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Food Hydrocolloids for Health 1 (2021) 100038

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The safety and efficacy of xanthan gum-based thickeners and their effect in
modifying bolus rheology in the therapeutic medical management of
Enrico K. Hadde a, Brenda Mossel b, Jianshe Chen a, Sangeeta Prakash c,∗
Lab of Food Oral Processing, School of Food Science and Biotechnology, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, China
Trisco Foods Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia
School of Agricultural and Food Sciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Thickened fluids are commonly prescribed for the medical management of individuals who have swallowing
Dysphagia difficulty. However, it is not always easy to obtain the prescribed thickness consistency of thickened fluids and, a
Xanthan gum common contributor to variabilities in thickness consistency is the type of thickener selected. Xanthan gum-based
Thickened fluids
thickeners are increasingly used in commercial thickening products for management of oropharyngeal dysphagia
Liquid thickener
(OD). While less common, xanthan gum-based thickening agent in a liquid form is an alternative thickening
agent for use only under medical supervision for the management of OD. It is hypothesised that liquid thickener
is substantially equivalent in safety and therapeutic function to xanthan gum-based powdered thickener. This
systematic review aims to identify the safety and efficacy of powdered and liquid xanthan gum-based thickeners
and their effect in modifying bolus rheology in the therapeutic medical management of OD. A multi-engine
search yielded 210 non-duplicate articles of which 43 were judged to be relevant. The articles underwent detailed
review for study quality and data extraction that confirmed xanthan gum-based thickened fluids are effective in
improving the safety of swallow and reduce aspiration without increasing the prevalence of pharyngeal residue.
Additionally, xanthan gum-based thickeners are superior to starch-based because of better texture perception,
more cohesive, better stability (e.g., time or temperature) and better resistance to salivary amylase. Both forms
(liquid or powder) of thickener are clinically safe and effective in improving the swallow safety in individuals with
OD, although published clinical data supporting the safety and efficacy of liquid xanthan gum is more limited.
However, in some situations, liquid form is more suitable than powdered alternatives because it is more readily
dissolves directly in the fluid.

Introduction dysphagia (OD) contributes to reduced dietary intake, aspiration and as-
phyxiation (Atherton et al., 2007; Logemann, 1998; Vivanti et al., 2009).
Dysphagia is a complex medical condition in which patients have Swallowing is an extremely complex neuromuscular interaction in
difficulty of swallowing that affects safety, and/or quality of eating and the human body (Domenech & Kelly, 1999). The oropharyngeal swallow
drinking (Cichero et al., 2013; Hadde & Chen, 2021; Logemann, 1998; mechanism comprises of several behaviours that changes depending on
Whelan, 2001). It has been reported that dysphagia affects 8% of the bolus characteristics (e.g. viscosity and elasticity). During a swallow, the
worldwide population (Cichero et al., 2013; Clavé & Shaker, 2015). larynx closes to protect the airway and breathing briefly stops while si-
It affects individuals of all ages from infants to the elderly, with the multaneously allowing the food and liquid to enter the oesophagus. The
majority of patients being elderly who face swallowing difficulties due pharyngeal transit time generally lasts for only one second for healthy
to illness, polypharmacy and weakened reserves (Barczi et al., 2000; individuals. Individuals with OD, however, often have a longer transit
Cabre et al., 2010; Clavé & Shaker, 2015). Dysphagia has devastating time (> 3 s) (Mann, 2002) with poorly timed swallowing and breath-
consequences on both health and quality of life (Clavé & Shaker, 2015; ing may result in food materials entering the airway. This inefficient
Logemann, 1998). Malnutrition, dehydration, risk of chest infection, de- swallowing can result in impaired airway protection and residue being
pression and social isolation are common amongst dysphagia sufferers restrained in the pharynx, risking inhalation into the lungs (Cichero &
(Atherton et al., 2007). As a serious medical disorder, oropharyngeal Murdoch, 2006).

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Prakash).
Received 26 June 2021; Received in revised form 30 October 2021; Accepted 7 November 2021
2667-0259/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
E.K. Hadde, B. Mossel, J. Chen et al. Food Hydrocolloids for Health 1 (2021) 100038

Texture-modified foods and thickened fluids play a major role in clin-

ician’s treatment for dysphagia management to avoid aspiration into the
airway whilst maintaining adequate hydration and nutrition (Leonard
& Kendall, 2013; Steele et al., 2015). Thickened fluids flow more slowly
than thin liquid (e.g. water), allowing an adapted reflex response time
while swallowing (Dantas et al., 1990; Reimers-neils et al., 1994). It
should be noted that thickened fluids are not a diet of choice, but one
of safety and have become the most recommended therapeutically by
clinicians due to low cost and ease of implementation (Chen, 2009;
Logemann, 2014). While thickened fluids have a legitimate role in the
clinical management of OD, correct diagnosis of degree of swallow dys-
function and appropriate prescription of a compensatory thickness level
by suitably qualified clinicians is essential to best meet patient needs.
In addition, product access also relies on having thickeners fall under a
clearly defined regulatory status as a Food for Special Medical Purposes
Viscosity is the physical property that is highly correlated with the
’thickness consistency’. It is not yet defined that viscosity is the same as
’thickness’ as ’thickness’ is a sensory attribute (measure with visual and
tactile), while viscosity is a physical property (measure with rheometer
or viscometer). The International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initia-
tive (IDDSI) developed a standardised international terminology to de-
scribe texture-modified foods and thickened fluids for individual with Fig. 1. Structure of xanthan gum.
OD (Cichero et al., 2013). The framework consists of a continuum of 8
levels (0 – 7), where drinks are measured from Level 0 to Level 4, while
foods are measured from Level 3 to Level 7 (Cichero et al., 2017, 2020). temperature independence and resistant to salivary 𝛼-amylase (Hadde
For thickened fluids, the fluids are categorised by their ‘thickness’. For & Chen, 2019; Hadde et al., 2015a; Matta et al., 2006; Vallons et al.,
example, Level 0 is thin fluid or unmodified liquid, Level 1 is slightly 2015).
thick, Level 2 is mildly thick, Level 3 is moderately thick, and Level 4 Liquid xanthan gum-based thickener is an alternative thickening
is extremely thick. It should be noted that IDDSI does not use objective agent for use only under medical supervision for the management of
metrics. It is a subjective method to determine the thickness consistency OD. It is a xanthan gum-based thickener in liquid format, rather than in
of the fluid. The methodology is limited and not suitable for industry or conventional powdered form. The main difference between these two
research purposes. However, these techniques are specifically designed formats is that the xanthan gum in the liquid format has been pre-
for end users, such as nurses, patients or carers who have no access to hydrated, therefore it is more readily dissolved directly into the fluid.
instrumental analysis, such as rheometer or viscometer as it is simple, It is hypothesised that xanthan gum-based thickeners in a liquid format
easy to use and affordable. Typically, thickening agents such as xan- are substantially equivalent in rheological function and clinical efficacy
than gum are used to modify the thickness of the fluids. However, it is as powdered xanthan gum-based thickeners. This paper discusses the
essential to ensure that thickened fluids additionally have appropriate scope of published research exploring the safety and efficacy of xanthan
rheological properties to secure safe swallowing in individuals with OD gum-based thickeners and their effect in modifying bolus rheology in
(Cichero et al., 2000; Hadde & Chen, 2019). The use of thickeners with- the management of OD. In addition, the importance of the thickener
out taking into account rheological measurement or factors affecting the delivery format (liquid vs powder), on quality of life (QoL) factors and
rheological properties of thickened fluids, such as salivary amylase, can oral nutrition and hydration compliance are discussed.
leads to some risks for patients (Bolivar-prados et al., 2021).
Search strategy
There are several types of thickeners for OD commercially available.
Different types of thickeners impact the rheological behaviour and char-
A comprehensive literature search for literature published between
acteristics of fluids differently (Garcia et al., 2005; Hadde & Chen, 2019;
2005 and 2020 was conducted using multiple search engines, includ-
Kim & Yoo, 2018; Sopade et al., 2008a, 2008b; Sopade et al., 2007;
ing PubMed, ScienceDirect, Wiley Online and Google Scholar databases.
Waqas et al., 2017). Thus, different thickener types result in beverages
Grey literature and non-peer reviewed articles were not considered for
with different rheological behaviours. Moreover, the addition of thick-
inclusion in this review. Search terms were broadly specified with the
eners to a fluid affects differently the sensory perception of flavours.
goal of finding as much relevant literature as possible. Only original
This is due to both changes in viscosity and the variability in binding of
research articles were selected in this study. Search terms used in this
flavour compounds by the thickening moity (Matta et al., 2006). Xan-
review were “Dysphagia” AND (“Thickened fluid” OR “thickened liq-
than gum is a long chain polysaccharide composed of glucose, mannose
uid”) AND “Xanthan”. Terms were nominated by the authors based on
and glucuronic acid (Palaniraj & Jayaraman, 2011). Its primary struc-
their professional experience and following peer consultation. Fig. 2
ture shown in Fig. 1 is a linear (1 → 4) linked 𝛽-d-glucose backbone
summarises the results according to the Preferred Reporting Items for
with a trisaccharide chain on every other glucose at C-3, containing a
Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses Protocol (PRISMA-P) statement
glucuronic acid residue linked (1 → 4) to a terminal mannose unit and
(Moher et al., 2015).
(1 → 2) to a second mannose that connects to the backbone (Jansson,
Kenne, & Lindberg, 1975; Melton, Mindt, Rees, & Sanderson, 1976). It is
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
commonly used as a thickener in sauces and as an agent in ice cream to
prevent ice crystals from forming. It can also be used as a fat substitute
Articles were first identified, and duplicates removed. Studies were
that adds the ‘mouth feel’ of fat without the calories (Katzbauer, 1998).
considered for inclusion if they described a Dysphagia intervention and
Xanthan gum has increasingly become the thickening moity of choice,
met the following criteria:
displacing starch-based (e.g. modified maize and potato) in commer-
cial thickening products for the clinical management of OD because of (1) described an intervention where the thickening agent included xan-
better texture perception, more cohesive and better stability, such as than gum (including mixture);

