeply with the earth beneath your feet.

Lift your hips and Mingmen slightly. Not so much that your knees
straighten. Stay squatted.

Connect within your Dantian deep inside.

Once again move your weight to the front of your feet, sinking
down in your squat, then back and up, repeating this cycle for a to-
tal of three times. Watching the video repeatedly will help you get this
subtle circular motion. Watch, make your best effort while practicing,
watch again, adjust your practice, then watch again taking in more
and more of this subtle movement.

Feel the connection between you and the earth beneath your feet.

While holding your body in the squatting position, turn your wrists
so that your palms face your ankles. Circle your fingertips facing
the earth around to the sides of your feet then back to your in-step.

Sense the strong connection of your feet to the earth.

Moving your fingertips to the inside of your ankles, palms facing
your legs, begin to draw your hands up over your calves. Fingertips
stay inward, thumbs traveling together up your legs. Straighten
your legs, lifting your head slowly as your hands draw up over your
knees, thighs, and groin. When your hands reach your navel you
will be standing upright.

Feel the chi flow up your legs from the earth.

Finish with your middle fingers pressing upon your navel, palms
facing your belly. Check and adjust your posture.

Feel the energy within your Dantian. Feel the earth connection nour-
ishing you. Feel your energetic alignment between heaven and earth.
From your navel, return hands to the original starting position at
your sides. Fingertips pointing toward the earth, middle fingers at
the sides of your legs. Armpits open.

Feel your body relaxed, centered, and aligned.

Sequence II
Lifting arms to the horizon
From this original starting position, slowly and smoothly lift each arm to its
respective side, until hands are shoulder height and arms are in one straight
line parallel to the earth; fingers in line with your arms.

Lift chi up from the earth and connect with the horizon all around.

Shoulder movements in pour and gather chi
Adjust your hands so that your fingertips point to the sky, and
wrists are flexed 90 degrees to the arms, palms facing the hori-
zon on each side. This is referred to as “erect hands.” Initiate the
pouring and gathering in movement from the shoulder joints by
drawing your shoulder blades together, then relaxing them down.
This moves the hands in a few inches, elbows dropping down.

Pour chi in, gathering energy from the horizon into yourself.

Extend the center of your palms, hands erect, toward the horizon
extending your arms to each side, but not so far as to lock the

From within, connect with the horizon all around you.

Repeat this pouring/gathering and expanding with your shoulder
circles for three or more cycles. Draw the hands in about the length
of one hand, before extending outward. Relax with the palms facing
out, wrists flexed, arms extended to each side.

Feel your entire body nourished as you exchange energy with the infinite
energy all around you.

Palms draw in and back

Arms still held out from your body at shoulder height, move each
hand forward (closing) about two hand widths or 15 degrees.

Feel as if your hands are supported by the horizon as energy draws


Moving smoothly, return hands to each side (opening). Repeat this
opening and closing three times.

Connect with the horizon on all sides, energy expanding outward.

Keeping arms extended, hands erect, circle both arms slowly to the
front, towards each other, until shoulder width apart, arms extend-
ing to the front.

Connect to the horizon in front and all around you.

Pour and gather chi in, expand chi out

Rotating the shoulders back then down, draw the hands in drop-
ping your elbows down. Draw in with the palms of your hands
simultaneously. Relax and allow your wrists to sink down.

Pour chi in, gathering energy from the horizon into yourself.
From the center of your palms extend forward, but not to the point
where the elbows are locked. Elbows drop down, rather than move
out to the sides.

Connect from within all the way out to the horizon.

Repeat this pouring/gathering and expanding movement using the
shoulder rotation to move the hands for three or more cycles. Relax
with the hands erect, arms extended. Watch the video to pick up the
subtle nature of this movement.

Nourish your entire body through exchanging energy with the infinite
energy all around you.

Arms up and down

Continuously extend without locking elbows, move hands upwards
about a hand’s length (15 degrees). Return hands to shoulder level,
parallel to the earth.

Connect with the heavens above and earth below as your hands move.

Lift chi up
Relax wrists. Slowly rotate hands until palms face skyward. Slowly
lift up from the horizon until your hands reach into the sky above
your head. Relax your shoulders down, arms are slightly rounded,
elbows out to each side.

Connect with the infinite blue sky and heavenly energy. Gather chi.

Pour chi down

Relax with wrists shoulder width apart, palms angled diagonally
down toward the top of your head, fingertips softly extended.

Feel chi flowing down from the heavens though the top of your head
and through your body.
Pause for at least one cycle of your breath. Check your alignment.

Feel the flow inside you from the heavens to earth.

Shenji Palace Activation
With your fingertips pointing at each other, draw your hands down
together to the top of your head (Baihui). Elbows go to each side.
Come close to but do not touch the top of your head.

Draw the heavenly chi down and in through the Baihui energy gate.
Move hands down further, palms facing your forehead, until
middle fingers can press on Yintang (the energy gate between your
eyebrows). Pause.

Connect with the Shenji Palace in the middle of your brain.

From Yintang, circle around your head with your middle fingers
close but not touching your head. Pass just above your ears, middle
fingers continuously pointing inwardly to the Shenji Palace. Then
reconnect at the energy gate, Yuzhen. Middle fingers touch this
energy gate at the center of the backside of the head, located right
under the tip of the skull, opposite from Yintang when the Baihui
is lifted.

Connect with your Shenji Palace continuously.

Palms face inward, thumbs are lower than other fingers.

Send chi into Shenji Palace from Yuzhen.

Pause, checking your posture.

Focus on your energetic alignment and Shenji Palace.

Moving down to Mingmen

Draw your hands down the cervical vertebrae, middle fingers
together, one on top of the other. Trace over (above) the spine with
your fingers, not touching your skin. Bent arms are near your ears
and elbows extend above your ears. Relax and reach down your
back as far as you can to the third thoracic vertebra. Press lightly on
your spine and pause.

Connect with your spine and heart center.

Drawing your elbows down, allow the palms of your hands to move
over and around your shoulders to the front. Your hands rotate as
they move under your armpits so that you end with the fingertips
facing up and palms facing in towards your back. Do your best.
Continue connecting with the heart center while hands travel
around the shoulders. Visualize your middle fingers reconnecting
where your fingers pressed.

Hovering your middle fingers over your spine, continue down until
middle fingers reach Mingmen.

Feel the energy flowing down your spine.

At Mingmen, press lightly. Pause. Check your alignment. Send
the chi from Mingmen to your Dantian energy center. Check and
adjust your posture.

Visualize energy flowing into Dantian from Mingmen.

Drawing a circle around your waist

With fingertips close but not touching, circle around your waist
while your middle fingers continuously point into the Dantian.
Reconnect your middle fingertips at your navel.

Connect with your Dantian continuously.

Pause, pressing lightly on your navel, palms facing inwardly.

Focus on the Dantian and your energetic alignment.
Hip Circles
Release middle fingers from navel.
Begin bending down by simultaneously moving both hands down
over your belly and groin and down the front of your thighs. Fin-
gertips point inward, traveling along, but not touching, the inside
of your legs. Thumbs near each other. Allow your knees to soften
and buttocks to drop back, squatting slightly as your hands contin-
ue down over your knees and down your calves to your ankles.
At your ankles, adjust your hands so that your palms are facing the
ground, and place on top of your feet if possible, fingers aligned
with your toes. Your chest comes close to the top of your thighs.
Relax head; do not stick your chin out or draw in too tightly. Mod-
ify if you need to find a more comfortable position.

Feel and guide the energy flowing between your Dantian and the earth
down through your legs.

Holding this squatting position, while your hips make small circles
with your hips. Begin the hip circle by moving forward and down,
then backward and up. At first your weight will be on the front of
your feet, sinking down. Then shift your weight to the back of your
feet. Lift your hips and Mingmen slightly, but not so much that
your knees straighten. Stay squatted.

