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Copywriting and Content

Writing Portfolio
By: Debby Rosa Indriana
Hi! Debby is here.
A graduate of English literature UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya that
is majoring in literature with an interest in content writing,
editing, and proofreading. With various activities during my study
and some of my work experiences, I am able to demonstrate U

good leadership and communication skill.

At the beginning of 2022, I am starting a career as a content
writer in a start-up company that is focused on writing impactful
marketing content by reviewing products from various
categories with engaging copywriting. Every day, I explore,
research, and manage keywords for article content, and I am in
charge of optimizing existing articles for SEO discovery.

In addition, I enjoy and try to write articles that are relevant to

the trend and majority of people's searches and upload them to
my own website. Here I am that is fully ready to take on new
challenges in a career as a content writer.
Introduction Licenses and

About me Tools

Background Project Portfolio

Work experience
Contact me

Education Organizational Language

- English
(Professional working
UIN Sunan Ampel proficiency)
Surabaya - Chairman (2020)
- Bahasa Indonesia
- Treasurer (2019)
Sep 2017-May 2021 (Native or bilingual
- Member of Media and
Bachelor of Arts proficiency)
Creative Development (2018)
English Literature
GPA: 3.33
work experience
KamiKisah Wedding Organizer
PT. Rank Media Teknologi (Full Time) (Freelance)
Content Writer (Jan-June 2022) Crew (Jul 2021-Present) (Freelance) PT. Lesinaja Edukasi Indonesia

Content Writer (Oct 2021 -Feb 2022) (Part-time)
English Tutor (Mar 2020-Present)
licenses and certifications

Search Engine Writing Tools & Hacks: Junior Computer Operator Test Of English as a Digital Marketing
Optimization Copywriting/Blogging and Reference Foreign Language Harisenin Mini
(SEO) /Content Writing Management (TOEFL) School
Score: 51/60 Score: 530 Score: 8,0/10
Score: 83/100
SEO Tools, most shared, and content ideas

Ubersuggest, SEMrush, Yoast SEO, Google trends,,

Answer the public, and Google search console.

Word processing and content editing

Grammarly, Wordcount, WordPress., and Canva.


market description

Age: 16-30 (Gen Y-Z)
Gender: Mostly female
Occupation: Student, Worker
Economic class: Lower-middle

Interest: Beauty, health
Personality: Self-confidence
Lifestyle: Active

Behavioral and Geographic

Purchase product: Impulsive
Location: Urban-rural
Climate: Tropical
Workplace: Indoor/Outdoor
copywriting mockup
A (Attention)
"Dengan E-Collgen Asta untuk Kulit Cerah Merata"

I (Interest)
Marina UV White E-Collagen Asta dilengkapi dengan collagen,
triple UV protection, red algae, dan vitamin E beads untuk
menutrisi dan mencerahkan kulitmu. Dapatkan Marina UV
White Collagen Asta dengan budget minimal untuk kulit cerah

DA (Desire & Action)

Buktikan dan bersiaplah untuk tampil dengan kulit cantik
cerah bersinar bersama Marina E-Collagen Asta!

caption mockup
"Udah cobain banyak brand hand body tapi kulitmu masih
terasa kering dan kusam? Ssst, sini aku kasih tau rahasia

Sekarang udah ada Marina UV White E-Collagen Asta dengan

collagen, triple UV protection, red algae, dan vitamin E beads
untuk kulit sehatmu.
Yuk #CantikBersamaMarina"
market description

Age: 16-40 (Gen X-Z)
Gender: Male and female
Occupation: Student, Worker
Economic class: Middle-Upper

Interest: Health and wellness
Personality: Logical
Lifestyle: Active

Behavioral and Geographic

Purchase product: According to research
Location: Urban
Climate: Any climates
Workplace: Indoor/Outdoor
P (Problem)
Suka nahan buat ngemil gara-gara takut sama yang manis-manis?


Padahal, ngemil memiliki fungsi yang baik untuk metabolisme tubuh loh.
Juga meningkatkan konsentrasi dan memberi nutrisi untuk tubuh.

S (Solution)
Kini gak perlu lagi khawatir! Fitbar hadir sebagai solusi ngemil sehatmu.
Kaya akan serat dan protein serta rendah lemak. Gak perlu lagi takut melar
gara-gara camilan manis #LessSugarLessFat. Fitbar camilan lezat untuk
tubuh sehat. #EatWellFeelWell

Hari gini masih bingung milih camilan enak gara-gara

takut melar? Saatnya cobain Fitbar! Terbuat dari 100%
CAPTION MOCKUP bahan alami seperti biji-bijian, susu rendah lemak, serta
buah dan sayur cocok banget buat jadi solusi camilan
sehatmu. Gak perlu lagi takut melar! #LessSugarLessFat.
Camilan lezat untuk tubuh sehat ya Fitbar!
I (Interest)
"Lebih Cepat Lebih Hemat"

D (Desire)
Sekarang kamu bisa menikmati layanan bebas biaya admin
untuk transfer ke rekening bank lain, E-Wallet, bahkan transfer
ke luar negeri lebih mudah hanya dengan Flip.