E.K. Hadde, B. Mossel, J. Chen et al. Food Hydrocolloids for Health 1 (2021) 100038

Fig. 2. PRISMA flow diagram of the search

process used in this review.

(2) the study population was adults with an oropharyngeal dysphagia and meet the remaining inclusion and exclusion criteria. As all the arti-
diagnosis (assessment of speech language pathologist); cles described observational studies, no assessment of bias was used in
(3) articles were in English; grading the quality of evidence in the different studies.
(4) articles were published in a peer-reviewed journal; and
(5) articles were available in full-text.
Included studies
Studies were excluded from this review if:
A flow chart of study selection can be seen in Fig. 2. The search
(1) they described intervention using products that were pre-thickened;
yielded a total of 249 articles as follows: 62 articles from ScienceDi-
(2) the study population was paediatric/infant with dysphagia;
rect, 38 articles from PubMed, 55 articles from Wiley and 94 articles
(3) articles described pre-clinical animal models/studies;
from Google Scholar. After removing duplicate records, the abstracts of
(4) the study was not original research (e.g. a review article);
210 articles were screened and 138 articles excluded. Seventy-two arti-
(5) articles were off topic.
cles were deemed eligible and underwent full-text screening and were
Identified records were screened and abstracts read. The quality of appraised for quality before final inclusion in this review. Of these 72 ar-
the research was appraised by the authors and low-quality research ex- ticles, a further 32 were excluded. Articles were excluded if they did not
cluded from the synthesis. The remaining records were assessed for eli- focus on the effect of xanthan gum-based thickener. Some studies were
gibility and full texts of all eligible research was read. The set of included focused on: (1) solely the rheological properties of thickened fluids, (2)
articles underwent detailed review for study quality and data collection. the measuring technique, (3) computational model, (4) other types of
The reference lists of all the included articles were reviewed to see if ad- thickener. The remaining 40 articles underwent critical appraisal for in-
ditional articles of relevance to this review were identified. These addi- clusion in this review. The citation lists of the 40 included articles were
tional papers were included if the articles were not previously identified reviewed and an additional 3 articles were identified from citations to
in the initial search, had a relevant title, were original research articles, be included in the study.

E.K. Hadde, B. Mossel, J. Chen et al. Food Hydrocolloids for Health 1 (2021) 100038