Connect deeply with the earth beneath your feet. Connect within your
Once again move your weight to the front of your feet, sinking
down in your squat, then back and up, repeating this cycle for a
total of three times. Repeatedly watching the video is the best way to
learn this movement.

Feel the connection between you and the earth beneath your feet.

Drawing up the back of the legs

Holding your body in the squatting position, turn your wrists so
that your palms face your ankles. With your fingertips pointing
towards the earth, circle your hands around your feet from the
front of your toes to your anklebones. Then make a second circular
motion with each hand, fingertips meeting at the back of your feet
or Achilles’ tendon. This motion is known as “scoop chi”.

Connect deeply with the chi of the earth.

With palms facing the back of your legs, draw your hands up your
calves. Release from your squat slowly as your hands draw up be-
hind your knees, thighs, and over your buttocks to Mingmen.

Feel the chi flow up your legs from the earth.

Finish with your middle fingers pressing upon Mingmen, palms

facing your lower back. Check and adjust your posture.

Feel the energy within your Dantian. Feel the earth connection nour-
ishing you. Feel your energetic alignment between heaven and earth.

As Linling demonstrates, when we place our middle fingers on the navel
or Mingmen, the chi penetrates in to the Dantian.

Drawing a circle around your waist

With fingertips close but not touching, circle around your waist
while your middle fingers continuously point into the Dantian.
Reconnect your middle fingertips at your navel.

Connect with your Dantian continuously.

Pause, pressing lightly on your navel, palms facing inwardly. Check
and adjust your posture.

Focus on the Dantian and your energetic alignment.

From your navel, return each hand

to the original starting position.
Fingertips towards the earth, mid-
dle fingers at the side seams of your
pants in the center of your thighs.
Armpits open.

Sequence III

Lift Chi Up
Turn your palms to face partially forward and upward. Lift
your arms up diagonally.

During this upward movement, the distance between your hands
keeps increasing, with your hands the widest at shoulder level. Then
lifting higher, start to reduce the distance, as your hands and arms
continue all the way up to the space above your head, shoulders re-
lax down, wrists at shoulder width, hands diagonally facing Baihui.
Relax with arms shoulder width apart.

Lifting from the earth bring a large ball of energy up, connecting with
the horizon and then the sky.

Pour Chi Down

Slightly bend your wrists. Adjust your palms so they are angled
diagonally down toward the top of your head (Baihui), fingertips
softly extended.

Feel chi flowing down

from the heavens though
the top of your head and
through your body.
Pause for at least one
cycle of breath. Check
your alignment.

Feel the flow inside you

from the heavens to earth.

With fingertips pointing at each other, draw your hands down to
just above the top of your head (Baihui). Elbows go to each side.
Come close to, but do not touch the top of your head.

Draw the heavenly chi down in through the Baihui energy gate.
With fingertips still pointing at each other, the hands separate
and move along either side of your head down and over your ears.
Fingertips are traveling just an inch or so off your head.

Connect both sides of your brain with your Shenji Palace.

Continuously draw your elbows down until they come close to
your sides. As your hands naturally come towards your shoulders,
rotate your palms so that they face forward. Pause in front of each
side of your collarbone.

Draw the energy down to your heart center.

Sweeping hands across the horizon

Keep your left arm close to your chest. With your right arm extend
forward until arm is almost straight (elbow does not lock). Palm
stays facing forward, wrists flexed.

Connect from inside your chest with the horizon.

Relax your wrist and rotate, circling with your little finger un-
til your right palm faces left. Begin a slow, continuous sweeping
motion to the left. Hips are stabilized facing forward; torso twists
to the left as needed. At 90 degrees, when your arm has reached the
point straight off the left side of your body, without stopping allow
your fingers to form the mudra (see below).

Connect to the distant, infinite horizon.

The mudra is formed by pressing your thumb gently, but firmly,
on Zhongkui, a point on the middle pad (not joint/knuckle) of
the middle finger, which connects mind and body, chi and blood.
Continue to hold this mudra throughout the rest of the movement.
Without rotating your torso further, continue sweeping your arm
to the back holding the mudra. Circle as far as you can go behind
your body. Then release the twist in the torso and allow your hand
to travel from the back over your shoulder as your body returns to

Connect with and gather chi from the horizon behind you.

Still holding the mudra, place your right middle fingertip on a

point just under your left collarbone (clavicle), in the middle.
This energy point, as well as the one under the right collarbone,
is named Qihu. Qihu is the “gate into the chi house of the chest”.
Typically, there is a hollow spot, a dent, at this energy gate. Relax
the entire body.

Send the energy collected from the left side deep inside.

Repeat on the left side; left hand, twisting to the right side.
With the right hand still holding the mudra on Qihu, push your
left palm forward to the horizon. When arm is extended there is
a soft curve to the elbow. Turn your left palm to face to the right.
Continuously extend and sweep your arm as your torso twists to
the right.
When your left arm is 90 degrees off the body to the right, gently
press your thumb to Zhongkui on your left middle finger pad. Con-
tinue sweeping to the back until you can reach no further.

Connect from inside your chest with the horizon on the right.
Release the twist in the torso and draw your hand, still holding the
mudra, over your right shoulder. Place your middle left finger on
your right Qihu.
Now, your arms will be crossed over your chest, middle fingers in
mudra, gently touching the opposite Qihu point. Relax the entire

Send the energy collected from the right side deep inside.

Activating Qihu
While inhaling, press firmly on Qihu with both middle fingers (still
holding mudra). While exhaling, release the pressure of the middle
fingers, but keep contact with Qihu (continue to hold the mudra).
Breathe in pressing down on Qihu and breathe out releasing pres-
sure for a total of three times.

Feel the energy flow in and out.

Forming a Lotus Palm
During this next movement your wrists will stay crossed. Release
the middle fingers from Qihu and release the mudra. First, the
fingers come forward, palms up.

Feel the natural opening.

With wrists continuously touching, slide your wrists around each
other until the heels of the hands are connected and the open palms
are facing each other in the shape of a blossoming lotus flower. The
right palm has rotated to the right, and the left palm has rotated to
the left, simultaneously and symmetrically. Keep your elbows natu-
rally open and hands and elbows a few inches in front of your body.

Feel this opening and connect with your heart energy. Receive the ener-
gy within.

Prayer Position
Slowly, gently close the lotus flower and touch the fingertips togeth-
er. Fingertips and heels of the hands touch firmly, palms slightly
open. Lower your hands, pulling your wrists into an almost 90
degree angle with forearms straight into one line if possible (mod-
ify if not), approximately four inches in front of the chest. Elbows
are extended to the front slightly. Shoulders are relaxed. Relax and
adjust your posture.

Feel the connection within and without.

Completion sequence
Rotating palms, lifting up
With hands together in Prayer Position, rotate the fingers in gentle,
small horizontal circles, three times in one direction and then three
times in the other.

Connect with the energy of your heart center.

Holding hands together in Prayer Position, move them up in front

of your chest and face. Grazing the top of your forehead, allow the
heels of your hands to come right above Baihui, with fingertips sky-
ward. From this point, move straight up extending your arms fully.
Shoulders stay relaxed and upper arms come in near your ears.

Connect your heart center to the heavens.

Opening a triangle overhead and drawing down

Beginning with your little fingers, separate your fingers one at a
time, leaving just the thumbs and first fingers touching. Thus form-
ing a triangle above your head with your palms facing forward.

Feel the opening.

Continue by separating the thumbs and first fingers and lowering
your extended arms down and out to each side. Move slowly with
palms facing forward. As your hands come close to shoulder level,
slowly curve the hands around to the front while rotating the palms
Continuously moving arms and hands at shoulder level until hands
come shoulder width apart in front of you. Check and adjust your

Surround yourself in a pyramid of golden light or chi.

Sending chi into Shenji Palace through Yintang
With arms still extended, gently curl the middle finger tips back
towards your forehead. Visualize that they are pointing between
your eyebrows, sending your thoughts and energy through Yintang
to the Shenji Palace. Relax and feel the flow.

