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Bill of Quantity (BOQ)

Information for (BOQ)

Issue Date of BOQ: 21/11/19
Contractor Name: Md. Golam Mawla.
Client Name: Ms. Ayesha Nazrul Chowdhury.
Number of story of the building: 05(Five)
Building type: Residential
Dag No.: S.A-152, R.S-216.
Khatian No.: S.A-49, R.S-19; J.L No.27.
Amount of Land: 05 katha
Ward: 19,
Mouza: Naga,
Police Station: Joydevpur,
District: Gazipur

(Legal Disclaimer: This Bill of Quantity covers

all the platforms included like Civil Work,
Sanitary Work, Electrification and Other works)


Part Description Amount
Part-A Foundation and up to PL 2582209.90
Part-C Sanitary & Plumbing Works 2779720.00
Part-D Electrification & other work 4020265.00
Part-E Utility 450000.00
Total Cost 28525336.60
Per SFT Cost 1882.74


(Engineer In-Charge)
Sn. Scheduled
Unit Amount in
No. Description of Items Quantity
rate Taka
A Foundation and up to PL
01 Site Preparation & Dismantling Work
"Preparation of work site including cleaning
removing of spoils of undesirable materials if any , LS 1 70,000 70,000
including providing proper layout for building and
piles etc.
02 Earth work excavation.(UGWER only)
Earth work in excavation in all kinds of soil for
foundation trenches including. layout, providing
center lines, local bench-mark pillars, leveling,
ramming and preparing the base, fixing bamboo spikes
and marking layout with chalk powder, providing
necessary tools and plants, protecting and
maintaining the trench dry etc., stacking, cleaning Cum 47.572 270 12844.40
the excavated earth at a safe distance out of the
area enclosed by the layout etc. all complete and
accepted by the Engineer, subject to submit method
statement of carrying out excavation work to the
Engineer for approval. However, Engineer’s approval
shall not relieve the contractor of his
responsibilities and obligations under the contract.
03 Earth filling with earth available at site
Earth filling in foundation trenches and plinth in
150 mm layers with carted earth carried by truck or
any other means loading and unloading at both ends
including leveling, watering and compacting to
achieve minimum dry density of 90% with optimum Cum 125 530 66,250
moisture content (modified proctor test) including
local carriage each layer up to finished level
including cost of water and test (carried from
beyond 300 m) etc. all complete and accepted by the
Engineer. For Dhaka Zone
04 Sand filling
Sand filling in foundation trenches and plinth with
sand having F.M. 0.5 to 0.8 in 150mm layers
including leveling, watering and compaction to
achieve minimum dry density of 95% with optimum Cum 122.655 456.5 55,992
moisture content (Modified proctor test) by ramming
each layer up to finished level as per design
supplied by the design office only etc. all complete
and accepted by the Engineer-in- charge..
05 RCC work with stone chips using steel
Reinforced cement concrete works with minimum cement
content relates to mix ratio 1:2:4
having minimum f'cr = 24 MPa, satisfying a specified
compressive strength f'c= 19 MPa at
28 days on standard cylinders as per standard
practice of Code ACI/BNBC/ASTM, cement conforming to
BDS EN-197-1-CEM-I, 52.5N (52.5 MPa) / ASTM-C 150
Type – I, best quality sand [50% quantity of best
local sand (F.M. 1.2) and 50% quantity of Sylhet
sand or coarse sand of equivalent F.M. 2.2] and 20
mm down well graded Machine made Brick Chips
conforming to ASTM C-33 including breaking chips and
screening, making and placing shutter in position
maintaining true to plumb, making shutter water-
tight properly,
placing reinforcement in position; mixing in
standard mixer machine with hopper fed by
standard measuring boxes or mixing in batching
plant, casting in forms, compacting by
vibrator machine and curing at least for 28 days,
removing centering-shuttering after
specified time approved; including cost of water,
electricity, testing charges of materials
and cylinders as required, other charges etc. all
complete, approved and accepted by the
Engineer-in-charge. (Rate is excluding the cost of
reinforcement and its fabrication,
placing, binding etc. and the cost of shuttering &
a. UGWR Cum 39.7 14406 571918.2
b. In Grade Beam or Foundation Beam Cum 6.58 14406 94791.48
c. In Pedestal Cum 13.578 14406 195604.67
d. Water stopper with stopper RM 35 450 15750
e. Chemicals admixture for UGWR & OHWR Ltr 35 500 17500
06 R.C.C Work with Machine made Brick Chips (Ground
Floor, Ram & other )
Reinforced cement concrete works with minimum cement
content relates to mix ratio 1:2:4
having minimum f'cr = 24 MPa, satisfying a specified
compressive strength f'c= 19 MPa at
28 days on standard cylinders as per standard
practice of Code ACI/BNBC/ASTM, cement conforming to
BDS EN-197-1-CEM-I, 52.5N (52.5 MPa) / ASTM-C 150
Type – I, best quality sand [50% quantity of best
local sand (F.M. 1.2) and 50% quantity of Sylhet
sand or coarse sand of equivalent F.M. 2.2] and 20
mm down well graded Machine made Brick Chips
conforming to ASTM C-33 including breaking chips and
screening, making and placing shutter in position Cum 20.83 14406 300076.98
maintaining true to plumb, making shutter water-
tight properly,
placing reinforcement in position; mixing in
standard mixer machine with hopper fed by
standard measuring boxes or mixing in batching
plant, casting in forms, compacting by
vibrator machine and curing at least for 28 days,
removing centering-shuttering after
specified time approved; including cost of water,
electricity, testing charges of materials
and cylinders as required, other charges etc. all
complete, approved and accepted by the
Engineer-in-charge. (Rate is excluding the cost of
reinforcement and its fabrication,
placing, binding etc. and the cost of shuttering &
07 Deformed bar 60-grade
Supplying ,fabrication and fixing to details as per
design deformed bar (BSRM/AKS) reinforcement in
concrete in accordance with BDS ISO 6935-2: 2009
under ductility class D only, including
straightening and cleaning rust, if any, bending and
binding in position by concrete block (1:1) and
Metal chair with supply of 24 No. G.I wires, splices
(laps), including all type of welding work etc.
Complete in all respects and accepted by the
Engineer. Measurement will be based on standard
weight of 490 lbs. /ft3 (Measurement shall be
recorded only on standard mass per unit length of
bars, while, dia of bars exceed its standard).
420/400 grade ( B420/400DWR)/400G ribbed or deformed
bar with minimum fy ReH = 420/400 Mpa & tensile
strength (fu or Rm) at least 525 Mpa, minimum
elongation after fracture and total elongation at
maximum force is 16% and 8% respectively up to
ground floor.
a. Grade Beam KG 1536 85.0 130560
b. Mezzanine floor beam KG 1108.12 85.0 94190.2
c. Mezzanine floor slab KG 2289 85.0 194565
d. Ground floor, Ram other KG 1550 85.0 131750
e. Boundary KG 1250 85.0 106250
f. UGWR & OHWT KG 1250 85.0 106250
g. Septic Tank (As per Drawing) Set 1 250000 250000
h. Floor tiles UGWR & OHWR Sqm 107.512 1273 136862
i. Wall tiles UGWR & OHWR Sqm 16.885 2772 46805
Sub 2582209.9
01 R.C.C Work with Stone Chips and using Steel
Shutter.(1:1.5:3) In Column
Reinforced cement concrete works with minimum cement
content relates to mix ratio
1:1.5:3 having minimum f'cr = 30 MPa, satisfying a
specified compressive strength f‟c = 25
MPa at 28 days on standard cylinders as per standard
practice of Code CI/BNBC/ASTM, Cement conforming to
BDS EN-197-1-CEM-I, 52.5N (52.5 MPa) / ASTM-C 150
Type – I, best quality Sylhet sand or coarse sand of
equivalent F.M. 2.2 and 20 mm down well
graded stone chips conforming to ASTM C-33, making
and placing shutter in position and
maintaining true to plumb, making shutter water-
tight properly, placing reinforcement in
position; mixing with standard mixer machine with
hopper, fed by standard measuring
boxes or mixing in batching plant, casting in forms,
compacting by vibrator machine and
curing at least for 28 days, removing centering-
shuttering after specified time approved;
including cost of water, electricity, testing
charges of materials and cylinders as required,
other charges etc. all complete, approved and
accepted by the Engineer-in-charge. (Rate
is excluding the cost of reinforcement and its
fabrication, placing, binding etc. and the cost
of shuttering & centering)