The articles were divided into two categories: those describing a clin- cally investigated this and reported that the bioavailability of the wa-
ical outcome and those describing a non-clinical aspect. An article was ter in the fluid was unaffected by the addition of xanthan gum-based
categorised ‘clinical’ if the finding of the study described the therapeutic thickener (Hill et al., 2010). This shows that the bioavailability of
effect of xanthan gum-based thickener, including the safety of swallow, thickened water is equivalent to the bioavailability of unthickened wa-
and nutritional value of xanthan gum. An article was categorised ‘non- ter. Two studies measured the nutrient intake from thickened bever-
clinical’ if it described the advantages of xanthan gum-based thickeners ages with xanthan gum-based and starch-based thickener (Joyce et al.,
over other types of thickener in maintaining a fluid’s consistency. For 2015; Miranda et al., 2020). It was observed that fibre content is sig-
examples, temperature independence, good stabilization or, longer shelf nificantly higher in xanthan gum-based than starch-based thickener,
life. Of the included literature, 18 articles were categorised as ‘clinical’, while starch-based provides significantly more calories and carbohy-
23 articles were categorised as ‘non-clinical’ with 2 articles categorised drates than xanthan gum-based thickener. As such, xanthan-gum based
as both ‘clinical’ and ‘non-clinical’ aspect, making up a total of 43 arti- thickeners are deemed a better option for OD patients who are over-
cles included in the review. The format of the thickener(s) (powder or weight, obese, or at risk of obesity-related comorbidities. Additionally,
liquid) used in the study was also noted. Miranda et al. (2020) stated that xanthan gum-based thickener can be
seen as an important source of soluble fibre for patients and poten-
Therapeutic effect of xanthan gum-based thickener tially improve constipation. One study reported that xanthan gum-based
thickened fluids affects the drug dissolution/release which may impact
Table 1 summarises the ‘clinical’ articles included in this review and significantly on the oral ingestion of medicines (Manrique et al., 2016).
details authors, year of publication, title, and a brief summary of the
key findings. Ten of these studies specifically described the impact of Non-clinical aspect of xanthan gum-based thickener
xanthan gum-based thickened fluids on swallowing. Five studies mea-
sured the penetration-aspiration scale (PAS) of dysphagic patients us- Table 2 summarises the non-clinical articles included in this review
ing a videofluoroscopy swallow study (VFSS) and described improve- and details authors, year of publication, title, and a brief summary of the
ment on swallowing of xanthan-gum based thickened fluids without key findings. Twenty-five studies of the 43 included studies were cate-
an increased prevalence of pharyngeal residue (Bolivar-prados et al., gorised as non-clinical. Seven of these studies describe the oral sensory
2019; Leonard et al., 2014; Ortega et al., 2020; Rofes et al., 2014; perception of xanthan gum-based thickened fluids. Four of these studies
Vilardell et al., 2016). Bolivar-prados et al. (2019) reported that the report changes in the fluid’s texture when thickened with xanthan gum-
prevalence of patients with aspiration was significantly decreased when based thickener (Kim et al., 2017; Matta et al., 2006; Ong et al., 2018;
swallowing fluid at viscosity ranging from 250 mPa.s to 800 mPa.s at Vickers et al., 2015), and one study reported the sensory (taste) prefer-
50 s−1 . Furthermore, increasing bolus viscosity shortened time to laryn- ence of xanthan gum-based over starch-based thickener (Horwarth et al.,
geal vestibule closure and reduced bolus velocity. An additional study 2005). The texture of fluids thickened with xanthan gum-based thicken-
observed the absence of residual coating in the pharynx of healthy in- ers are generally preferred and are orally perceived as ‘slicker’ or ‘slip-
dividuals using VFSS when swallowing xanthan gum-based thickened perier’, rather than the more objectionable ‘grainy’ and ‘chalkiness’ de-
fluids as compared to starch-based (Hadde et al., 2019). Two studies re- scribed for fluids thickened with starch-based thickeners (Matta et al.,
ported that xanthan gum-based thickened fluids delay oral and pharyn- 2006; Ong et al., 2018). Additionally, xanthan gum-based thickened
geal transit time when swallowed (Funami et al., 2017; Mackley et al., fluids are generally preferred for their perception as less sticky in the
2013). The remaining two studies observed the improvement of oral and oral cavity as compared to starch-based (Vickers et al., 2015). The
pharyngeal residue in swallowing xanthan gum-based thickened fluids other two studies showed the possibility to discriminate xanthan gum-
using in-vitro measurement (Marconati & Ramaioli, 2020; Patel et al., based thickened fluids at different concentrations (Martinez et al., 2019;
2020). Steele et al., 2014a).
The ease of swallowing for xanthan gum-based thickened fluids
were reported in three studies. Alves and Dantas (2017) report that for Rheological characterisation of xanthan gum-based thickener
healthy individuals’ thickened water (xanthan gum-based) is more dif- Understanding the rheological properties of thickened fluid is ad-
ficult to drink than thin water which they attribute to an increase of vantageous in designing better-controlled fluids. Rheology is defined
tongue pressure required to swallow thickened fluids. However, in the as the study of fluid deformation. Important rheological parameters of
case of OD patients, Nakauma et al. (2011) and Ross et al. (2019) report thickened fluids are generally related with the flow of bolus in the pha-
that the coherent bolus of xanthan gum-based thickened fluids flows ryngeal stage (Brito-de la fuente et al., 2017). Both shear and exten-
more cohesively through the pharyngeal phase leading to a sensation of sional rheology of thickened fluids are important in swallowing (Hadde
greater ease of swallowing as compared to fluids thickened with locust & Chen, 2021).
bean gum or starch-based. Three studies observed the impact of swal-
lowing xanthan gum-based thickened fluids on swallowing parameters. Shear properties. Shear rheometers are instruments that are commonly
Two studies measured the tongue pressure generated for swallowing used in research labs to measure the shear properties of the fluid with
xanthan gum-based thickened fluids (Steele et al., 2019b; Steele et al., fundamental precision. For many years, shear viscosity has been an es-
2014b), and the other referenced parameters, such as sip volume, swal- tablished way of reporting flow properties of thickened fluids in the field
low timing, and maximum pharyngeal constriction for healthy individ- of dysphagia (Hadde & Chen, 2021). It is believed that a higher shear
uals swallowing fluids thickened with xanthan gum-based thickeners viscosity slows down the flow of bolus in the pharynx (Dantas et al.,
(Steele et al., 2019a). It was observed that the amplitude and release 1990; Namasivayam-macdonald et al., 2018), thus led to longer transit
characteristics of tongue-palate pressures applied during swallowing is time in the pharyngeal area.
increased for swallowing thickened fluids (apparent viscosities of 190 to It was suggested that fluids with relatively high shear-thinning prop-
380 mPa.s at 50 s−1 ) by 122% to 134% of the values seen when swallow- erties are more suitable for successful swallowing (Nishinari et al., 2011;
ing water (Steele et al., 2014b), however, no significant differences in Vickers et al., 2015). Five studies reported that xanthan gum-based
tongue pressure between xanthan gum and starch-based thickened flu- thickener is more shear-thinning than other types of thickener, such as
ids at similar thickness consistency were reported (Steele et al., 2019b). starch-based or guar gum-based (Cho et al., 2012; Hadde & Chen, 2019;
The hydrating capabilities of thickened fluids have been questioned Mackley et al., 2013; Park et al., 2014; Waqas et al., 2017). It is hypoth-
and a common misbelief is that the water present in thickened flu- esised that patients with OD have better controlled of the fluid in the
ids is bound and therefore unavailable to the patient as a hydrating oral when swallowing high shear-thinning fluids because the fluids are
fluid (Sharpe et al., 2007). However, only one study has systemati- more viscous at lower shear rate. At the same time, when the fluids are

E.K. Hadde, B. Mossel, J. Chen et al. Food Hydrocolloids for Health 1 (2021) 100038

Table 1
A summary of the articles included in the review for clinical category.

Author Year Title Powder or Liquid Finding

Alves & Dantas 2017 Difficulties in thickened Powder • Thickened water is more difficult to drink than thin
water ingestion in healthy water by healthy individuals. Individuals with dental
subjects. prosthesis has more difficulties to ingest thickened
water than individuals who do not use a dental

Bolivar-Prados, Rofes, 2019 Effect of a gum-based Powder • Increasing shear bolus viscosity with xanthan
Arreola, Guida, Nascimento, thickener on the safety of gum-based thickener significantly increased the safety
Martin, Vilardell, Ortega, swallowing in patients with of swallow in patients with poststroke oropharyngeal
Ripken, Lansink & Clave poststroke oropharyngeal dysphagia in a viscosity-dependant manner without
dysphagia increasing the prevalence of pharyngeal residue.

Funami, Matsuyama, 2017 In vivo measurement of Powder • Small variation of transit speed is expected when
Ikegami, Nakauma, Hori & swallowing by monitoring swallowing xanthan gum-based fluid due to its higher
Ono thyroid cartilage movement internal binding force, which can lead to greater
in healthy subjects using sensation of pharyngeal cohesiveness at increased
thickened liquid samples and concentration.
its comparison with sensory
Hadde, Cichero, Zhao, Chen 2019 The Importance of Powder • The bolus thickened with xanthan gum-based
& Chen Extensional Rheology in thickener is less elongated during swallowing than
Bolus Control during starch-based thickener, thus reducing the risk
Swallowing. fracturing into multiple boluses during swallowing
and get caught in the pharynx as residue.
• Residual coating was visible when swallowing
starch-based thickened water, but not xanthan
gum-based thickened water.

Hill, Dodrill, Bluck & Davies 2010 A Novel Stable Isotope Powder • The bioavailability of the water in the fluid was
Approach for Determining unaffected by the addition of xanthan gum-based
the Impact of Thickening thickener.
Agents on Water Absorption
Joyce, Hind & Robbins 2015 Nutrient Intake from Powder • Xanthan gum-based thickener may be advantageous
Thickened Beverages and for patients who are overweight, obese, or at risk of
Patient-Specific Implications obesity-related comorbidities because it contains
for Care lower carbohydrates than starch-based thickener

Leonard, White, McKenzie & 2014 Effects of bolus rheology on Powder • Xanthan gum-based thickener was effective at
Belafsky aspiration in patients with reducing aspiration.
dysphagia • Xanthan gum-based solutions had the lowest
Penetration-Aspiration Scale, compared with thin
liquid and starch-based solution (i.e. more effective to
reduce aspiration).