Gather the heavenly energy into your energetic brain, making it avail-
able to you for your personal transformation purposes.

Flowing into your heart
Draw your elbows back and down, palms still upward. Then move
your elbows out to each side. This will position your fingertips un-
der your armpits, palms up. Press your middle fingers into Dabao.
Pause. Relax through your shoulders, relax your fingers. Check and
adjust your posture.

Feel the energy flowing into your heart center.

Sweeping the hands around the horizons to the navel

Continue the movement, moving your hands, fingers pointing
back, palms up, behind you. Keep your hands high so they will be
at the level of Mingmen and extended as much as your flexibility

Connect with the infinite energy behind you.

Arms twist so that the palms are facing to each side, backs of
the hands facing each other, fingers straight back. Then begin to
smoothly, continuously sweep them around to the front. When
your hands and arms are at your sides, rotate your palms to face
forward. Continue the movement forward, drawing a circle around
your body at navel level.

Connect with the horizon and the infinite energy all around and in
front of you.

As your hands come close to each other in front of you, continue

drawing them in to your navel. Men will bring their left hand in
first, women their right. Stack the other hand on top of the first
so that the centers of your palms are on top of each other. Elbows
are slightly forward. Relax, check and adjust your posture. Stand
quietly; integrating for 3 to 5 minutes.

Gather the infinite energy in to your personal energy center. Concen-

trate and integrate all the energy (chi) you have just cultivated. Feel
your entire body nurtured by this healing energy.

Feel the fresh energy resources deep inside circulating throughout you:
physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally.

Feel the inner joy and peace.

Dedicate your practice

Slowly open your hands to the side. Slowly open your eyes.
Feel your entire physical body alive with energy.
Feel an Inner Smile as a result of your practice naturally filling you.
Sense the energy all around you.

Offer your gratitude

Offer your gratitude to the chi field, to all teachers, and to yourself.

Feel the “All is well” feeling.

Remember your personal desires for healing and transformation.

Dedicate your practice to benefit all life.

Rest and integrate with gentle movement or sitting for several

Notice the transformation within.

May all your heart’s desires be fulfilled!

Transcending limitations
Working with illness or painful conditions
The Lift Chi Up, Pour Chi Down Method (LCUCPD) is pres-
tigious for healing and supporting people with severe illnesses.
There are no limitations to being able to practice LUCPCD. Begin
today in whatever condition you find yourself. Any painful illness,
emotional and mental condition will benefit from your “best effort”
practice. Since so many people start from challenging conditions,
it is important to know how to best modify and support yourself as
your healing journey progresses.
Remember to begin with a clear purpose: To transform any
condition, bring unconditional source energy to it. Awaken your
condition to its potential wholeness. Bring to it high quality energy
and awareness to support transformation. Energy follows your
mind, so when you take your mind to a tumor, aching back or
heartache, the supportive energy will follow.

Quality of our mind’s attention

The quality of our mind’s attention is very important. No doubt,
you have already tried worry, fear and anxious thinking. This kind
of energy does not help the healing process. Instead, in Qigong, we
apply the quality of mind that would support an injured child, that
is, loving, gentle attention, acceptance of what has happened, and
heartfelt compassion. This kind of acceptance is foundational to the
transformation process.
When we take our mind to a painful area, we are gentle, accepting,
and sensitive to the deeper conditions causing the pain and open
to the potential of its changing nature. We also want to notice all
the support this area is receiving from the rest of our body, and the
eagerness of our whole being to come into harmony.
Any part of our being that is stuck, blocked, or contracted will
benefit from our LCUPCD practice. Gently focus on releasing and
allowing the energy of any specific area to open up and connect

with the deeper energy of the wholeness supporting the entire body.
This support is key to activating healing and realizing our larger
purpose in life.
Everything we are doing is awakening our energy body to allow
energy to flow freely and to transform any contracted state to
openness, any sense of separation to unity, and any fearfulness to
love. The movements are a continuous energetic exchange with this
wholeness, and just like our breath, they are life sustaining and life
transforming. Feel the entire energy body as one while also paying
attention to the local area that needs healing.

Universally for any disease

We intuitively know what kind of energy is healing – happy, pos-
itive, loving, grateful, generous, harmonized energy. Beyond even
positive thinking, we are activating positive energy. For a moment,
think of something that naturally brings these conditions into your
mind, body, and heart. Feel your body’s response. This is the kind
of high quality energy we want to activate to support any chal-
lenging condition. Gently smiling an Inner Smile and sending it
deeply inward as healing medicine is a valuable practice. Do this
while practicing LCUPCD to activate the highest quality energy

Specifically for your condition

Each person’s diagnosis or personal healing story is unique. What-
ever your condition, diagnosis or story, visualize energy going there.
What to visualize will depend on your condition. Gather informa-
tion, not so much about your challenging condition, but about the
optimum condition; how you want the transformation to manifest.
For example, if you have a condition of congestion in your lungs,
look for a picture of healthy lungs, or find an online video of clear
lungs breathing. Remember how it felt to breathe freely, or watch
and listen to a healthy person breathing.
Mentally absorb all this information, take it in as your potential

and send this information to your lungs as you practice. Use the
information associated with your diagnosis for the purposes of heal-
ing the condition, rather than giving more energy to the problem.
As you learn more about your condition, use that information to
support and direct your mind as it sends high quality information
to the area that needs healing for the purpose of returning to well-
ness and wholeness.

Chi Reactions
When we sincerely dedicate ourselves to a transformative practice
such as LCUPCD, we are asking for change and cultivating the en-
ergy for that change. Changing a condition that seems formidable
is naturally challenging, so accepting the roller-coaster ride when it
is happening is a very important part of our healing process.
There is a possibility that you may feel worse before you feel better.
This is a positive sign that change is occurring and new patterns are
forming in the body. We call these “chi reactions”.
A chi reaction is the discomfort felt when our imbalances are
accepting and transforming to the new energy that is flowing more
harmoniously and freely in the body. The purifying process of the
body energetically causes discomfort of the physical and even emo-
tional aspects. The most important advice is to keep practicing and
know you are not alone. Call upon the chi field of our community
for support.

Comfortably challenged physically and mentally

To receive maximum benefits, we suggest being comfortably chal-
lenged by stimulating our bodies to “do our best” with an open and
relaxed approach. Mentally, we seek a deep and focused concentra-
tion, while maintaining an open and relaxed attitude. This is the
way we activate and achieve our desires, maximize the benefits, and
receive the full potential of this powerful practice. It’s a different
sort of challenge than normal physical exercise or activity. Qigong
movements engage the mind deeply with the body’s movement
patterns, thus combining effort, desire, and concentration to bring
about true change.

Modifications for temporary limitations

While we visualize our perfection, we still accept the conditions life
brings us today. Working with our physical limitations can range
from relaxing into our pain to sitting while we practice to asking
someone to hold up our arms. Accepting ourselves exactly as we are
is an important part of our Qigong practice, so that we can activate
the new condition with loving kindness instead of resistance or

Transcending limitations
Our aim is to open our bodies to a greater flow of energy. Opening
is not about strengthening our muscles. Flexibility may decrease as
we age and our energy often gets sticky or blocked. Opening moves
us beyond physical limitations and makes more energy available.

Visualizing our bodies moving perfectly opens our energy body to
its full potential, then the physical body can catch up as it benefits
from this full flow of energy.
In this way, Qigong healing provides an important difference. Your
mind is no longer watching the body, observing its challenges and
responding to conditions, judging yourself as strong or weak, and
thinking of your limitations as permanent. Adapting your physical
movements is not compensation and modifying the movements
doesn’t mean you’ll receive fewer benefits.
Train your mind to guide the energy into its full potential by
visualizing your body moving perfectly. When using your mind
to activate change beyond your physical condition, you are ex-
ercising your energy body and activating the energy alignment,
thereby receiving the full benefits. You transcend the limitations
of the physical body by bringing more power and energy to your
body with your mind. Visualizing activates the energy. As energy
becomes stronger and stronger through your practice, it influences
your physical body and you are able to do more. For example, you
will be able to lift your arms higher and maintain positions for
longer periods of time.

