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Part 1....................................................................................................................................................................
1.0 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................
2.0 Product Issues in International Market......................................................................................................
3.0 Pricing of Organisational Product and Services........................................................................................
4.0 Communication Mix.....................................................................................................................................
5.0 International Marketing Channel Analysis................................................................................................
6.0 Conclusion......................................................................................................................................................
ONLINE PARTICIPATION...........................................................................................................................
Part 1

1.0 Introduction
Procter & Gamble (P&G) is a multinational consumer goods retailer based in the United
States. Founded in 1837, the company has become one of the world’s largest and most
recognized home furnishings manufacturers (Meeker et al., 2019). P&G operates in more
than 180 countries and serves billions of customers worldwide.

P&G offers products and services in a wide range of categories, including beauty, cosmetics,
health, clothing and home care, baby, woman and family care and popular products including
Ti and Shoulder , Pantene, Gillette, Crest , Oral-B, Pampers, Tide and many others. These
products meet the needs of consumers and are designed to improve the daily lives of
individuals and families around the world (Leader, 2019).

P&G’s vision is to be the world’s leading consumer goods company, delivering high-quality
and innovative products that improve the lives of customers around the world (Han et al.,
2019). The company is committed to providing high quality and effective products while
maintaining sound business practices and social responsibility.

P&G’s mission is to provide high-quality and value-added branded products and services that
improve the lives of consumers around the world. The company aims to continuously
innovate and deliver products that meet the changing needs and preferences of their global
customers (Camm et al., 2021). P&G strives to provide customer loyalty, trust and
satisfaction by ensuring its products are safe, reliable and sustainable through positive
contributions to society and the environment.

2.0 Product Issues in International Market

When increasing into global markets, businesses face numerous product-associated

demanding situations. These demanding situations revolve across the selection to standardise
or adapt merchandise, managing the product lifestyles cycle, and efficiently positioning
products to fulfil the needs and alternatives of numerous customer segments (Shi, 2021).

Standardisation refers to offering the identical product with minimum adjustments throughout
exclusive markets, even as adaptation involves tailoring products to match neighbourhood
options and necessities (Leader, 2019). Finding the right stability among standardisation and
edition is vital for fulfilment in global markets.

Standardising merchandise offers several benefits. It helps gain economies of scale, reduces
manufacturing expenses, and simplifies supply chain management. Additionally, standardised
products build a constant brand picture and get rid of confusion amongst customers (Gusev et
al., 2021). However, standardisation might also forget cultural differences, purchaser
alternatives, and nearby rules, main to ability product failure.

On the other hand, adaptation lets in organisations to deal with neighbourhood options and
cultural nuances successfully. It enables corporations to take advantage of local market
insights, customer behaviours, and regulatory requirements (Gusev et al., 2021). However,
adaptation can boom complexity, cause better production fees, and dilute the brand's
consistency and worldwide identity.

Managing the product life cycle is another crucial factor of the global product method. The
product existence cycle consists of advent, boom, maturity, and decline degrees. The length
of every stage varies throughout markets, and expertise in those versions is crucial to
optimise product performance (Salzano, 2023).

During the creation level, companies must be conscious of building recognition, producing
trials, and gaining market share. This calls for adapting advertising strategies to nearby
situations, which include language, regulatory compliance, and cultural sensitivities.
Additionally, pricing techniques and distribution channels need to be cautiously decided on to
seize early adopters.

In the boom level, businesses should hold building brand fairness and increasing market
share. Market segmentation and concentration emerge as critical to pick out precise patron
needs and preferences (Camm et al., 2021). Products may also want to be tailored or superior
to meet local client expectations, which could include formula adjustments, packaging
changes, or including new product variations.

In adulthood, competition intensifies, and companies need to differentiate their merchandise

to keep market percentage (Camm et al., 2021). This could involve imparting extra features,
improving product satisfaction, or enhancing customer support. Companies might also
explore new marketplace segments or geographies to increase the product's lifestyles cycle.