Mackley, Tock, Anthony, 2013 The rheology and processing Powder • in-vitro: Thickened fluids (xanthan gum-based) delay
Butler, Chapman & Vadillo behaviour of starch and the transport of fluid to the back of the throat.
gum-based dysphagia
Manrique, Sparkes, Cichero, 2016 Oral medication delivery in Powder • Xanthan gum-based thickened fluids have a
Stokes, Nissen & Steadman impaired swallowing: substantial effect on drug dissolution release to
thickening liquid medications facilitate oral ingestion of medicines.
for safe swallowing alters
dissolution characteristics
Marconati & Ramaioli 2020 The role of extensional Powder • in-vitro: High extensional properties of thickened fluids
rheology in the oral phase of (xanthan gum-based) lead to lower oral post-swallow
swallowing: an in vitro study residues and more compact bolus with a smoother
surface, which may suggest a lower risk of

Miranda, Breda, Cardoso, 2020 Should the Energy Powder • Fibre content is significantly higher in xanthan
Goncalves, Caldas & Ferrerira Contribution of Commercial gum-based thickeners than starch-based thickener.
Thickeners Be Considered in • Starch-based thickeners provide significantly more
the Nutrition Plan of Patients energy and carbohydrates at all consistencies than
with Dysphagia? xanthan gum-based thickener.
• Xanthan gum-based thickener may be a better option
than starch-based thickener for obese or diabetic
• Xanthan gum-based thickener can be seen as an
important source of soluble fibre for patients and
potentially improve constipation.

Nakauma, Ishihara, Funami 2011 Swallowing profiles of food Powder • Xanthan gum solutions flow as one coherent bolus
& Nishinari polysaccharide solutions with through the pharyngeal phase with smaller variation
different flow behaviors of flow velocity than locust bean gum solutions,
leading to a greater sensation of swallowing ease.

(continued on next page)

E.K. Hadde, B. Mossel, J. Chen et al. Food Hydrocolloids for Health 1 (2021) 100038

Table 1 (continued)

Author Year Title Powder or Liquid Finding

Ortega, Bolivar-Prados, 2020 Therapeutic Effect, Powder • Xanthan gum-based thickened fluids showed a strong
Arreola, Nascimento, Rheological Properties and therapeutic effect on the safety of swallow without
Tomsen, Gallegos, Brito-de alpha-Amylase Resistance of increasing pharyngeal residue.
La Fuente & Clave a New Mixed Starch and
Xanthan Gum Thickener on
Four Different Phenotypes of
Patients with Oropharyngeal
Patel, McAuley, Cook, Sun, 2020 The Swallowing Powder • in-vitro: Xanthan gum-based thickeners showed shorter
Hamdy & Liu Characteristics of Thickeners, bolus length when swallowed than starch-based
Jellies and Yoghurt Observed thickener, thus reducing the risk of post-swallow
Using an In Vitro Model residue.

Rofes, Arreola, Mukherjee, 2014 The effects of a xanthan Powder • Xanthan gum-based thickened fluid improves the
Swanson & Clave gum-based thickener on the safety of swallow without increasing the residue
swallowing function of providing a viscosity-dependant therapeutic effect for
patients with dysphagia patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia.

Ross, Tyler, Borgognone & 2019 Relationships between shear Powder • Xanthan gum solutions displayed the most suitable
Eriksen rheology and sensory oral cohesiveness relative to their perceived oral
attributes of propulsion effort, stickiness, and oral residue
hydrocolloid-thickened fluids compared to starch or carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)
designed to compensate for solutions.
impairments in oral
manipulation and swallowing
Steele, Molfenter, 2014 Variations in Tongue-Palate Powder • Xanthan gum-based thickened liquids increased the
Peladeau-Pigeon, Polacco & Swallowing Pressures When amplitude and release characteristics of tongue-palate
Yee Swallowing Xanthan pressures that are applied during swallowing.
Gum-Thickened Liquids • The use of xanthan gum-based thickened liquids is
unlikely to tax the swallowing system in terms of
tongue pressure generation requirements.

Steele, Peladeau-Pigeon, 2019 Reference Values for Healthy Powder • Reference values, such as sip volume, swallow timing,
Barbon, Guida, Swallowing Across the Range maximum pharyngeal constriction and etc. for healthy
Namasivayam-MacDonald, from Thin to Extremely Thick individuals swallowing xanthan gum-based thickened
Nascimento, Smaoui, Tapson, Liquids liquids were obtained in the study.
Valenzano, Waito & Wolkin
Steele, Peladeau-Pigeon, 2019 Modulation of Tongue Powder • No significant differences in tongue pressure
Barbon, Guida, Tapson, Pressure According to Liquid parameters were found between xanthan gum-based
Valenzano, Waito, Wolkin, Flow Properties in Healthy thickened liquids and starch-based thickened liquids at
Hanson, Ong, & Duizer Swallowing similar thickness consistency.

Vilardell, Rofes, Arreola, 2016 A Comparative Study Powder • In the VFSS assessment, penetration-aspiration scale
Speyer & Clave Between Modified Starch and score was significantly reduced with increased
Xanthan Gum Thickeners in viscosity with xanthan gum-based thickeners.
Post-Stroke Oropharyngeal • In the VFSS assessment, xanthan gum-based thickener
Dysphagia did not increase the prevalence of pharyngeal residue
which gives therapeutic advantage versus starch-based
thickener, as pharyngeal residue puts patients at risk
of post-swallow aspiration.

swallowed and undergo high shear rate, the viscosity of the fluids are consistency (Cho et al., 2012; Hadde & Chen, 2019; Mackley et al., 2013;
lowered and able to safely flow through the pharynx. A recent review Waqas et al., 2017). It can be seen in Fig. 3 that the filament break-up
by Hadde and Chen (2021) showed that the degree of shear-thinning of of thickened water with xanthan gum-based thickener in CaBER is sig-
xanthan gum-based thickened fluids are within the range of 0.16–0.39, nificantly longer than starch-based thickener at similar thickness con-
where 1 means Newtonian fluid and the smaller the value, the more sistency (shear viscosity is approximately 255 mPa.s at 50 s−1 ). This
shear-thinning of the fluid. However, there is still not enough literature suggests that the xanthan gum-based thickener is more cohesive than
evidence to specify a suitable range of shear-thinning for thickened flu- starch-based (Hadde & Chen, 2019). Nishinari et al. (2019) reported that
ids (Hadde & Chen, 2021). cohesiveness plays an important role for safe swallowing for individuals
with dysphagia. Hadde et al. (2019) reported that extensional viscos-
ity reduces the elongation of the bolus in the pharyngeal phase during
Extensional properties. A recent review by Hadde and Chen (2021) re-
swallowing, thus potentially reduced the risk of post-swallow residue
ported that shear properties of thickened fluids may dominate the de-
due to bolus breakage. Less cohesive fluids will fracture into multiple
formation within the oral cavity, but the bolus deformation within the
droplets if not swallowed efficiently, which may cause aspiration. More-
pharyngeal region could be dominantly extensional. Capillary Break-up
over, there is also a risk that some of the bolus may get caught in the
Extensional Rheometer (CaBER) is a filament thinning device that is
pharynx as residue and thus multiple swallows are required in order to
commonly used to measure the apparent extensional viscosity of thick-
clear it, which may result in muscle fatigue and increase the risk of as-
ened fluids by measuring the filament diameter of the sample during the
piration (Cichero & Murdoch, 2006). However, currently there are no
filament thinning (Hadde & Chen, 2019; He et al., 2016). Four studies
clinical studies which demonstrate the evidence of the effect of yield
reported that xanthan gum-based thickened fluids have higher exten-
sional properties (more cohesive) than starch-based at similar thickness

E.K. Hadde, B. Mossel, J. Chen et al. Food Hydrocolloids for Health 1 (2021) 100038

Table 2
A summary of the articles included in the review for quality aspect category.