Common modifications
Feet: If standing with your feet together is too intense, stand with
your feet further apart. As your practice develops, gradually bring
them closer and closer until they are touching.
Knees: If practicing with legs straight is too intense, soften your
knees. Locked knees cause stress and tension, thus blocking energy.
Our desire is to stand with straight legs without locking our knees.
Arms: How high you can lift your arms above you head or hold
them out to the side depends on your physical condition. Don’t be
concerned about any limitations in your current capacity. Visualize
your arms able to do the ideal practice. This will make more energy
available energetically through your creative mind, helping your

arms respond and become stronger and stronger.
As you learn to connect with the energy of the earth, horizon, and
sky above, and pour this energy down through your body, the en-
ergy itself will take over for your muscles. As you begin to sense the
flow of energy in and out of your being, your mind learns to natu-
rally link with and cultivate new strength and support naturally.
Bed-bound: Being bed-bound isn’t a reason to not practice. Put
on a video or audio recording, or watch someone else practice and
visualize their body as your body. Take in the fullness of the practice
without limitation. You can progress to sitting and doing a few arm
movements, and later progress to perhaps standing with someone
supporting your arms. Be creative and remember the principles to
realize your fullest potential.

Importance of integration
Unlike a conventional, physical workout where you might run out
of the gym or class, jump in your car, and go to work, Qigong is
most beneficial if you take time to integrate after your practice.
Practicing Qigong, you become aware of different dimensions of
your being, dimensions that we normally don’t consider during our
day. Awakening the spine, the brain, and the mind through the
gentle movements of LCUPCD, allows the chi to continue to flow
freely even after you finish practicing.

After practice
• You may feel less stressful and have more stamina and vitality.
• You may feel more balanced, grounded, and in tune with the
earth and heaven.
• You may experience more calmness.
• You may experience your physical condition as better or worse
from one session and yet notice that other benefits mentioned
above are creating a condition for your body and life to return to a
symptom-free condition, often progressive.

Plan a period of quiet integration

Jumping into mental or physical activity disrupts the flow and
diminishes the benefits. Be sure to plan a few minutes to sit or lie
down after practice. Align your spine and get comfortable. Try
to ensure this will be an uninterrupted time. Taking this time for
yourself will greatly benefit your health and well-being, and the
health and well-being of all those in our chi family around the

What to “do” while integrating quietly

Feel into your body. Become aware of how and where it feels dif-
ferent, feels more balanced, more in harmony, more peaceful and
healthier. Even discomfort can be a sign that you are healing.

Accept any discomfort, knowing that you’re healing on a much
deeper level, at the root cause of the discomfort.
As you did during your practice, visualize your entire body sat-
urated with the source energy, often called the Ocean of Light.
Invite each cell to drink in the pure chi. Smile to your entire being
and especially to the place that needs healing the most. Feel gentle
acceptance of your entire being. Smile to the entire world. Feel this
inner happiness fill you.
Don’t hurry. When you feel complete (perhaps after 2-10 minutes),
place your hands on top of your navel, sending pure chi to your
Dantian. Remember your intentions and dedicate your practice
purposefully in a way that feels right for you. Open your eyes to
a fresh relationship with the world around you. Arise quietly and
gently, knowing that today you can connect often with the chi field.

Developing dedication
One truly effective way to maintain your LCUPCD practice is to
dedicate your practice to someone or something, yourself included
or something, and to declare your intention to practice a specified
amount of time for a specified number of days. Traditionally we
choose one hundred days. This is called a “100-day Gong”.
Gong also refers to the abilities gained through cultivating mind
and energy. Gong can be experienced as total knowing, total
confidence, and deep power to move forward in life in spite of
any hardship or challenge we might be facing. We use a 100-day
Gong to accumulate gong. Practice builds gong and gong keeps us
To begin a Gong, first inquire inside yourself to name the outcome
you desire and the time commitment you can truly dedicate, for
example, a 22-minute Gong or a 30-minute Gong of LCUPCD.
Then decide the number of days you are prepared and committed
to practice your Gong.
To create a “habit”, a person has to repeat the same behavior over
an extended period of time. Repeating the same behavior creates
new neural pathways in our brain so our behavior becomes auto-
matic and stabilizes the accumulating benefits.
Wisdom Healing Qigong (WHQ) suggests that students commit to
a 100-day Gong. Visualize how you will look and feel after prac-
ticing LCUPCD for a 100 days, knowing that your dedication and
commitment to yourself and others is changing the world inside
and around you.

100-day Gong form

may be found on
The Chi Center website under
Teachers Blog: Resources for Students

Stages for cultivation and visualization
As we learn LCUPCD, there are natural stages to our cultivation
and perception of the chi flow. There are also natural stages to the
visualizations that we use. In each stage we have the inner and the
outer activation.
In the beginning, we relate to ourselves as a person with a physical
body who is practicing a sequence of movements with the desire
to gain vitality, reduce stress, and improve health and our sense of
well-being. Naturally, we begin with figuring out how to move our
muscles and bones and also memorizing the sequence of move-
ments. Then we begin noticing any changes, feelings, and sensa-
tions. This noticing is important in bringing forth the benefits we

Stage One:
• Activate the major muscles and joints of the body. It is good to
notice how they are moving. If they feel sticky, which is common,
relax and smile into the stickiness and this will ease the way for en-
ergy (chi) to open up these areas and circulate the healthy benefits.
Accepting your condition as it is now is foundational to a healthy
beginning practice.
• Activate a relationship with the energies that make up the uni-
verse. We begin with what we can easily relate to: the earth beneath
our feet, and the heavens above our head surrounding the planet.
We reach out to the horizon using a mental image of the ocean or a
view from a high hill. At the horizon, heaven and earth meet, so we
go there to access a sense of all the energy available to us.
As our practice develops, so does our sense of life as an interrelated
exchange of energy. As our hands reach out, we engage with the
vital life energy all around us: flowers, rivers, rainbows, mountains,
trees and sun. As our hands draw back in, we participate and nour-
ish ourselves with a flow that feels like communion.

Practice guidance and visualization for this stage:
• Give your mind a vacation (very good for your health) and prac-
tice while following along with the video. In the beginning, it is not
recommended to memorize the sequence. Instead, just relax and
copy the movements. Do your best (always our motto). Synchro-
nizing your movements with Mingtong’s or Linling’s provides you
with a strong energetic connection far beyond the physical.
• Visualize the horizon as you extend out to the front or sides.
As your arms extend up, think of the infinite blue sky. As you are
connecting with your feet, imagine your feet deep down inside the
earth. Then as you gather in, feel your bones and muscles moving.
Pay special attention to your shoulders and hips.
• Learn to relax deeply physically, emotionally, and mentally. If
thoughts, ideas and old stories come up, return your focus to the
horizon and to the bones moving in your body. Stay open to all
sensations and feelings. These are your best indicators of the quality
of energy circulating within you. Good or bad, it’s all energy and
getting it moving is your first assignment. Relaxing is key.
• Set the chi field every time you begin your practice. Follow along
as Mingtong or Linling set the chi field. Bring to mind your deep
desires for your practice, your life, and the world. Each time you
conclude your practice remember these intentions and see them
supported by all the harmonized energy from your practice.
As your practice develops you can also bring the energy into any
place you feel discomfort or that needs healing. Guide the energy
there for nourishment and transformation of the condition.
This stage of practice can last many years, or if you have done many
other types of energy movements before, you may be ready to
move to the next stage of feeling and participating with the energy
sooner. In either case, there is no hurry. The benefits are accruing
because of your intention, dedication, and practice. Many begin-
ners practicing at this stage with deep sincerity have had “miracles”
happen, while those who jump ahead of themselves miss out on
cultivating this strong foundation.
In the next stage, we cultivate the sense of ourselves as more than a
physical body of blood and bones. We sense ourselves as energy. We
sense that this energy flows within us and around us, through us
and from us. We connect the energy outside of us with the energy
inside of us and find that our skin is not a barrier. We begin to have
experiences of the infinite surrounding us and of the infinitesimal
within us.
We move from doing our practice to being our practice. We are
eager to practice because we can recognize the transformation hap-
pening and sense that we are just beginning to realize our potential
and just beginning to cultivate our capacities. And it’s true; there
is so much more than just learning the form and following the
movements through the sequence. The accumulative benefits are
becoming apparent and are seen by all around us.