During the decline stage, groups face challenges of declining income and profitability. At this
point, they'll not forget product changes or stop sure editions (Gusev et al., 2021).
Alternatively, they are able to focus on differentiating the product via innovation to revitalise
its performance.

Positioning performs a vital function in worldwide product marketing. It entails developing a

wonderful image and price proposition inside the minds of purchasers. Effective positioning
calls for know-how the target market's desires, preferences, and cultural elements.Positioning
involves product differentiation primarily based on attributes inclusive of overall
performance, high-quality, charge, or comfort (Gusev et al., 2021). Successful positioning
aligns the product's particular selling proposition (USP) with the goal marketplace's desires
and aspirations. Cultural issues also play an essential position in positioning as companies
have to make certain that their products are aligned with nearby customs, traditions, and

Additionally, effective verbal exchange of the product's positioning is vital. Companies

should develop advertising messages that resonate with the target market and correctly
communicate the product's benefits and price (Meeker et al., 2019). Leveraging suitable
advertising channels and localised marketing campaigns can make a contribution to a hit

3.0 Pricing of Organisational Product and Services

In selected markets, the prices of organisations’ products and services match market demand
and customer price perceptions considering various factors affecting pricing decisions Pricing
strategies adopted by organisations in their market positioning and success in all cases. One
of the most important roles of inflation is financing (Kovačić, 2021). Pricing decisions
directly affect an organisation’s ability to generate revenue and profitability. By setting prices
where they cover production, production costs and maximise profits, organisations can ensure
the economic sustainability of their products or services

In addition, pricing plays an important role in maintaining a competitive position in the

market. Organisations use pricing strategies to attract target customers in order to
differentiate their offerings from competitors. For example, pricing positions the product or
service as high-quality and unique, attracting consumers who want high-quality options. On
the other hand, organisations may choose to price lower to position it as a more affordable
alternative to targeted price-sensitive customers (Camm et al., 2021). Effective pricing
strategies contribute to a dominant market position that sets the organisation apart from its

Moreover, pricing choices have an effect on the level of demand for organisational products
and services. Higher costs can create a belief of top rate value, attracting clients who
companion price with nice (Kovačić, 2021). Conversely, lower costs can stimulate demand
by appealing to price-aware clients. Organisations can strategically adjust expenses to control
demand and optimise income volumes based on marketplace situations, product availability,
or marketing objectives.

Several elements affect pricing choices inside the selected marketplace. One critical issue is
the value associated with producing or handing over the service or product. Organisations
need to make certain that their charges sufficiently lower these fees, which includes direct
prices like raw materials, exertions, and manufacturing fees, in addition to indirect expenses
inclusive of research and development or advertising expenses (Gusev et al., 2021).
Understanding costs is critical for determining a rate point that allows for profitability.

Market conditions additionally notably have an effect on pricing choices. Factors which
include the extent of opposition, patron buying strength, and average market call for form
agencies' pricing techniques. In distinctly competitive markets with numerous similar
services, agencies can also need to adopt competitive pricing to benefit marketplace
percentage or stay fee-conscious to compete effectively (Gusev et al., 2021). Conversely, in
niche markets with restrained opposition, agencies may justify better costs primarily based on
the perceived cost and particular features of their services.

Customer perceptions of price play an important role in pricing choices. Customers'

willingness to pay is motivated by their notion of the products or services's pleasant, benefits,
and universal value proposition. Organisations should keep in mind client possibilities,
expectations, and shopping strength at some point of the pricing method (Xu et al., 2019).
Conducting marketplace studies and accumulating patron insights can help inform pricing
decisions and ensure pricing is aligned with client cost perceptions.

Furthermore, pricing decisions ought to align with a corporation's advertising and marketing
targets. For example, if the aim is to penetrate a new marketplace, organisations might also
begin to undertake a decreasing pricing strategy to encourage trial and gain market
percentage (Leader, 2019). Alternatively, if the objective is to place the product as a top rate
providing, a better pricing strategy can aid the favoured logo photo and perceived cost.