Author Year Title Powder or Liquid Finding

Alves, Alves & Dantas 2017 Consistency stability of water Powder • Thickened water with xanthan gum-based thickener
thickened with maltodextrin, has good stabilisation during at least 12 h after the
xanthan gum and potassium preparation.
Barbon & Steele 2019 Characterizing the Flow of Powder • The amount of thickener needed to reach any level of
Thickened Barium and thickness on the IDDSI continuum is much lower when
Non-barium Liquid Recipes using xanthan gum rather than starch-based thickener.
Using the IDDSI Flow Test • Xanthan gum-based thickener yielded stable IDDSI
Flow Test results (i.e. stable thickness consistency)
over time, up to 3 h.

Cho & Yoo 2015 Rheological characteristics of Powder • Changes in thickness consistency during storage will
cold thickened beverages not be an issue because chilling thickened beverages
containing xanthan with xanthan gum-based thickener for several hours
gum-based food thickeners (2 – 4 h) results in stabilization of their rheological
used for dysphagia diets characterisation.

Cho, Yoo & Yoo 2012 Steady and dynamic Powder • Xanthan gum-based thickener increase the elastic
rheological properties of properties of thickened fluids
thickened beverages used for
dysphagia diets.
Garcia, Chambers, Matta & 2005 Viscosity Measurements of Liquid • The mean viscosity of xanthan gum-based thickened
Clark Nectar- and Honey-thick fluids (water, apple juice, orange juice, milk and
Liquids: Product, Liquid, and coffee) did not change from their standard preparation
Time Comparisons time to 30 min of setting time (i.e. good stability).
• Xanthan gum-based thickened fluids had the smallest
viscosity variation across the different liquids.

Garcia, Chambers, Matta & 2008 Serving Temperature Liquid • Most of starch-based and gum-based solutions
Clark Viscosity Measurements of decrease in viscosity when temperature is increased,
Nectar- and Honey- Thick with the exception of xanthan gum, with only little
Liquids change in viscosity.

Hadde & Chen 2019 Shear and extensional Powder • Xanthan gum-based thickened water is more cohesive
rheological characterization than starch-based thickened water at particular shear
of thickened fluid for viscosity at 50 s − 1 .
dysphagia management
Hadde, Nicholson & Cichero 2015 Rheological characterisation Powder • Xanthan gum-based thickened water, at a given
of thickened fluids under thickener concentration, had a consistent viscosity
different temperature, pH under different temperature and pH conditions due to
and fat contents the side chains of the xanthan gum molecular
structure protecting the backbone structure.
• Shear viscosity of xanthan gum-based thickened milk
was found to increase with increased of fat content.

Hadde, Nicholson, Cichero & 2015 Rheological characterisation Powder • Protein in the milk increased the shear viscosity of
Deblauwe of thickened milk xanthan gum-based thickened fluid.
components (protein, lactose • Minerals (e.g. calcium) in the milk slowed down the
and minerals) thickening rate of xanthan gum-based thickened fluid
due to an ionic interaction between the mineral and
the xanthan gum.

Horwarth, Ball & Smith 2005 Taste Preference and Rating Liquid • Xanthan gum-based thickener was found to be
of Commercial and Natural preferred in taste over starch-based thickener for the
Thickeners hot chocolate and fruit juice beverages.

Kim & Yoo 2018 Rheological characterization Powder • Protein-based beverage thickened with xanthan
of thickened protein-based gum-based thickener can become thicker over the
beverages under different initial 15 – 45 min after preparation.
food thickeners and setting
Kim, Hwang, Song & Lee 2017 Sensory and rheological Powder • Xanthan gum-based thickener significantly modified
characteristics of thickened sensory descriptive attributes (appearance, texture,
liquids differing and major flavour attributes)
concentrations of a xanthan
gum-based thickener
Kim & Yoo 2015 Viscosity of Powder • Increase in viscosity of xanthan gum-based
dysphagia-orientated cold-thickened beverages (orange juice and milk) over
cold-thickened beverages: setting time was observed up to 60 min after
effect of setting time at preparation.
refrigeration temperature • Water thickened with xanthan-gum based thickener
was thickened almost instantaneously.

(continued on next page)

E.K. Hadde, B. Mossel, J. Chen et al. Food Hydrocolloids for Health 1 (2021) 100038

Table 2 (continued)

Author Year Title Powder or Liquid Finding

Lee & Yoo 2020 Agglomerated xanthan gum Powder • Agglomeration of xanthan gum powders with sugar
powder used as a food binder lowered the elastic properties of xanthan gum.
thickener: Effect of sugar
binders on physical,
microstructural, and
rheological properties.
Mackley, Tock, Anthony, 2013 The rheology and processing Powder • Xanthan gum thickener has higher extensional
Butler, Chapman & Vadillo behaviour of starch and properties than starch-based thickener
gum-based dysphagia
Martinez, Vicente, Vega & 2019 Sensory perception and flow Powder It is possible to discriminate significantly amongst
Salmeron properties of dysphagia concentrations for xanthan gum-based products.
thickening formulas with The thickness consistency of xanthan gum-based fluids is
different composition increased more gradually with an increase of thickener
concentration than starch-based fluids.
Matta, Chambers, Garcia & 2006 Sensory Characteristics of Liquid • Starch-based thickeners imparted a starchy flavour
Helverson Beverages Prepared with and grainy texture, whereas xanthan gum-based
Commercial Thickeners Used thickeners gave added slickness to the beverages.
for Dysphagia Diets
Ong, Steele & Duizer 2018 Sensory characteristics of Powder Graininess and chalkiness were seen predominantly in
liquids thickened with starch-based thickened fluids, while slipperiness was
commercial thickeners to characteristic of xanthan gum-based thickened fluids.
levels specified in the The perceived viscosity of xanthan gum-based samples was
International Dysphagia Diet lower than that of starch-based samples, even though they
Standardization Initiative are in the same IDDSI level consistency.
(IDDSI) framework
Ortega, Bolivar-Prados, 2020 Therapeutic Effect, Powder • Xanthan gum-based thickener is resistant to salivary
Arreola, Nascimento, Rheological Properties and 𝛼-amylase.
Tomsen, Gallegos, Brito-de alpha-Amylase Resistance of
La Fuente & Clave a New Mixed Starch and
Xanthan Gum Thickener on
Four Different Phenotypes of
Patients with Oropharyngeal
Park, Kim, Oh, Lee, Hwang, 2014 Comparison of different Powder Xanthan gum-based thickener is more shear-thinning than
Lee & Han gum-based thickeners using a guar gum-based thickener.
viscometer and line spread The viscosity of xanthan gum-based thickener was easy to
test: a preliminary study maintain as it is not dependant on time, unlike
starch-based thickener, which was difficult to maintain due
to time dependant alteration.
Steele, James, Hori, Polacco 2014 Oral Perceptual Powder • An increase in apparent viscosity of 0.67-fold xanthan
& Yee Discrimination of Viscosity gum-based thickened liquids is detectable in the
Differences for nectar- to honey-thick range.
Non-Newtonian Liquids in
the Nectar- and Honey-Thick
Turcanu, Siegert, Secouard, 2018 An alternative elongational Powder • The elongational properties of starch-based thickened
Fuente, Balan & Gallegos method to study the effect of fluids were significantly decreased in the presence of
saliva on thickened fluids for saliva, while xanthan gum-based thickened fluids
dysphagia nutritional support remain unaffected.

