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Students´ names: Valentina Yerovi Valentina Alvarado

Grade: 9th:
1. Location (province, canton, parish):
Barrio Santa Eulalia, parroquia Malchinguí, cantón Pedro Moncayo de la Provincia de
2. Image of a map of Ecuador indicating the location of this protected forest.

3. Main land features: (include two images of the landscape and a

describing paragraph)

Dry forest, a lot of trees, dry land Pretty and vibrant colors, a lot of
with no grass and blue sky warm grass, also a lot of sun and heat,
weather. touristic places.
3. Latitude: -0,0089° o 0° 0' 32" sur

Altitude: from 2.000 m.a.s.l (in m.a.s.l) to 2.500 m.a.s.l (in m.a.s.l.)
5. Average temperature: 16,7 ° C (in Celsius degrees).
6. Average precipitation: 574ml (in ml per year)
7. Ecosystem/s: dry forest

8. Images, common and scientific names of 5 representative plants:

9. Images, common and scientific names of 5 representative animals:

10. Classification data of one endangered animal of this protected area:
a. Common name: Witch Bird
b. Scientific name: Pyrocephalus nanus
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Tyrannidae
Genus: Pyrocephalus
Species: nanus

11. A food chain of the protected area: (not copied and pasted from the internet,
built by the students with different images and arrows)

12. Two main environmental problems in the protected area:
1 Minery
2 deforestation
13. Two means of mitigation or solution to these problems:
For solving the minery we could start to recicle and take the wastes of minerals.
For solving the deforestation with replacing the cutted trees with more plants
and flowers.

Solanum dulcamara
Agave americana Opuntia


Matthiola fruticulosa tehuizotl Planta artemisa

Calisstemon citrus
Opuntia engelmanii Matthiola fruticulosa

Musgo español
Rose geranium
Valentina Yerovi:

I really liked having gone to the jerusalem park because I was able to get to know new experiences,
new species, the names of these species that we got to know, everything we observed, everything
was well taken care of, they also told us what could be the causes of the pair that already It wouldn't
be the same if that happened, they showed us the medicinal plants that occupied everything the park
had to publicize. I really liked being able to see these beautiful places where I learned new names of
some species or in a part where people used to He was getting married, that also seemed very nice
to have met, the park was very large, it had a lot of fauna and flora, which made everything in the
place look beautiful.

Valentina Alvarado:

I think this park we found a lot of plants, animals etc. Here we can find many species that we can`t
find very easy in other place, like some kind of cactus, birds, and a lot of different and diverse
ecosystems, I liked very much learning about this park, I investigated about it and I discovered that
as it has many different ecosystems it`s very interesting how can some ecosystems be dry, other
ones can be wet, warm, cold, etc. Making this work in group was very funny and interesting
because we could help each other to understand the different types of plants, animal, ecosystems
and more. This work was very nice and very helpful for me to know more about the different types
of plants.

We both worked on this as a team, we investigated, we remembered what we had seen in the park so
that we could carry out the work and that it would be easier for us, while one of us did the work, the
other helped her to investigate so that the work would not be so complicated for us. and finish faster
everything we observed in the park was going to help us, but my friend hadn't gone so I helped her do
the work or she also did research to be able to help the work because we could investigate most of
the information and she more because she didn't know anything of what we saw that day in the
jerusalem park

publisher, T.P. (2021) Guía de Aves del parque recreacional y Bosque Protector jerusalem, Issuu. Available at: (Accessed: 12 June 2023).

Jerusalem: El Bosque Seco Más Extenso de los Andes (no date) Ministerio de Turismo. Available at: (Accessed: 12 June

Parque recreacional y bosque protector jerusalen (no date) business pages. Available at: (Accessed: 12 June

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