4.0 Communication Mix

In the proposed marketplace, groups have numerous communication gear available to reach
their audience efficiently. The communique blend contains distinctive elements that work
collectively to bring messages, sell services or products, and construct strong customer
relationships. The key components of the communication mix within the proposed
marketplace encompass non-public promoting, publicity, sales advertising, and marketing.

Personal Selling:
Personal selling refers to face-to-face interactions between a sales consultant and capacity
customers. It is specifically vital in the proposed marketplace because it lets corporations
establish private connections, address purchaser queries, and provide tailor-made solutions.
Personal selling allows the salesclerk to understand consumer wishes, reveal the product's
features and blessings, and build trust. In the proposed marketplace, non-public selling
permits for direct persuasion and have an impact on ability clients. It offers an opportunity to
communicate the precise value proposition of the product or service and cope with any
worries that prospective customers may additionally have (Prado Perez, Sonia, 2020). In
markets where relationships and trust are important, non-public selling can be in particular
effective in constructing consumer loyalty and using income.


Publicity entails generating loose media insurance for a business enterprise or its products via
press releases, media events, or public members of the family activities. Effective publicity
helps generate focus, credibility, and wonderful word-of-mouth for the agency within the
proposed market.Publicity can be specially useful in the proposed marketplace as it is able to
help reach an extensive target audience at an enormously low price (Gusev et al., 2021).
Organisations can use publicity to announce new product launches, percentage enterprise
updates, or highlight company social duty tasks. The coverage won via publicity allows build
logo reputation, create buzz, and growth visibility, in the end influencing customer
perceptions and purchase decisions.

Sales Promotion:

Sales promotion refers to brief-term incentives that encourage clients to make a purchase or
take a specific motion. These incentives can encompass reductions, coupons, contests, loyalty
applications, or special gives (Leader, 2019). Sales promotion objectives to stimulate instant
sales and generate excitement among customers in the proposed marketplace.


Advertising is a paid form of communication through various media channels to attain a huge
target audience and create focus, generate interest, and in the end power income. In the
proposed market, advertising enables organisations to bring their emblem message, product
capabilities, and blessings to ability customers. Through advertising and marketing,
companies in the proposed marketplace can create a strong emblem presence, improve brand
image, and differentiate themselves from competition . Advertising may be achieved through
numerous channels inclusive of television, radio, print media, on line systems, or social
media, relying on the marketplace's media consumption behaviour. Effective advertising
campaigns recollect target audience demographics, hobbies, and media intake patterns to
maximise impact.

5.0 International Marketing Channel Analysis

In the proposed market, the analysis of the global advertising and marketing channel and
bodily distribution accessibility is critical for businesses searching for success and growth.
The global advertising channel serves as a crucial hyperlink among manufacturers and
clients, facilitating the motion of merchandise and facts. It is critical to research the shape of
the marketing channel in the proposed market, thinking about the roles and relationships of
intermediaries concerned (Han et al., 2019). This consists of determining whether or not
wholesalers, distributors, shops, or marketers are a part of the distribution network.

The duration of the advertising and marketing channel is an essential element to remember.
Evaluating the wide variety of intermediaries concerned facilitates perceiving the complexity
of the distribution manner. In the proposed market, agencies need to assess whether an
instantaneous or oblique channel method is more suitable (Prado Perez, Sonia, 2020). A
direct channel lets in for control over the distribution procedure and a better courting with
customers, at the same time as an oblique channel might also offer wider market reach and
reduced operational obligations.

Channel struggle is any other attention whilst studying the international advertising channel.
Conflicts may also arise due to differing hobbies or competition among intermediaries. These
conflicts can hinder the smooth drift of products and records, leading to inefficiencies (Prado
Perez, Sonia, 2020). Identifying capability conflicts and implementing struggle control
techniques can help keep collaboration and beautify the effectiveness of the advertising and
marketing channel inside the proposed market.