a. Ground Floor Cum 5.772 14406 83150.15

b. First Floor Cum 5.772 14406 83150.15
c. Second Floor Cum 5.772 14406 83150.15
d. Third Floor Cum 5.772 14406 83150.15
e. Fourth Floor Cum 5.772 14406 83150.15
02 R.C.C Work with Machine made Brick Chips and using
Steel Shutter. Floor Beam, Tee Beam etc.(1:2:4)
Reinforced cement concrete works with minimum cement
content relates to mix ratio 1:2:4
having minimum f'cr = 24 MPa, satisfying a specified
compressive strength f'c= 19 MPa at
28 days on standard cylinders as per standard
practice of Code ACI/BNBC/ASTM, cement conforming to
BDS EN-197-1-CEM-I, 52.5N (52.5 MPa) / ASTM-C 150
Type – I, best quality sand [50% quantity of best
local sand (F.M. 1.2) and 50% quantity of Sylhet
sand or coarse sand of equivalent F.M. 2.2] and 20
mm down well graded Machine made Brick Chips
conforming to ASTM C-33 including breaking chips and
screening, making and placing shutter in position
maintaining true to plumb, making shutter water-
tight properly,
placing reinforcement in position; mixing in
standard mixer machine with hopper fed by
standard measuring boxes or mixing in batching
plant, casting in forms, compacting by
vibrator machine and curing at least for 28 days,
removing centering-shuttering after
specified time approved; including cost of water,
electricity, testing charges of materials
and cylinders as required, other charges etc. all
complete, approved and accepted by the
Engineer-in-charge. (Rate is excluding the cost of
reinforcement and its fabrication,
placing, binding etc. and the cost of shuttering &
a. Mezzanine beam slab Cum 7.986 13776 110,012.9
b. Ground Floor Cum 13.970 13776 192,458.3
c. First Floor Cum 13.970 13776 192,458.3
d. Second Floor Cum 13.970 13776 192,458.3
e. Third Floor Cum 13.970 13776 192,458.3
f. Fourth Floor Cum 13.970 13776 192,458.3
g. In Stair Cum 25.798 13776 355,386.8
03 R.C.C Work with Machine made Brick Chips and using
Wooden Shutter. Floor Slab casting etc.(1:2:4)
Reinforced cement concrete works with minimum cement
content relates to mix ratio 1:2:4
having minimum f'cr = 24 MPa, satisfying a specified
compressive strength f'c= 19 MPa at
28 days on standard cylinders as per standard
practice of Code ACI/BNBC/ASTM, cement conforming to
BDS EN-197-1-CEM-I, 52.5N (52.5 MPa) / ASTM-C 150
Type – I, best quality sand [50% quantity of best
local sand (F.M. 1.2) and 50% quantity of Sylhet
sand or coarse sand of equivalent F.M. 2.2] and 20
mm down well graded Machine made Brick Chips
conforming to ASTM C-33 including breaking chips and
screening, making and placing shutter in position
maintaining true to plumb, making shutter water-
tight properly,
placing reinforcement in position; mixing in
standard mixer machine with hopper fed by
standard measuring boxes or mixing in batching
plant, casting in forms, compacting by
vibrator machine and curing at least for 28 days,
removing centering-shuttering after
specified time approved; including cost of water,
electricity, testing charges of materials
and cylinders as required, other charges etc. all
complete, approved and accepted by the
Engineer-in-charge. (Rate is excluding the cost of
reinforcement and its fabrication,
placing, binding etc. and the cost of shuttering &
a. Mezzanine floor slab Cum 11.36 13776 156495.36
b. Ground Floor Cum 19.62 13776 270285.12
c. First Floor Cum 19.62 13776 270285.12
d. Second Floor Cum 19.62 13776 270285.12
e. Third Floor Cum 19.62 13776 270285.12
f. Fourth Floor Cum 19.62 13776 270285.12
g. OHWT Cum 6.725 13776 92643.60
04 In Cornice, sunshade, Toilet false ceiling, Lintel
a. Mezzanine floor slab Cum 1.36 13776 18,735.36
b. Ground Floor Cum 3.38 13776 46,562.88
c. First Floor Cum 3.38 13776 46,562.88
d. Second Floor Cum 3.38 13776 46,562.88
e. Third Floor Cum 3.38 13776 46,562.88
f. Fourth Floor Cum 3.38 13776 46,562.88
05 Deformed bar 60-grede. In Column (GF To Roof)
Supplying ,fabrication and fixing to details as per KG 19350 85.00 1,644,750
design deformed bar (BSRM/AKS) reinforcement in
concrete in accordance with BDS ISO 6935-2: 2009
under ductility class D only, including
straightening and cleaning rust, if any, bending and
binding in position by concrete block (1:1) and
Metal chair with supply of 24 No. G.I wires, splices
(laps), including all type of welding work etc.
Complete in all respects and accepted by the
Engineer. Measurement will be based on standard
weight of 490 lbs. /ft3 (Measurement shall be
recorded only on standard mass per unit length of
bars, while, dia of bars exceed its standard).
420/400 grade ( B420/400DWR)/400G ribbed or deformed
bar with minimum fy ReH = 420/400 Mpa & tensile
strength (fu or Rm) at least 525 Mpa, minimum
elongation after fracture and total elongation at
maximum force is 16% and 8% respectively up to
ground floor.
06 Deformed bar 60-grade. In Beam
Supplying ,fabrication and fixing to details as per
design deformed bar (BSRM/AKS) reinforcement in
concrete in accordance with BDS ISO 6935-2: 2009
under ductility class D only, including
straightening and cleaning rust, if any, bending and
binding in position by concrete block (1:1) and
Metal chair with supply of 24 No. G.I wires, splices
(laps), including all type of welding work etc.
Complete in all respects and accepted by the
Engineer. Measurement will be based on standard
weight of 490 lbs. /ft3 (Measurement shall be
recorded only on standard mass per unit length of
bars, while, dia of bars exceed its standard).
420/400 grade ( B420/400DWR)/400G ribbed or deformed
bar with minimum fy ReH = 420/400 Mpa & tensile
strength (fu or Rm) at least 525 Mpa, minimum
elongation after fracture and total elongation at
maximum force is 16% and 8% respectively up to
ground floor.
a. Ground Floor KG 3376.21 85.00 286,978.1
b. First Floor KG 3376.21 85.00 286,978.1
