Phiếu Đại 2+vở Ghi 22.06.2023

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PHIEU DAI 2. CAC PHEP TOAN VE CAN BAC HAT & CHI THANH Ho va tén: Nga wil 1 Cannhé 1, Phép nhan - Khai phuong mét tich A > 0;B > 0 tacé VAB = VAVB + VAVB = VAB 2 Céching ding thie dang nné VA? = |4), (VA) = A 3. Phép dura thira s6 ra ngoai dau cin: B > 0 tacé VB 4 A| VB dap khiA>0 4, Phép dua thita s6 vao trong dau cin: B > 0 tacé AVB —4 VAB khiA<0 I. Luyén tap Bai 1. Tinh gid tri cua cdc biéu thitc sau a) ¥i22? — 29? 9 ¥2,7.120 ©) ¥33.15.55 9 ¥2,5.14,4.10° » we a 48 +Vi92 -V75 98 B Bai2. Tinh gid tri cia cdc biéu thitc sau 1. (V28-214+V7)N7 +708 =, (2V3—V6_ W216 ve-2 3 + o-( fa. fE 2 clPasin Vist Vinvid , Was - WT (5+4V2)(3 + 2v1 + ¥2)(3- 21+ ¥2) "TAT Teal 1-¥5 Vit-V7 5-5) 1 V2 +V3 + V6 +V8 + Vi6 2 Se ‘ie p+ i5+VA 9. Wo4Javo4Jo4Vano4l24+024+03N2—Varverv3 Bai3. Tim diéu kign cia x dé biéu thire sau cé nghia: ‘Trung tm Chi Thanh ~ Luyén thi Chuyén va CLC - 0399552915 Scanned with CamScanner 1 1 b) Po Vi 4x Ea ” Tari) SS e) 2-vin4x? fy Vx? =3 hy V-2x?-3x45 Baid. Cho a= \3445+2V3 +3-V5+2v3 . Ching minh ring a? -2a-2=0 . Bai5. Tinh gid trj cua cdc biéu thtte sau ry (a — 2012) vao1s + 2vom2 a. Viens V7 2, (5-26 -\5+26 z (5-2 +s8)5 5. Vo4—42v5 — V94 + 42V5 6. ee 7. V15—6V6 +V33 -12V6 a Wa= Wa a4 vo itz iw Trt Bai 6, Tinh gid tri cua cdc biéu thite sau va = = A (Ve+W5 + 2-5) 2 s,s 3. (5+ V2i)( Vid — V6)V5— var an? 5. (44+Vi8).(Va0-vé)Ja-Vi5 6 PEE ayes 5) Bai 7. Tinh gid tri cia cdc biéu thie sau 1 A=i3-e 403405 2 Bava -Vae a cava owe —Vis Jo-ws 4 D= Var 5 -¥ vis Bai8. 1) Cho 2 s6 khong am a va b . Ching minh ring Se ab (bat dang thie C6: 2) Cho céc s6 abc — khéng am. Chimg minh ring Jab +Vbe +Veasatb+e. a+b bre, ct+a 3) Cho ce s8 abe 1a cde 86 duong, Ching minh ring “—+——+— 26. ¢ 4) Véi a,b,e a céc s6 duong théa man diéu kién. atbtc=2. Tm gid tri Jén nhat cia biéu thite Az=V2a+be +V2b+ca+V2e+ ab 5) Tim gia tri 1dn nhat va gid tri nhé nhat cia biéu thite P= Vx- ‘Trung tm Chi Thanh ~ Luyén thi Chuyén va CLC - 0399552915 Scanned with CamScanner 1d les iAk E AL yee TR. I LGy2* Se! tA NA et Kte | Tho Noay . 7 te G gy A 5 yy fe [ ! | ir ‘ /\ ) : HT> Me LAs of ie a3 ‘ tabla ch 4 | H 0 5 Scanned with CamScanner pat Hl Ca eel wecaods poh dood > Ly Baan = Tho arr. Bink nqfcr : bor hot cub sé) But Elune an + (jn ae ote Deh ee Vo NEe 3 © w= 9. (e0). : ye 4 = ati \e2 - - arr ait= ofr i eas) ss ie ae ae A _Denp . wed OS by B= vex o4. g “Pex eta on oeas L in eae A chs ox! NeKS eee wee Te be dy 02h AL si = “Se 4 Set ~_ ound. E%, Wp . Scanned with CamScanner ae eee “a: eee Hing, disis G AAK ee AY ee 00, Si ade Se a hee ce ree 7 osap Sor oS a yy Ao ae Ness a 8 ed ¢ po NG 2 So Sr Ne ame" Saving Scanned with CamScanner Ale Se ___— Scanned with CamScanner l] ta oe Bair 2. i Al 2 AP dU on 4. Gar oNq at Ve) NE on PN wy — ota +s ere ea Neen era “eA Ne cl4 A Hh TIN A = A4 — jane +} + FN42 aid4 se daa +t + ANT. = A4 +t e af 2 Al v Scanned with CamScanner 4 ee Y-Thibedeeit S ae a ag aks Aq, Web - 2 we Se sete wie We Lei ae yrerk yz - a2 - ; WUD) AR LE) +4 yt - ar N54, os ag SiGie-4) * 9 SE wo owt 4 VE - Nt = 9Ne - INE Scanned with CamScanner Thi Noy No. 4. C2 SGA ANG > Sienoaes) a A nent 7 Let bane [i Seach) Gk Nol y Vera We-a i _ NENE+Ge W- = ——— ole [Neth Sais ce = e044) | RANE - G ona CA5— 4) Vri+a 2-4: MS-\ WE, WWE =4) SE j—2 IN2-4 | A oR 2 t SE - ONT = 9X - 2NF S oO i a : we ANAS ea wes Gombe oc at $A): vcr VC CH) OF) QeP ze = ies x4) (3% +4) (rtd) Pt) ae ghey 32449 Te ADS? 240) ret ad aa tu Po if ob ele sey Soa re % a = KOKUYO Scanned with CamScanner : : G SANT ZZ : Lot Avy Mev: Mic wc? =EC 4 Oe E7Oe V he : AS a AABC_ vr Coo oe pos idk AB = & vane 2. Ue ie ai_Bet CE fn Scanned with CamScanner Thr Ngay @hagts nity AMY | * 46 Rute. ___ Aes ht a AH* . BH.CH. tte Be {Batic m BHA). {5 Qac aa eC. i ies aes SS. BC iil - Scanned with CamScanner

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