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Profesores Asociados Egresados del Instituto de

Enseñanza Superior en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernández”


Nombre: ________________________________________________________

1. Read and answer

The Adventures of Captain Pancake

One day in November, Captain Pancake was at the railway station. He wanted to visit
his girlfriend, Belinda, in Chester. He only carried his violin and a case. When the train
arrived, the guard called the passengers and Captain Pancake quickly jumped into his
carriage. There were three old ladies on the train. One of them asked Captain
Pancake to play the violin. He played beautiful romantic songs and they were all
happy. Suddenly, three men came into the carriage. They carried guns and wanted
money. Captain Pancake started to laugh. The three old ladies looked at him and laughed,
too. The thieves were surprised and didn’t know what to do. Captain Pancake kicked one
of them and jumped on the other one. The first thief wanted to escape. The old ladies
quickly tied his hands together with a belt and called for help.
When the police came the thieves were on the floor and Captain Pancake was sitting on
top of them.

1- How many people were there on the carriage?

2- What did the three men want?

3- What did Captain Pancake do?

4- One thief could escape. YES NO

5- Captain Pancake called the police. YES NO

2. Captain Pancake is in Chester with Belinda. He is writing a letter to the three ladies.
Complete with words in the box. Be careful! There’s an extra word


Dear Ladies,
This place is beautiful. Belinda’s house is near a park, so I go there
_______________ morning to play my violin. Belinda _______________ comes to
the park with me. She says I play too loudly.
It’s very nice here, but colder _______________ in London and it rains every
afternoon. We _______________ forget to carry our umbrellas all the time!
I always remember our adventure with the thieves! It was the _______________
exciting experience of my life!...
Profesores Asociados Egresados del Instituto de
Enseñanza Superior en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernández”

3. Read the text and circle the correct verb

Two thieves ROBBED / ARE ROBBING the bank yesterday and hid the money
inside a dustbin. Bud Clint, alias “Quick Fingers”, IS / WAS in front of the bank at
3 p.m. yesterday. He was next to the dustbin and he WANTS / WANTED to take
the million pounds out of the bin. Captain Pancake WAS /IS near him and he
noticed something strange, so he IS GOING TO SHOUT / SHOUTED.

4. Go on reading the story and complete with words from the box. Be careful! There’s
an extra word


Captain Pancake was alone. There was _______________ near him, so he caught
Clint’s arms and kicked him. Luckily, the policeman inside the Bank saw
_______________. When Peter Helmet, the policeman, was near Clint, he
recognised the mark on Clint’s right cheek. Now the police are looking for the
other thief. He is a very _______________ man, but they said, “We are going to
_______________ him soon”. Tomorrow, they are going to reward Captain Pancake for his
_______________. “He always helps the police to catch thieves,” they explained.

5. A reporter is interviewing Captain Pancake before they give him a medal. Complete
their conversation with the bubbles below. Remember there is an extra bubble.

Who is your favourite hero? What are you going to do after the ceremony? Do you often catch thieves?

What do you usually do on weekdays? What must we do when we see a thief? What are you doing now?

R: Hello, Captain Pancake. You are a hero now! We want to know some things about you.
C.P: I work as a musician from Monday to Friday. I play my violin on the streets.
R: ____________________________________________________________
C.P: Yes, I do. I’m on the streets everyday and I pay attention to people. I always wanted to be a
CP: Superman. He’s the best.
CP: You must call the police immediately. And you must be very careful.
R: ____________________________________________________________
CP: I’m going to call my friends and have a party to celebrate.
Profesores Asociados Egresados del Instituto de
Enseñanza Superior en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernández”

6. Match

1. At what time will the party start? A. Playing the violin near the bank.

2. Do you play rock? B. Because didn’t want him to get the money.

3. Where were you yesterday? C. No, I prefer classical music.

4. Why did you kick the thief? D. The police.

5. Who gave you the medal? E. At eight.

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