c. Second Floor KG 3376.21 85.00 286,978.1
d. Third Floor KG 3376.21 85.00 286,978.1
e. Fourth Floor KG 3376.21 85.00 286,978.1
07 Deformed bar 60-grade. In Slab
Supplying ,fabrication and fixing to details as per
design deformed bar (BSRM/AKS) reinforcement in
concrete in accordance with BDS ISO 6935-2: 2009
under ductility class D only, including
straightening and cleaning rust, if any, bending and
binding in position by concrete block (1:1) and
Metal chair with supply of 24 No. G.I wires, splices
(laps), including all type of welding work etc.
Complete in all respects and accepted by the
Engineer. Measurement will be based on standard
weight of 490 lbs. /ft3 (Measurement shall be
recorded only on standard mass per unit length of
bars, while, dia of bars exceed its standard).
420/400 grade ( B420/400DWR)/400G ribbed or deformed
bar with minimum fy ReH = 420/400 Mpa & tensile
strength (fu or Rm) at least 525 Mpa, minimum
elongation after fracture and total elongation at
maximum force is 16% and 8% respectively up to
ground floor.
a. Ground Floor KG 2634.36 85.00 223,920.6
b. First Floor KG 2634.36 85.00 223,920.6
c. Second Floor KG 2634.36 85.00 223,920.6
d. Third Floor KG 2634.36 85.00 223,920.6
e. Fourth Floor KG 2634.36 85.00 223,920.6
08 125mm Brick work
125 mm brick work with first class bricks in cement
sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:6) and making bond with
connected walls including necessary scaffolding,
raking out joints, cleaning and soaking the bricks
for at least 24 hours before use and washing of sand
curing at least for 7 days in all floors including
cost of water, electricity and other charges etc.
all complete and accepted by the Engineer -in-
charge.(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
a. Ground Floor including boundary wall Sqm 220 862.00 189640.00
b. Mezzanine Floor Sqm 67.5 862.00 058185.00
c. Ground Floor Sqm 130.11 862.00 112154.82
d. First Floor Sqm 130.11 862.00 112154.82
e. Second Floor Sqm 130.11 862.00 112154.82
f. Third Floor Sqm 130.11 862.00 112154.82
g. Fourth Floor Sqm 130.11 862.00 112154.82
09 250mm Brick Work.
250 mm brick work with first class bricks in cement
sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:5) and making bond with
connected walls including necessary scaffolding,
raking out joints, cleaning and soaking the bricks
for at least 24 hours before use and washing of sand
curing at least for 7 days in all floors including
cost of water, electricity and other charges etc.
all complete and accepted by the Engineer -in-
charge.(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
a. Ground Floor including boundary wall Cum 20.96 6765.0 1414794.4
b. Mezzanine Floor Cum 1.055 6765.0 7137.075
c. Ground Floor Cum 0.96 6765.0 66494.4
d. First Floor Cum 0.96 6765.0 66494.4
e. Second Floor Cum 0.96 6765.0 66494.4
f. Third Floor Cum 0.96 6765.0 66494.4
g. Fourth Floor Cum 0.96 6765.0 66494.4
10 12mm thick Plaster.
Minimum 12 mm thick cement sand (F.M 1.2 to 1.5 )
plaster (1:4) with cement (Lafarge Surma/Crown) to
wall both inner-and outer surface, finishing the
corner and edges including washing of sand cleaning
the surface, scaffolding and curing at least for 7
days , cost of water electricity and other charges
etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer -in-
charge.(Cement: PCC-CEM-11/A-M/42.5N)
a. Mezzanine Floor Sqm 135.32 275.00 37213.00
b. Ground Floor Sqm 260.225 275.00 71561.88
c. First Floor Sqm 260.225 275.00 71561.88
d. Second Floor Sqm 260.225 275.00 71561.88
e. Third Floor Sqm 260.225 275.00 71561.88
f. Fourth Floor Sqm 260.225 275.00 71561.88
11 6mm thick plaster.
Minimum 12 mm thick cement sand (F.M 1.2 to 1.5 )
plaster (1:4) with cement (Lafarge Surma/Crown) to
wall both inner-and outer surface, finishing the
corner and edges including washing of sand cleaning
the surface, scaffolding and curing at least for 7
days , cost of water electricity and other charges
etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer -in-
charge.(Cement: PCC-CEM-11/A-M/42.5N)
a. Mezzanine Floor Sqm 135.32 250.00 33830.00
b. Ground Floor Sqm 260.225 250.00 65056.25
c. First Floor Sqm 260.225 250.00 65056.25
d. Second Floor Sqm 260.225 250.00 65056.25
e. Third Floor Sqm 260.225 250.00 65056.25
f. Fourth Floor Sqm 260.225 250.00 65056.25
12 NCF Gf to Roof top
12mm thick cement and sand (FM-1.2 to 1.5) plaster Sqm 179 250.00 44,750.0
of proportion (1:4) with (Lafarge Surma/ Crown)
cement finished smooth with neat cement finishing in
outer and inner wall from GL to roof sunshades,
cornices, railings, drop wall, louvers, false slab,
fins, roof top as required or wherever directed
including, finishing edges and corners, curing and
supplying of all materials etc. complete in all
respect as per specification and direction of the
Engineer-in-charge. (Cement PCC-CEM-II/A-M/42.5N)
13 Groove in Plaster, nosing, throating &dip course
Providing Groove (50mm x 6mm) in plaster, nosing, Rm 372 35.00 13,020.0
throating, dip course at the edge of sunshade or
cornice, window seal with cement mortar (1:2)
including scaffolding, curing at least for 7 days
etc. all complete for all floors.
14 Homogeneous Floor Tiles.
Supplying, fitting and fixing of china Mirror
Polished floor tiles (China BRAND, approved Design
& Color) Cement with on min 20mm thick cement sand
(F.M 1.2-1.5) mortar base (1:4) and raking out the
joints with white cement including cutting and
laying and hire charge of machine and finishing with
care etc. Including water, Electricity & other
charges complete air respect accepted by the
engineer. (cement PCC-CEM11/A-M/42.5N) Size : 600mm
x 600mm. (Floor tiles)
b. Mezzanine Floor Sqm 131.43 2176.0 285991
c. Ground Floor Sqm 215.02 2176.0 467883
d. First Floor Sqm 215.02 2176.0 467883
e. Second Floor Sqm 215.02 2176.0 467883