The distribution electricity and control dynamics inside the advertising channel play a large
role inside the proposed marketplace. Organisations need to recognize the effect on and
abilities of dominant gamers in the channel. Assessing the strength dynamics enables in
constructing effective relationships and negotiating favourable phrases with channel
companions (Han et al., 2019). By understanding the distribution strength and manipulating
dynamics, agencies can obtain more manage over pricing, availability, and market get right of
entry to.

Physical distribution accessibility is equally important in the proposed market. It refers back
to the availability and performance of distribution networks, transportation infrastructure, and
logistical competencies. Organisations need to evaluate the adequacy and reliability of
transportation infrastructure, together with roads, railways, ports, and airports (Leader, 2019).
The quality and availability of warehousing and storage facilities also impact bodily
distribution accessibility. Access to dependable warehouses is essential for green inventory
management and well timed delivery of products to clients.

Additionally, it's far crucial to recall the availability and suitability of local distribution
partners or third-celebration logistics companies within the proposed market. Partnering with
reliable local distributors can beautify distribution reach and enable agencies to leverage their
nearby marketplace expertise (Leader, 2019). These companions play an important role in
making sure green transport and distribution of products to customers.

Analysing import/export policies, customs necessities, and documentation processes is also

essential for physical distribution accessibility (Camm et al., 2021). Complying with these
regulations minimises delays and disruptions during the distribution manner. Organisations
ought to understand the precise necessities of the proposed marketplace to satisfy prison

6.0 Conclusion
To sum up, The multinational corporation is a multinational company that produces
consumer goods which has effectively penetrated the global market. By means of its varied
range of items and strategic advertising initiatives, P&G has established a solid brand
reputation and a faithful consumer following. Consequently, the organisation has witnessed
notable development and accomplishments within the industry.

The dedication of P&G to creativity and excellence is clear in a broad selection of items
among different types. This classification consists of beauty, personal care, medical care,
textile and household maintenance, and newborn, female, and domestic care. These items
serve a wide range of wants of purchasers globally. They improve their everyday lives and
handle their individual preferences.

Having a presence across more than 180 countries, P&G has established a successful global
marketing channel that safeguards its products and can be easily obtained to customers
globally. The international presence of P&G enables it to serve different demands and
choices of consumers in diverse markets. The organisation utilises direct selling, public
relations, promotional activities, and promotion to convey its brand signals, highlight product
advantages, and increase sales. Consequently, it successfully reaches the intended audience
and attains its promotional goals. The extensive messaging strategy allows P&G to accurately
connect with the intended recipients. Additionally, it contributes to developing strong brand

Regarding the availability of physical distribution, P&G has developed a strong network of
distribution channels, transportation system, and warehouse resources. P&G guarantees that
the items it produces can be easily reached to customers via its established delivery channels,
including standard retail establishments and digital commerce websites. Moreover, Procter &
Gamble invests in a robust transportation system to secure effective and timely transportation
of the items to diverse sites. Moreover, Procter & Gamble has modern storage facilities for
storing the items it produces and promoting their dispersal. In general, The emphasis of P&G
on accessibility in physical distribution is essential in guaranteeing that its products reach the
end consumers with effectiveness and efficiency. This enables effective goods transportation
to fulfil client requests quickly. Through guaranteeing logistical distribution availability,
P&G is able to preserve a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Additionally, it can take
advantage of market opportunities and effectively address shifting consumer requirements.
The success of P&G is based on its capability to constantly adjust its advertising approaches
and item selections to fulfil the requirements of the global industry. The organisation's
emphasis on customer happiness, combined with its promise to ethical and sustainable
business principles, has established it as a frontrunner in the consumer goods sector.
Consequently, it has acquired a positive reputation and a committed customer base.

To sum up, The image of Procter & Gamble as a multinational consumer goods corporation is
rightfully earned. By being dedicated to creative ideas, excellence, and successful advertising
tactics, P&G has formed a robust presence in the worldwide market. The success of P&G can
be credited to its determination to consistently enhance and introduce new products,
guaranteeing that customers obtain top-notch quality. Moreover, The marketing strategies of
P&G have been vital in promoting its merchandise and targeting a diverse global audience.
Having its solid brand image and worldwide presence, P&G keeps to flourish in the
challenging international marketplace. Through comprehending customer preferences,
enhancing its marketing channel, and securing physical distribution accessibility, P&G stays
well-positioned to maintain delivering high-quality products. Additionally, sustains its
competitive position for an extended period.