Vallons, Helmens & Oudhuis 2015 Effect of human saliva on the Powder Drinks thickened with xanthan gum-based thickener were
consistency of thickened significantly less sensitive to thinning by human saliva
drinks for individuals with compared with drinks thickened with starch-based
dysphagia thickener.
Xanthan gum-based thickeners maintain their consistency
better in contact with human saliva than starch-based
Vickers, Damodhar, 2015 Relationships amongst Powder • Xanthan gum-based thickener is generally perceived as
Grummer, Mendenhall, Rheological, Sensory less thick, with less adhesive properties (stickiness,
Banaszynski, Hartel, Hind, Texture, and Swallowing adhesiveness, mouthcoating and number of swallows)
Joyce, Kaufman & Robbins Pressure Measurements of and greater slipperiness.
Waqas, Wiklund, Altskar, 2017 Shear and extensional Powder • Xanthan gum-based thickeners used for dysphagia
Ekberg & Stading rheology of commercial management are slightly more shear-thinning and
thickeners used for have higher extensional viscosities than starch-based
dysphagia management thickeners.

E.K. Hadde, B. Mossel, J. Chen et al. Food Hydrocolloids for Health 1 (2021) 100038

Vallons et al., 2015), unlike starch-based, whose breakdown by amylase

would result in decreasing viscosity and cohesiveness, thus increasing
bolus velocity. Vallons et al. (2015) stated that drinks thickened with
xanthan gum-based thickener were significantly less sensitive to thin-
ning by human saliva compared with drinks thickened with starch-based
thickener. However, changes in thickness consistency of xanthan gum-
based thickened fluids in the presence of nutrients composition (e.g.
protein, sugar, minerals, etc.) were observed in four studies. Two of
these studies reported that proteins in the milk increased the viscos-
ity of xanthan gum-based thickened fluids (Hadde et al., 2015b; Kim &
Yoo, 2018). As protein is a long-chain polymer, it is suspected the pro-
tein molecules entangles the water molecules interacting with the xan-
than gum and increasing the viscosity of the fluid (Hadde et al., 2015b).
One other study showed that the viscosity of xanthan gum-based thick-
ened milk was found to increase with increased fat content (Hadde et al.,
2015a). An explanation of this is as a result of the increased fat phase
Fig. 3. Photographic sequence of the filament break-up captured with CaBER that leads to enhanced intermolecular interactions which lead to an in-
for thickened water with (a) xanthan gum-based thickener, (b) mixture of xan- crease in viscosity (Bayarri et al., 2009).
than gum and starch-based thickener, (c) starch-based thickener at similar shear
viscosity (shear viscosity is approximately 255 mPa.s at 50 s−1 ). Adapted from
Hadde and Chen (2019). The requirement for thickening agents in patients diagnosed with dysphagia

Traditionally, thickening agents used in the management of OD have

stress or extensional viscosity on the therapeutic effect of thickening
been composed of modified starch granules where the carbohydrates
absorb water and swell, causing an acute increase in liquid viscos-
ity (Newman et al., 2016). However, research has shown that starch-
Stability of xanthan gum-based thickener based thickeners have numerous disadvantages in clinical application
Regardless of the thickening format (liquid or powder), the thicken- due to limitations, such as a decrease in viscosity due to starch set-
ing time or setting time for xanthan gum-based thickener were observed tling (Payne et al., 2012) or continued thickening beyond the desired
in six studies. It was observed that thickened water reached equilib- clinical consistency upon holding (Garcia et al., 2005). Additionally,
rium viscosity almost instantaneously (Garcia et al., 2005; Hadde et al., starch-based thickeners are often associated with a starchy taste and
2015a; Kim & Yoo, 2015). Park et al. (2014) stated that the viscosity of a grainy texture (Matta et al., 2006) making them unpalatable, which
xanthan gum-based thickener was not dependant on time due to excep- negatively impacts on compliance. Xanthan gum-based thickeners have
tionally fast setting time, unlike starch-based which was dependant on been extensively reported in the literature as better options than starch-
time. However, three of these studies reported that milk-based bever- based (Garcia et al., 2005; Hadde & Chen, 2019; Matta et al., 2006;
ages thickened with xanthan gum-based thickener can become thicker Payne et al., 2012). Xanthan gum causes liquids to increase their vis-
over the initial 15 to 45 min after preparation (Hadde et al., 2015b; Kim cosity through the development of a colloidal network, based on inter-
& Yoo, 2015; Kim et al., 2018). This is believed to be due to an ionic molecular hydrogen bonding amongst the xanthan gum molecules, in
interaction between the positively charged calcium ions binds together addition to limited polymer entanglement (Sharpe et al., 2007). This
with the negatively charged xanthan gum, and then release it slowly physical chemistry, which is distinct from starch-based thickeners, has
resulting in slowing down the thickening rate (Hadde et al., 2015b). numerous advantages in OD management, such as increased cohesive-
Stabilisation of xanthan gum-based thickened fluids after preparation ness and viscoelasticity.
was discussed in four studies. Two of these studies observed good sta- Collectively, the studies included in this synthesis clearly show the
bilisation of xanthan gum-based thickened fluids during storage for sev- advantages of xanthan gum-based thickener over other types of thick-
eral hours after preparation (Alves et al., 2017), while one other study ener used in the management of OD. From this literature review, it can
observed good viscosity stability of xanthan gum-based thickened fluids be concluded that fluids thickened with xanthan gum-based thicken-
from preparation to mealtime (30 min) (Garcia et al., 2005). The remain- ers are more effective in improving the safety of swallow (i.e. signifi-
ing study observed good viscosity stability of xanthan gum-based thick- cant reduction in PAS as compared to thin fluids) (Leonard et al., 2014;
ened fluids for 3 h post-preparation using the IDDSI Flow Test (Barbon & Ortega et al., 2020). Moreover, they reduce aspiration without increas-
Steele, 2019). Changes in thickness consistency during storage is of par- ing the prevalence of pharyngeal residue (Bolivar-prados et al., 2019;
ticular interest to the dysphagia therapist and patients in clinical prac- Rofes et al., 2014; Vilardell et al., 2016), more cohesive bolus, reduce
tice because it is common to store thickened beverages for several hours the risk of choking and aspirational pneumonia in individuals with OD.
(2 to 4 h) before consumption. In addition, fluids thickened with xanthan gum-based thickeners have
One of the main advantages of xanthan gum-based thickener over better oral texture perceptions (i.e. they are not perceived as thick and
other types of thickener (e.g. starch-based) is the ability to retain its vis- grainy but rather slippery and smooth) making them more palatable,
cosity under extreme of temperature and pH. Two studies observed the leading to increased compliance and greater hydration (Matta et al.,
effect of temperature on the viscosity of thickened fluids and showed 2006). Fluids thickened with xanthan gum are also more stable under
that xanthan gum-based thickened fluids had a consistent viscosity un- different conditions (e.g. temperature, pH, salt, saliva) than other types
der different temperature condition, unlike starch-based thickened flu- of thickeners (e.g. starch-based) typically used in the management of OD
ids which showed a decrease in viscosity when temperature is increased (Garcia et al., 2008; Hadde et al., 2015a; Lee et al., 2016; Ortega et al.,
(Garcia et al., 2008; Hadde et al., 2015a). It was also reported that the 2020). These findings are consistent with those of another systematic
viscosity of xanthan gum-based thickened fluids is unaffected at differ- review of the literature, The European Society for Swallowing Disor-
ent pH conditions (Hadde et al., 2015a). An additional three studies ders (ESSD) as published in their white paper (Newman et al., 2016).
reported that xanthan gum-based thickener is resistant to salivary 𝛼- However, Steele et al. (2015) in their comprehensive review of the lit-
amylase, suggesting that the thickness/consistency of the fluid remains erature reported a lack of conclusive evidence regarding the important
constant when it is swallowed (Ortega et al., 2020; Turcanu et al., 2018; possibility that properties of a liquid bolus other than apparent viscos-

E.K. Hadde, B. Mossel, J. Chen et al. Food Hydrocolloids for Health 1 (2021) 100038

ity, such as density, yield stress, cohesiveness, or slipperiness (to list a

few) influence swallowing physiology and function.