f. Third Floor Sqm 215.02 2176.0 467883
g. Fourth Floor Sqm 215.02 2176.0 467883
15 Toilet and kitchen area floor tiles. (Size : 300mm x
300mm )
a. Mezzanine Floor Sqm 17.26 1400.0 24164
b. Ground Floor Sqm 33.77 1400.0 47278
c. First Floor Sqm 33.77 1400.0 47278
d. Second Floor Sqm 33.77 1400.0 47278
e. Third Floor Sqm 33.77 1400.0 47278
f. Fourth Floor Sqm 33.77 1400.0 47278
16 Stair Case Floor Tiles.
Supplying, fitting and fixing country made unglazed
homogeneous floor tiles (RAK BRAND/Great wall,
approved Design & Color) irrespective of color
&/or design, with cement sand (F.M. 1.2 to 1.5)
mortar (1:4) base and raking out the joints with
white cement including cutting and laying the tiles
in proper way and finishing with care etc. all
complete and accepted by the Engineer.(Cement: CEM-
Size (300mm x 300mm) floor tiles.
a. Mezzanine Floor Sqm 18.51 1335.0 24710.85
b. Ground Floor Sqm 18.51 1335.0 24710.85
c. First Floor Sqm 18.51 1335.0 24710.85
d. Second Floor Sqm 18.51 1335.0 24710.85
e. Third Floor Sqm 18.51 1335.0 24710.85
f. Fourth Floor Sqm 18.51 1335.0 24710.85
17 Pavement tiles.
Supplying, fitting & Fixing of pavement tiles
(approved type/ model) in Ground floor, Ramp and
other places where ever necessary of approved
quality and design over cement and sand (F.M. -1.20
to 1.5) mortar (1:2) base & raking out the joints
with cement mortar including laying the tiles in Sqm 354.57 3297.0 1169037.7
proper way finishing with care etc. everything
complete in all respects as per specification and
direction of the Engineer-in-charge. (Cement: CEM-
II/A-M-42.5N). (minimum thickness 25mm) Size:
300mmx300mm. In Ground Floor
18 Wooden Frame
Supplying and making Wooden door frames
65mmx150mm(Chowkat) machine made for all floors with
matured natural seasoned/artificial seasoned at any
treatment plant wood of required size including
polishing, two coats of coal-tar to the surface in Cum 4.725 205000 968779.56
contact with wall, and provided with best quality 4
Nos. 125mm iron clamp, if any (All sizes of wood
are finished) etc. complete and accepted by the
19 Flash Door Shutter (Door)
Supplying, fitting & fixing of 38mm thick well
matured, natural seasoned/artificial seasoned at any
treatment plant (min 10" wide plank) solid wood
single leaf door shutters, machine made having top
rail style of sections 100mm x 38mm, lock rail 125 x
138mm & bottom rail 225 x 38mm closed joints with
25mm x 12mm size wooden pack and provided with best Sqm 187.132 11779 2204238.4
quality 5 Nos. 100m iron hinges, 2 (two) nos. best
quality 12mm dia 300mm and 200mm long tower and
socket bolts, 2 (two) nos. heavy type nickel plated
handle, hinged cleats,M.S flat bar, Magnetic stopper
and finished by sand papering, polishing and Motoric
lock etc. all complete in all floor and accepted by
the engineer. (All sizes of wood are finished)Using
Chittagong Teak
20 Flush door Nos 10 19157 191570
21 Plastic Door Frame & Shutter (combined) for toilet:
size: 625mm x 2130mm.
Supplying, fitting, fixing of uPVC solid plastic
door shutter with frame (RFL/Partex/Lira approved
color) having specific gravity 1.35 - 1.45,
thickness 1.7 mm-2.2 mm, and other physical,
chemical, thermal, fire resistivity properties etc.
as per BSTI approved manufacturer standards or ASTM,
BS/ISO/IS standards of different sizes fitted fixed
with uPVC plastic door frame weighing 5.82 kg/m2
with at least 3 Nos. SS hinges by min 64 Nos. Ø 3.17 Nos 38 7000.0 266000
mm and 3.97 mm 12.7 mm long rivets, 12 Nos. 25.4 mm
SS screws, Ø 9.38 mm, 150 mm long SS tower bolts 2
Nos., 146 mm SS handle by rivet 2 Nos., G.I inner
joint 234.95 mm x 127 mm clamp, 76.2 mm x 57.15 mm,
25 mm dia 1 no SS hasp bolt, special type round
lock, carrying the same to the site and local
carriage etc. complete in all respect accepted by
the Engineer.(RFL/Partex or equivalent)
22 M.S Door
Supplying, fitting & fixing of M.S. Door frame
(Chowkat) made by 2" x 2"x 1/4” size angle & shutter
made by 18 BWG sheet with 1.5" x 1.5"x 3/16” size
angle shutter frame on roof & Lift Machine Room, 2 Sqm 4.44 5400.0 23993.87
coat approved color enamel paint over a 1 coat red
oxide paint etc. complete as per site requirement &
direction of the Engineer in charge. (Size 3'-0'' x
23 Window Grill
Supplying, fitting, fixing M.S window grills of any
approved design made by 12mm x 12mm solid M.S bar,
both direction 100mm c/c gap with 25 x 6 mm F.I. bar
frame including fabrication, welding, cost of
electricity workshop charges, 2 coat approved color Sqm 180 1450.0 261000
enamel painting with 1 coat red oxide paint,
carriage, sand papering, cutting grooves, mending
good the damages, tools and plants etc. complete for
all floors accepted by the Engineer. (All floors).or
As per design & Drawing. ½"x½" Solid MS bar Window
24 Aluminum Sliding and fixed window glass & Mosquito
Supplying, fitting and fixing of Aluminum sliding
and fixed composite window (Chunghwa/Bangladesh Thai
Aluminum Ltd./ Kai Aluminum Ltd. approved brand) as
per the U.S. Architectural Aluminum Manufacturer's
Association (AAMA) standard specification having
1.2mm thick outer bottom (size 95mm, 38mm-0.970kg/
m), 1.2mm thick outer top (size 95mm, 28.50mm-
0.75kg/m), 1.2mm thick shutter top (size 33mm,
26.80mm, 22mm), 1.2mm thick shutter bottom (size
60mm, 24.40mm), 1.2mm thick outer side (size 95mm,
19.50mm), 1.2mm thick sliding fixed side (size
31mm, 26mm), 1.2mm thick shutter lock (size 49.20mm,
26.20mm)Made in Thailand /Japan 1.2mm thick inter
lock (size 34.40mm, 32.10mm) sections all Aluminum
members (total weight kg/Sqm) will be anodized to
Aluminum Silver color with a coat not less than 15
microns in thickness and density of 4mg per square
cm etc. including all accessories like sliding door,
key lock sliding door wheel, sliding door mohair,