Stage Two:
• Activate our personal energy body. Our emotions, our most
familiar sense of energy flowing inside of us, are just one aspect of
our energy selves. Our vitality, our sense of well-being, our sense of
fulfillment, ease, and joy are all important aspects. Our chi (life-
force energy) is all of this and more; it is the essence of being alive.
We are also cultivating the energy of our organs, hormonal system,
and all the biological functioning of the body. From an energetic
perspective our meridian channels and Five Organ System become
harmonized and balanced.
As our practice deepens, we are able to focus on our subtle energy
body expanding from within and gathering from without. Our
physical body becomes the nucleus of our energetic body. The flow
of our movements becomes a continuous exchange of inner and
outer energy.
The sense of our physical self as distinct from our surroundings
dissolves. The LCUPCD practice helps us let go of perceptions of
isolation and limitations. Judgment and resistance fall away. We
come to know our place in the universe as integrated and valuable.

• Activate our relationship with the infinite source energy. And
activate our ability to direct this energy in a positive, healing man-
ner with our mind. The deeper purpose of LCUPCD is to move
and direct chi with the mind. As the mind directs chi, the body
becomes harmonized through the cumulative benefits of our prac-
tice. This positive relationship between mind and body, infinite and
infinitesimal, is naturally shared with our loved ones and the world.

Practice guidance and visualization for this stage:

• Engage your mind with the energy. Investigate the principle
that energy follows thought. Use your mind through intentions and
visualizations to circulate the energy deep within you (infinitesi-
mally) and with all that surrounds you (infinitely). Explore the vast
capacities of your mind. Purposefully cultivate your subtle energy
body, activating visualizations such as the interior of your organs
luminous in their perfection and a column of light surrounding
your spine.
• Learn the form. Know it well enough to be able to initiate the
movements from memory and practice anywhere, anytime. Even
experiment with visualizing yourself doing the whole sequence
while lying in bed and feel the energy circulation initiated by your
mind and your body’s familiarity with the pattern.
• Release the need for reference points. You can continue to
use the horizon to expand, just move beyond that to include the
unknown, the infinite spaciousness. You can continue to visualize
your bones, just continue deeper inward to include the marrow, the
DNA, and the regeneration happening in every moment.
• Go Deeper. Use whatever comes up as a way to go deeper, in-
cluding all feelings and sensations of pain or discomfort, emotional
releases, or troublesome memories. Learn to see these as energy and
invite the old patterns to transform. Visualize and direct the energy
towards your deepest desires.

Progressing further
All directions simultaneously
As your practice develops, see if you can naturally begin to expand
out in all directions simultaneously, no longer first horizontally and
then vertically. Perceive the fullness between you and the horizon
and beyond, and the fullness between and holding together the
cells of each organ. Expand your mind’s perception from what you
have known to include the unknown. Recognize that the horizon is
only a frame of reference to support your mind’s ability to per-
ceive a much bigger existence of energy. See if you can feel into the
vastness, the expansiveness, the openness, and the freedom of the
infinite spaciousness within and all around you.

Activating the Ocean of Light visualization

The Ocean of Light*, or the Ocean of Source Energy, are two
phrases you will hear often at Mingtong’s events and retreats. As
your practice grows, your awareness will shift from an imagined
sensation to an experience of deep impact.
In the practice, your eyes are closed, and yet you know that light
surrounds you. Shift your awareness from the eyes-closed sensa-
tion of dark, to the mind’s knowing of the light. Sense the light
filling the entire space starting right from the center of your body
all the way to the horizon and beyond. This is what we refer to as
the Ocean of Light. Feel currents of this Ocean of Light flowing in
and out of you with your movements. As this awareness stabilizes
through deeper and deeper practice, the whole world of form may
be sensed in this energetically formless, flowing liquid light.
We are training ourselves how to visualize our own energy body.
LCUPCD is about awakening our deepest capacities, and through
direct experience connecting with the source energy of the universe
in everything and everywhere.

* Other expressions frequently used for the source energy: Ocean of Light, Ocean of Chi,
Hun Yuan Chi, creative source energy, infinity space, liquid light, and column of light.

Linking visualization and feeling
Visualization and feeling (or sensing) are both important steps
in the process of transformation and creation. Each supports the
other, like two legs walking, stabilizing by using one in order to
carry the other forward to a new place. Continuously become aware
of your feelings in each moment then let that go and concentrate
on your next step forward; your visualization of where you want to
be next. Together, cultivating your ability to both feel the energy
flowing and visualizing your desires, will induce the new condition
and initiate new feelings, bringing you to a new place to take the
next step towards realizing your life’s purpose.

Cultivating a sense of source energy
We have continuously suggested that you learn to become aware
of, sense and participate with what we have called Source Energy
or the Ocean of Light. This is the ultimate level of the chi field,
the wholeness or oneness. This chapter’s purpose is to guide you in
cultivating this awareness experientially.
We can have a tangible relationship with the intangible chi field by
cultivating our skills of awareness. It’s not as hard as it may seem.
Using the images above and below, you can build an energetic sense
of your own body as an integral aspect of the Ocean of Light.
It is important to proceed without judgment or self-criticism.
Experiment playfully, enthusiastically and with curiosity. In culti-
vating the mind’s capacity, don’t hurry. Relax. Expand your capacity

Meditation Image: Linling on top of the earth

Begin by using this image of the sun shining down on Linling
(Senior Assistant Qigong healer and teacher at The Chi Center and
Mingtong Gu’s wife) standing on top of planet earth, surrounded
by the ocean.
• Study the image. Instill it in your mind and memory.
• Gently close your eyes and visualize yourself or another person in
Linling’s place.
• Use your creative mind to expand this two-dimensional image
to three dimensions, like the difference between a photo and a real
person that you can walk around. In your mind, fill in the ocean,
horizon and sky all around the person you are visualizing, in front,
back and to each side. Fill in the planet beneath. Go slowly, taking
your time.
Open your eyes and look at the picture to orient yourself whenever
needed. Then close your eyes and reactivate the image. Don’t worry
about the accuracy of your visualization as you’re cultivating the
energetic presence – a sense of this visual recognition alive energet-

ically in the universe: blue sky above, light beaming down, and the
bounty of the earth beneath. You are activating your relationship with
the energy as you fill out the spaciousness.
• Relax. Place your hands on your navel. Tune in to how your body is
feeling in this moment. Taller? Straighter? Lighter? More grounded?
All these are the energetic signs of your mental concentration working
with the energy. Your visualization is helping your mind structure the
energy in a certain way and produce certain experiences.

Meditation Image: Mingtong in the column of light
• Gaze into the image of Mingtong in the column of light. Then
close your eyes and shift the image of Mingtong to an image of a
human body. See the golden light penetrating the human shape.
• When ready, use your imagination to expand the image in all
directions, transforming it into a three-dimensional image.
•Then, view this human from above, below, and all sides, one at a
time, beholding this column of light pouring down into this lumi-
nous body. Simply rest in your awareness of this energy structure.
• Now, imagine your own body in this same column with light
pouring down all around and through you. Sense the light sur-
rounding you, extending about three feet in every direction. Rest
into that visual image with all your senses activated.
• Notice your feelings. Does your body feel lighter? The more you
concentrate on the lightness, the more your body feels the lightness.
What the mind focuses on activates the body’s experience. It’s okay
if you are not seeing it; seek to feel it energetically. When finished,
rest and focus inwardly.
• Now, visualize the column of light expanding in all directions,
then dissolve the column and see just an ocean of light. Take some
time to sense it everywhere. Then, sense a human image being
created from this ocean of light, and allow that image to become
your image. Feel the light surrounding you. Feel every part of you
created from this light. The light can be fluid and sparkly or illumi-
nated. Go with what comes most naturally, whether liquidness or
• Notice the feeling of your own energy body merging, uniting,
experiencing this deeper dimension of your physical presence. This
energetic presence is always there; it is just a matter of recognizing
it and participating with it, as you learn to activate this awareness.