CA (Conviction and Action)

Download Flip sekarang juga dan buktikan kehebatan Flip
bersama dengan lebih dari 10 juta pengguna lain.

Caption MOCKUP
Dapatkan fasilitas extra hemat extra cepat untuk transfer
kemanapun hanya dengan satu aplikasi. No ribet no belibet.
Download dan rasakan kemudahannya bersama jutaan
pengguna lainnya! #LebihHematHanyadenganFlip

Untuk info lebih lanjut kunjungi


Jan-June 2022 is a website
that links people with the
finest items. Here, experts
and professionals will
expose you to their
recommended products
from any product category
you desire.
Link to page:
Update the existing
Best Rain Jackets for Alaska
Enter one more item and
provide a review.
Best E-Reader for Manga
My roles:
Updated by making all
necessary edits to the
Best Hearing Aids for Senior
existing article to make it
more search engine
friendly, including the
introduction, subtitle,
FAQ, product review, and
Add one more item and
write a review for it.

product review article
Jan-June 2022 offers you the

specific products you require in
40 different topic categories,
each of which includes a
specific keyword for you to ease
find what you are looking for .
Completed with the price
range, customer review, FAQ,
and the specifications.

Create a new article
from any category using
the specified keyword.

My Roles:
Research for the new
products and keywords
before write.
Create 7-8 new articles
each day from the
different products with
engaging copywriting.
During the past six months, I have writing for this website, conducting research for new items and
keywords, and creating interesting copywriting, which has resulted in the creation of 678 articles. Tools:
Here, I write on a variety of topics, including automotive, appliances, beauty, home and garden,
sports, travel, etc.
Click here to go to the page.
March 2022

Different from Sopicky,

ProductStalker is a blog network
with hundreds of blogs that focus
on e-commerce, online shopping,
and economic living. Each blog
post includes pros and cons as
well as expert reviews.

Create product reviews by
including the expert's pros
and cons.

My Roles:
Create new articles each day
from the different categories
that consist of introduction,
subtitle, FAQ, product
reviews, price, and also the
pros and cons.

Click here to go to the page
Instagram feed Fonem
Oct 2021 - Feb 2022
Fonem is an online platform
for language services such as
translation, proofreading,
transcribing, etc. Not only
selling service but Fonem also
tries to provide learning and
sharing content through
Instagram posts.

Create an insightful
content for attract and
giving knowledge for the
My roles:
Researched, produced, and
managed Instagram feed
posts and stories by
In the beginning of February 2022, there is a viral movie entitled "Layangan Putus". Many people consistently uploading each
discussed and created memes about a scene from the main character on social media. Here, I week.
saw it as an opportunity to create content based on what others were saying at the moment. Tools:
Currently, everything uses English. Those who are wondering about how English became an international
language may find this content useful. I researched, summarized, and then prepared this content to be
brief and simple for anyone to read and comprehend the information I am attempting to convey.
We have realized that several
English words are spelled
differently, despite the fact
that we believe they have the
same meaning. To provide a
clear and simple explanation
that is easy to comprehend, I
created this type of article to
provide knowledge for the

I chose Upin & Ipin to represent

the topic since it is the ideal icon.
They are twin brothers that
appear identical but are truly
distinct that is same with the
content we are discussed about.
Trying to answer what my friends mostly ask about "how to start learning English", "why it is so hard for me
to understand English", and "Do you have some tips to understand English simply". Then, I developed this
content in response to my friends' commonly asked questions. I kept it concise and straightforward so they
can follow it without difficulty.
In order to demonstrate the alternative approach to express regret without using the
word "sorry," I devised this example. To make it easier to practice in the appropriate
context, I have differentiated between informal and formal situations.
When people say "thank you," the most common response is "your welcome," but there are a variety of
other responses we might use. I developed this post to provide inspiration for those who want to respond
to "thank you" with a more creative reply. Is it interesting?
news article Short story
At the beginning of 2022,
I try to produce some
articles with a variety of
themes drawn from
what's popular or what
people are looking for.
Start with the themes of
technology, sport, health,
fashion, the economy,
music, and education.

I conduct research for it,

looking up a lot of
websites with similar
titles and attempting to
distinguish between
them. I was successful in
writing 8 articles here.


Click here to go to the page.

Contact Me
+62 812 1683 2919

Sidoarjo, East Java

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