sliding door neoprene, bolts and nuts including
supplying, fitting 5mm thick anodized glass
including labor charge for fitting of accessories
making grooves and mending good damages, carriage
and electricity etc. complete in all respect as per
drawing and direction of the Engineer in-charge.
25 Sliding Thai glass window with frame Sqm 153 5460 835380
26 Mosquito net Sqm 35 1300 45500
27 S.S Stair railing
Supplying, fitting and fixing stainless steel (SS)
stair railing of 3'-0'' height as per drawing with
1.5mm thick 2.5'' dia pipe for hand-rail, 1.5mm
thick 2.5" dia vertical post for starting point and
ending point of each stair, 1.5mm thick 38mm dia 2
Nos. vertical post, 1.5mm thick 25mm dia 4 Nos. Sqm 26 5361 139386
horizontal pipe, 3'' dia ball top and ss cap at
all vertical post bottom etc. complete as per
design and drawing and accepted by the
Engineer.(Origin: Nahee SS pipe Ltd/ Steeltech
industries/ SS Steel Ltd.)
28 Verandah railing
Supplying, fitting and fixing stainless steel (SS)
Verandah railing of 3'-0'' height as per drawing
with 1.5mm thick 2'' dia pipe for hand-rail, 1.5mm
thick 1.5" dia vertical post for starting point and
ending point of each verandah, 1.5mm thick 19mm dia
6 Nos. horizontal pipe, in floor with 50mmx50mmx6mm
MS base plate welded at bottom, all complete in/c Sqm 56 4500 252000
making necessary grooves in floor, packing the post
with cement concrete (1:2:4), mending good all
damages, finishing etc. all complete as per plan and
direction of E-I-C.(Exposed area of railing will
considered towards measurement)as per design and
drawing.(Origin:Nahee SS pipe Ltd./Steeltech
industries/SS Steel Ltd.)
29 Plastic Paint on wall & ceiling
Plastic emulsion paint of approved best quality and
color delivered from authorized local agent of the
manufacturer in a sealed container, applying to wall
and ceiling in two coats over lime putty of
specified brand applied on primer or sealer elapsing
specified time for drying/recoating including
cleaning drying, making free from dirt, grease, wax,
removing all chalked and scaled materials, fungus, Sqm 2214 259 573426
mending good the surface defects, sand papering the
surface and necessary scaffolding, spreading by
brush/ roller/spray etc. all complete in all floors
accepted by the Engineer (Barger/RAK/Elite/ Asian
approved color).
Lime putty to be applied as per manufacturer
instructions approved and accepted by the Engineer.
30 Weather coat Paint
On exterior surface applying as per manufacturer
instructions 3 coat of weather coat of approved
quality and color delivered from authorized local
agent of the manufacturer in a sealed container Sqm 1250 170 212500
complete in all respect in all floors and accepted
by the Engineer (RAK/Elite/Barger/ Asian, approved
31 Enamel Paint Tit , Kitchen , M.S Member , Verandah
outer face etc.
Painting in two coats with approved best quality
and color of synthetic enamel paint in all floors
delivered from authorized local agent of the
manufacturer in a sealed container, having highly
water resistant, high bendability, flexible, using
specific brand thinner applied by brass/roller/spray
over a coat of priming elapsing time for drying Sqm 145 238 34510
including surface cleaning from dust, oil or dirt,
smoothening, finishing and polishing with sand paper
and necessary tools, scaffolding, testing charges
etc. all complete in all floors approved and
accepted by the Engineer (Barger/RAK/Elite/ Asian
approved color).
32 Cylinder Test
Casting, curing and testing concrete test cylinders
from MIST/BUET/HBRI taken concrete from the concrete
mix prepared for different element of casting
including providing suitable metallic molds, spaces Set 25 6500 162500
and facilities and required materials for carrying
and arrange test at 7 and 28 days for test cylinders
and submitting the test result to the Consultant and
the Owner.(Must be sealed condition)
33 Rebar Test, tensile strength (fu or Rm), Elongation
and Size.
Sampling and testing of Rebar from MIST/BUET/HBRI
taking sample of different sizes of Rebar from the
every batch of supplies for testing, if necessary Set 6 5000 30000
and submitting the test result to the Consultant and
the Owner.(Must be sealed condition)
Sub 18693142.
Total 70
C Sanitary & Plumbing Works
01 Commode. (Special colored RAK/Akij or equivalent)
Supplying, fitting and fixing European type glazed
porcelain commode 'P' or 'S' type 465 x 340 x 415 mm
in size, approximately 14 kg by weight, Hydraulic
plastic seat cover and preparing the base with
cement concrete and with wire mesh or rods, if Set 30 2650.0 79500
necessary, in all floors including making holes
wherever required and mending good the damages and
fitting, fixing finishing etc. complete with all
necessary fittings and connection approved and
accepted by the Engineer (with low down).
02 Cabinet wash Basin. (Special colored RAK/Akij or
Supplying, white glazed vitreous W/H Wash Basin, 500
x 440 x 210 mm in size, approx. 14 kg by weight,
including fitting, fixing the same in position with
heavy type C.I. brackets, 32 mm dia PVC waste water
pipe with brass coupling (not exceeding 750 mm in Set 20 5000.0 100000
length), 32 mm dia C.P. basin waste with chain plug,
bracket including making holes in walls and floors
and fitting with wooden blocks, screws and mending
good the damages with cement mortar (1:4), etc. all
complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.
03 Kitchen Sink
Supplying, fitting and fixing single bowl single
tray size (450 x 1050 mm.) with heavy type CI steel
brackets 12mm dia C.P. bib-cock 40 mm dia C.P. chain
plug. 40 mm dia C.P. waste. 40 mm dia PVC waste pipe
with brass coupling (750 mm length) including making Set 10 4144.0 41440
hole in walls and floors and mending well the
damages, finishing with 1:4 cement mortar etc. all
complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.
(Malaysia / Singapore / Thailand made or equivalent
from Spain).
04 CP pillar cock
Supplying, fitting and fixing best quality CP pillar
cock etc. complete approved and accepted by the
Engineer. (With 7 to 10 years Color Guarantee). 12 Set 30 1280.0 38400
mm CP special heavy duty pillar cock (Nazma or
05 C.P Toilet paper Holder
Supplying, fitting and fixing Stainless Steel toilet
paper holder (150mm x 150mm x 126mm) including
making holes in walls and mending good the damages
with cement mortar (1:4) etc. all complete as per Set 30 800 24000
direction of the Engineer-in-charge. (Approved
imported quality).(With 7 to 10 years Color
06 Towel Rail
Supplying, fitting and fixing super quality S.S.
Towel rail 'Approved quality' of 600 mm long and 20
mm in dia with C.P. holder including making holes in
walls and mending good the damages with cement Set 30 1200 36000
mortar (1:4) etc. all complete approved and accepted
by the Engineer (Made in China).(With 7 to 10 years
Color Guarantee)
07 Mirror
Supplying, fitting and fixing of 5 mm thick side
framed and edging super quality mirror 'Approved
quality' with hard boards at the back with all
necessary fitting including making holes in walls Sqm 8.5 4500 38250
and mending good the damages with cement mortar
(1:4) etc. all complete approved and accepted by the
Engineer. (Made in Japan, Belgium).
08 Glass Shelf
Supplying, fitting and fixing super quality 600 x
125 mm colored glass (plate) shelf 'Approved
quality' having 5 mm thickness with fancy C.P.
brackets, screws and frames including making holes Set 30 1300 39000
in walls and mending good the damages with cement
mortar (1:4) etc. all complete approved and accepted
by the Engineer (Made in China).
09 Soap Tray
Supplying, fitting and fixing standard size S.S soap
tray 'Approved quality' including making holes in
walls and mending good the damages with cement Set 30 500 15000
mortar (1:4) etc. all complete approved and accepted
by the Engineer. (With 7 to 10 years Color
10 Grating
Supplying, fitting and fixing chrome plating S.S
grating with hinged cover size 150 x 150 mm in traps
or in drains including making holes in walls/floors
and mending good the damages with cement mortar Set 60 750 45000
(1:4) etc. all complete approved and accepted by the
Engineer.(Brand RAK/PARTEX/Anwar NP)(With 7 to 10
years Color Guarantee)
11 uPVC Traps
Supplying different inside dia best quality uPVC
pressure waste pipe having specific gravity 1.35 -
1.45, wall thickness 2.7 mm - 3.4 mm, and other
physical, chemical, thermal, fire resistivity
properties etc. as per BSTI approved manufacturer
standards or ASTM, BS/ISO/IS standards, fitted and Set 40 455 18200
fixed in position with sockets, bends, with all
accessories such as Round grating/domed roof grating
bands, sockets etc. complete approved and accepted
by the Engineer. (Size: 100 mm dia uPVC ‘P’ or ‘S’
trap). [RFL/National Polymer/Anwar uPVC pipe].
12 Cocks
Supplying, fitting and fixing 12mm Special quality
CP bib cock concealed best quality faucets etc.
complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.
(With 7 to 10 years Color Guarantee)(Nazma/Sharif).
a. Bib Cock Nos 30 1400 42000
b. Twin Bib Cock for Basin Nos 30 2200 66000
c. Angle Bib Cock Nos 30 1500 45000
d. Sink Cock Nos 10 2400 72000
13 Shower Head
Supplying, fitting and fixing Special/Fancy quality
C.P. shower rose/head move able (Nazma/Sharif) with Nos 30 2300 69000
all necessary hardware and consumables approved and
accepted by the Engineer.
14 uPVC pressure pipe:-
Supplying, fitting and fixing different inside dia
best quality uPVC pressure pipe for water supply
having specific gravity 1.35 - 1.45, and other
physical, chemical, thermal, fire resistivity
properties etc. as per BSTI approved manufacturer
standards or ASTM, BS/ISO/IS standards fitted and
fixed in position with sockets, bends, union,
coupling etc. with all accessories such as Round
grating/domed roof grating, bends, sockets etc.
approved and accepted by the Engineer. (length: 6000
mm each) [RFL/Anwar/NP - approved quality]. [Rate
including cost for concealing in Groove cutting in
brick work, R.C.C floor etc.]
a. uPVC pressure pipe 50mm dia RM 310 1450 449500
b. uPVC pressure pipe 40mm dia RM 241 1100 265100
c. uPVC pressure pipe 25mm dia RM 237 700 165900
d. uPVC pressure pipe 19mm dia RM 390 600 234000
e. uPVC pressure pipe 12mm dia RM 540 550 297000
15 Gate Valve:
Supplying, fitting and fixing best quality G.I. gate
valve with sealant etc. complete approved and
accepted by the Engineer. (S-Brand).
a. Gate Valve 50mm dia Nos 50 2300 115000
b. Gate Valve 40mm dia Nos 120 1400 168000
c. Gate Valve 25mm dia Nos 50 850 42500
16 Water Pump with Motor set accessories 3Hp Set 2 70000 140000
17 Soak Well (As Per Drawing) Set 1 100000 100000
Pipe line installation: Installation of 50 psi, API,
5L, Grade-B, ERW Natural pipe line for
supplying Titas Gas including, supplying, fitting,
fixing and laying different sizes M.S. pipes with
necessary tape and primer including cutting trenches
(450 mm x 910 mm) in all kinds
of soil, cleaning, cutting, applying coal-tar,
wrapping the pipes and back filling the
trenches, excavating earth including leveling,
dressing and removing excess earth in all
respect as per specification of Titas Gas T and D
Co. Ltd. and accepted by the Engineering-
charge. [Rate is excluding the cost of welding and
back filling with sand at the bottom by
300 mm in thickness (compacted)] (Pipes manufactured
by National Tubes Limited under
Steel & Engineering Corporation, Ministry of
Industries, Government of Bangladesh shall
be given priority
a. 20 mm N.D. (26.70 mm O.D) M.S pipe weight min 1.68 Per
kg/m, standard test pressure 50 kg/ m2, wall 65 522.00 33930
thickness min 2.87 mm
Sub 2779720