• If you want to step into an even larger, more cosmic sense of this
ocean of light, use this same process with the image of Mingtong
inside the Milky Way (page 9) or substitute yourself for the fetus
inside the Milky Way image on this page.
• Your head may feel tight from all this concentration. If it does, tap
on your head with your fingertips to release the energy. Normally,
we don’t train our minds to concentrate energetically. This concen-
tration is different from our concentration when working on the
computer or organizing a project. Seldom do we create an energetic
structure, rather we are responding to what comes our way. Now,
you are creating a new, strong energetic structure within your mind,
within your brain, and throughout your body.

* This material was excerpted from Empowered Healing. Further infor-

mation on Wisdom Healing Qigong energetic healing practices can be
studied in this book (or ebook) and Home Study Course 2.1 available
through The Chi Center website.

Frequently asked questions
As we learn LCUPCD, we naturally focus on doing the physical
movements the right way or the best way. Remember, our purpose
is to circulate the life force energy in and out, and to that end, right
and wrong thinking can thwart the flow. Additionally, if we hesitate
to practice because we are concerned that we are doing it wrong, we
have stopped the flow, stopped the potential benefits completely.
When you have doubts, notice your body and feel the energy flow-
ing through you. Investigate and experiment, noticing your experi-
ence energetically.
Review the course materials, and if the answers are still unclear
email and an instructor will get back to you.

Here are some of the most common questions.

1. Why do we stand with our feet and legs together? I don’t

feel balanced.
In the beginning, if you don’t feel balanced stand with the feet as
close as possible and over time, with each practice, try to bring
them closer together. The more you practice, the more balanced
you’ll feel in this position.
When we stand with our feet
together we are stimulating the
meridian channels in our legs
and making an energetic con-
nection between our right and
left legs. On an energetic level,
LCUPCD is about coming into
wholeness and uniting with the
universal source energy. We are
not focused, as other Qigong
practices are, on balancing Yin
and Yang (although that hap-
pens naturally), thus the legs are
kept together in unison.

2. My feet get all tingly and tired. Sometimes I feel a lot of
tension in my legs.
Standing still and grounding deeply through your feet during
practice takes getting used to. These feelings are natural for begin-
ning students. Make sure your weight is distributed over the entire
surface of each foot. To release the tension and pressure, gently
move your weight back and forth or lift your toes up and down a
few times.

3. What if I don’t know the movements well enough to

keep my eyes closed?
We strongly recommend keeping your eyes open as you learn the
form, the flow and energetic sense of this practice through the sup-
port of the video. The next stage of learning would be to close your
eyes when practicing with the video, peeking whenever needed.
Even when you know the practice well it is recommended to use
the video for the supportive energetic connection to Mingtong,
Linling, and the whole community around the world practicing

4. What should I do when the correct posture is painful?

What should I do if I have an injury?
Find the middle way where you are participating mentally 100
percent and modifying your body. Even if sitting, visualize that you
are standing in good posture. If one shoulder is frozen, allow that
hand to rest on your navel and participate fully with the other arm,
visualizing the relaxing arm doing all the movements. During each
practice experiment more and more with your physical capacities
and watch them grow into the perfection you have been visualizing
all along.
Even with major injuries, you can lie down, in as good alignment as
is comfortable, and watch the video and participate with your en-
tire being energetically. As we train our energy body, it is frequently
able to carry our physical body into greater capacity. Don’t allow

pain to guide you away from practice. Use the sensations of pain
to mindfully guide the healing energy generated by the practice to
the areas of your body most in need. In Qigong, our purpose is to
open the painful area to the fresh energy–whatever the cause of the

5. I have to adjust my posture a lot, especially when I do

anything with my hands over my head. Is this normal?
Yes, this is normal and very important. Most of us have to constant-
ly remind ourselves and adjust our posture. Good alignment, which
comes with good posture, is one of the keys to amplifying the ben-
efits of our practice. Even advanced students will do this over and
over again. Good times to adjust your posture are:

• Before you set the chi field or do any visualization.

• Every time you pause during the movements.
Let this sequence of adjustments become automatic: release tail-
bone down, stomach draws in, chin draws in, lift the top of your
head bringing the spine and entire body into alignment.

Anytime your arms come above your head remind yourself to drop
your shoulders, releasing your shoulder blades. Think of the shoul-
ders relaxing down to the hips and the hips relaxing down to the
feet. This relaxation is important at all levels of practice.
We want our hands to be above our head, over Baihui. If this is not
possible yet, do your best and visualize your hands as in the photo
Page 99 on the left, even as your current abilities only allow you to
hold your hands as in the photo on the right. Sometimes we think
our hands are above are head and they are really forward, look up
and check.

6. When we rotate our hands in prayer position, which

way should we turn our fingers first?
Either way to initiate the turn is appropriate. Wisdom Healing
Qigong is flexible. Either direction can initiate the circling. The
fingertips are making larger movements than the wrists, which
stay quiet while adjusting at the center of your chest. Notice too
that the palms aren’t flat against each other in Prayer Position, but
there’s a space at the center of the palms and fingers.

7. Why do we focus on the middle finger?

Our mental focus is on the middle finger only. The other fingers are
just naturally there. Pointing them into our energy centers, we are
also activating the energy of the heart.

8. When we’re pulling in, are our hands quiet or active?

The initiation of this movement happens in the shoulder so we pay
primary attention to the shoulders drawing in, allowing the elbows
and hands to follow. The entire arms and hands are fully engaged,
even when relaxed, as they draw in. The hands do not get floppy
and droop with fingertips lower than the palms. The arms and
hands stay full of the energy flowing between the horizon and the
inside of your body as the shoulders move them in and out.
It is the wrists that adjust and straighten as you draw in, then flex
firmly, erecting as you extend through the whole hand toward the
horizon. The center of your palms cup as you draw in and stretch as
you push expanding.

9. Where is this Dantian? What is it? Where is the Shenji
Palace? What is it?
The Dantian is the energetic center located behind the navel in the
center of the body. This is a central hub for the energy flow within
our bodies.

The Shenji Palace is the energetic center located in the center of

the brain. When the head is in good posture, chin in and crown
lifted, Shenji Palace is on the line between Yintang and Yuzhen.
Shen means consciousness and the Shenji Palace is considered the
gateway to the spirit.

For more detail on energy gates see a later chapter in this publication.

10. When you say source energy or infinite energy, are you
talking about God?
We are speaking about the energy that is both internal and external
that encompasses all phenomena. The universal, infinite energy
field is unfathomable, omnipresent, and omnipotent. For many,
God is the same thing. The Wisdom Healing Qigong methods
allow us to see a larger than normal picture of existence, and allows
us to focus on the external source of the creative energy field while
going deeply into the internal energy body.

11. How should we breathe as we do the movements?

We do not focus on synchronizing our breathing with the move-
ments in LCUPCD. Allow your breath to come and go naturally. If
you’re focused too much on the breathing, it’s very hard to use your
mind to visualize. Having your mind’s sensation, focus, and con-
centration on the breath can be a limitation to your visualizations
and defeat the purpose of our “mind inducing chi.”

12. Which way do we circle the hips?
The hips rotate in a small circle first forward then down, next
backward then up. In one continuous motion, move your hips
forward, taking your weight mostly to the balls of your feet, and
pressing your hands down. Your knees shift forward and down.
Heels stay on the floor. Then rotate your hips backward shifting
your body weight back to your heels. Knees go backward as well.
Follow that with a small movement up with your hips keeping your
knees always bent and together. A common mistake is to extend the
knees and lift the buttocks up. We want to concentrate on the hips
making the circular movement. The knee movement is small.