The importance of the form of the thickening agent for oropharyngeal

dysphagia management

Thickened fluids used in the management of OD can be thickened

with a thickening agent that is in either powdered or a liquid form
(sometimes referred to as gels) (Cichero et al., 2013). The efficacy of
altering bolus rheology using powdered xanthan gum-based thickeners
as a basic therapeutic strategy for patients with OD is well established in
the clinical literature (Bolivar-prados et al., 2019; Newman et al., 2016;
Rofes et al., 2014; Vilardell et al., 2016). However, there is an emerg-
ing body of evidence for the role of xanthan gum-based thickeners in a
liquid format in the management of OD (Tables 1 and 2). Xanthan gum-
based thickeners in a liquid format has been pre-hydrated, therefore
the thickener is more readily dissolved directly into the fluid than pow-
dered thickeners. Four of the 43 studies included in this review describe
a dysphagia intervention where the xanthan gum was in a liquid form Fig. 4. (a) Pump provided from the manufacturer for dosing. (b) Press down
(Garcia et al., 2005, 2008; Horwarth et al., 2005; Matta et al., 2006). the pump for an unbroken stream flows from the nozzle. (c) Look for the BLACK
From these studies, it can be concluded that liquid xanthan gum thicken- LINE indicating the pump as fully returned to the top to ensure an accurate
ers have a long (> 10 years) history of use in the management of OD and dosage. (d) full scoop of thickener powder.
have the same clinical efficacy as powdered xanthan gum-based thick-
eners. Garcia et al. (2008) reported that the apparent viscosity of fluids
quires less effort and muscle involvement to safely swallow the fluid
thickened with a liquid xanthan gum-based thickener was unaffected
(Stokes et al., 2013) and as the yield stress parameter is closely as-
when temperature was increased from 4 °C to 25 °C. This is consistent
sociated with the elastic behaviour of the fluid (Seo & Yoo, 2013),
with the finding of Hadde et al. (2015a) who used a powdered xanthan
greater tongue force may be required to initiate fluid flow in thicker
gum-based thickener form and reported that the apparent viscosity of
fluids (Reimers-neils et al., 1994). Furthermore, the apparent viscosity
xanthan gum-based thickened fluids remained constant over tempera-
reported for the liquid xanthan gum-based thickened water is in agree-
ture ranges tested (8 °C to 40 °C). Additionally, the oral perception of
ment with those reported by Bolivar-prados et al. (2019) for water thick-
the texture of beverages thickened with a liquid xanthan gum-based
ened with powdered xanthan gum (150 – 800 mPa.s at 50 s−1 ) that
thickener was described by Matta et al. (2006) as ‘slickness’ or ‘slipper-
demonstrated improved swallow safety. Thus, quantifying the effects of
iness’. This is equivalent to the oral perception of the texture beverages
bolus flow through the pharynx clearly demonstrated that the formula-
thickened with powdered xanthan gum-based thickener described by
tion found in liquid xanthan gum does not differ appreciably from the
Ong et al. (2018). This suggests that the form of xanthan gum (liquid or
powdered xanthan gum and food modifiers for altering the viscosity of
powder) does not influence sensory perception of thickened fluids.
fluids as part of a therapeutic strategy for management of OD. How-
Only 10% studies included in this review used liquid xanthan gum-
ever, there were no literature about the extensional properties of fluids
based thickeners. This shows that liquid xanthan gum-based thickeners
thickened with xanthan gum-based thickener. Therefore, the extensional
are not as popular choice as powdered xanthan gum-based thickeners.
properties of xanthan gum-based thickener in liquid and powdered form
Limited studies can be found that used xanthan gum-based thickener
cannot be compared.
in liquid form. Therefore, additional sources other than peer-reviewed
articles, such as other published materials (e.g. PhD thesis, poster pre-
sentation, technical reports) were also reviewed to determine the safety Advantages of liquid thickening agents for the management of
and efficacy of xanthan gum-based thickener in liquid format. oropharyngeal dysphagia
Recent review paper by Omari and Schar (2018) provided some in-
sight into the information on swallowing physiology that can be gath- Table 3 summarises the advantages and disadvantages of liquid xan-
ered using high-resolution pharyngeal manometry (HRPM). Omari and than gum-based thickeners compared to powdered xanthan gum-based
Schar (2018) reported many cases that show improved safety of swal- thickeners in the management of OD. In clinical practice, powdered
low when viscosity is increased using the liquid xanthan gum thickening thickeners are measured volumetrically using scoops provided by the
agent as part of the Standardized Bolus Medium (SBM) kit in HRPM mea- manufacturer. Due to the inherent nature of the powders, their deliv-
surement (unthickened fluid vs. extremely thick fluid) (Fig. 5). Addi- ered volumes may be significantly inaccurate as the bulk density of the
tionally, a PhD thesis from the University of Queensland (Hadde, 2017) powder is affected by the degree of packing and the degree of com-
quantified the flow profile, yield stress, and viscoelastic properties of pression in scooping. A PhD thesis from The University of Queensland
water thickened with liquid xanthan gum-based thickener to the Aus- reported that the scoop measures provided by the manufacturer is li-
tralian National Standards for thickened fluids: Level 150 (mildly thick); able from 3% up to 10% extra error (Hadde, 2017). In contrast, liquid
Level 400 (moderately thick); and Level 900 (extremely thick). The ap- xanthan gum-based thickener is measured using a manual pump system
parent viscosity decreased with an increase in shear rate demonstrating which provide a dosage rate with precision of ± 3.5% (Fig. 4).
that water thickened with liquid xanthan gum exhibits shear-thinning In 2015, a case study conducted at the Geriatric Assessment & Reha-
behaviour. Further, the dynamic moduli (i.e. G’ and G”) increased with bilitation (GARU), in Princess Alexandria hospital (Brisbane, Australia)
increasing fluid thickness, which is indicative of an increase in viscoelas- (Du Plessis et al., 2016). The study involved an assessment of the effect
tic properties with thickener concentration. These findings are consis- of liquid xanthan gum-based thickener in improving hydration and com-
tent with past research for fluids thickened with powdered xanthan gum pliance with taking thickened fluids, in patients diagnosed with OD, was
(Hadde et al., 2015a; Park et al., 2014; Sopade et al., 2007) and there- conducted with 35 nurses across three rehabilitation wards. The major-
fore it can be surmised that liquid and powdered xanthan gum have ity of nursing staff (95%) reported being satisfied with liquid xanthan
similar implications for the management of OD. For example, a lower gum-based thickener as a product and reported liquid xanthan gum-
friction coefficient value would indicate a ‘smoother’ material that re- based thickener as beneficial to patient care. Specifically, an increase

E.K. Hadde, B. Mossel, J. Chen et al. Food Hydrocolloids for Health 1 (2021) 100038

Table 3
Advantages and disadvantages in clinical application of Liquid Xanthan Gum thickeners compared to powdered Xanthan Gum thickeners.