D Electrification & other work

01 Points
Concealed conduit wiring for following point looping
at the switch board with earth terminal including
circuit wiring with IC-2x1.5 PVC insulated and
sheathed stranded cable (BYA) & 1.5 PVC
insulated green/white colored ECC wire (BYA) through
PVC conduit (Lira brand or equivalent product of
other reputed manufacturer) of minimum 25 mm dia &
1.5 mm wall thickness complete with 18 SWG GP sheet,
switch board and pull box with 3mm thick ebonite
sheet cover, 5 amps. Piano switch, ceiling rose,
fixing materials etc. as required including mending
the damages good (all electrical contacts shall be
of brass/copper).
Cables manufactured by BRB/BBS/PARADISE Cables Ltd
or equivalent approved by the Engineering-in-Charge.
Light/Exhaust/Wall Bracket, Fan Points & 2-pin 5amp Per 650 814 529100
Socket Point
02 Concealed conduit Wiring
Concealed conduit wiring with following PVC
insulated and sheathed stranded cable (BYA) & PVC
insulated green/white colored ECC wire (BYA) through
PVC conduit (Lira brand or equivalent product of
other reputed manufacturer) complete with 18 SWG GP
sheet and pull box with 3mm thick ebonite sheet
cover, fixing materials etc. as required including
mending the damages good. Cables manufactured by
BRB/BBS/PARADISE Cables Ltd or equivalent approved
by the Engineering-in-Charge.
a. 1C-2x2.5 sq. mm (BYA) Cable with 2.5 sq. mm (BYA) Per 6000 180.00 1080000
ECC through 16mmPVC pipe
b. IC-2x4 sq. mm (BYA) Cable with 4 sq. mm (BYA) ECC Per 1800 295.00 531000
through 20mm PVC pipe
c. IC-2x6 sq. mm (NYY) Cable with 6 sq. mm (BYA) ECC Per 85 328.00 27880
through 25mm PVC pipe
d. 3C-1.5 sq. mm (BYA) ECC through 25mm PVC pipe Per 85 520.00 44200
03 Surface conduit Wiring