13. What is the difference between imagination and visual-
Your intention determines which is being activated. Imagination
reproduces and extends images in the mind. Visualization uses this
ability and opens to an even greater potential by connecting with
the creative capacity of source energy to create a new structure with
the mind’s creative power. The intent of visualization is to produce
positive mental images with a specific goal that can help to tran-
scend any limitation including old thinking patterns. Visualization
is a mental practice that stresses the ability to stabilize and strength-
en chi with the mind. What results is often called inner vision or
Third Eye vision. You develop the ability to both sense and feel the
reality of what you can visualize through concentration and repeti-

14. What is the most important thing to remember to

activate the chi flow?
• Put the details aside.
• Relax and do your best.
• The chi (energy) will take care of the rest.

Voices of practitioners
Learning from a book – It’s doable!
I learned LCUPCD from photos in a book in the middle of the
turmoil around Y2K (cusp of 1999-2000) as an antidote to the
energetic chaos activated around the world. This form has been
a significant part of my life and cultivation as a Qigong teacher,
Hospice Chaplain, prison Qigong instructor, and beyond. I prac-
ticed regularly for two years with great benefit before discovering an
instructor. Studying with Mingtong since 2006, LCUPCD con-
tinues to teach me and support my personal growth and healing in
magnificent ways. I am forever grateful to the deep encoded truths
I encounter while practicing. I know and teach many wonderful
Qigong forms, yet LCUPCD is the one I return to consistently for
my personal practice. ~ JudyGuma Tretheway

Relax! Let go! Connect!

When I became a student of Mingtong’s in 2005, LCUPCD was
the first practice he taught to the class. Students struggled with
every little movement, trying hard to get it right and Mingtong
would gently guide us back to the energetic of the practice, remind-
ing us over and over to relax, relax, relax. It was difficult to give up
our perfectionist ways, difficult to get out of our heads and into our
hearts and bodies. We didn’t know how to relax, even though many
of us were long-time practitioners and teachers of other relaxation
The relaxation that Mingtong was encouraging us to do went
beyond what we already perceived – we needed to really let go, trust
the universal life force/source energy/God, and connect with all life.
This was no longer an abstract concept. It was a concrete feeling in
our bodies. And we did it. We got playful. You can do it too. You
can relax, let go of the busy mind, let go of having to do it perfectly,
and let go of whatever isn’t serving you whether it’s physical, emo-
tional, or mental, so you can connect with the source of all life. The
diligent practice of LCUPCD Method makes this possible. Above
all, have fun; this is exciting. ~ Jaelle Dragomir
LCUPCD, a trusted friend
I’m often amazed that such simple movements and visualizations
can be so supportive of well-being, health and happiness. When I
started it took discipline to do the practice each day. As time went
on I could not deny the improvement in my health so I kept going.
As more time passed I began to experience the powerful healing en-
ergy getting stronger and stronger. As the years pass, I have grown
to love LCUPCD like a dear, trusted friend. I have great gratitude
to Mingtong and Dr. Pang for introducing me to this wonderful
friend. ~ Debra Chamberlin-Taylor

An amazing and valuable technology

I began my daily LCUPCD practice May 22, 2010 with a two-day
introductory workshop Mingtong gave at Spirit Rock. I had been
practicing mindfulness meditation for many years. I had taught
guided visualization to my psychotherapy clients and in workshops
for nearly as long. When I discovered LCUPCD I felt I had come
home. It not only brought my two practices together as one, it
also showed me how to bring my growing understanding of energy
medicine into my life in an organic and personally meaningful
way. Current brain research is increasingly validating the value of
visualization for health and energy. LCUPCD is an amazing and
valuable “technology” for healing and more. ~ Melanie Clark

Healing parts of me I didn’t know needed healing

I began doing LCUPCD because, according to Western medicine,
I was suffering from an “incurable, progressive” pain syndrome.
At Mingtong’s suggestion, I did LCUPCD every day for 100 days.
If I couldn’t watch the LCUPCD DVD, I just did my best effort.
During a family crisis, my sister and I collapsed into bed, sud-
denly I realized I had not yet done my LCUPCD. To my sister’s
amazement, I jumped out of bed and did it! I knew this practice
was healing my hand. What I didn’t realize at the time was how the
practice was healing parts of me I didn’t even know needed healing.

This practice is so transformational; I ended up doing a one-year
gong. LCUPCD also opened the door to a new calling for me and
I became a Wisdom Healing Qigong teacher and healer. I love
LCUPCD and you will too! ~ Rhandee Lipp

Great embrace
Lift Chi Up Pour Chi Down was the first practice and main focus I
worked with when I began with Mingtong in 2009. It feels like the
Great Mother of all the practices of this lineage, with the potential
of balancing all meridians and connecting us with all that is, like
a complete embrace. The beautiful thing about LCUPCD is that
regardless of where someone is on the path and in their cultivation,
it provides great benefit and connection, which only deepens with
more dimensions over time. ~ Cherie Goodwin Lippard

Healing for humanity

When I do LCUPCD, I often receive waves of awareness of my
personal expression in the chi field. What I mean by this is I begin
to notice more levels of how and why I move in the chi field the
way I do, informing me both of my beliefs about myself and the
world and also of my innate goodness, and parts of me I didn’t
know I had. I open to and connect with more levels of who I am.
The power of this Wisdom energy is indescribable. I think it could
and does heal everything, not just for me personally, but for hu-
manity. ~ Nancy Malloy

Supported and nurtured, plus complete remission

It was October 2010 when I first saw a DVD of Linling demon-
strating LCUPCD. The fluidity of her movements and the peaceful
smile on her face drew me in. I felt the energetics flowing and har-
monized with this living energy on my first contact with LCUP-
CD. I am now very familiar with the magic of being drawn deeper
into myself and connecting with the universal source energy. I have
continued LCUPCD as a regular practice through injuries and
health challenges. I always feel supported and nurtured as I return

to full health and mobility easily and naturally. My severe osteo-
porosis continues to improve as evidenced with each bone scan. I
notice improvement in the circulation in my legs, my autoimmune
disorder is in complete remission, and I take no prescription drugs.
I feel my daily qigong practice, including LCUPCD, is key to this
continuing healing. ~ Peter Stickney

A sense of belonging
LCUPCD offers me the most palpable feeling of my connection to
the matrix of life as I consciously nurture a reciprocal relationship
with the universe. This practice unites the natural wonder of child-
hood and a capacity to pay attention with a new somatic awareness
of opening. It acts as a catalyst that continues to teach me how to
access universal energy and how to distribute it throughout my
body. These experiences help to undermine internalized beliefs that
I am separate or limited in any way. I can access far more aliveness
than what lies solely within the boundary of my own skin. I’ve
learned how to generate an actively integrative state that stays with
me throughout my day, supporting my physical, mental and emo-
tional well-being. This gentle and profound opening to a conscious
relationship with an abundant field of energy has tremendous prac-
tical applications to support my health. Perhaps my favorite benefit
is the sense of belonging I feel when doing the practice; a heartfelt
sense of being truly home in my body while unconditionally con-
nected to and dancing with the infinite potential of a focused chi
field. ~ Sharon McCarthy

Cosmic health plan for life
I remember barely being able to hold my arms up during LCUPCD
during my first two week experience at the Walker Creek Ranch
Retreat three years ago. When I went home I continued practic-
ing LCUPCD by watching Linling on the DVD, and listening to
Mingtong’s voice guiding me for the next year. I slowly learned and
fell in love with this practice. I remember when I first experienced
the energy during the setting of the chi field. Now, I cherish the
healing field as I move through this practice daily and connect with
all practitioners and teachers. This is my meditation, my healing of
spirit, mind, and body, and my cosmic health plan for the rest of
this life!~ Susan C. Hogan