Powdered Xanthan Thickener Liquid Xanthan Thickener

Advantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages

• Clinically efficacious (improves the More waste Clinically efficacious (improves the safety of swallow). Heavy (water)
safety of swallow). Less accurate volumetric dosing Liquid thickeners are “pre hydrated” and can completely More expensive than powders
• Most common form of commercial Can’t adjust thickness once mixed hydrate in more beverages (e.g. carbonated beverages).
thickening agent for Dysphagia Requires ABSOLUTELY dry cup Good pH, salt and temperature stability
treatment in EU Can’t add directly to beverage Able to freeze thaw
• Less expensive than liquids Short shelf life after opening Less waste
• Good pH, salt and temperature More cross contamination More accurate volumetric dosing
stability Scoop reused Can readily adjust thickness once mixed
• Able to freeze thaw Many people and hands Does not require ABSOLUTELY dry cup
Poorer Quality of Life Can add directly to beverage
Effective in fewer beverages (e.g. Long shelf life (inclusive of 12 months primary) after
carbonated beverages) opening
Can’t add directly to beverages Less cross contamination
Difficult to use outside of home No cross contact with product due to pump hermetically
More dirty dishes sealed to unit
Poor appearing and poorly carbonated No people and hands
beverages Improved Quality of Life
Easy to use outside of home
No increase in dirty dishes
Less whipped, no lumps
Quicker and simpler to use

Fig. 5. Impedance detection of pre-swallow

bolus presence. (a) Pressure topography plots
for a postextubation ICU patient being evalu-
ated prior to introduction of oral feeding. Bo-
lus presence time is defined by hypopharyngeal
impedance signal. Note with a 10 ml thin liquid
bolus (unthickened) (left) impedance detects
pre-swallow bolus presence consistent with
premature spillage. When the bolus consistency
is increased to extremely thick (3 pumps of
SBM Kit per 100 mL of a 0.9% saline solution)
(right), the pre-swallow bolus in no longer ap-
parent. (b) Graph of mean bolus presence time
for 5 and 10 ml thin liquid boluses and 10 ml
extremely thick bolus (14 women, age 19 – 79
years, using Standardized Bolus Medium Kit,
Trisco Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia). (adapted
from Omari & Schar, 2018).

in fluid intake resulting from liquid xanthan gum-based thickener us- the carbon dioxide molecules collect and form large bubbles of gas that
age was reported by 76.5% of nurses. Furthermore, 93.8% of nurses rise to the top of the liquid (Gardner et al., 2010). As a result, the thick-
reported that the liquid xanthan gum-based thickener assisted with pa- ener dissolves in the foam, thus thickening the foam instead of the liquid
tient compliance and satisfaction with thickened fluids (i.e. it increased (Hadde, 2017), making it a beverage of mixed thickness consistency un-
fluid intake and improved patient compliance as a direct result of pa- suitable for individuals with OD.
tients having significantly greater fluid choice options) (Du Plessis et al.,
2016). Hadde (2017) reported that liquid format thickener was more Summary
suitable for thickening carbonated beverages including beer than pow-
dered xanthan gum-based thickeners because it more readily dissolves This review of the literature explored the safety and efficacy of xan-
directly into the fluid. Mixing xanthan gum-based powdered thickener than gum as a thickening moity and its effect in modifying bolus rhe-
with carbonated beverages is difficult as a significant amount of foam is ology in the therapeutic medical management of oropharyngeal dys-
produced due to nucleation as the thickener powder is added and stirred phagia. Synthesis of the included literature found that xanthan gum-
(necessarily) vigorously. Small powder particles provide surfaces where based thickened fluids are effective in improving the safety of swallow

E.K. Hadde, B. Mossel, J. Chen et al. Food Hydrocolloids for Health 1 (2021) 100038

and reduce aspiration without negatively increasing the prevalence of References

pharyngeal residue in individuals with OD. Furthermore, this review
has demonstrated that xanthan gum-based thickeners have numerous Alves, D. C., Alves, N. A., & Dantas, R. O. (2017). Consistency stability of water thickened
with maltodextrin, xanthan gum and potassium chloride. Journal of Texture Studies,
clinical advantages over starch-based thickeners for the management of 48, 530–533.
OD. Specifically, they offer preferred oral perceptions of texture, form Alves, D. C., & Dantas, R. O. (2017). Difficulties in thickened water ingestion in healthy
a more cohesive bolus (i.e. less fragmented and thus reduce the risk of subjects. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 22, 107–111.
Atherton, M., Bellis-Smith, N., Cichero, J. A. Y., & Suter, M. (2007). Texture-modified foods
small fragmented liquid particles being aspirated into the lungs) and and thickened fluids as used for individuals with dysphagia: Australian standardised
have better stability to wider conditions common to food and beverage labels and definitions. Nutrition & Dietetics, 64, S53–S76.
vehicles, such as temperature, pH and are resistance to amylase present Barbon, C. E. A., & Steele, C. M. (2019). Characterizing the flow of thickened barium and
non-barium liquid recipes using the IDDSI flow test. Dysphagia: Dedicated to advancing
in saliva.
the art and science of deglutology, 34, 73.
One important thing to note that the advantages and the disadvan- Barczi, S. R., Sullivan, P. A., & Robbins, J. A. (2000). How should dysphagia care of older
tages of powdered and liquid xanthan thickeners described in this re- adults differ? Establishing optimal practice patterns. Seminars in speech and language,
21, 0347–0364.
view were not derived from peer-reviewed articles, but from other pub-
Bayarri, S., Dolz, M., & Hernández, M. J. (2009). Effect of carboxymethyl cellulose con-
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into the fluid. In addition, liquid thickeners are more accurate and hy- Cichero, J. Y., Steele, C., Duivestein, J., Clavé, P., Chen, J., Kayashita, J., & mur-
gienic than powdered thickeners as the scoop used to measure the pow- ray, J. (2013). The need for international terminology and definitions for texture–
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review used conventional powdered xanthan gum-based thickeners, ap- ceedings of the national conference of speech pathology Australia poster presentation Pre-
sented at. Australia: Perth May 15-18, 2016.
proximately 10% studies included in this review used liquid xanthan Funami, T., Matsuyama, S., Ikegami, A., Nakauma, M., Hori, K., & Ono, T. (2017). In vivo
gum-based thickeners. Future studies may be required to validate the measurement of swallowing by monitoring thyroid cartilage movement in healthy
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life and oral nutrition and hydration compliance factors. Garcia, J. M., Chambers, E., Matta, Z., & Clark, M. (2005). Viscosity measurements of
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Gardner, R., Goodstein, M. P., & Rybolt, T. R. (2010). Ace your physical science project:
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial Great science fair ideas. Berkeley Heights, N.J.: Enslow Publishers.
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence Hadde, E. K., & Chen, J. (2019). Shear and extensional rheological characterization of
the work reported in this paper. thickened fluid for dysphagia management. Journal of Food Engineering, 245, 18–23.
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Hadde, E. K., Nicholson, T. M., & Cichero, J. A. Y. (2015a). Rheological characterisation
The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support from of thickened fluids under different temperature, pH and fat contents. Nutrition & Food
Science, 45, 270–285.
Trisco Foods Pty Ltd. The authors also gratefully acknowledge San-
Hadde, E. K., Nicholson, T. M., Cichero, J. A. Y., & Deblauwe, C. (2015b). Rheological
tage Keighley for her insightful comments offered during review of this characterisation of thickened milk components (protein, lactose and minerals). Jour-
manuscript. nal of Food Engineering, 166, 263–267.

E.K. Hadde, B. Mossel, J. Chen et al. Food Hydrocolloids for Health 1 (2021) 100038

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