Surface conduit wiring with the following PVC

insulated and sheathed stranded cable (NYY/)/ XLPE
insulated and PVC sheathed stranded cable(2XY) & PVC
insulated green/white colored ECC wire (BYA) through
PVC conduit of reputed manufacturer complete with
fixing materials, other accessories etc. as required
including mending the damages good. All electrical
contacts shall be of brass/copper connected through
connector or soldering (no twisting shall be
allowed) and cables shall be manufactured and tested
according to relevant IEC/BDS/BS/VDE standards and
as per detailed specification mentioned in Annexure-
A. The work shall be carried out as per
direction/approval/acceptance of the Engineer.
Cables manufactured by BRB/BBS/PARADISE Cables Ltd
or equivalent approved by the Engineering-in-Charge.
a. 1C-4x6 sq. mm (NYY) Cable with 6 sq. mm (BYA) ECC Per 115 650 75750
through 40mm PVC pipe
b. IC-4x10sq. mm NYY) Cable with 10 sq. mm (BYA) ECC Per 1500 670 1005000
through 40mm PVC pipe
c. IC-4x25sq. mm (NYY) with 16 sq. mm (BYA) ECC through Per 15 1700 25500
50mm PVC pipe
d. U-type Fan clamp EA 30 380 11400
04 Socket outlets
Providing & fixing 250 volt, single phase, 3-pin, 13
amps. Combined switch socket outlet (surface type)
mounted on required size 18 SWG galvanized plain
sheet board of 76.2 mm. (3") depth (Made in GERMANY
SWITZERLAND or Energy Pac or equivalent approved by
the Engineering-in-Charge
a. 250 volt, single phase, 3-pin, 13 Amps combined EA 180 500 90000
switch socket outlet (Surface type)
b. 250 volt, single phase, 3-pin, 20 Amps combined
switch socket outlet (Surface type)(Energy EA 50 1050 52500
Pac/Dynamic/MEP/SK/Super Star)
05 Gang Switch MK England or Equivalent
Providing & fixing 250 volts. 5/6 amps. (minimum)
concealed type following switch / switch socket
mounted on required size 18 SWG galvanized plain
sheet board of 76.2 mm. (3") depth all electrical
contacts shall be of brass/copper gang switch Of EA 458 550 251900
following brand & country of origin. (MK England or
equivalent product of GERMANY / USA / UK / FRANCE /
equivalent approved by the Engineering-in-Charge
a. Gang type fan regulator EA 60 950.00 57000
b. Gang type TV socket EA 40 980 39200
c. Data socket EA 40 1200 48000
06 Earthing system
(Boring: Depth 80ft.) 10 ft. (Dia 12.5mm) Earth
Electrode + 70 ft. (Dia 8.23 mm) Earth Lead with 2.5
"(65mm) GI Pipe. The end of the earth lead wires
shall be terminated using crimp tool fitted cable EA 3 15000 45000
lugs for fitting on bus bar and use proper clam for
earth electrode. As per relevant BNBC standards and
as per approval & acceptance of the Engineer &
07 Earthing Pit
An Earthing Pit must be constructed around th
e top of the Earth Electrode, below the groun
d level using 254mm brick walls on a CC floo
r with a 152mm thick RCC slab cover on top
having lifting hooks. The top of the Earth el
ectrode (in case of pipe Earthing) shall rema
in 380mm above the top of the bottom CC flo
or of the pit. The minimum inside dimension o
f the Earthing Pit shall be 610mm X 610mm X EA 3 5000 15000
610mm. The outside as well as the inside of
the walls of the pit and the floor of the
pit shall be cement mortar plastered. The in
side shall be net cement finished. The top
of the RCC slab pit cover shall remain 38mm
above the ground level. The pit shall be
made in such a way that water cannot get in to the p
it. One Earthing Pit is needed for one Earth Electro
08 PVC Pipe
a. Minimum inner dia 20 mm & Minimum wall thickness 1.5 Per 50 30 1500
b. Minimum inner dia 25 mm & Minimum wall thickness 1.5 Per 70 48 3360
c. Minimum inner dia 30 mm & Minimum wall thickness 1.5 Per 25 79 1975

09 Distribution Boards
Providing & fixing 250V, 50 Hz grade following
concealed type sub-distribution board made of 16-18
SWG MS sheet complete with hinged type door, built-
in type locking arrangement, one no. 60 A capacity
bus-bar with required no. of holes thereon on
insulators at both ends, copper blocks for neutral
and earth terminal, SPMCBs manufactured and tested
in accordance with relevant IEC/VDE/NEMA/BS/JIS
standard having minimum breaking capacity 6/10-KA
with thermal over current and instantaneous
electromagnetic short ckt. release, necessary
arrangement for fixing of MCBs in/c stove
enamel/gray hammer painting of board etc.
MDB-GF EA 1 55000 55000
1 Set - 415V, 500 amps. TP&NE hard drawn
electrolytic copper bus bar
1 No. - 415V, 320 Amps (36KA), adjustable type TP
MCCB for main control with thermal overload &
instantaneous electromagnetic short circuit release.
3 no.s-415V, 320/5 ratio current transformer with
suitable accuracy & burden.
1 Set Control Fuse
3 Nos Indicating Lamp
1 No Digital Mustimeter
1 No. - 415V, 100A (25KA) adjustable type TP MCCB
with thermal overload & instantaneous
electromagnetic short circuit release.
5 Nos. - 415V, 80A (25KA) adjustable type TP MCCB
with thermal overload & instantaneous
electromagnetic short circuit release.
1 No. - 415V, 63A (25KA) adjustable type TP MCCB
with thermal overload & instantaneous
electromagnetic short circuit release.
3 nos. 32A, 6kA TP MCB
1 no. 6A, 6kA TP MCB
1 no. 32A, 6kA DP MCB
1 no. 10A, 6kA SP MCB
Panel Size: 1800mmX750mmX600mm
10 Electricity line connection. EA 1 30,000 30000
Sub 4020265
E Utility
01 Solar Panel Set 3 150000 450000
Total 450000

(A+B+C 28525336.
Total +D+E) 6

Note: When adding a new item outside of the above

work item.
The value of the work will be paid by the market

Re-Checked and Verified

Engineer In-Charge

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