More energy, more life
Many thousands all over the world have practiced the Lift Chi Up,
Pour Chi Down Method (LCUPCD). Now you too are a member
of this powerful Qigong family dedicated to healing ourselves and
activating our personal potential. Naturally flowing from our per-
sonal practice comes our dedicated healing of the challenges facing
humanity and living in harmony with all life. As we open the scope
of our practice beyond our own personal needs, we open ourselves
to an ever increasing exchange with the energy of the world around
us. Thus, LCUPCD brings us more energy, more life.
LCUPCD focuses on bringing our bodies, our lives and our world
into a state of Oneness, in harmony from the inside out and from
the outside in. The practice cultivates all aspects of our being and
influences all aspects of our life. Blockages open. Stagnation flows.
Old stuck patterns and stories dissolve. Limitations fade away. As
our internal energy pathways and our energetic exchange with the
world around us starts to flow freely, we gain access to and are able
to participate in greater flows of energy. Thus, LCUPCD brings us
more energy, more life.
Through the practice of LCUCPD, we experience for ourselves how
the energy available to us in our life is not set and does not need
to diminish as we grow older. We realize the benefits of practice
are cumulative and ever expanding as we open beyond the finite
nature of the material world to the infinite nature of the energy
flowing through all life. Practicing with the infinite nature of life
on a consistent basis, we come to know the truth of our unity with
the infinite source energy deep in our bones. From the core of our
being we tap into the source energy creating life itself. Thus LCU-
PCD brings us more energy, more life.
One of the world’s most powerful healing technologies, LCUPCD
continues to flow out through Masters such as Mingtong Gu as
he shares the teachings of Dr. Pang Ming and the ancient wisdom
Qigong Grandmasters. Now, with the technology of the Internet
we can share the teachings and benefits easily throughout the world
and many more can have more energy, more life.

This book offers you a starting point. We have shared the basics of
the movements. We have offered suggestions for using your mind
to connect with and cultivate your relationship with the source en-
ergy and its exchange with your personal energy. Through dedicated
practice you will carry these teachings forward in new and creative
ways. As you learn to direct energy (chi) with your mind, your
health will improve, your emotions will become balanced and you
may find that your intuitive abilities increase.
The benefits of practicing LCUPCD bring about new potential in
our lives in unique ways. We often begin with one purpose in mind
and are pleasantly surprised by the unforeseen benefits that flow
forth into our families, our work, and our play. Stuck relationships
flow again. Perplexing problems find solutions. Minor problems
are seen through a new perspective. In this way, we carry on the
teachings and become the master of the energy flowing through our
lives. Having more is not the goal because, in truth, we have it all.
Master Mingtong Gu, Linling, and all of us whose efforts have
brought forth this publication, offer these teachings as our way to
amplifying the potential of LCUPCD in healing and harmonizing
the conditions of the world to bring forth peace, love, and wisdom
on both the personal and collective levels simultaneously. Together
with you, our clear dedication concentrates the source energy flow-
ing through our hearts and activates the vast potential of wisdom,
healing, and energy cultivation (Qigong). From all of us associated
with Wisdom Healing Qigong: welcome to our chi (Qi) family.
Welcome to the LCUPCD chi field. Haola! (All is well.)

Energy gates reference
Throughout this publication, we have made reference to certain
places on the body known as energy gates or energy points. While
in many ways “close” is good enough as your intention will guide
the energy, it is beneficial to be more precise as to where these gates
are located. Energetic gates are places on the body where the flow is
transmitted directly into the energy centers within our body.

Main Energy Gartes and Centers

Energy Gates and Centers referred to in this publication:
Baihui (Hundred Gathering): draw two lines from the top of the
ears up to top of the head, about ¼ inch towards back from that
Dabao (Big Envelop): the sides of the chest, four fingers’ distance
under the armpit, on midaxillary line, under sixth ribs.
Dantian (Elixir Field or Sea of Chi): Energy center mid-way be-
tween navel and Mingmen.
Mingmen (Gate of Life): at the center of low back, between second
lumbar vertebra and third lumbar vertebra, opposite of navel.
Navel: at umbilical or “belly button.”
Qihu (Chi House): Point under the center of collarbone.
Shenji Palace (Gateway to the Spirit): Energy center mid-way be-
tween Yintang and Yuzhen, and below Baihui.
Yintang (Impression Palace): the middle point between the eye-
Yuzhen (Jade Pillow): at the center of the backside of head, right
under the tip of the skull, opposite from Yintang, when the chin is
tucked and the Baihui is raised.
Zhongkui (Middle Greatness): Point on the middle pad of the mid-
dle finger that connects mind and body, chi and blood. Zhongkui
mudra is made by pressing the thumb of the same hand on this

Master Mingtong Gu
Master Mingtong Gu
An internationally recognized teacher and healer, Master Ming-
tong Gu has studied with Grandmasters in both China and Tibet.
Master Gu teaches Wisdom Healing Qigong’s movements, sound
and visualization techniques that have been time-tested throughout
history in the mystical and medical traditions in China. Mingtong
brings his joyous teachings and extensive, masterful skills to the
translation of the ancient teachings of Wisdom Healing Qigong for
contemporary times. Mingtong has trained and helped thousands
of students through the Wisdom Healing Qigong program.
Mingtong earned his MA in Mathematics from the University of
California at San Diego and then continued his training at Brandeis
and Harvard. At this juncture, Mingtong decided to pursue an
artist’s career. He earned an MFA in photography and video arts
from Ohio State University and taught at Columbus College of Art
and Design. Working as an artist and while still in graduate school,
Mingtong became especially interested in the spiritual iconography
of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism and other mystical traditions.
In that process of searching, Mingtong encountered his own cul-
ture, including Qigong, in a new light. In 1997, Mingtong re-
turned to China to learn under Qigong Grandmaster Pang Ming.

The Chi Center

In 2005, Master Gu founded of The Chi Center and Wisdom
Healing Foundation. In 2008, Master Gu, his wife, Linling and
their then 4-year-old son moved to the San Francisco Bay area.
Today, The Chi Center is located at 40 Camino Vista Clara, Lamy,
NM 87540. His teachings and healing energy have attracted hundreds
to his weekend workshops, retreats and weekly classes, including
programs at Spirit Rock Meditation Center, the Esalen Institute,
the California Institute of Integral Studies and the Institute of
Noetic Sciences.

Related resources
This book’s purpose was to introduce you to the beauty and poten-
tial of LCUPCD and to invite you to go deeper and to further ad-
vance your practice. We welcome you to our in-person retreats and
workshops to join with Master Mingtong Gu personally to further
active your practice and potential.

Local Teachers
Our Professional Training Program is building a network of quali-
fied teachers and healers around the world. Check our website for
the location of the nearest certified instructor or teacher near you.

Study Materials
Additional materials on the other forms and practices of Wisdom
Healing Qigong are available through on-line courses, DVDs, CDs
and books. Of our many resources these selections are recommend-
ed to take your LCUPCD practice to the next level and are avail-
able at our web store.

Books for further study of the principles and practices
Wisdom Healing (Zhineng) Qigong
Activate and Embody Wisdom and Energy for Health, Healing
and Happiness. Teachings by Master Mingtong Gu based on the
work of Dr. Pang Ming. Essential reading for any new or continu-
ing student wishing to deepen their understanding and practice of
Wisdom Healing Qigong.
Empowered Healing
Learn the qigong energetic healing methods and principles to
effectively realize the healing of self and others as taught in the
medicine-less Qigong hospital in China. Now available in both
print and ebook. Contains two CDs of audio teachings and practice
sessions. Available soon in the Home Study Course option with
additional video and audio supplements.

The Chi Center offers
programs for new & continuing
Qigong Students
Wellness Practitioners
Qigong Teachers

5-day to 30-day Retreats

Special Events & Classes
Weekend Workshops

On-line Opportunities
3 month and year long
Practitioner Programs
Home Study Courses
Advanced curriculum

Visit our website
for the current schedule


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