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1. A global marketing approach varies compared to a one-country advertising strategy in

various aspects. Under a national marketing tactic, the attention is exclusively on the
internal market. Advertising campaigns focus on and are customised to cater to the
wishes and inclinations of regional buyers. However, a multinational marketing
strategy requires expanding business in foreign markets. Firms should adjust the
promotional strategies to meet the particular demands and social subtleties of each
individual market. Global marketing tactics demand an in-depth knowledge of native
shopper habits. Moreover, they demand a comprehension of multiple legal and
regulatory frameworks, together with diverse market circumstances.
2. A single global marketing approach entails standardising commodities within multiple
markets. Firms embracing such an approach provide identical commodities or
offering with minimal alterations internationally. Pepsi serves as a model of a
business that employs such an approach. It keeps uniform branding, package
presentation, and sensory experience in various nations. A different approach involves
adjusting, in which organisations personalise their merchandise or promotional
campaigns to meet regional tastes and specifications. The strategy enables companies
to effectively engage with their desired demographic and boost their probability of
gaining traction in unfamiliar markets. The fast food chain is famous for their method.
It adapts its options to incorporate products unique to the region such as the McSpicy
Paneer in the country. Finally, businesses might choose to use a segmentation tactic,
directing efforts towards distinct customer segments in every market segment. Apple
adheres to such an approach through personalising the marketing initiatives and the
goods offered to address the demands of varied customer inclinations around the
world. Consequently, it has proficiently connected and interacted with a varied
international audience.

3. Culture is made up of various factors that mould individuals' thought processes, act,
and engage with others. Those components consist of language, principles,
convictions, traditions, rules, ceremonies, signs, and artistic appreciation. In Malaysia,
a key aspect of Malaysian culture that influences global marketers is the concept of
"makan angin" or "culinary travel." Malaysians take pride in their vibrant food
culture. Going to restaurants is a common hobby. This element of culture has an
influence on marketers in different countries. It is essential to grasp local culinary
preferences and integrate them into their range of products or branding campaigns to
appeal to consumers in Malaysia.

4. Internationalisation refers to the procedure of combining economies, markets, and

civilizations on a global level. This includes the rising interconnected nature and
reliance of nations and the establishment of a worldwide market where commodities,
offerings, and knowledge circulate without barriers. The idea of global integration has
picked up speed in recent times, with technological and communication progress
having a major impact in enabling this process. Internationalisation allows businesses
to broaden their functioning in other countries. This also enables individuals to access
larger markets and access worldwide assets and expertise. However, international
localization, commonly referred to as global localization, involves adapting
commodities or offerings for regional markets while preserving a global brand
persona. This process includes integrating local choices, cultural subtleties, and
business environments into a business's services to appeal to local purchasers. In
parallel, the objective is to uphold a uniform worldwide brand identity.

5. Multiple factors compel businesses to enter the global market. The initial element
entails reaching fresh markets and consumer base. Through international expansion,
enterprises can connect with previously unreached consumer groups and achieve a
competitive edge in unfamiliar markets. It can bring about higher income and overall
profitability. A significant contributing factor entails cost savings and higher
operational efficiency. International operations enable companies to benefit from
cheaper production and labour expenses in specific areas. This assists strengthen their
competitive pricing. The third element entails the quest of worldwide skills and assets.
Firms expand globally to tap into talented individuals, utilise advanced technology,
and acquire resources not accessible in their local markets. This enables them to
access a bigger group of skilled professionals, benefit from highly developed
technologies, and utilise novel sources of materials or production skills. Moreover,
organisations can expand internationally for risk diversification through expanding
their activities in multiple market segments. The approach aids in decreasing their
trust on one market and decreases susceptibility to market variations.

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